Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 341: help

"What's the situation?" Through the screen, I saw the two people from Class E who were fighting fiercely. After they arrived here, they seemed to be abnormal. They were talking to the air, and they actually started fighting at this time.

"Illusion, it's the first time I've seen this kind of situation. I'm really thankful that he came up with it. This method is terrible in a multi-player battle or a multi-elves battle." Wu Tong analyzed calmly, but the surprise in his eyes was unexpected. Can't hide it, it's terrifying to solve the opponent without bloodshed.

Yes, what Ao Feng used was the illusion of Gengar and Nine Tails. When he was in Kanto two years ago, Genggui could use his illusion to deceive the eyes of the audience. After two years of continuous efforts, his strength has greatly increased. Ao Feng, the near-real illusion created by Nine-Tails, is still fresh in his memory. Afterwards, You always got together with Geng Gui, and he improved a lot in illusion, and it was very easy to deal with two people.

No one has seen it now, and even if some people have seen it, they are only surprised by Ao Feng's methods, and they are still vague about Ao Feng's strength.

Leisurely watched the two of class E pinching each other for the world war, while sending a message of 'everything is ok' to the rest of class F, so that they don't have to worry about the situation behind and attack with peace of mind.

Class E's plan is broken, and the probability of winning is zero. Furt and Luke were the first to beat their opponents and drove straight in, facing the unguarded base, easily taking the flag and winning.

"The class battle is over, class F wins, and it will be teleported back to the academy in three seconds." The sound of the machine echoed in the elf canyon.

The faces of the people in Class F who were still fighting showed joy, and immediately took the elf back to the Poké Ball. The people in Class E were stunned, but they quickly reacted and took the elf back.

The communicator in his hand flashed blue light, teleporting the two classes away. The canyon was silent again, as if nothing had happened.

The empty room suddenly became a little crowded, not only because of the people who suddenly appeared, but also because of the two lying on the ground.

"How could it be! What have you done to them!" a female voice from Class E exclaimed, she could never have imagined why the situation that had been guaranteed to win had turned into this, why did the two people who went to steal the house, two-on-one In the end, it was them who lost, and what was even more incomprehensible was why the people in class F looked so good.

It wasn't just the girl who reacted a lot. People from class E and even classmates from class F looked at Ao Feng with strange eyes. Lucas, Renault, and Ling Yan didn't stare at Ao Feng, they turned their eyes away embarrassingly after a glance. Who knows if staring at this guy with a smile on his face would change his face in an instant.

"Let's win, then it should be nothing to do with me, let's go first." Ao Feng knew that there would be such a result, shrugged his shoulders indifferently, turned around and left. But he doesn't say, who knows what happened? Even those two unlucky **** don't know how they became like this.

"We're leaving too." They really don't need them for the rest, as long as the squad leader handles it. Reno and Ling Yan ran out after Ao Feng, and they became more and more curious and admired about this mysterious new student. It seemed that they were about the same age as them, or even younger, but they were already so strong.

The class battle was won, and everything else went according to the procedure. On Monday the next week, the two classes switched classrooms. Although the students of the original E class were reluctant, this is the academy's rules, they can only abide by it, and they can only blame the few people who participated in the E class, after all, they lost the game.

The facilities of Class E are much better than those of Class F. At least the facilities are not so outdated, and the classrooms are brighter. More importantly, for those students who still can't believe it, this place is simply heaven.

Aofengfurt and the others couldn't feel the difference between Class E and Class F, because they had enough strength and were confident enough in themselves. Where to go to class was just a different position, and it was a matter of face.

But for those ordinary students who almost gave up and those who were eliminated in the competition, Class E and Class F are the difference between the world and hell. It doesn't necessarily mean how good his abilities are. In the two classes, the mentality is completely different. It can be seen from the eyes that the dead silence who had given up resistance gradually glowed with brilliance.

Ao Feng saw the reactions of the classmates, but he didn't say anything. But he knew that if these people didn't put in enough effort, the big game would soon send them to **** again.

The victory in the class battle gave them a new environment, and it was up to them whether they could hold on. After thinking about it, it doesn't matter, since you have helped, let's help to the end. Moreover, the classmates around him are always changing, which makes him uncomfortable. Instead of constantly facing strangers, it is better to keep familiar classmates and maintain a class of personnel, which is more pleasing to the eye. The class they brought to the class, and finally other people came in, it felt very bad.

During a lunch break, Ao Feng stood directly in front of Ford's desk and put the canned 7-Up in his hand on his desk.

Fut raised his head and saw that it was Ao Feng and smiled. He had a good sense of Ao Feng. No one said anything after the last class battle, but they all understood that if there was no Ao Feng If so, they are likely to end in failure: "Is something wrong?"

Ao Feng glanced at the classmates who were walking out, but did not speak.

Ford was aware and watched the students leave the classroom one after another, and in the end only a few people who discovered the situation were left behind. It is not unfamiliar, all seven people in the class battle are there.

"It's okay to talk this time." Ford unceremoniously pulled off the easy-to-pull button and took a sip.

"Drinking my drink, you have agreed to me." Ao Feng pulled the chair in front of Fut's desk and sat down.

"Ah? I thought you gave it away for nothing. I won't drink it, okay?" Ford said bitterly.

Ao Feng shook his head silently, and when he got in touch, he found that Ford was very easy to get along with and had a good personality. Of course, you must have the qualifications to let him face it.

"Okay, it's not a big deal, it's just that I don't know what to say. I have to ask you, the squad leader, to come forward." Ao Feng put away his smile and said.

"What's the matter? Let's talk about it first." Ford raised his eyebrows, but he didn't let go of Qiupi in his hand.

"Then I'll say it bluntly. With our strength, it's not a problem to stand in any class, but they won't be sure. Since we're in the same class, we can help if we can."

"That **** head teacher doesn't care about anything at all, so we can only rely on ourselves." After speaking, Ao Feng kept looking at Ford's face, guessing what he was thinking.

Ford's expression really changed. Ao Feng was new here, so he didn't feel deeply. But he has been in this class for a while, and he will still not be able to leave this class for a while in the future. Now they are no longer class F, but class E. If there is no accident, there will be personnel changes in the next competition. Thinking about the return of those from the original E class, he also had a headache.

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