Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 342: Dean

"Do you think it's really possible?" Ford tapped his fingers on the table twice, "Even if they start working hard now, they can't make a big improvement in such a short period of time. Reschedule?"

Ao Feng frowned. Well, he really didn't pay much attention to the gap between the students: "They stayed in class F for a long time?"

"Well, at least half a year." Compared with Ao Feng, the squad leader, Fute, had a better understanding.

How to play? Ao Feng put his hand on his forehead. It seemed that his classmates were even weaker than he thought, so he hesitated for a moment: "Then let it go, and talk about it in two days."

After speaking, he got up and left, took two steps and turned his head: "By the way, the matter is not over, you owe me a drink."

Looking at Ao Feng's back, Fut opened his mouth, but didn't say anything. He looked at Qixi in his hand. Well, he was still a freshman. Drinks in the academy can be exchanged with points, but not much.

"Hello, Mom?" Rejecting Renault's proposal to have lunch together, Ao Feng strolled through the academy and called home.

"What? It hasn't been a month yet, why did you think of calling me?" Qingxi's tone was a little surprised.

"Do you know the principal of the Elite Academy?"

"What did you ask him for? You..." Qingxi paused for a while, "Don't tell me you got into trouble not long after entering school."

"Mom!" A black line appeared on Ao Feng's head, do you think of your son so much? Am I that kind of person?

"No? Then you ask him what he is doing." Qingxi heard Ao Feng's tone, but she hesitated, "Son, if you get into trouble, just say, don't hold back, even if you burn down the academy, it will be fine."

"Mom..." Ao Feng wanted to cry without tears, how bad am I? How can I not know, in the end is not biological! Resisting the urge to press the hang up button, he said word by word, "I just have something to ask him."

In fact, Qingxi's words were meant to be half-joking. In her opinion, Ao Feng's ability to go to school with patience is a bit inconceivable. It was normal to make trouble after staying quietly for so long. But now it doesn't seem to be what he thought.

"He, we met each other and had some negotiations, but don't think we can suppress him. He doesn't belong to any force, so don't fight him if you have nothing to do."

Qingxi's words made Ao Feng stunned: "Then why can he be the dean of this academy?"

In Ao Feng's opinion, some of the elite academies should be under the supervision of the alliance and major families.

"Sect Master." Qingxi said two words, enough to make Ao Feng speechless for a while.

"No way, he's only ten years older than my dad, how is that possible!" Ao Feng said that he didn't believe that someone could improve his realm so quickly. According to the records, the people who became the head of the sect were basically sixty years old. Outside, is their dean rejuvenated?

"Don't be so surprised, he is indeed in charge, and his age is not wrong, but this strength does not depend on his own strength." Qingxi explained.

Ao Feng blinked: "What do you mean?"

"Wait a minute." Qingxi hung up the phone after speaking, and called back after ten seconds.

Ao Feng took a look, the family's internal special line is generally not used. It seems that what Qingxi wants to say is very confidential. After answering the phone, listening to Qingxi's story, Ao Feng's expression kept changing, and finally he remained helpless.

He originally asked about the dean's identity. If his identity was not very big, he would still have some confidence, but as soon as the dean came out, Ao Feng hesitated.

In the end, it was Qingxi who asked him to tell him what happened, persuaded him a few words, and gave him a reassurance, which made him feel at ease.

"This matter, you can go. He is the head and the dean, can he still take advantage of one of your students? Although he is strong, he is still very good at talking." This is Qingxi's original words.

I was a little hungry. After checking the time, I had already missed the peak period for meals in the academy, so I went to the cafeteria to fill my stomach, and then went straight to the principal's office.

Standing at the door of the principal's office, Ao Feng was about to knock on the door but hesitated. He thought it was a very easy negotiation, but what he got was completely unexpected news. The word "head" made him unable to ignore it.

"Who? Come in." Ao Feng did not move, but the people in the door had already noticed it.

This perception ability is worthy of being the master. Ao Feng was shocked for a moment, then he no longer hesitated, pushed the door and walked in. Wu Yue was the only one in the principal's room. He was lying on the office chair and closed his eyes. He waited for Ao Feng to close the door before opening his eyes.

"It's you? I'm still thinking about when you'll be there. Sit down." Seeing Ao Feng Wu Yue, he was not surprised at all, and grinned. What Ao Feng did not see was that Wu Yue's expression was mixed with some embarrassment.

No way, who told him to put others in the worst class without saying a word~www.readwn.com~ If the strength is really not good, that's all, this is a quasi king, even in the third grade It is the top powerhouse. It would be unpleasant to put this on others, and it is normal for some trouble to come out.

He had already made a plan to solve the problem after the accident, and then explained his purpose to Ao Feng and asked him to help as compensation for the loss of the academy.

But he didn't want to get Ao Feng's idea, his 'ulterior motives' didn't conflict with Ao Feng's idea of ​​coming to the academy, and Ao Feng hardly had the patience to come to school, so that all his plans fell through.

In this case, he took advantage of others without their knowledge, and now someone came to him, even if he didn't say anything, because of his character and didn't care about the details, Wu Yue also felt a little bit embarrassed. An adult taking advantage of a child can't justify it.

"What's the matter?" Ao Feng didn't speak for a long time, and Wu Yue didn't speak either. The two waited for a long time with big eyes and small eyes, and he said when he saw that Ao Feng didn't mean to speak.

In fact, Ao Feng has been looking at Wu Yue all the time. No matter how you look at it, he doesn't look like a leader. Even if he hasn't seen it before, what the **** is the feeling of such a carefree uncle? There is no difference at all when the waveguide probe is released.

At this moment, the nervousness in Ao Feng's heart was relieved. The dean was not as scary as he thought, and tried to say in his tone: "Don't you want to explain the problem of class division?"

"Cough, cough..." Wu Yue choked his throat, and I said, do you want to be so straightforward, and even poking at the weak point.

Wu Yue's reaction made Ao Feng feel astonished and at the same time relieved. His evasive eyes also let Ao Feng know that the dean was using him.

Wu Yue didn't say anything, and Ao Feng continued, "Want me to help the students in class F?"

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