Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 371: take care of

As soon as the wind speed dog turned around, the fire-breathing dragon seized the opportunity, and when he opened his mouth, a flame spewed out.

The next moment, the flames of the fire-breathing dragon were blocked by the blue fire column. How could Fengsugou make the mistake of being cloned in the battle? Although he was looking at Ao Feng, his attention was always on the fire-breathing dragon.

This battle was already a bit of a crushing situation, and losing is not enough. If he was accidentally injured, it would be a shame, oh, a dog.

With the experience of the first collision, the fire-breathing dragon was very smart and did not fight against the wind speed dog. The moment the flames of the two sides touched, the fire-breathing dragon stopped its skills and flew vertically upwards. Dancing in the air, flying up and down, a layer of red light emerged from his body.

The wind speed dog is another jet of flame, it was dexterously dodged by the fire-breathing dragon who had just used the skill, and the speed was much faster than before.

"Flying skills are alright." Ao Feng looked at it, and wrote down the fire-breathing dragon's situation. He has already planned to subdue this fire-breathing dragon, so starting from the current battle, he must gradually get to know him.

The fire-breathing dragon drew a semi-circle in the air, gradually approaching the wind speed dog. Suddenly the front paws lit up with a black light, and he threw it at the wind speed dog. When he got the light, it immediately extended, turning into a sickle-like appearance, hooked on the wind speed dog, and pulled the wind speed dog to the front.

The long-range attack is so powerful, it's not enough to get close.

The fire-breathing dragon thought so and practiced it. The black light dissipated and turned into an emerald green light. The green light quickly solidified, forming huge energy claws on the fire-breathing dragon's claws, and grabbed the wind speed dog's waist with its head.

It is said that wolves have copper heads and iron bones and tofu waists. The same is true of their close relatives dogs. Even the elf has not changed much. It can be seen that the fighting IQ of the fire-breathing dragon is quite unmatched. I don't know if his previous trainer has taught him. If he understood it himself and knew how to attack its weaknesses, it would be quite awesome.

However, the idea of ​​the fire-breathing dragon is good, but it is not easy to realize. Before the claws fell, it was bitten by the black teeth of the wind speed dog. With the force of the wind speed dog, the green energy shattered.

"Dragon dance, shadow hook claw, dragon claw, the skills learned are not bad, the genetics are also very good, the melee attack ability is good, but the intensity is not high." Ao Feng's savings evaluator, there is another sentence that did not say, the intensity What does low mean? That is untrained! (Some skills are reset, different from the anime, don't be too entangled)

With the speed of the wind speed dog, the previous shadow hook claw can completely dodge, or when being caught, it can use the speed to attack with the power of the hook claw. But he didn't hide or attack. He still had the task of testing the ability of the fire-breathing dragon. Follow him to be caught and observe what follow-up attacks he has. Clearly, he is now very successful.

The hind legs kicked **** the chest of the fire-breathing dragon, flew backwards, and landed firmly on the ground.

The fire-breathing dragon still refused to accept it, its whole body was full of gas and fire, fluttered its wings and flew into the air again, and then fell from the sky with a string of flames and electricity.

Fengsugou looked back at Ao Feng and saw Ao Feng nodded, his eyes lit up. The blue flame was burning, not as powerful as the fire-breathing dragon, but it revealed a more dangerous atmosphere. With the beating of the flame, the filament arc emerged.

The two elves used the same skill, and after Ao Feng's signal, he finally didn't have to keep his hands.

In front of me with a blasting electric shock? You are still young! The wind speed dog said in his heart, and jumped into the air. At this time, the fire-breathing dragon is still some distance away from him. If the two skills collide, the wind speed dog that exerts force early will suffer from exhaustion, but the wind speed dog does not want to collide directly.

There are better moves, why use the original mode despite being injured?

He cloned himself, jumped back, and spit fireballs in one go. When the wind speed dog landed neatly on the ground, the explosion in the air was already in his ears.

The figure of the fire-breathing dragon fell and fell to the ground. He had already fainted, and the burn marks all over his body looked shocking.

In the face of the explosion of the wind speed dog's blue fire, he still uses the explosive electric shock that will backfire on his own. Even if he has the fire element, he cannot avoid being seriously injured and burned by the wind speed dog's flame.

"It's hard work." Ao Feng patted the wind speed dog on the head, the first step has been completed.

The wind speed dog licked Aofeng's palm and returned to the Poké Ball. Ao Feng retracted the fire-breathing dragon and went straight to the center of the elf.

"This guy, his hands are really dark, if you didn't know a little about him, you might have caught him." Yu Yu, who had a panoramic view of the battle from a distance, smiled and rubbed her temples with her jade hand, "Believe in yourself. Be measured, don't hurt him again."

"Doctor, do you really leave him alone?" A staff member next to You Yu asked, Ao Feng's actions could already constitute evidence of mistreatment of the elf.

"Don't worry about it, you go watch others." You Yu waved his hand.

"Yes." The man bowed slightly and turned to leave.

"That fire-breathing dragon was originally a good boy, I hope you can take good care of him." Youyu watched Ao Feng's figure gradually disappear, and turned back to the room.

Sending the fire-breathing dragon to the Elf Center will inevitably be scolded by Miss Joey. It is rare to beat the Elf so badly. Facing Miss Joey's accusation, what else can Ao Feng do besides hehe? It is estimated that Miss Joy will not believe it. But now the treatment is important, Joey said a few words and took the fire-breathing dragon back to the treatment room.

In the treatment room, Miss Joy found that the fire-breathing dragon's condition was not as bad as she thought. The injuries were serious, but there was no danger. The worst thing was the burns.

The wind speed dog is naturally measured. After all, it is very likely that it will be a future companion. It is not good to have an accident before returning to the team.

The treatment didn't take too long, the fire-breathing dragon regained its full stamina, and the rest only needed to deal with the burns.

"Miss Joy, let me come." The fire-breathing dragon was transferred to the general ward, lying quietly on the bed, and Miss Joy applied medicine for him. It can be seen that the fire-breathing dragon is not so unfriendly to all human beings, it is not so unfriendly to all human beings. Miss Joy's attitude is still very good.

Miss Joey still has a lot of things to do, it is a good thing for someone to take over, seeing that Aofeng wants to take medicine for the fire-breathing dragon instead of him, the bad impression before has eased a little: "You are his trainer, then leave it to him is you."

"It doesn't count now." Ao Feng smiled, and as a result, Miss Joy handed over the medicine bottle.

The fire-breathing dragon glared at him, not wanting to ask Ao Feng to ask him, so he stood up.

Ao Feng held him down: "Don't move, lie down and let me rub the medicine for you, or I knock you out and rub it for you, you choose one."

The fire-breathing dragon waited for Ao Feng for a long time. The result of both choices was the same. Well, he chose the former. Although he was reluctant, he no longer struggled.

"You said he's not your elf? What do you mean?" Miss Joy asked suspiciously.

"Event." Ao Feng reminded.

Miss Joy easily thinks of the event that just started. She knows something, but today is only the first day, so she hurt the elf she just got like this? Miss Joy just didn't expect this, so she regarded the fire-breathing dragon as Aofeng's elf.

With such a serious injury, it's impossible for the staff in charge of the event to not notice. They didn't care. They even asked this person to bring the fire-breathing dragon over, so she didn't have to care too much.

Seeing how Ao Feng was patiently applying medicine to the fire-breathing dragon, Miss Joey nodded and turned to leave. Although the way was a little rough, I hope she is a trainer you can recognize.

"I know you're still not convinced, so you need to recover first, and then fight when you're injured, how about it?" Ao Feng has been dealing with Elf for a long time. Usually, there are Xiaolu and their translators, and Ao Feng will also match them. The expressions and movements of the elves have been compared, and now they can roughly judge their thoughts based on their performance.

The fire-breathing dragon's expression changed, Ao Feng smiled secretly, this guy was obviously a little guilty in the face of the wind speed dog.

"Don't worry, it's not him."

The fire-breathing dragon was stunned for a while, this human can see what I'm thinking?

"Okay, let's rest first~www.readwn.com~ The battle will wait until you fully recover. I'll give you something to eat." Ao Feng stood up, "If you like spicy food? Just nod your head if you like it."

He just guessed that most of the fire-type elves like to eat, and each elves will be a little different. You need to ask their opinions on what to eat, otherwise Aofeng will not use a bunch of boxes to put each elves separately. of food.

The fire-breathing dragon nodded.


The fire-breathing dragon nodded again.

"High calorie?"

Still nodding.

"How about sweet?"

This time, the fire-breathing dragon finally shook his head.

"Okay, I almost understand, just stay honest, don't move around, I'll be back in a while." Ao Feng left the ward, leaving the fire-breathing dragon looking down at him with some difficulty, his eyes a little complicated.

Ao Feng found a few points from the character of the fire-breathing dragon and his energy in the past. He will defeat each of them, be confident and proud, and use his strength to defeat you. It is very necessary to show his strength against an elf with such a character. This is the most basic recognition. Otherwise, no matter how nice you are to him, he will not think that you can make him stronger.

The rejection and distrust of human beings can only come slowly. On the basis of the first step, this will become simpler. Of course, whether or not to follow Ao Feng in the end depends on Fire-breathing Dragon's own choice.

Ao Feng is quite satisfied with this fire-breathing dragon. He has already shown his abilities in the previous battle with Fengsu Dog, and his personality is also very suitable for Ao Feng's taste. Even in the battle against an opponent who is stronger than himself, he will never back down. , and can fully display his abilities, enough for Ao Feng to give him a high score.

Naturally, Ao Feng made the fire-breathing dragon's lunch by himself. He didn't cook too much. It was almost enough for a full meal. In the future, he would gradually improve it according to the elf's reaction.

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