Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 372: fight again

"Let's make do with it, my craftsmanship isn't that great." Ao Feng was telling the truth, his cooking was only average, and cooking elf food was better. If it was eaten by humans, then hehe.

It would be great if Ke'er was here, remembering the time when I traveled with Ke'er, Ao Feng just described the tastes that each elf likes, and Ke'er can cook it perfectly, and the food for humans is even more unique. . He didn't even know when his stomach had been conquered.

The fire-breathing dragon looked at the tray in front of him, hesitated for a while, then squeezed it and put it into his mouth. The food that I didn't have much hope for turned out to be unexpectedly good. He glanced at Ao Feng in amazement and felt the emptiness in his stomach, so he stopped delaying and lowered his head to eat.

"Eat slowly, no one is robbing you." Ao Feng couldn't help laughing when he saw his appearance, it was quite cute at this time, "You eat first, I'm going to eat too, if you don't have enough time, tell me. ."

The fire-breathing dragon didn't respond, and Ao Feng didn't expect any response from him now, so he turned and left.

After he turned around, the fire-breathing dragon raised his head, watched Ao Feng leave, and continued to lower his head to eat.

Ao Feng has been staying at the Pokémon Center for the past two days, and he has to fight again later, or the fire-breathing dragon will be injured. With the help of medicine, the fire-breathing dragon's injury improved quickly, and at noon the next day, he stood opposite Ao Feng again.

"I want you to be my partner." Ao Feng directly expressed his thoughts. Before the second battle, Ao Feng wanted to make it clear.

But before he could finish speaking, the fire-breathing dragon attacked.

Ao Feng threw out a missile at random, broke the flame, and chuckled: "I want to hit first, okay, then I'll satisfy you, go! Dai Ruby!"

This battle was handed over to Dairubi. One is that Dairubi has made great progress during this time. He does not think Dairubi will lose to this fire-breathing dragon, and Dairubi also needs to gain experience by fighting against different elves. He needs a battle to prove himself, and the other is that he needs to convince the fire-breathing dragon completely.

The fire-breathing dragon looked down at Dai Ruby, his eyes widened, and then at Ao Feng, his eyes were full of doubts, meaning: You just sent such a small thing to fight me? Look down on me too much.

It's a canine elf again, but compared to the wind speed dog, Dalubi's body is much smaller.

"It's him, don't doubt it. Although he is still growing up, his strength is enough to deal with you." Ao Feng and Dai Lubi looked at each other and nodded.

The fire-breathing dragon took a deep breath, this time he must not lose again.

The same opening, the jet flame took care of it.

Darubi did not retreat, but a dark blue luster filled his mouth, and he jumped forward with three legs, his body was submerged in flames. Dai Ruby's natural blue flame is stronger than the wind speed dog. Ao Feng estimates that when Dai Ruby evolves, he will have a purple flame.

Dai Ruby's action shocked the fire-breathing dragon. Although Ao Feng was sure of Dai Ruby's strength, the fire-breathing dragon didn't fully believe it. He had no intention of harming other elves, especially the young elves.

Thinking so in my heart, the power of the flame weakened.

However, he was startled the next moment. The blue, purple flames washed away his jet flame. Due to the contempt in his heart, his vigilance did not rise, and he was just hit by the jet flame of Derubi. write.

Derby's trait: ignites fire. With the help of the flame of the fire-breathing dragon, the attack power of his fire-based skills was increased again.

The fire-breathing dragon screamed in pain and kept retreating, while Derubi's flame attack did not continue to attack. Slightly restrained, leaped again, bowed his head, and used his skills backwards, using the power of the flames to speed him up.

Congenital defects, three legs are not as strong and explosive as four legs, so use other methods to make up for it. As Ao Feng has always told him, even if you have flaws now, you are no worse than any elf.

When the fire-breathing dragon saw Dairubi rushing forward, how could he dare to be careless after suffering a loss once, and use his dragon claws to overtake Dairubi and grab him.

Darubi couldn't dodge completely in the air, but he didn't have the idea to dodge either. The flames appeared in his mouth again, and he opened his mouth to bite on the fire-breathing dragon's claws.

The fire-breathing dragon let out a pained groan, a fire appeared on his body, a state of burns appeared, and his physical attack power was greatly reduced.

With Darubi's blue flame and the ten percent of Yanfang's own, the probability of burns is already quite high.

The fire-breathing dragon swung upwards with force, and Darubi was actually relieved and flew into the sky. The fire-breathing dragon was stunned for a moment, but then he reacted incorrectly and fluttered his wings to leave.

Darubi, who fell from the sky, was no longer a blue flame, but a red brilliance, biting fiercely at the root of the fire-breathing dragon's wings.

The red electric arc flickered on the fire-breathing dragon, causing him to scream in agony.

Fang of Angry, the remaining stamina of the fire-breathing dragon was cut in half at once.

Wings are injured, the burn effect reduces its melee ability, and the fire-type attack has no effect. Knocked down in several subsequent attacks by Derubi.

"Wang woo!!!!" Dairubi gasped, stood on the ground and raised his head and howled, his eyes full of bright brilliance. I succeeded, defeated the first opponent, I am not a waste, I can still become stronger!

In fact, Darubi has always been a little depressed in his heart. He is different from the elf. He was attacked when he was born, which made him unable to run as freely as other newborn elf. He was born with a high-level flame, It has also become an obstacle to his ability to release. His mother told him that he understood that even if he didn't meet Ao Feng, he would be abandoned by the ethnic group and die on his own.

After being taken away by Ao Feng, even if the things Ao Feng was worried about didn't happen, he took good care of him, but in fact Dalubi was not feeling well.

Ao Feng rescued his clan and accepted him. For Dairubi, it can be said to be a gift of knowledge, even a life-saving gift. If he lives alone in the wild, the probability of surviving is very low.

He wanted to repay, but he could only accept the other party's care, because at first, he couldn't do anything, and it was not inappropriate to say that he was a waste. Compared with Aofeng's other elves, he was far worse, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he was far behind, and it put a lot of pressure on him. Although Ao Feng had promised to make him stronger, at this time he couldn't help thinking that he was useless as a pet.

But Aofeng didn't give up on him. He found a way to treat him and help him control the flames that even he was afraid of.

Ao Feng gave him hope and a reason to keep working hard.

When he was young, his mind was still very simple. Although he was very hostile to Ao Feng at first, after a period of contact, he regarded Ao Feng as his family, and he didn't know where he could go without Ao Feng. . Ao Feng valued him very much, and he didn't want to disappoint Ao Feng.

So he tried desperately to practice, and his repeated failures made him more and more uneasy, but he didn't dare to stop, even if his throat hurt from the burning flames he was not used to, he didn't dare to stop. Some things, when you get them, you will be afraid of losing them.

Dai Ruby's state didn't last long before being interrupted by Ao Feng. At home, the training of the elves, Ao Feng, was under full supervision. Most of the time, the elves are trained in a measured manner, but they are afraid that they will die when they are stimulated to train.

At that time, Darubi was like this. Everything had to be done slowly, and it might be too much to be too hasty.

Ao Feng patiently explained the details to him, as well as Lizhuang Chicken and Fengsugou, who told him about his feelings. He gradually discovered that all this was not as bad as he thought. Those little elves who were much stronger than him were very gentle to him, so that although he left home, he could still feel the feeling of home.

Under their patient teaching, he used sparks for the first time, jetted flames for the first time, learned Flaming Fang and other skills for the first time. He could see his progress, chase those figures, and shrink the distance. short.

He cherishes all this, and is even more grateful to the person who brought him all this~www.readwn.com~ So when Luke mocks Ao Feng, he will jump out without hesitation, and he will not allow anyone to insult his brother .

In the battle with the fire-breathing dragon, he proved his strength. From today onwards, he will also fight for Ao Feng like other partners.

Ao Feng waited for Dai Ruby to go over excitedly, and hugged him: "It was a good fight."

Darubi licked his palm, raised his head, and looked like this.

Ao Feng rubbed his head and looked at the fire-breathing dragon: "Are you satisfied?"

The fire-breathing dragon was still awake, his eyes were waiting for Ao Feng, but he couldn't say anything that he didn't agree with. I don't usually see it, but it's still obvious in battle. Dairubi has a lame leg and was defeated by a disabled little guy. How can he still refuse to accept it?

"Continue our previous topic, I want you to be my little elf, one of them." Ao Feng looked into the eyes of the fire-breathing dragon seriously. He was referring to them, of course, he had fought with the fire-breathing dragon twice. "They grew up with me, and I think I can give you what you need."

The original contempt of the fire-breathing dragon disappeared, and he lost two games in a row. He had to consider the reason.

"Of course, I'm not asking you to make a decision now, there are still more than 20 days, you are my partner during this time, I will be in charge of your training, and it will not be too late to make a decision later. You still have a lot of The potential is much more valuable than that item." Ao Feng took Dairubi back to the Poké Ball, then took out the Fire-breathing Dragon Poké Ball, and had to make another trip to the Pokémon Center, hoping that he would not be scolded to death.

Seeing the suspicious gaze of the fire-breathing dragon, Ao Feng added: "The same treatment as them, as for how to decide to look at yourself, the only condition is to listen to me during this time, I will take you to the treatment, and the rest is yourself. Think slowly."

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