Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 383: dating

"Okay, let's wait for a while. You also saw when Ke'er first came here. Those students are like crazy.

"I hope she can find someone better." Ao Feng said silently, since he had made a choice, Ao Feng naturally wouldn't hold onto another girl. That's not fair to the two girls. There is only one share of love, and it's divided between two people. Regardless of whether they want it or not, Ao Feng can't get through it himself.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this, you can figure it out for yourself. Be careful recently. If you get too close to Ke'er, you may become your full name public enemy." Chen Xin knew that she said something she shouldn't have said, so she moved topic.

Ao Feng chuckled lightly: "It doesn't matter, I will make them shut up."

"You cow, I'll be waiting for you to play a game in a week's time, the academy competition. I heard that you ran away last time, so don't run again this time."

"What do you mean by running away, do you understand that I call it performing a mission? And, I said, this time the champion is mine, I want to meet with me, you should be careful with the person who drew with you last time, I will treat him I'm a little interested." Ao Feng said with a smile.

"Che, a tie doesn't mean anything, I won't give him another chance next time, you can ask if you are interested, his name is Itachi Yuexia, he doesn't have any background, I feel a little bit of such strength at this age. Incredible." Chen Xin expressed dissatisfaction but still maintained a realistic attitude.

"There are many talented people in this world, and there are also many people who are on the right path. Just ask him. If he is still in the academy and can continue to win the competition, he will definitely meet."

"I hope you will be defeated." Chen Xin said faintly.

"Go away, I'll hang up if it's nothing, Bai Bai~" Ao Feng scolded and hung up the phone.

As soon as he threw the phone on the table, Ao Feng murmured a bit of disbelief in the eyes of several people: "What's wrong?"

Several people were relatively close to Ao Feng, and Ao Feng did not deliberately avoid them, so most of their conversations were overheard by several people.

"Big brother, you are really my big brother, please accept my little brother!" Ling Yan clasped his hands exaggeratedly, bowed and saluted, "So you and Linger are real, does Linger have any sisters or anything else, let me introduce you. "

"That's right, Ao Feng, you can't forget your brothers." Renault slapped Ao Feng on the shoulder.

Ao Feng grinned: "Don't think about it, she is the only one in Ke'er's family, and even if a sister introduces it to you, I'm not at ease. If it's a brother or a brother, you can try it."

"Get out!" Several people raised their middle fingers towards Ao Feng at the same time.

"It's almost time for class, don't be idle and have nothing to do." Ao Feng began to bombard people, "Reno, what are you two thinking? I've given you enough time."

Ao Feng's face became serious, and the others put aside their joking thoughts and returned to their seats, leaving only Renault and Ling Yan.

"Yeah." Ling Yan nodded seriously, "As long as I have free time during this time, I will be with the elf, although you said this is just your personal opinion, but after a deeper contact, I find that it is actually mine. There is a problem with the idea."

"I have thought about what the elves are, and I thought they were good for them, but in fact, I still regard them as a tool, a tool for us to win. In order to gain more victory and honor, I will To care about them, and it is this kind of care, they have never refused our request, they fought hard and trained. Looking at the past from their point of view, they found that they paid a lot and got so much. Little reward, but still working hard." Renault looked a little impressive.

"Thinking about it, we owe them too much. Brother Feng, you are right, elves have feelings just like people, but these are ignored by most people. I remember their characteristics and preferences. It's down." Ling Yan took out a small notebook and shook it, "Since half a month ago, even without my order, the elves will train spontaneously, and they will no longer be as lazy as before. But the more they are like this. , the more I feel indebted."

"This is their return to you, because they feel your sincere care. You have done a good job in the first task. If you feel that you owe you, then you can make up for it with more care. It is not too late to understand now. "Ao Feng smiled, "You first arrange for the elves to train common skills, and you are the ones who will be trained later. Get ready."

"We also need to train?" Renault's eyes widened.

"Of course, don't worry, it's definitely not easy." Ao Feng smiled hehely, "Go back and prepare for class, I'll talk about it later."

"Oh, Brother Feng, our head teacher has changed. He's a very nice person. He has taught us a lot of useful things during this time." Ling Yan said suddenly when he was behind Ao Feng.

"Oh, that's not bad, the school's efficiency is still very high." Ao Feng nodded to indicate that he knew, as for where the original head teacher went, it was not his concern.

As soon as Aofeng got out of class, he received two text messages on his phone.

"I've taken your wife to eat, and by the way, I'll take a walk in the academy. Don't worry, I'm covering you." This is what Yu Ning said.

"Brother Feng, I went to dinner with Sister Yu Ning, I'll call you later." This is Ke'er's.

Ao Feng was stunned for a while, then shook his head and laughed, how could he feel like he was being dumped? There was nothing left or right, and the elf went straight back to the dormitory after class.

Yu Ning is not the kind of girl who doesn't let go after she's clearly broken. Since the person she likes has another love, and the two are together, then she should let it go. She doesn't blame Aofeng, nor Ke'er. After all, no one is wrong, she can only complain that she is not good enough to keep Ao Feng. Everyone has the strength to pursue love, and she can't hang herself on a tree, isn't it, and this tree is still a flowering tree. She and Ke'er are still good sisters, and they are also friends with Ao Feng.

It's just that in the few days after Ao Feng left, she didn't go to class, and she never came out when she returned to the dormitory, and no one knew what happened.

Ao Feng felt embarrassed facing Yu Ning now, but he didn't expect Yu Ning to go to Ke'er first, which made him relieved. Yu Ning and Ke'er walked together, and the way back was absolutely 10,000%, watching two beauties who were born on trees, on other people's bodies, and on other people's elf bodies were sprayed and electrocuted everywhere. Yes. However, Yu Ning was there, and she suppressed the idea of ​​the group of young people coming up. After Yu Ning came to the elite academy, there were many people who were frozen back by her. After a long time, not many people caught up to the bad luck.

This is not the end, Yu Ning and Mina are still good friends, the two beauties are often together, and now there is more Linger, in the future when the three beauties are together, the feeling that they can only see that they can't get close really makes people want to cry without tears.

Now Mina is sure to have a boyfriend, the one who can tie with the chief, they dare not challenge, the rest of Yu Ning they have tried, there is no drama at all, and there is just Keer who just came , I can't start now, there is still a chance in the future, it will be long in Japan. But they'll soon learn that it's not the same.

You Yu Ning was with Ke'er, and Ao Feng was still at ease. The two of them received a text message from Ao Feng at night and rushed to Ao Feng's dormitory immediately. Ao Feng left a door for them, and the passage in the dormitory was also opened, and the two walked directly over.

'Bang bang bang bang bang...' A series of low collision sounds came, and the two who had been prepared to resist the attack found that the fiery training scene they imagined did not appear. Ao Feng's elves surrounded the city in a circle. What are you looking at inside. The voices they heard came from inside.

When I got closer, I was shocked. Inside, Ao Feng was fighting against Xiao Lu, and the two people were dazzled by their moves. There was another muffled sound, and Xiaolu clutched his stomach and took a few steps back before standing up. Reno and Ling Yan were stunned and looked at each other. With their two bodies, even if Reno thought he could beat himself, he would have broken his bones after being beaten like this. Before, he only knew that Ao Feng was very good at fighting. , UU reading www.uukanshu. com didn't expect it to be so powerful, and I became more determined not to mess with it.

Xiaolu straightened up, smirked and scratched his head.

"It's very good. After a while, I guess I won't be able to beat you." Ao Feng smiled and patted Xiaolu's shoulder. Seeing the two people waiting in the outer circle, he waved, "You all go to training yourself."

The elves scattered in a hurry, each went their own way.

"Come here." Ao Feng greeted, and the two followed suit. Before they could stand still, they saw a few dark objects flying towards them. They took it subconsciously. They only felt their hands sink. Gather strength to barely stabilize.

"You guys will take all these things with you in the future except for bathing. From tomorrow, as long as there are no other things, you will follow the training when the elf is training. I will make the training plan according to your situation." Ao Feng said naturally.

Renault is better. He usually pays attention to exercising, but Ling Yan is different. He said with a bitter face, "Don't do this."

"Yes, this is a task that must be completed." Ao Feng did not explain, he doesn't use this anymore, the family's gravity ring is much more effective than this, and it is much smaller, but he doesn't have that much in his hands now, so he just uses it. The weight bag was replaced, "You don't have to do it, then you don't have to find me in the future."

"Okay." Ling Yan agreed.

"That's why I asked you to come here. Remember, the training is not about the elves, you should also participate in it. If you have nothing else to do, go back." Think about your own characteristics and the characteristics of the elf, and tell me tomorrow."

"Okay." Joy flashed in the eyes of the two of them. Ao Feng was planning to teach officially, so he answered and followed Ao Feng without further delay. Now it's too dangerous to go out by himself.

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