Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 384: I need to be better to be worthy of you

"Fire-breathing dragon, concentrate on practicing your skills, and you won't be able to learn the flame-throwing electric shock within seven days. Don't even think about playing in the competition!" After sending the two out and having dinner by the way, they actually saw the fire-breathing dragon provoking Laluras. , I immediately shouted out, darn, can you be a little bit ambitious, you know how fun it is to bully the little ones. If you have the ability to provoke the flaming chickens, you are guaranteed to beat your mother so much that you don't even know you.

Laluras can already evolve, but he likes the way he is now. He hasn't completed the evolution, and Ao Feng is not in a hurry. Anyway, he is not the main force now. . Ao Feng reckoned that if he didn't stop the fire-breathing dragon, it would not be long before Lalulas would evolve to beat the fire-breathing dragon. After looking around, yes, the weakest one was the fire-breathing dragon.

Everyone else at the bottom is desperately chasing after you. Looking at you again, Ao Feng is speechless. Fortunately, he only gets distracted occasionally. Ao Feng means that he is finished with just two sentences. Ao Feng also understands that the new elf is under a lot of pressure, and the fire-breathing dragon is also a way of decompressing. That is to say, Lalulas understands and has a good temper, so he ignored him. When Ao Feng was away, the fire-breathing dragon would continue to train after a while. Although he usually makes trouble, his training time is the longest. , usually under the most drudgery.

The fire-breathing dragon stuck out his tongue towards Aofeng, smiled embarrassingly at Laluras, and turned his head to continue training.

"This guy." Ao Feng shook his head helplessly. After walking around, I saw what was wrong with the little elf training and corrected me. If there was something the elf couldn't figure out, I would also talk to Ao Feng. After walking around in a circle, Ao Feng was not idle either. He took off his shirt and started doing push-ups on the ground.

The next day at five o'clock in the morning, Ao Feng was waiting downstairs in the girls' dormitory. After traveling with Ao Feng for a long time, Ke'er also had the habit of exercising in the morning. Even if they separated later, this habit was retained. After talking on the phone last night and meeting in the morning, Ao Feng didn't ask what Yu Ning and Ke'er had said. If Ke'er wanted to say something, he would naturally tell him that he couldn't mix with the girls.

Ao Feng didn't wait long before Ke'er came down. It was still very early, and most of the students were still sleeping, so when Ke'er appeared in a slightly slim-fitting sportswear, no one came around.

Kerr's purple hair is tied behind her head, and she wears a pale pink sportswear, as well as the rising sun. The youthful atmosphere is highlighted, and the sun is very pleasant. The pretty face that seems to be broken by a bullet has a slight flush on her face, without any cosmetic rendering, but it is even more eye-catching.

After Ke'er came out, Ao Feng's eyes never left, admiring it without any cover up. Is this what love feels like? As long as she is by her side, as long as she thinks of her, she will feel happy involuntarily.

"Let's go." Ke'er's face became more and more ruddy, and Ao Feng looked at him a little embarrassed. This guy, he didn't know how to restrain his thoughts.

"You are so beautiful." Ao Feng smiled foolishly.

Being amused by Ao Feng, Ke'er immediately ran up: "Look at how stupid you are, your nose is bubbling, let's go."

Only then did Ao Feng follow: "Dare to laugh at your husband, let's see how I deal with you!"

Saying so, when Ke'er increased his speed, he followed suit, but he controlled the speed and never surpassed Ke'er.

Two people, one 'chasing' and the other 'running away', their shadows were reflected on the ground under the sun, and laughter gradually spread.

After breakfast, Ke'er said that he was going to class, and Ao Feng naturally agreed, but just gave her two Poké Balls: "If anyone comes to provoke you, you can let them out and beat them, see you at noon."

Standing at the door of the classroom, Ke'er looked at Ao Feng with a funny look at Ao Feng's figure who turned back three steps, and waved her hand to let him leave with confidence, she could protect herself.

Ke’er and Mui Ne are in the same class. It’s not bad to be able to get eight achievements in class here. Since Mui Ne’s arrival, no one has missed every class. Even if you know that famous flowers have their own owners, it doesn’t hinder the appreciation. . And now that Kerr is here, the power of the two beauties is really scary. There is still a lot of time before class. The classroom is already full of people. When there are no seats, they are all standing. So many people are crowded in this classroom. Teacher I was shocked when I came in.

The academy is taught by class. All the students come here, so other classes can't attend classes. The teacher said that he couldn't move, but in the end, he had no choice but to invite the dean, who said that those who could not teach in their own class would get zero points in the final evaluation, and these talents left in embarrassment.

And these Ao Feng didn't know. When he arrived in the classroom, he found that Renault and Ling Yan had been waiting for him. It was rare for these two to come so early. Ao Feng did not delay and let them talk about what they had concluded yesterday .

Ao Feng didn't want to arrange a training plan for them, but asked some questions based on their characteristics and let them think for themselves. With the previous foundation, even if they went the wrong way, it wouldn't be too outrageous. When you think about it, you can better understand where it is convenient to improve.

All he needs to do is to guide him. In addition, he can put some pressure on the little elves of the two, set an example, and occasionally let his buddies go to sparring.

Regarding Aofeng's arrangement, except for the headache of physical training, the two of them followed suit. They believed that Aofeng would not harm them, so even when Aofeng was away, the other students in the class had improved by leaps and bounds. Even caught up with them, and they didn't give up.

When Aofeng went to look for Ke'er at noon, there were several floors of people in front of Ke'er's classroom, leaving only the aisle that only one person could pass through so that the people in the classroom could come out.

Ao Feng looked at his watch and saw that he had come early enough. It was less than two minutes after the class ended, but Ke'er's teacher in this class delayed the class a little before leaving the get out of class. This group of fans is really crazy.

When the teacher came out, he didn't look surprised when he saw so many people. Before the class, he had already seen similar scenes, so Shi Shiran walked out of the crowd.

Ao Feng rolled his eyes, he didn't want to wait here, the seats in the cafeteria were not waiting for anyone, and he passed through the crowd. classroom.

The people in the classroom stood up one after another, and were about to go out. When they saw someone coming in, they immediately focused their attention on him. Ao Feng's appearance was still very attractive to these girls. A girl with double ponytails was timid. "Classmate, are you looking for someone?"

As she spoke, the girl's eyes kept looking at Ao Feng's face.

"Yeah." Ao Feng smiled slightly, staring at the girl for a while, not knowing what she thought, her face blushed.

Ao Feng didn't look at her, nodded to Mina who was not far away, then walked straight to Ke'er's table: "Let's go eat."

"Okay." Ke'er stood up and waved to Mina, "I'll go first."

"Let's go, let's go," Mina said, pretending to be envious and helpless, "Look at your boyfriend, and then look at my boyfriend, if only he could be so attentive."

"He won't come." Ao Feng glanced at Mina, and dragged Ke'er out of the classroom, "Your fan base is huge."

Ke'er covered her mouth and chuckled: "Then you dare to walk with me? Aren't you afraid they will eat you?"

"Being able to be by my wife's side, even though I die nine times, I still have no regrets." Ao Feng patted his chest.

Ke'er spat softly, her pretty face flushed: "Who is your wife?"

"Not now, not in the future." Ao Feng smiled indifferently, grabbed Ke'er's hand under the shocked eyes of everyone in the classroom, and walked out of the classroom.

He held up the waveguide shield and pushed the people on both sides to the sides. As he walked along, Ao Feng could clearly feel the murderous eyes of others who wanted to squeeze but couldn't squeeze in.

Ao Feng glanced behind him and knew that if he couldn't handle it properly, he would be in trouble in the future. It was not a problem for Ke'er to follow so many people every day. He had already seen many bentos and chocolates in their hands. Roses, love letters or something. Ke'er has a soft temperament and doesn't want to be as strong as Yu Ning. Currently, in the eyes of most people, she is still in a 'single' state. Ao Feng has never been as strong as Chen Xin. In addition, Ke'er is very famous. Thousands of young men think of her. The goddess of Ao Feng, Ao Feng has quite a lot of 'competitors', so he simply said: "Ke'er is my girlfriend, all of you will accept it, I know you are not convinced, I am a trainer~www.readwn.com~ If you don't agree, we will speak with our strength, and in a week, the college competition, I will wait for you."

After Ao Feng spoke, Ke'er nodded and agreed with Ao Feng's statement. The children's shoes who were still fantasizing suddenly collapsed. Why does the goddess in their hearts have masters these days?

Regardless of other people's reactions, Ao Feng dragged Ke'er downstairs and saw Chen Xin come up after a short walk.

"Yo, nephew is late." Ao Feng raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"On the other hand, you are diligent. You came right after class. How about you, there are many rivals in love." Chen Xin stopped and grinned, "Enough to keep you busy for a while."

"No, you have a solution once and for all, and so do I." Ao Feng patted Chen Xin's shoulder hard, "I'll go first, you can pick up Mui Ne."

Chen Xin grinned and kicked Ao Feng: "You can't be a little bit weaker, my bones will be scattered when you shoot."

Ao Feng shrugged: "Your body looks much tougher now than before, don't tell me it's not good for you, what the **** is silver."

"Bum, I don't want to see you." Chen Xin waved her hand, stopped paying attention to Ao Feng, and walked upstairs.

"It's also thanks to that kid who thought about it. He asked the second-year chief to challenge him. No one dared to provoke him when he showed his strength." I'll give you the first one."

Ke'er shook her head gently: "You don't have to. It doesn't matter if you don't take the first place. That's not what I care about."

"Then how can you do it, you are so good, I need to be even better to be worthy of you." Ao Feng said seriously. Kerr is already a top-level figure in the music world, and he also has deep attainments in breeding, and he is still far, far away from his goal.

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