Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 469: go ahead

Yu Han dispatched the Vulcan, and from the beginning, he used the Fire Dance to attack in a large area, interrupting the nine tails who were approaching to perform hypnotism, and with a few luck, he strengthened his special attack.

Kyuubi stepped back a distance and used a jet of flame to counterattack.

The Vulcan worm dodged and made a roar of insects. Although he was hit by the jet flames that were chasing after him, he also successfully used his skill, which lowered the special defense of the nine tails.

During the opponent's attack, neither Nine Tails nor Vulcan were able to hold on, and were forced to stop their skills one after another.

Nine tails used the fire of the fire, and the fire **** insect once again used the dance of fire. The fire was successful, but the nine tails with reduced special defense could not resist the attack of the dance of fire, and lost the ability to fight.

Next, Ao Feng dispatched the Wind Speed ​​Dog to carry the Fire Dance of the Vulcan, and unceremoniously used an explosive blast to take away the Vulcan.

Yu Han chose Hu Hu next, and he used Shattering Shell when he came on stage. With the help of his quirky personality, his double defense and small stature greatly increased, he resisted part of the damage of the wind speed dog's flame bomb, and then used the power to divide it equally. Borrow the super high attack power of the wind speed dog and quickly approach the wind speed dog. Dodge the attack of the wind speed dog with fast movements, and use the entanglement three times to defeat the wind speed dog.

The same is true for the later Flaming Monkey, who fell down without touching the pot from beginning to end.

Ao Feng let Xiaoluo go into the field, and with the help of Jianqie and Bangyan Kick, he avoided the entanglement of Huhu, and took the opportunity to take him away.

Yu Han sent Duo Hippo again, and Ao Feng was not polite. He sent Elleido, still attacking in exchange. Although staying as a hippo has an advantage in physical strength, Elu Reido used the same fate when he was about to lose his ability to fight, and the two lost their ability to fight together.

In the end, Yu Han only had the Centipede King with three auxiliary skills left. He couldn't hit the path with only the rock block. He was easily dealt with by the path and won the victory.

In the 8-in-4 match, Ao Feng's opponent was Chen Xin, an old opponent. The opening three-headed dragon faces the flash dragon. The firepower of the three-headed dragon is still fierce, and even the dragon star group of the fast dragon has no achievements, and was blocked by the three-headed dragon one by one and detonated.

But Kuailong is Chenxin's initial elf after all, and its fighting ability is still higher than that of the three-headed dragon. Under the three-headed dragon and dragon's wave, the wave of evil, and the high-pitched attack, the dragon's charge dodged and avoided the attack. , hit the three-headed dragon. Once again his luck took effect, causing the three-headed dragon to retreat, and a dragon's breath carried it away.

Ao Feng replaced the Hippo King, and without giving Kuailong a chance, he directly released a large-scale snowstorm and used four times the damage to defeat Kuailong, who was not in a good situation.

Chen Xin released Shanaido, while Ao Feng chose Genggui. They are also old rivals, the super energy and ghosts restrain each other, and Aofeng in the academy often sends Gengar to fight against it. It can be said that both sides know each other very well, and the trend of the battle is also very good to judge. As long as Chenxin and Shanaido can judge the attack intention and location of Gengar, then the loser will be Gengar, otherwise, the loser will lose. It's Shanaido.

At the beginning of the game, Gengar rushed towards Shanaido. Chen Xin hesitated for a while, thinking that Genggui would not start the game, so he rushed forward in such an open manner, and asked Shanaido to predict the future. However, as soon as Shanaido's skills were used, he was blasted out by Gengar and Shadow Fist.

After the blow was over, Gengar immediately launched an illusion to hide his figure.

Under Chen Xin's suggestion, Shanaido was very calm, and did not use skills blindly. After stabilizing her figure, she stood on the spot, closed her eyes, and was ready to attack at any time.

Gengar's figure appeared several times, but Shanaido didn't respond. It was impossible for Gengar to keep trying and show his real body to attack.

He did attack, but Shanaido disappeared under his attack. Geng Gui immediately realized that this was a stand-in, but it was too late to dodge, and the mental shock acted on him, rushing him out. It was not too late, a purple thunder fell in the sky, and the effect of predicting the future was activated.

Gengar immediately launched the same order, and after predicting the future, he and Shanaido lost their fighting power together.

Chen Xin chose the Flash Salamander to fight, and Ao Feng sent Hippo King again. Hippo King's blizzard against the Dragon-type Pokémon can be said to be unsatisfactory. Even though the Storm Salamander has completed the mega evolution and flew into the air, it still hides. Can not drop a large-scale blizzard. What's more, when Hippo King launched the blizzard again, he was still using his psychic power to constantly restrain the tyrannical salamander, narrowing the range of the blizzard, and launching a concentrated attack on the tyrannical salamander.

In the end, the salamander reluctantly displayed the big character explosion, which offset the surrounding blizzard. With time to breathe, Chen Xin immediately asked the salamander to use the Dragon Charge to attack the Hippo King. After a successful blow, dodge the power gem of the Hippo King, and a dragon claw means that the Hippo King loses his ability to fight.

Ao Feng released a fierce bite of Lu Shark. The two dragon-type Pokémon collided in the air, both using the Dragon Charge. But the state of the salamander is not complete after all. Although it has the bonus of mega evolution, it still can't overwhelm the fierce biting land shark.

Chen Xin's next elf is a giant gold monster with super power (steel), Ao Feng is not polite, he takes back the fierce bite Lu shark, and changes to the path to directly mega evolution. The giant gold monster didn't have much room to display at all, so he was sent off the field.

After winning two games in a row, the situation was reversed, and the advantage fell to Ao Feng. Chen Xin released Minas, and Ao Feng let Xiaolu continue to fight. Although Minas had the ability to charm his body, it didn't have much effect on Xiaolu, and the additional ability of his flash could completely offset it.

However, Chen Xin's luck was once again reflected. Xiaolu was used too frequently, and it was difficult to seize the opportunity to attack. However, the dragon tail that Minas used swept to Xiaolu, who had just used the explosive flame kick and couldn't get enough power. Forcibly beat him back and exchange it for a fierce bite land shark.

Chen Xin immediately ordered Minas to use a tornado, which caused a lot of damage to the Lu Shark. He endured the attack of the wrath of the Lu Shark, and then a flash of freezing light defeated the Lu Shark.

Ao Feng released the path again, this time there was no suspense, and Minas ended.

In the end, Chen Xin sent the Dharma Baboon, and Ao Feng also released the Goda Duck, who had never been seen in this match. Chen Xin obviously did not expect that Ao Feng would send out two water elves, and suffered a big loss in the selection of elves.

In the attack of Gotha Duck's wave of water, the Dharma Baboon's attack seemed to be stretched, most of them were resisting attacks and dodging, but he was very good at physical attack, but he couldn't even get close and was consumed to half of his stamina. to enter Dharma mode. After entering the Dharma mode, it is inconvenient to move, and it is even more difficult to avoid the attack of the Gotha duck. Although his super power attack is very powerful, he cannot gain the upper hand in the battle with the same mental strength as Gotha Duck, and in the end he has no choice but to lose. Stop the quarterfinals.

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