Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 470: Semifinals, vs Bingyu

The top four—Ao Feng, Bing Yu, Daketo, and You Ying. In the four-to-two competition, Ao Feng’s opponent was Bing Yu who had completely defeated him.

Still have to meet. After a long silence, Ao Feng turned around and walked out.

"Hey, Ao Feng!" Yu Hen was about to follow, but Chen Xin stopped him.

"Let him stay for a while, I hope he can win." Chen Xin sighed.

"What's the matter?" Several people were at a loss.

"This, I can't say it right now. If you want to know, ask him after he wins." Chen Xin shrugged and said nothing.

A few people looked at Ke'er again, but what they saw was only Ke'er shaking his head slightly, but still got nothing.

It was still early, and although it was already dark outside, there were many pedestrians on the road, not many, walking, or shopping at the stalls to search for all kinds of interesting little things.

Most of the people here came to watch the game. After Ao Feng came out of the Fairy Center, some people recognized him and came up to say hello. In response, Ao Feng nodded politely.

After three turns and two turns, I found a path with not many people and walked slowly, and finally found a chair to sit down.

Leaning on the back of the chair, he looked up at the stars in the night sky, felt the quiet atmosphere around him, and gradually let himself relax.

Are you afraid?

He asked himself in his heart. Although more than four years have passed, he still remembers the scene at that time. He had been waiting for this day, but at this time, he was still uneasy.

"What are you thinking?" With a smile, a clear voice came, which startled Ao Feng and turned to look.

"Brother?" Seeing the man's face clearly, Ao Feng stood up, "Dad, Mom, why are you here?"

"Why, we can't come yet." Qingxi took two steps forward and pinched Ao Feng's ear.

"Hey, hey, Mom, take it easy! It hurts!" Ao Feng hurriedly protected his ears.

"You're already in the semi-finals. Of course we have to come and watch the game. It's only two days. If there is any delay, it's too late to go back and solve it." Ao Yun took Ao Feng's shoulders, "Our celebration banquet is almost ready. Just waiting for the news of your victory."

Ao Feng glanced at him: "Why do you feel that you are more confident than me?"

"Hey, who am I." Aoyun raised his eyebrows.

"I'm going to yo with your mother, let's talk." Wu Yikuang and Qingxi walked past them, Wu Yikuang glanced back and added, "We live outside today, and we will naturally meet tomorrow during the game. Go, if you dare to lose tomorrow, be careful."

"Hey!" Cold sweat broke out on Ao Feng's head, what the **** is this? ? ?

"What? Don't you want to cry again?" Aoyun sat on the bench, leaning against the back of the chair and leaning on Erlang's legs, "It's really interesting that you look like that."

"Shut up!" Ao Feng clenched his fists tightly, only to feel the tic-tac-toe on his forehead beating continuously.

"I know very well what his strength is, and you know it in your heart. You have caught up with him. If you lose again, you can only say that you have a problem." Aoyun shrugged.


"But what, do you not believe in yourself, or do you not believe in your friends?" Ao Yun suddenly became serious.

Ao Feng was startled, fell silent, and then said: "Then how can you be sure that I can beat Dakoto? Don't tell me you don't know him."

"I know, when do we say for sure that he will lose, it's just that you want to win." Aoyun stood up, "Reminder, Dad means you have to win the next two games, otherwise you will be at your own risk."

After speaking, Aoyun got up and left, leaving Aofeng alone in the wind.

I'm already under a lot of pressure, okay, do you still have humanity like this...

With a chuckle, he shook his head. The previous pressure was indeed swept away. It was just a close match. Is it necessary to make it look like he would definitely lose?

Go back to the Pokemon Center, gather all the Pokemon, and tell them who the opponent will be in the next game. Together with Ao Feng, the elves who had fought against Bing Yu in Guandong immediately geared up and expressed their intention to fight.

Ao Feng agreed directly. It was the game they lost at the beginning, and now it is only reasonable to use the same lineup to revive. Although the fierce bite land shark really can't take advantage of the ice-based elf against Bingyu, it doesn't mean that he can't beat it. Now he is no longer a rookie who has just traveled.


"Are you ready to help?" On the mountain in the distance, two elves looked at the competition venue from a distance.

"No, this is his own hurdle. If he wants to step over by himself, it doesn't make any sense for us to take action, and he himself will not be willing." Another elf shook his head.

"Hey, you know him well, aren't you afraid that he will lose?"

"He can."

At nine o'clock in the morning the next day, the semi-finals officially started. UUkanshu www.uukanshu.com When Bingyu with long icy blue hair stood face to face with Ao Feng on the field again, there was no relaxed expression on his face at all. The level gap between Ao Feng's elf and his elf is not that big anymore. The realm is at the level of the peak of the quasi-celestial king. It is completely unrealistic to rely on absolute zero to win. In this way, he not only has no advantage, but has big disadvantage.

In the first match, Marula fought against the flaming horse. Marula directly used the high-five surprise attack to make the flaming horse into a state of retreat. With his short-term retreat, he used **** thrusts and malicious pursuits one after another to knock the flaming horse out.

On the other hand, the flaming horse woke up in the process of flying upside down, and when it landed, it immediately used gunpowder to charge towards it, knocking Majula, who had not had time to retreat, to dodge.

Maroona, who fell on the ground, was reminded by Bingyu, rolled on the spot, dodged another gunpowder charge from the flaming horse, and then flipped over, with her legs curled up, kicked on the ground, and rushed to the ground. The flaming horse, using double reward to deal high damage.

But he also endured the purple fire swept out by the flaming horse behind him. When the attack was successful, he was about to withdraw and retreat from the flame-covered area, but he was hit by the large character explosion of the flaming horse and lost his ability to fight.

Ice Feather changed into Ninja Frog, the elf he captured when Carlos traveled. Ao Feng took back the flaming horse and sent Lie to bite the shark.

The ninja frog used a water shuriken, and the water energy formed five shurikens to attack the tear demon Lu Shark. The fierce bite of the land shark used the wrath of the dragon to resist, but the ninja frog then used a freezing light to freeze the water shuriken. , blasted the dragon's rage abruptly, leaving a water shuriken and freezing light together to attack Xiang Lie bite land shark.

The bite land shark flew into the air, avoided the frontal attack, approached the ninja frog, and sent a dragon's wrath during the gap period when he just stopped his skills.

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