Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 64: The first battle of flames

"Spray flame!" Ao Feng attacked first, but the first attack was still tentative. After confirming the characteristics, Ao Feng dared to use the flame attack directly.

Xiao Huo Ma had already prepared his skills, and when he opened his mouth, an orange-red flame spewed out. After this period of training, under the guidance of Ao Feng, the quality of Little Fire Horse's flame has become higher and higher, and it has become more and more condensed. Coupled with the bonus of the environment here to fire skills, although it is only a test, The attack power has surpassed the time when Ao Feng first met him.

"Let's come too, shoot flames!"

The nine tails let out a cry, and then a burst of flame was also spewed out. The two rockets collided in the air, and exploded after a while, evenly matched.

"Flame vortex!" Before the smoke and dust caused by the explosion dissipated, the order had already arrived.

And Ao Feng did not rush to give the order, but let Xiao Huoma observe for a while. Although the time was short, it was enough for writing and studying in the future.

The fire column of the flame vortex spanned half the field, and Ao Feng's order came: "Big character explosion!"

The little fire horse raised his body slightly, then fell quickly, the flames condensed into a big character, and advanced forward. After colliding with the flame vortex, it did not explode immediately, but pushed back under the control of the little fire horse.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Jiuwei increased the output of the flame, and the two stalemate in the air again, and then the large characters exploded, and the shock wave generated caused Ao Feng to narrow his eyes.

"I've learned this trick, Jiuwei, petrochemical art!" Xia Bo was still paying attention to Ao Feng's reaction.

"Use Trample!" There is no way to deal with this move Ao Feng, and can only interrupt it before it is used. Fortunately, it seems that Jiuwei is not very familiar with this move, and just after the big character explosion, the little fire horse has already been used. followed out.

Just as Jiuwei's eyes lit up, the little fire horse had already arrived, and his front hooves stomped on Jiuwei's body heavily, knocking back and interrupting his skills at the same time.

"Are you close? Iron Tail!" Shaberto put on his glasses.

"What?" Ao Feng was stunned for a moment, and then his face turned ugly.

Tie Wei's move is nothing, but seeing who was using it, Nine Tails used this move, from the situation on the field, it was clearly a series of nine consecutive attacks.

Little Huoma could not stand firm, and the nine tails that changed into metallic colors swiped over one after another, with nine strokes in a row, but not a single hit.

The little fire horse neighed sadly, and was actually kicked out and fell to the ground without getting up for a long time.

"Little Fire Horse!" Ao Feng's hand has already reached out to the Poké Ball hanging on his belt. The form is too bad. Just that one skill can make Little Fire Horse in a semi-disabled state, can he still fight as needed? ?

Ao Feng hesitated for a while and finally sighed, but he was defeated by one move: "Little Fire Horse, come back, you have done enough."

The little fire horse, who was struggling on the ground, turned back to look at Ao Feng, and Ao Feng was surprised to find that he didn't mean to give up at all, and actually stood up swayingly.

"Well, if it's your wish, we will fight to the end." Ao Feng smiled and put the Poke Ball back. None of his brothers was willing to throw in the towel on the battlefield.

Xiao Huo Ma let out a high-pitched roar, and some sluggish flames exploded on his body. At the same time, a thick white light appeared on his body.

"Evolved?" Looking at the little fire horse whose body was slowly getting bigger in the white light, Ao Feng was a little surprised, but he was more thinking, how could they win?

Xia Bo's nine tails are too strong. Although they have evolved, the damage they received before is still there. If nothing else, as long as you pick up the iron tail again, it will be over immediately.

But how to prevent it? At most one or two tails can be blocked, what about the rest?

If it is remote, how can the petrochemical art be avoided? Ranged attacks do not have the speed and flexibility of melee attacks.

While thinking about it, the little fire horse should not be a flaming horse. Now that it has advanced to the stage, it has grown a lot taller, and its body has grown a lot. A sharp white horn has grown on the top of its head.

This period of time seems to be to give Ao Feng time to react. Xia Bo did not launch an attack immediately, and inadvertently glanced at Jiuwei, and found that his condition was not very good.

From time to time, Jiuwei's expression flashed a bit of pain, and flames flashed from his body.

"This is... a state of burns?" Ao Feng was stunned for a moment, and then he thought of the flame horse, which turned out to be the characteristic of the flame body.

still have a chance! With the continuous consumption of the burn and the effect of weakening the attack power, it should be no problem to temporarily block it.

"Nine tails, the vortex of flame!" Perhaps because he felt that he had given Ao Feng enough time, the flame horse had also evolved, and Xia Bo launched an attack. He couldn't drag it any longer. If he dragged it for a while, the physical strength of the nine tails would be exhausted.

Before Ao Feng could react, the flaming horse rushed out, with its head lowered slightly, the horn on its head was facing the fire column formed by the flame vortex in front of him, and a light red mask appeared on his body.

From the direction of Ao Feng, you can see that the flame vortex of the nine tails was actually broken by him.

"A newly learned skill?" Ao Feng frowned and thought for a while, and then went through all the skills related to horns in his mind~www.readwn.com~ before confirming that this is a bug-type big move, a million tons Corner hit.

The flame horse ran very fast, and in a blink of an eye, it was already in front of Jiuwei, and the sharp horn hit Jiuwei.

Nine tails screamed and was knocked upside down and flew out. If one of the tails hadn't tangled in the chain at the corner of the battle platform, it would have fallen.

"The attack power is not weak, but you also lost, nine tails, use the iron tail!" Xia Bo's face became a little dignified, and he planned to kill with one blow.

"Hmph, Flaming Horse, trample on his first two tails, and then use big characters to explode!" Ao Feng knew that his chances were not many, and Flaming Horse didn't consume too long, so he simply fought.

With a neigh, the flame horse's front hooves accurately stepped on the first two tails hit by the nine tails, then lowered his head, resisted the last few attacks, and after a short charge, he used almost zero distance. Big character explosion.

To everyone's surprise, the flame spewed out by the flaming horse turned light blue, and Ao Feng waved his fist in surprise, and the flame actually evolved along with it!

At the same time that the big character explosion bombarded Jiuwei, Irontail's last attack also landed on the flaming horse.

With an explosion, the flaming horse flew out backwards, and when it fell to the ground, it had lost its combat effectiveness.

On the other hand, Nine Tails also fell to the corner of the opposite platform, unable to continue fighting.

Both loses! No one took advantage.

Ao Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thanks to the state of burns and the blue flame of the flaming horse, otherwise it would be hard to say whether the flaming horse could hold up the attack and release the big characters and explode its nine tails in seconds.

"It's hard work, your performance is very good, leave the rest to your partner." Ao Feng jumped to the battle zone, crouched down beside the flaming horse, patted his head, and took the flaming horse back.


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