Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 65: Duel of Fire

Why does the little fire horse's flame turn blue?

This is related to the special training method of the Wuyi family.

As we all know, the ability of the elf will be enhanced with the continuous training, the strengthening of the physique of the fighting elf, the intensity of energy and so on.

It is normal for flames to improve the intensity through training, but few people can improve the quality of flames.

The same as the five top families, the Wu Yi family does not have the innate power of the dragon family, the help of the beasts dedicated to the clan, nor the huge base of the ordinary family, or even the ice water system. Are they on an equal footing?

What it relies on is the method of improving the quality of the flame. Through the exploration of several generations and the guidance of the legendary Ho-oh, the method of 'forging' the flame was finally formed.

In terms of quality, it is divided into six realms, and in terms of color, they are orange-red, cyan, blue, purple, white, and pure red.

The advancement of the flame not only means that the attack power becomes stronger and the temperature of the flame increases, but the most terrifying effect at the same time is the increase of the probability of burns.

Most fire-based skills have a 10% burn probability, and each level of fire increases the burn probability. Corresponding to the six colors, they are 10%, 20%, and 10%. Thirty, forty percent, sixty percent, and finally the most terrifying ninety percent.

For a skill with a 30% burn probability like smoke, the burn probability can be directly increased to 100% at the last red flame.

Of course, the more terrifying the effect, the more difficult it will be to advance. Judging from Ao Feng's father Wu Yikuang, it took so many years from the beginning of his journey to the age of thirty-nine to make the three fire-type elves around him achieve pure red flames.

Especially in the transition from white to pure red, it took him several years to successfully advance after he became a champion.

In the Wuyi family who can learn this kind of exercise, apart from the direct descendants who have made great contributions to the family, there are no more than ten people who can learn from the three generations of Aofeng.

Xia Bo put away the nine-tailed pokeball: "I won my two pixies, you did very well, you have two choices, get the crimson badge directly, or prepare for the next challenge? You should pay attention to it. If you lose the next challenge, the Crimson Badge will not be given to you."

"Of course we have to fight. The next elf should be him. If he can fight with that elf, even if he loses, he has no complaints." Ao Feng said so, but he didn't think that he would lose. Meaning, his partners are working so hard, how can they lose? What if that elf was the most powerful elf when Xia Bo was the king of heaven?

"Okay, come out, duck-billed fire dragon!" Xia Bo laughed and waved his hand.

The lava below the platform began to bubble up, and then, a elf rushed out and floated on the ring.

"Can you float? It really is the strength of a heavenly king." Ao Feng's eyes narrowed, and it could be predicted that the next battle would be a tough one.

One of the hallmarks of the King-level elf is floating.

"Lizhuang Chicken, come on!" Ao Feng still sent fire elements.

As soon as Lizhuang Chicken appeared, he sensed the pressure of the duck-billed fire dragon on the opposite side, his face became solemn, and he took a fighting posture.

This posture is also taught by Ao Feng, which can move at the fastest speed to dodge or attack.

"The response was good." The duck-billed fire dragon landed on the opposite platform, and also assumed a fighting stance, apparently waiting for Ao Feng to make a move first.

Of course, Ao Feng would not let go of this first attack opportunity: "Explosive Kick!"

The strong chicken rushed out right after Ao Feng said the words. This was Ao Feng who was observing Xia Bo's face. Before he was sure about the characteristics of the duck-billed fire dragon, Ao Feng really didn't dare to get close. storm.

Unfortunately, what kind of character is Xia Bo? Although it is impossible to suppress him with the strength of the Heavenly King, the control of his emotions will not allow Ao Feng to catch anything: "Duck-billed Fire Dragon, Fire Fist!"

"A close confrontation?" Ao Feng frowned, he really wasn't sure what Xia Bo was thinking.

The flame fist and the explosion kick made a muffled sound, and the two elves took a few steps back.

Ao Feng was still struggling in his heart, he didn't know whether he should take a gamble: "Exploding flames!"

"Spraying flames!" Xia Bo responded very quickly. Li Zhuangji made a decision as soon as he used his skills. He would not be stupid enough to let the bursting flames act on the elf.

The two attacks met in the air and canceled again.

As if he knew what Ao Feng was thinking, Xia Bo was always smiling. How would you choose in this situation?

When Ao Feng gritted his teeth, he still planned to take a gamble. If he didn't gamble, he would only be able to consume it from a distance. It is impossible for the chicken to be stronger than the duck-billed fire dragon, and the more likely result would be to be consumed alive.

And if he only uses long-range, then he will be completely useless to teach strong chicken fighting skills~www.readwn.com~ He has always focused on close combat, if only long-range is used, his strength is equivalent to being abolished by half.

"Flame fist, free attack." When fighting in close quarters, let the elf rely on his own experience, ideas, and more importantly, the best feeling to fight.

Li Zhuangji nodded slightly, stomped his right foot heavily, and jumped out.

"Duck-billed fire dragon, shoot flames to stop him!" Seeing the strong chicken's appearance, Xia Bo felt a little bad, and immediately decided not to let him get close to him easily.

But his words made Ao Feng raise his eyebrows.

Li Zhuang Chicken paused and flashed to one side, but it was only a pillar of fire, and then changed direction again, dodging the flames that were chasing after him.

After dodging several times in a row, the duck-billed fire dragon did not hit a single hit, and the strong chicken had already reached the duck-billed fire dragon.

"Duck-billed fire dragon, big characters burst!" A smile appeared on Xia Bo's face, at such a close distance, how can you dodge?

"Let's come too, big characters!" Ao Feng's order came calmly, as if he had expected him to use this move.

It was a skill that was used almost at the same time. The two large characters instantly overlapped, and the explosion exploded with a 'boom'.

The strong chicken turned back and lowered his body to minimize the damage caused by the explosion, while the duck-billed fire dragon still stood there, as if the explosion had no effect on him at all.

With another sudden kick, without waiting for the aftermath of the explosion and the smoke to disappear completely, he rushed out again and appeared in front of the duck-billed fire dragon.

The right fist with burning flames slammed towards the duck-billed fire dragon, but the punch that he thought could hit and cause damage was blocked.

Duck-billed Fire Dragon crossed his arms in front of him and stood steadily, looking at Lizhuang Chicken with a somewhat provocative look.


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