The Gaia tornado strung together Proto-Grawo and Proto-Kyogre like a string.

It passed over the large layer of earth that Groudon had just created.


While the ground was still several dozen meters high, the ground that Proto-Grawo had just created suddenly collapsed.

It was swallowed up by the sea in an instant.


Behind Primal Groudon, Primal Kyogre, who was not directly hit by Gaia's tornado and was less injured, roared unwillingly.

The"floating cannon" with a hint of blue in silver gathered around his body again.

Root wave!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Water attacks also do double the damage to Ancient Tyrannosaurus with fire dragon attributes.

The power is not bad, and the speed of Gaia's tornado slowed down significantly.

Primal Groudon, who was hit the most and rolled his eyes, felt the severe pain in his abdomen weaken. He immediately grabbed Ancient Tyrannosaurus by the neck. Learning from Lao Peng's earth throw, he threw the opponent and the fathead who used himself as a shield down together.

"This is almost it."

Ancient Greymon did not speak, but Su Xuan's voice came out of nowhere.

It was just more powerful than the human state.

Proto-Grawoman and Proto-Kyogre, who had not yet fallen into the sea, had a strong ominous premonition in their hearts.

The next moment, Ancient Greymon twisted his wrist, and with his left hand, he grabbed Proto-Grawoman's throat from behind.

His right hand went around Proto-Kyogre's tail, and his claws dug into its abdomen tightly.

"Woo! ?"


The eyes of the Primordial Sea and Land Gods suddenly narrowed.

What do you want to do?!

"Finally - Explosion."

Ancient Tyrannosaurus said calmly four words



A few miles away, at the coast of Shuijing City, everyone looked far away in the west where the three ancient monsters flew away.

At this moment, a light spot suddenly came into view.

Before everyone could react, they saw that the light spot was getting bigger and bigger, and finally...


There was a loud noise.

Smoke and dust rushed straight into the sky, and the sea surface was hit and turned into splashes of water hundreds of meters high, but it was immediately covered by a thick mushroom cloud.

Looking from Shuijing City where Serena and the others were, they saw an endless sinkhole in the sea.

The surrounding seawater kept pouring in.

There was no end in sight.

""Everyone, look! It's Kyogre!"

Xiaoyao shouted, pointing to the right side of the sea pit.

Everyone looked in the direction of Xiaoyao's finger.

They saw a big whale lying on the sea with a painful look on its face, belly upturned.

It was swept into the bottomless deep sea pit along the current.

It has returned from its original form!

"Change back! Does that mean the battle is over?"

Naki let out a long sigh.

Although primitive regression is not considered evolution in principle, but rather"degeneration".

But since it has changed back, it should be the same principle as MEGAization.

Have the sea and land gods lost their ability to fight?

At this time, Naki's cell phone rang.

Yasha, the rookie gym leader, called.

She claimed to have seen a fire dragon-shaped Pokémon that she had never seen before, and put the unconscious Groudon behind Chimney Mountain and flew away.

It is obvious that it must be the ancient Tyrannosaurus that Su Xuan fused with Machine Tyrannosaurus.

""It's over, it's finally over!"

Naki cried with joy.

To be honest, when she saw Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre fighting, she really thought that Hoenn was going to be finished.

Xiaoyao jumped and shouted,"Long live! Long live!" Xiaosheng started to confront her sister without any courtesy,"Sister, why are you so happy? You haven't done anything."

"What did you say!?"

Xiaoyao was so angry that she pulled Xiaosheng's ears.

"After returning to Kanto, we immediately started the devilish training."

Qinglu glanced back at the Mechanical Dragon Beast.

The Mechanical Dragon Beast nodded in response to its master.

Xiao Mao silently glanced at the first Poké Ball hanging on his belt.

Everything is self-explanatory.

"This is... the power of the Ultimate Form, it's amazing."

Mikoli Zhengzheng looked at the deep pit that was finally being filled with sea water and returning to calm.

"No, it seems that the Ultimate Form cannot be generalized. Doesn't the illustration also say that the power of Ancient Tyrannosaurus is far beyond that of ordinary Ultimate Forms?"

Daigo said

"It's over...right?"

Shijiana looked up at the clear sky.

The moment she said"right", she suddenly threw the Poké Ball.


The Megadramon that Su Xuan gave to Shijiana a week ago roared and jumped out.

The strong muscles waved the huge claws, and it was obviously slashing towards Daigo's forehead with murderous intent.

The sudden reversal made everyone's face change.


Everything happened too suddenly. Not only Daigo himself, but also several champion-level trainers around him, such as Mikoli and Karuno, were unable to react.

And the one who helped Daigo block the claw that was about to split his forehead was Green's partner, the Mechanical Dragonmon who was about to transform back into the growth stage.

"Why stop me?"

Xijiana said with a dark face.

"I, I was going to ask you why?!"

Qinglu frowned and shouted.

And Mechanical Flying Dragon Beast relied on the level suppression, and with a backhand wave, it forced the Giant Dragon Beast back several steps.

"Why are you so mad after the battle?"

To be honest, Qinglu was shocked.

If it weren't for the fact that the evolution of Machinedramon had not been released,

Daigo's head would have exploded just now!

"I just want revenge. After I deal with this guy, the next one will be his father."

Shi Jiana bent down, exuding a wild and dangerous aura, and took out the second Poké Ball.

"You are also the one chosen by that man. I don't want to kill you. Get out of the way."

"You said that as if you could kill me at any time."

Qinglu also grinned back.

Do you think I, Qinglu, was scared?

I have fought against Team Rocket.

Of course, it was not the comedian trio who had been obsessed with Pikachu for 20 years.

It was Team Rocket who would really kill people when they got into a fight.

For a moment, the war started again, and the killing intent was high.

"calm down!"

"No, no, no, we are all companions!"

"What are you standing there for? Pull them apart!"

Everyone reacted at this time. They rushed forward to pull Qinglu and Xijiana apart.

Xiaomao, Qinglu, Xiaogang and others ran to pull Qinglu.

Serena, Xiaoyao, Xiaoguang and other girls went forward to pull Xijiana.

However, the two who didn't like each other had already taken out the second Poké Ball.



Blastoise, the final evolution of the two initial Pokémons, jumped out of the Poké Ball with Dragonfly. Together with Machinedramon and Megadramon, they pounced on each other.

The second round of the Alola Civil War began.

"Oh my god! What's going on?!"

After receiving Su Xuan's call, Ji Ke, who had rushed all the way from Johto on the female Charizard Lisa with a bow on her head, was stunned when he saw this scene. Why did they start fighting?

What's going on?

Just when the combination of Blastoise + Metaldramon VS Tyrannosaurus + Dragonmon was about to fight.


A golden-armored war dragon fell from the sky.

Its exaggerated size almost trampled the concrete floor of the harbor.

The arms hidden under the wrist armor on both sides grabbed the leading Tyrannosaurus and Metaldramon.

Then they threw them out like sandbags.

They hit Tyrannosaurus and Blastoise behind them.

The four monsters were all knocked down and saw stars.

Battle Greymon

The four monsters were about to get up, but they saw the eyes under the iron mask of Battle Greymon glanced at both sides.

As if asking,"Who of you dares! ?"

"Battle Greymon?!"

Lurina exclaimed

"it is……"(To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Karuna, Sonia and other girls also subconsciously thought of something.

Then they heard a familiar and unpleasant voice in their ears.

"What are you doing?"

Sure enough, behind Battle Greymon, Su Xuan walked towards the dock.

If it were normal, Serena would have run up to him and acted like a spoiled child, and Lurina would have gone up to him and kissed him.

But at this moment, everyone was motionless.

Because Su Xuan's face looked very bad.

"Mr. Su Xuan! This crazy woman is looking for trouble!"

"That little jerk is trying to catch a rat!"

Qinglu and Xijiana pointed at each other at the same time.

They looked like elementary school students who were caught by the class teacher and rushed to tell on the teacher.

Bang! Bang!

However, Su Xuan didn't care who was right or wrong. He just hit them both hard on the forehead.

Qinglu and Xijiana were like Shinnosuke who was beaten by Nohara Misae, with a small bump as big as a ping-pong ball on their heads.

"Shut up, I'm not interested in hearing who's right or wrong. If you dare to attack your own people again, it won't be that simple."

Su Xuan said with a gloomy face.

In Su Xuan's view, it doesn't matter what kind of difficulties a team encounters.

But internal strife is absolutely intolerable.

It's okay to have a person like Shiroto Jō in your team.���In the feeling.

But there must not be a civil war king like Ishida Yamato.

Qinglu had a stinky face and took the medicine spray from Xiaomao and sprayed it on his forehead.

"Wow, Green didn't say anything back.……"

Xiaozhi sighed in a low voice.

Although they are one or two years apart in age, they grew up together.

Qinglu's personality is the kind that is difficult to discipline.

Not to mention her sister Nanami Ohki, even when Professor Ohki scolded her, Qinglu would talk back.

"Nonsense, he doesn't have the guts."

Xiaoxia rolled her eyes.

Not to mention the green, even the green Pokémon.

Under the threat of Battle Greymon, they also retreated to the side.

However, the V-mon in the Poké Ball wanted to cry.

I beg you to stop pretending in front of my wife, okay!?

On the other side, Sonia also took out the wound spray to help Xijiana spray the medicine.

But Xijiana still muttered indignantly:

"If you hit me, I will take revenge.……"

Su Xuan then remembered that there was such a thing

"How are you going to deal with this mess? Daigo."

Su Xuan turned his head and looked at Daigo.

Daigo lowered his head and remained silent for a long time.

After an unknown amount of time, he showed a resolute expression of determination and looked at Xijiana and said:

"Ms. Xijiana, we……"

"Don't apologize, I feel sick."

Before the other party could finish speaking, Xi Jiana interrupted mercilessly.


Daigo opened his mouth. He thought for a while before speaking.:

"We, the Hoenn Alliance, will give you a satisfactory explanation."

"Then everyone, I'll take my leave first."

After Daigo finished speaking, he released the armored bird and flew away.

The direction it flew away was the headquarters of the Hoenn Alliance - Caiyou City.

"I'll go too, Mr. Su Xuan, we will never forget your kindness."

Mikoli vaguely guessed what his friend was going to do, and quickly released the gulls to catch up.

"Just wait."

Su Xuan slapped Xi Jiana on the back of her head.

It hit her right on the back, and the girl screamed in pain.

"Eh? You're still here?" Su Xuan noticed Shota Rekuzu who was flying nearby.


So you just discovered it now! ?

【Hello, that……】

Rayquaza's voice, which sounded a bit like Naruto, echoed in Su Xuan's ears through telepathy.

When he said this, he looked up at the War Greymon behind Su Xuan with a look of yearning.

【How can I become so strong? Damn, I really lost face today.

Usually, the elders in the family would suppress Groudon and Kyogre.

But when it came to me, I could only shrink back and play supporting roles.

This made Master Rayquaza very unhappy.

""Why don't you just learn the finishing touch?"

Su Xuan said without hesitation.

There are two ways for Rayquaza to MEGA.

One is to choose a partner, that is, a successor.

Both parties reach a state of spiritual unity and complete the MEGA evolution.

This thing is a bit like the bond evolution of Ash and Greninja.

The other is to learn"finishing touches".

Then it can MEGA itself.

Although the little Rayquaza in front of him is weak, but if he masters MEGA, he can at least beat 80% of the legends and relatively ordinary ultimates.

The talent of the Rayquaza clan is so unreasonable.

【Everyone in the tribe is like this, I don't want to follow the same path as them!

Young Master Rayquaza highlights a rebellious character.

Since ancient times, the way their tribe has evolved is to learn to"add finishing touches" to achieve self-MEGAization.

Young Master Rayquaza thinks this won't work!

I should be the most special one. I must be different!

It's like everyone is using guns, but I have to use a sword!

Otherwise, how can I show my uniqueness?

Su Xuan:……

He suddenly wondered if this Rayquaza was mentally ill?

But does he want to become stronger by other means other than Mega transformation? seems possible.

"I do have a way, but I've never tried it."

Su Xuan pinched his chin and said,"Cosplaying as a drum washing machine."

【Hmm!? Tell me about it!】

Young Master Rayquaza couldn't wait to say

"Even if you want to try, you should wait until your body is stronger."

Su Xuan sneered.:

"At least learn [Drawing the Finishing Touch], and when you learn that move, come to me again, and I will let you try it, otherwise, I am afraid your body will not be able to bear it."

Even if you don't want to use MEGA transformation, it is still necessary to learn

"Drawing the Finishing Touch" as the ultimate move of the Rayquaza clan. Otherwise, it is like the 3D area without Tifa and Lu without Siheyuan. It always feels like a lack of soul. And although this guy is a rookie, Su Xuan, as a Pokémon fan in his previous life, still has a good impression of the Rayquaza clan. If he accidentally kills him, it will be a big sin.

【Tsk, so stingy... I agree.]

Rayquaza turned his head away in displeasure.

"Of course, a man with a gun keeps his word."

Su Xuan stretched out his hand.

Seeing this, Rayquaza also stretched out his claws, touched Su Xuan, and then flew away.

Let's go back to the family first and ask the elders at home to learn the finishing touches.

"Good, so handsome……"

Lurina's eyes sparkled, she wished she could transform into Lanamon immediately, and then let Su Xuan enter Flamedramon mode to kill her.

Chatting and laughing with the legendary dragon.

So cool!

Sonia also secretly tightened her tight white casual pants.

I feel... something is not right there.

Qianli smiled bitterly and shook her head.

She sighed that Su Xuan really lived the life that every man wanted to be.

Although her life was already perfect enough.

But compared with Su Xuan... I always felt that it was still a bit far behind.

PS:Suddenly I found that the number of words has reached 300,000 without me noticing. I feel that I have to update very fast~ But there are no female readers who show their love. Many people who perform better than me can only write 10,000 or even thousands of words a day... Is this the sadness of an honest person?.

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