"Yesterday, the two legendary gods of Hoenn, Kyogre, the god of the sea, and Groudon, the god of the land, awakened again after five years, and started fighting again in Shuijing City, causing chaos throughout Hoenn."

On the news channel of Hoenn TV, Naqi, the manager of the Hoenn Alliance gym leader, stood on the podium and spoke solemnly to the camera.:

"The leaders of the incident were the Magma Team and the Aqua Team, who had been endangering the peace of Hoenn in recent times. With the joint efforts of the Mikoli Champion and the former Champion Mr. Daigo, they have been successfully brought to justice."

"We would also like to thank Dr. Su Xuan from Alola for calming down the unrest and bringing peace back to Hoenn.……"

The news channel then inserted a photo of the Junza troops escorting the red-uniformed Magma Team and the blue-uniformed Marine Team members to prison.

This scene was very similar to the scene when the three beast warriors were escorted to prison in Alola.

But they should have slipped out the next day like last time.

"As expected, he is a doctor……"

Dantei, who was far away in Galar, sighed

"Sonia has been in the limelight recently. She even won the runner-up in the Hoenn…Gorgeous Festival? Didn’t you call to wish her well?"

Chibana, who was sitting next to her, remembered something and asked

"This is not a big deal, right? Oh, by the way, I heard that your mushroom beast has reached maturity, right? Let's fight later."

Tantei looked at Shinji, who was silent on the other side, with shining eyes.

Shinji has now replaced Caidou's position.

He took over the position of the gym leader of Suden Town.

Meirong, Magua and other Galar gym leaders beside him secretly touched their foreheads.

Damn, there is no hope.

"Next...President Zifuchi will speak."

At this moment, Naqi on the news screen looked extremely solemn.

She made way for the Hoenn Alliance President Zifuchi Mujin to step onto the podium.

But unlike before, he no longer had the iconic kind smile of an old man on his face.

"Just like what Naqi said, we in Fengyuan would like to express our sincerest gratitude to Dr. Su Xuan for helping us to quell this crisis. At the same time, I would also like to confess something to everyone in Fengyuan... No, everyone in the entire Elf Continent.……"

"Four years ago, I coveted the power of the sky god Rayquaza, and secretly planned a secret operation called"Rayquaza Capture Plan"……"

"An innocent girl paid the price of her life because of my mistake.……"

After hearing what Zifuki Mujin said, the eyes of the viewers around the world who were watching the news almost popped out.

And now the reporters were like the players who were playing the arcade game Three Kingdoms and eating steamed buns, pressing the shutter of their cameras frantically.

The flash almost blinded Daigo, Naki and others who were standing at the scene.

Sinnoh League Headquarters, Suzuran Island

"Oh my god……"

Jie Zilan, who had just taken over the position of president, slapped his wrinkled forehead.

"The Alliance is going to have a hard time now, Grandma."

The Beanmon sat on Sirona's shoulder, also with a deep expression.

"Is that even necessary?"

Ji Zi Lan kept rubbing his temple.

The former president of the Sinnoh League was a criminal lord.

As the president of the Hoenn League, Zi Fu Chi Mu Jin was not as serious.

But committing murder... barely considered accidental murder.

This is also a huge scandal.

Normally, it would be fine.

Damn, two consecutive presidents of the league got into trouble in one month.

Did you make an appointment together?

"Chairman Damalanqi is the one who is most troubled right now, right?"

Sirona touched the round little head of the beanbeast on her shoulder.


"One two one two……"

Quartz Plateau Alliance Headquarters.

Yulongdu had a dark face, muttering something, and his eyes were cold enough to kill people.

Sitting Damalanqi glanced at the resignation letter that had just been sent from Hoenn with the two big words"Resignation" written on the table in front of him.

If it were any other time.

Damalanqi would not object to Zifuchi Mujin publicly apologizing on TV like this.

But this period is too sensitive right now.

The turmoil in Sinnoh has not subsided yet, and you are doing this again in Hoenn?

Therefore, after receiving this letter, Damalanqi was shocked, and his first thought was to let Zifuchi Mujin calm down first.

The crime can be punished, but at least wait until the mess made by Chiri is completely settled.

However, Zifuchi Mujin said no.

This is not just his problem.

He must express his apology to the whole world, especially to one person.

After all, this turmoil is the bomb he buried four years ago.

If he doesn't deal with it in time this time.

The bombs he buried will only increase.

Seeing that Zifuchi Mujin was so determined.

Damalanqi had no choice but to agree.


At this time, on the news screen, Zfuchi Mujin took a deep breath and said:

"Starting today, I will resign as the president of the Hoenn Alliance and go to prison to serve my sentence. My son, Daigo Tsuneki, will take over the position of president for the time being.

After the final speech, in front of the whole world, the Hoenn region's Director Junsha came forward with a complicated expression.

"Sorry, President."

President Junsha spoke in a low voice and then took out a pair of silver bracelets.

"Don't say that, I'm not the president anymore."

Zifuqi Mujin shook his head and smiled bitterly.


Finally, in front of the entire Elf Continent,

Zifuqi Mujin's hands were handcuffed and taken to the police car.

"New president, it's your turn to come on stage."

Mikoli pushed Daigo from behind.

Daigo pinched his red eyes and went on stage, holding back his tears.



Meteor Falls.

This is a famous scenic spot in the Hoenn region.

It is said that this is where the meteorites summoned by Rayquaza's Dragon Star Group fell, and then over time, they formed a series of waterfalls.

But few people know that there are hidden passages behind these waterfalls.

Going further in, you will reach Meteor Village!

This is a very small village with a population of only about a hundred people.

"Are you satisfied with this result?"

In one of the small houses, Su Xuan looked at Xi Jiana and asked

"……He got it for free."

After a long silence, Xi Jiana slowly spoke four words.

After that, she stood up and walked out of the hut.

Seeing this, Serena was a little worried.

"Let her be alone at this time."

Su Xuan signaled Serena and the others not to follow.

"In less than a month, two consecutive alliance presidents have had problems."

Sonia rested her hands on her chin,"For a long time to come, the credibility of the alliance will surely be greatly affected."

Su Xuan laughed in his heart.

If it weren't for the new combat power of the Dan Emperor,

Roz would have been in prison now.

"Our Alola Lady Lusamine is very kind, so she shouldn't be like this."

Xiao Mao interjected.

Sonia and Lurina were silent.

Because they had seen Lusamine's past.

It was obvious that she was a sickly wife who didn't recognize her relatives.


At this moment, there was a noise outside.

"How's that idiot Lian?"

Xiao Mao hurriedly got up and went out to watch the fun.

He opened the quaint wooden door.

Just in time, he saw a female Charizard with a bow on her head throw another dwarf Charizard, which was not very big, over her shoulder.

It was Ji Ke's little Lisa and Xiao Zhi's old Charizard.

"It's so embarrassing!"

Xiaomao didn't even bother to mock Xiaozhi.

He just hoped that this idiot would stop saying that he was from Pallet Town.

Oh no, I'm not from Pallet Town anymore... That's fine.

"Its foundation is too poor, and it is difficult to grow in a short time with only one-on-one training. Come with me to the Charizard Valley, where the environment is more suitable for it to sprint in a short time.……"

Ji Ke was giving Xiaozhi some advice. Halfway through her speech, she glanced at Serena, Qinglu, Mali and the others who were walking out of the hut one after another, and pouted.:

"At least it can survive in the next Quartz Conference.

Although Ji Ke herself is not a combat type, she knows that this Quartz Conference will definitely be very exciting.

Oh my god, there are so many freaks.

And Xiaozhi's Charizard... She really doesn't think it will be good.

Even if she helps it with special training

"……"Okay! I'll go!"

Seeing Lao Pen's unwilling eyes and Xiao Mao's teasing eyes next to him,

Xiao Zhi was indignant and shouted with his neck stiff.

Although Xiao Zhi was always smart and stupid, it didn't mean he had no brains. With the known contestants now, plus his dumb brother, if he didn't find a way to become stronger, and if his luck was worse at the Quartz Conference, he might not even be able to enter the knockout round. It was so embarrassing!

"Are you going to take this kid to Johto? Sorry to make you run so far.……"(To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Su Xuan came over and thanked Ji Ke.

"It’s nothing. My dad asked me to curry favor with you."

Ji Ke shrugged.

Her father, a senior councilor of the Johto Alliance, has been mentioning Su Xuan's name in front of Ji Ke since he came back from the last meeting on the Quartz Plateau.

In fact, Ji Ke was restrained in saying the word"fawning"."Seduce

" is more appropriate.

Because the scene of Shirona's Digimon hatching at the Alliance headquarters left an unforgettable impression on many people, including Ji Ke's father.

At that time, he thought, since Shirona's elves can hook up with Su Xuan's Digimon and give birth to a cub, then I'll just send my daughter!

What's the big deal about giving birth to a Digimon?

You can get an egg at most.

Just let my daughter give Su Xuan a son, then wouldn't half of Su Xuan's wealth belong to her family?

Damn, so smart!

Ji Ke's father really wanted to give himself a thumbs up.

After Ji Ke saw what her father was thinking, she was not actually very angry.

This is how children of wealthy families are.

Like some Mary Sue novels, the heroine enjoys the natural privileges brought by the wealthy family while shouting"This is not the life I want", and then finds a poor boy..

And then she said that this was her"true love". It's simply insane!

Since you have enjoyed the convenience brought by your background, you have to pay the price.

Ji Ke herself thinks there is no problem.

Even if there is no Su Xuan, her future marriage will most likely not be decided by herself.

Nine out of ten are marriages with other wealthy descendants.

In the past, her father's favorite target was Yulongdu, and Daigo Tsuki or Dan Di of Galar would also be fine.

Although the last one is not a wealthy family, its strength can completely replace the power.

However, after meeting Su Xuan.

Ji Ke's father's mind changed. Yulongdu

, who are Dan Di?

Su Xuan is the best son-in-law!

When Ji Ke received a call from Su Xuan two days ago, her father sent his daughter there without saying a word. It is a long-distance delivery.

It is a pity that, at least for now, nothing happened between the two.

Although Ji Ke did not refute this matter in her heart, she would have to commit herself to the family in the future anyway.

Then why don't I find someone more awesome?

But she is not one of those streetwalkers in Feiyun City. She can't just say to Su Xuan,"You're going to get me pregnant?"

So the two of them are just getting along well at the moment.

"But little Lisa is very happy, that's enough."

Ji Ke turned her head and looked.

After throwing Lao Peng out, little Lisa shyly moved to a big guy, arching and arching, her eyes almost turned into hearts.

And the helpless big guy was Su Xuan's Tyrannosaurus.

Lao Peng, who had just been thrown over the shoulder into the river next to him, happened to see this scene.

I just felt that I would never be happy again, and happiness had nothing to do with me.

"Snow flakes are flying, the north wind is howling, and the world is vast."

An inexplicable song sounded, and everyone turned to look at Su Xuan.

"Oh, sorry, I suddenly felt that the atmosphere is very suitable for this BGM……"

Su Xuan paused his phone.

Seeing this, V-mon nodded with satisfaction.

Alas, he finally found a wife for his big brother.

In this way, he shouldn't have to worry about getting cheated on at any time, right?

However, V-mon's eyes still had a hint of regret.

After all, he thought that little Lisa was pretty cute.

It would be even better if she could be his love dragon.

After all, there are so many females around the master.

As the second in command of the team, what's wrong with raising a few more love dragons?

As the only female dragon in the team, Multimon huddled beside Su Xuan. She enjoyed Su Xuan's touch and glanced at V-mon with disgust from time to time.

What the hell, why doesn't the master release this thing quickly?



The time of separation will eventually come.

At Ji Ke's suggestion, Xiaozhi's trio went to the Charizard Valley in Johto for special training.

This feels normal.

In the original work, what's the big deal about Xiaozhi leaving Charizard alone there and leaving?

Aren't you afraid that Charizard's level will be high, you can't keep up, and then he won't listen to your command?

And Xiaomao Qinglu will naturally return to Kanto.

Make the final sprint for the Quartz Conference.

Whether it is the pressure brought by Serena, Marie and others, or the stimulation caused by Su Xuan's previous battle with the Sea and Land Gods.

All of them made the adrenaline of the two brothers (Qian Nuo Zhao) soar exponentially.

I must be the one who can beat the heroes on the Quartz Plateau!

However, although the next destination is Kanto.

But Su Xuan and his party did not choose to go with the Oak brothers.

First of all, Su Xuan plans to move the whole family of the Meteor Village to Alola.

The comprehensive level here is really high, and I don't want to let it go.

Shijiana's grandmother, the current head of Meteor Village, thought for a long time.

Finally, ten young men of the family with an average age of 14 or 15 were selected to go to Alola for development.

After all, Meteor Village is the root of their Meteor people.

It cannot be easily abandoned.

Su Xuan asked Xi Jiana to lead her brothers and sisters to Alola to find Dr. Kukui.

Ask him to help find a place to live.

After that, come to Kanto to meet him.

"Everything is over. Free yourself from the shackles of the past and find a new way of life."

In the airport lobby, Su Xuan told Xi Jiana what her grandmother had warned her about in the original game.

Xi Jiana pursed her lips tightly, not knowing how to answer for a moment.

"Dear passengers, flight P1514 from Kaina City to Alola Akala Island is about to depart. Please board as soon as possible.……"

At this moment, the announcement of the flight that Xijiana and her group were on came from the radio.

""Okay, let's go. Oh, by the way, you take care of this little thing."

Su Xuan suddenly seemed to remember something and threw a Poké Ball to Xi Jiana.

Xi Jiana took it and looked inside through the translucent ball cover.

It was a little dragon wearing armor and with light yellow fur.

"Dragon Snake Beast, that's its name."

Su Xuan smiled faintly and said,"It suits you very well, our Alola Dragon Gym Master."

After that, Su Xuan led Serena, Xiaoyao and others to turn around and leave.

And Shi Jiana took the new Poké Ball and waited until Su Xuan and his group walked away before she finally came to her senses. She and ten of her brothers and sisters kowtowed to express their gratitude.

PS:The outline of this book is well planned from the beginning to the end, please feel free to watch it.

The picture shows Ji Ke and the female fire-breathing dragon Xiao Lisa..

Added by: Apollo555

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