The incident in which the president of the Hoenn Alliance, Zifuchi Mugunghwa, exposed his crimes was undoubtedly another heavy torpedo thrown into the unsettled sea for the Alliance.

The turmoil caused by the mess that the Sinnoh Alliance's Red Sun had made was not over yet.

Now Hoenn has also made these things.

It will never end, right?

In the conference room of the Quartz Plateau Alliance headquarters, the senior members of the Alliance gathered together.

Whether it was the presidents of the Alliance such as Dama Ranqi, Yu Longxiong, and Jie Zilan, or the senior councilors such as Ji Ke's father and Cattleya's father, all gathered here.

The huge round table was hyped up.

"There are a lot of questioning comments on the Internet now that question the league's dominance. Should we close the comment section?"

"What's the point? You might as well let the Psychic Pokémon shut everyone up."

"What the hell is Zifuchi Mujin doing? If you did something like this, why don't you just deny it? You dragged the entire league into this and held an apology press conference!"

"There is a reason for this, so please watch your words, Kanto councillors!"

"People from Hoenn, how are you going to take responsibility? Because of all the shit you guys did, now some people in Padia are suspecting that there is something wrong with President Ye Ci!"

Members of the parliament from various regions were making a fuss, and some were even arguing with each other.

Because the impact of this incident was too great.

The first thing to be affected was that two consecutive presidents of the alliance had problems. This led to people in many regions starting to suspect whether there were problems in their own families.

For example, in Padia, some people suspected that Ye Ci was also doing something secretly.

Ye Ci was exhausted.

What does it have to do with her?

She just likes to recruit talents.

And there are no awesome beasts in Padia, so there is no need for her to catch them!

The president, Dama Lanqi, who was sitting in the first seat, said nothing with a calm, wrinkled face.

""Everyone be quiet!"

Finally, after seeing the representatives of different regions about to fight, the old president finally couldn't stand it anymore and slapped the table.

The senior staff representing different forces shut up instantly.

This deterrent to the president is still effective.

"Don't say anything except the solution."

Da Ma Lanqi took a deep breath and managed to regain his composure, but his face remained stern.

"At this time, the only way is to divert the public's attention, right? Or, do something to prove to the public that the alliance still has the ability to maintain peace in this land."The newly appointed Sinnoh president, Mustard Orchid, thought about it and suggested.

Whenever a big event happens, use another big event to divert the world's attention.

This trick has been tried and tested in Su Xuan's previous life.

However, this time two consecutive alliance presidents got into trouble, and the attention it attracted was too exaggerated.

It feels like there is no new hot spot that can cover the heat caused by this incident.

"Either let Champion Dantei and Champion Dedu officially come out, that should be able to divert attention over there, ahahaha~"

Adek, who was standing behind the President of the Unova Alliance, Granny Long, suggested with the same sly smile as Joseph Joestar.

All the staff were dumbfounded when they heard Adek's suggestion.


What a talent!

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that he really wants to.

Before Su Xuan came out, the two strongest trainers in the league who had been compared were actually a couple who came out.

This heat seems to be able to cover up the mess made by Akagi and Zifuchi Hibiscus.


Yulongdu gave him a murderous look,"Old thing, do you think you are humorous?"

The cheerful Dantei's face was not very good either,"Mr. Adek, this joke is not funny."

Honest people also have tempers, right?

""Ahaha, just a joke~ Just a joke~"

Adek admitted his mistake in time.

Kona rolled her eyes silently.

She suddenly remembered the scene when she saw Su Xuan secretly pinching Shirona's butt.

If that matter was made public, the heat it caused would probably not be low, right?

Thinking of this, Kona secretly glanced at Shirona next to Mustard Orchid.

Good man, that scumbag Su Xuan is really good to her.

Not to mention the Beanmon sitting on his shoulder.

There is also a fluffy coward unicorn following at his feet.

It seems to be called... Gabumon?

"Then we must show the world the strength of the alliance."

Loz suddenly said:

"Find a criminal organization to attack, destroy them and let the world see clearly that the alliance has the strength to continue to maintain the peace of the Elf Continent."

Others nodded when they heard this proposal.

It must be said that what Roz said makes sense.

The biggest problem now is that the world doubts that your alliance is not good.

In this case, then prove your strength.

"Who should we choose? Team Plasma? Or Team Rocket?"

Ji Ke's father, a senior councillor of the Johto Alliance who wanted to give his daughter to Su Xuan to give him a grandson, asked.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he mentioned the two strongest criminal organizations in the Elf Continent.

"Team Plasma has the black dragon Zekrom, isn't that a bit risky?" said Yulong Xiong, the president of the Johto Alliance, frowning.

If they can win, it's fine.

If they lose, it would be a loss.

Even more embarrassing!

"Didn't the three beastmen of Team Rocket escape from Alola Prison before? How about we take these three as the first move?"

Fladali, the president of the Kalos Union, suddenly proposed.

Just don't choose my Flare Team.

However, the Flare Team is currently operating underground under his arrangement.

Its presence is not high.

After Fladali's proposal came out, all the members began to raise their hands to vote.

In the end, it was passed by two-thirds of the votes.

"But can everyone from Kanto and Johto successfully defeat the Three Beast Warriors? Why not let Dantei come to assist you? You have let Team Rocket escape several times, right?"

After deciding the result, Ross smiled and said sarcastically to Guandu, the first giant of the alliance.

If Dantei can catch the Three Beast Warriors, wouldn't it mean that Galar is better than Kanto, or at least better than Johto?

After all, the person you couldn't catch was caught by me.

"There is no need, the city will solve it by itself."

Yu Longxiong shouted with a frown, and then pointed at Yu Longdu.

"Adu! I'll leave it to you!"

"I know it without you telling me."

Yu Longdu turned his cloak and left.

He didn't give face to Yu Longxiong, his boss and uncle.



After understanding the troubles in Hoenn and the Alola League getting a new Dragon Gym Leader,

Su Xuan originally planned to go straight to Kanto.

After all, the Quartz Conference was getting closer and closer.

He and his family had not yet collected the badges in the Kanto region.

However, just when Su Xuan was about to fly from Hoenn to Kanto,

Thatch suddenly called after many days.

He hoped that Su Xuan could move and discuss something important.

As the person who replaced Sirona in Su Xuan's plan,

Thatch was still very important.

Su Xuan finally decided to go to Johto.

And let Serena and the others who were going to participate in the Quartz Conference go to Kanto to collect badges in advance.

Alas, why does it feel like a replay of the experience of collecting ribbon medals separately in Hoenn?

But the specific situation this time is still different. After all, a group of contestants compete for a ribbon medal.

So Serena and the others were in groups of two at the time.

To avoid the embarrassing situation of people snatching medals from each other.

But getting badges is different.

As long as you defeat the gym leader or get the gym leader's approval, you can get the badge.

So it is entirely possible for all members to form a team to participate

"Before we set off, let me replenish your combat power."

Before getting on the plane, Su Xuan gathered all the girls together and gave each of them a new Digimon.

It was okay to play in the preliminaries.

But once they entered the knockout rounds, they had to be ready for a 6v6 full-scale battle.

The few Digimon that Serena and the others had now were definitely not enough.

"Thank you, Darling~"

After getting the Red Tadpole Beast, Lurina reached out and held Su Xuan’s cheeks, and then kissed him.

The girls around were shocked.

But Sonia was not surprised.

Since getting the Soul of the Water Warrior, she felt that this best friend had gone to the direction of a bitch and would never come back.

Last night, she asked herself if it would be okay to find another way after her period came. Sonia almost couldn’t help kicking her after hearing this.

How could you be so shameless?

"Su, Brother Su Xuan, thank you.……"

Serena, who got the Dragonmon, blushed slightly and tried to stand on tiptoes.

Unfortunately, with Su Xuan's height, she couldn't reach it no matter how much she stood on tiptoes.

Considering the girl's face.

Su Xuan lowered his head slightly and took the initiative to kiss Serena on the forehead.

But Marie, who got the Dark Warrior, was not as petite as Serena. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

She twisted Su Xuan's collar.

After pulling him down, she stood on tiptoes and kissed him at the corner of his mouth.

Damn! Awesome!

Caidou Xiaoguang and other thin-skinned people were stunned.

Can you play like this?

The others are not as tough as Marie, and they are not even as good as Serena.

Su Xuan just gave them a hug one by one, and at most sucked them twice like sucking a cat.

Then he waved his hand to signal them to get on the plane.

"Dear passengers, flight K5114 from Kaina City to Nibi City, Kanto will stop checking tickets soon. Passengers who have not yet boarded the plane are requested to leave immediately.……"

The delay was too long. It was not until they heard the announcement on the radio that the girls rushed to the ticket gate.

"Brother Su Xuan! Call us when you are done with your work!"

Serena waved and shouted with the other girls.

""Okay, I will."

Su Xuan smiled.

Then, under the urging of the stewardess next to him, the group began to board the plane.

However, at this moment, let alone Serena, Xiaoyao and others.

Even Su Xuan himself did not expect that when he was about to enter the cabin door, Sonia suddenly turned around and ran down the stairs. In the exclamations of the stewardess and the other girls, she ran back along the original path.

Then she stretched her long legs and jumped directly over the ticket gate.

""What the hell!?"

Su Xuan was frightened.

Seeing that Sonia was about to fall face first, he rushed forward in two or three steps and caught Sonia without any danger. Many passengers around him clapped their hands at the same time.

Awesome ~ Awesome~

"What the hell are you doing?"

Su Xuan was in no mood to feel Sonia's voluptuous body that was no less than that of a married woman, and he cursed


Sonia smiled darkly, and then waved and shouted to Serena, Lurina and the others who had already boarded the plane and the cabin door was closed from a distance.:

"I forgot something! I'm not attending the Quartz Conference! So I won't go with you! Have a safe trip everyone!!!"

The hatch was already closed, and Lurina and the others couldn't hear what Sonia was shouting.

But they all stared with their eyes wide open.

Damn it, they never thought that Sonia, the team's nanny, was so treacherous!

Lurina was so angry that she wanted to call out the Digimon to smash the hatch.


Inside the departure hall

"Okay, let's go to Chengdu~"

Sonia then playfully said to Su Xuan

"You are amazing."

Su Xuan said that he was impressed by the show.



After several hours of flying.

In Kaji Town in the Johto region.

A store here is the base of Team Rocket's Johto branch.

Commanded by Thatch.

When Su Xuan learned that Thatch's base was located in Kaji Town, he had the same expression as the old man in the subway.

No, it's not.

Isn't Kaji Town a town under the jurisdiction of Liu Bo?

Damn, you guys are awesome.

Making trouble right under the nose of the head?

But think about it again, Liu Bo has been planning how to subdue Celebi and become an old otaku for decades.

Not to mention whether he knows that Team Rocket is making trouble under his nose.

Even if he knows, he probably won't be very interested.

There is a high probability that he will turn a blind eye.


In a small restaurant in Kaji Town that is not luxurious but has local characteristics.

Just like the first time they met in Sinnoh,

Su Xuan and Thatch sat with their backs facing each other and talked.

In order not to attract attention

"Team Rocket has had a hard time lately, especially our Johto branch."

Sachi turned his back to Su Xuan and spoke

"I think so too."

Su Xuan was holding his phone and browsing today's headlines.——

《Kikuko and Shiba face off against Team Rocket's four generals》,《The three beast warriors chakra escaped in the tung forest with continuous explosions while surrounded by Shibakona.》,《The strongest champion Yulongdu is investigating the whereabouts of the Johto Rocket Team》……

The league is just like a wolf that has been hungry for three days and finally smells something.

It is madly chasing the Rockets.

"Most likely, they are trying to save face through this incident."

Su Xuan also saw the alliance's tricks.

"So what? Why did you call me here? You don't want me to save you, do you?"

Su Xuan put down his phone and asked

"That's not the case, I just think this matter can be used to good advantage."

Sachi grinned.


Su Xuan raised his eyebrows slightly, showing some interest.

"This is a strategy of driving the tiger to devour the wolf."

Sachi said with a grim smile



Su Xuan found Sachi's plan very interesting.

However, he was not satisfied with the execution period that Sachi chose.

Su Xuan decided to implement the plan after the Quartz Conference.

After all, he still wanted to watch the excitement of this competition.

"Ah Xuan! The hot spring buns in Kaji Town are very famous! I heard that even the fighting king Xiba often comes here to buy them!"

At this time, Sonia ran in with a big bag of hot spring buns.

V-mon and Agumon followed behind, and the two stupid dragons also stuffed at least three buns in their mouths.

The bag of buns swayed with two bigger ones.

Su Xuan:……

"Do you want one?"

Sonia's pretty face was filled with a bright smile, and she took out one and handed it to Su Xuan.

Su Xuan:"I want to eat the one with a mole.……"

Have a mole?

Sonia was stunned for a moment, then looked down at her right side.……

"Go to hell!"

Sonia fired the little mantou machine gun, but it didn't seem to have any effect.……



"Oh~ Isn't this the Dragon Messenger? Long time no see?"

After a while of commotion, Su Xuan and Sonia came out of the small restaurant.

They happened to meet an acquaintance.

There were also many townspeople around taking pictures of each other with their mobile phones.

It was Yulongdu!

And following behind him, of course, was his Ace Fat, which was twice as tall as the average Dragonite and had the same sullen face as his master.

Xiaoxia once said in the animation that"Elves will become more and more like their masters."

This is so true.

Generally, Dragonites have a silly, golden-haired warm man look.

Yulongdu has a sullen face all day long, just like his master, as if everyone owes him money.

It is really unique in the world

"You? You, why are you here?"

Yulongdu was also stunned.

He was also quite surprised that Su Xuan appeared in Chengdu.

"Me? Um...oh, I came to visit the strongest gym leader in the Johto League."

Su Xuan thought about it and found a suitable reason.

After all, he couldn't just say"I came to see my informant in Team Rocket", right?

"Yanmo City is quite far from Kaji Town."

Hearing"the strongest gym leader in the Johto Alliance", Yulongdu subconsciously thought of his cousin, the gym leader of Yanmo City, the quasi-king-level Yulongzhu

"Hehe~ She is not qualified!" Su

Xuan laughed.

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