Ten minutes later, beep!

On the large electronic screen at the top of the arena audience seats, following Pikachu, the second Poké Ball icon next to Xiaozhi's head also dimmed as the Flame King card fell to the ground.

However, next to Xiaomao's head, the first Seadramon Poké Ball icon was still lit.

The remaining two icons were empty, which meant Xiaomao still had two backup Pokémons that he hadn't taken out!

"Flare Ace? The cooperation with Xiaozhi is not good enough."

Seeing the Flare Ace of the three major families in his own region, Dandi's eyes lit up.

"Ah Xuan, what is that Flash Ace?"

Sonia recalled some bad memories.

"Well, it belongs to Gogo. After Gogo died, it lost its owner. I thought about it and felt that Xiaozhi was quite suitable to take over."

Su Xuan nodded.

Previously, Gogo got Chimeramon in Water City and was too proud of himself. He released many Pokémon including Flare Ace.

However, even in this situation of being betrayed by its owner, Flare Ace still mustered up the courage to attack Chimeramon.

He wanted to save his owner. It left a deep impression on Su Xuan.

After Gogo died, Su Xuan saw that this fire rabbit was homeless.

After thinking about it, he gave it to Xiaozhi.

It can be regarded as revenge for Xiaozhi.

After all, Gogo cheated him so many times in the original book.

Now Gogo's"widow" is possessed by Xiaozhi.

Isn't it a kind of NTR?

"That Gou Hao is such a piece of shit, he forgot his old love for his new one! The extermination of the extermination!"

Xiaoxia, who was also present at the time, cursed.

He abandoned his former partner just because he had a stronger Digimon.

What else could this be but extermination?

"But Xiaozhi is really connected with the fire-type Pokémon abandoned by their owners. Isn't Charizard the same?"

Xiaogang recalled that when Charizard was still Charmander, wasn't it also abandoned by its owner, and then taken over by Xiaozhi?

Su Xuan said that it was more than that.

Wasn't the Nuannuan pig in the Unova arc also the same? Strictly speaking, the little Charmander in the Sinnoh arc was also not wanted by Shinji.

Oh my god, it seems that Xiaozhi is really connected with the abandoned fire-type Pokémon.

"Let's not talk about this issue for now. The most troublesome thing now is that Xiaozhi is forced into a desperate situation."

Shirona's words shifted everyone's attention back to the game.

Pikachu and Flare Ace were defeated in succession.

Xiaozhi now only has one Pokémon left.

Xiaomao has only one Seadramon.

"Thank you, Flare Ace, let's work hard together in the future."

On the field, Xiaozhi put away Flare Ace and comforted him through the ball cover.

Flare Ace nodded with deep emotion.

Xiaozhi is indeed a warm man.

But the premise is that he should not dump all the veterans except Pikachu to Professor Oak every time he arrives in a new area. Do you know how many years Princess Laurel has been alone in her empty room?


Xiaozhi took a deep breath and then sighed.

"Finally... I'll leave it to you!"

He resolutely took out the third Poké Ball and threw it out with his last bit of strength.

The orange-red wings spread in the air, flying over the grass field and looking down at Seadramon.

It was the old Charizard who had returned from training in the Charizard Valley!

""It's not sleeping, it looks like it's completely tamed."

Qinglu smiled.

He was also at the previous friendly match held in Jinhuang City.

After seeing Xiaozhi's Charizard fall to the ground and fall asleep after appearing on the stage, he couldn't help but secretly curse Xiaozhi, this stinky brother, for being so disappointed in him.


Facing the Seadramon that had once given it a crushing defeat, Charizard was extremely excited.

As soon as he appeared, he roared at the opponent.

"Hmm? What is that?"

At this time, Qinglv, the opponent, discovered something strange - a glittering evolution stone hanging around Laopeng's neck!

"Red, you——"

Green looked at Red who was sitting next to him with a surprised look on his face.

He knew that thing.

In the past, when Red was traveling in Kanto to challenge gyms, he saved an old man named"Fuji" from the elite Pokémon House from the evil Team Rocket.

To express his gratitude to Red, old man Fuji gave Red a pair of key stones and Charizard evolution stone from his collection.

However, it now appeared on Xiaozhi and Long Jiao.

The reason is anyone can guess.

The dumb Red spoke:

"Now... Xiaozhi needs it more than I do"

"What a good brother."

Su Xuan smiled slightly.

In the original animation, Red defeated Mewtwo by relying on Charizard's MEGA evolution.

I didn't expect that he would give this thing to Xiaozhi now.


Inside the arena, Xiaozhi lifted his sleeves to reveal a wristband with a key stone embedded inside.

"I won't let you down, Brother Chihong"

""Let's fight together! Charizard!"

As Xiaozhi shouted excitedly, the key stone on the wristband echoed with the evolution stone on the neck of the old fire dragon.

It burst into a dazzling light.

"Oh! Is Charizard Mega-scale?!"

Dandy, the number one Charizard fan in the Elf Continent, shouted with his eyes shining.


With a threatening roar, the colorful light turned into particles and exploded.

The new look of the old spray appeared in the eyes of all the audience at the scene and in front of the TV.

The orange-red body turned into blue and black.

The flames on the tail and the corners of the mouth turned into nether blue flames.

Old spray X

"Is this the Mega version of Charizard? I can feel the power of dragon…"

Yulongdu in the Alliance Headquarters said with interest.

Charizard and Seadramon both have dragon in their names, but they do not have dragon attributes.

But after Mega evolution,

Charizard truly evolved into a Fire Dragon!

""Y spray is obviously more practical."

Su Xuan commented.

But there is no way, who makes X more fashionable?

Not to mention that he has turned into a real dragon.

However, although it is very likely that he will stop here.

But I feel that Xiaozhi has no regrets in this competition.

After all, he showed X to the world before Alan.

When people see X in the future, the first trainer they think of is not Alan and the water storage spray, but him and his old spray.


On the field

"You came prepared, right? Very good. If not, I wouldn't feel any sense of accomplishment defeating you."

Xiao Mao's mouth curled slightly, and his expression became more serious.

"Go! Charizard! Dragon Claw!"

Xiaozhi clenched his right fist and swung it forward fiercely.

The old Charizard's claw glowed green, and with a flap of its wings, it swooped down and attacked Seadramon.

"Ice Breath!"

Xiao Mao raised his hand and ordered to attack.

Ice is the absolute nemesis of dragons.

But the fire system helps to offset half of the damage.

It makes Lao PengX afraid of Seadramon's ice breath.

Just like before, Caidou Wild Wolfmon cut off Darkrai's lightning while approaching Nightmare God.

At this moment, Lao PengX waved his claws to resist the ice breath while closing the distance between himself and Seadramon.


Xiaozhi screamed.

Finally, with the"hard claws" feature, the sharp cold light tore through the icy breath and scratched the mouth of the Sea Dragon Beast Moon.

"Dragon Tail!"

Xiao Mao's eyes darkened.

It's a bit difficult to deal with.

But don't underestimate us.

Although the name contains"dragon", we are not dragons.

But we are all good at dragon-type moves! The repelled Seadramon quickly stabilized its body.

Its tail shone with green light, and it swept towards the old spray X in the sky like a whip.

""Jet flames!"

Under Xiaozhi's command,

Old Spray moved back quickly to distance himself from the opponent.

At the same time, he puffed up his belly and spit out hot blue flames, completely enveloping Seadramon.

"Xiaozhi has the upper hand!"

Xiaoxia clenched her fists excitedly.

The Togepi in her arms also cheered"bo-chi-bo-chi-chi"

"But, don't be too happy too soon.


Xiaoxia looked at him in confusion.

Xiaogang reminded him:

"Look at Xiaomao's expression."

After hearing Xiaogang's words, everyone turned their heads and found that Xiaomao's expression did not show any negative emotions such as panic, worry, or tension. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

At this time, Xiaomao took out his purple Tyrannosaurus Rex again.

""Oh! Is it coming?"

A girl who was far away and wearing a school uniform and a ponytail, with a few freckles on her face showing her youthful vitality, jumped up from her chair excitedly.

"Flying lightning, penetrate the dark atmosphere, and burn the earth with your lightning strikes!"

Xiao Mao also raised his voice to the limit and shouted loudly.

The strong light of evolution dispelled the blue nether fire covering the body surface.

The already large size of Seadramon expanded further!

Xiao Mao shouted loudly:"Seadramon super evolution!"

"This line..."

Kona, who was gathered in the Alliance Headquarters Building with Yulongdu, Xiba and others, and Karuna, who was watching on TV with his four kings, all had very complicated expressions.

Storytelling during evolution... It seems that Su Xuan was the first to take the lead.

The young trainers in Alola have begun to follow suit, right?

At this time, in front of Xiaomao, a blue-skinned man who was originally the same color as the sea���The sea dragon turned red, became even bigger, and had a sharp bayonet on its head. It came with a new look!

Even though it couldn't fly, its exaggerated size almost made it look down on Lao PengX instead of looking up at him.

Xiao Mao also called out the name of his new partner at this time.:

"Light up! Ultra Seadramon!"

"Ultra Seadramon, that's Xiaomao's new partner. It seems that when Xiaozhi was training in Charizard Valley, the others didn't stand still."

Xiaogang sighed.

Xiaoguang opened the illustrated APP

"UltraSeadramon, a Water+ Sea Dragon Digimon that survived in harsh environments"

"Its body has been improved in many ways, and its intelligence has become more developed as the environment changes. The sharp knife on its head can track and kill enemies like a torpedo."

"The special skills are [Thunder Gun] which emits powerful lightning from the sharp blade on the top of the head, and [Maelstrom] which stirs the sea.】"

As soon as the introduction to the illustrated book was finished, Xiao Mao suddenly gave the order

"Roll up the sea! Seadramon! Whirlpool!"

Ultra Seadramon, with its huge body, encircles the entire venue like a Mobius strip.

Then it spins madly.

Crash-- endless waves of seawater cover the entire venue in rotation.

It instantly turns the grass venue into a water venue!

0 flowers for fire + old spray X times weak water.

The splashing waves make him frown slightly.

Spread his wings and want to fly to a higher place

""Water cannon!"

Xiao Mao shouted.

In the field that had turned into a pond, the Super Sea Dragon suddenly poked its head out.

Its mouth opened wide, and from the throat under its fangs, a huge water column with a diameter of more than five or six meters was sprayed straight into the sky.

"Charizard, get out of the way!"

Xiaozhi yelled at the top of his voice.

The old Charizard kept changing its flight trajectory in the sky.

"Don't let him get away!"

Super Seadramon turned his head and aimed.

Old PenX dodged the first and second shots.

But he was still hit by the third shot.


Hit by the water cannon rushing from below.

The deafening sound was more like a cannonball exploding on the surface of Old PenX's body.

Seeing Old PenX's kite breaking its string and starting to fall,

Dantei, who also had a Charizard, was surprised.:

"A power twice as powerful could actually injure a MEGA Fire Dragon with Dragon Fire attribute like this!?"

Nie Zi next to him said:

"This is the power of the perfect body, haven’t you tasted it yourself?"

"Don't give up, Charizard! Use jet flames towards the sea!"

Xiaozhi shouted.

He knew very well that he must not let Charizard fall into the water.

That was the opponent's home court.

Once he fell into the water, there would be no chance of a comeback!

Charizard said, enduring the severe pain.

He opened his mouth and released a blue jet flame towards the water.

A large amount of water vapor evaporated.

The recoil also slowed down Charizard's falling speed.

It gave him more time to adjust his body in mid-air.

In the last air raid with the water surface less than two meters, he flapped his wings again and flew back to the sky.

In the original work, Ye Yue's Blaziken used this trick on Charizard.

Unexpectedly, after Ye Yue was eliminated,

Xiaozhi used it instead.

However, after adjusting his body, Charizard had just flown up less than five meters.

His body seemed to be paused in mid-air.

"What happened? Spitfire---huh!?"

Xiaozhi was about to ask.

Then he saw.

Ultra Seadramon rushed out of the water and bit the right hind leg of Old Spitfire.

"Get down here."

Xiao Mao said coldly.

Super Seadramon shook his head violently.

It was like Hulk shaking Loki, knocking Old Spray hard on the water.

"Thunder Gun!"

Xiao Mao had no intention of holding back.

He bit Lao Peng X's leg and threw him into the water.

The bayonet on the top of Super Sea Dragon Beast's head quickly accumulated golden lightning flashes.


Almost at zero distance, the thunder beam that burst out hit Lao Peng X.

The electric trick that originally had only half the power.

With the addition of the accumulated water, it is unknown how much more powerful it has been.

Golden lightning covered the water surface of the whole field, making a series of loud explosions, even covering up Lao Peng X's screams of pain.

When the explosion gradually subsided,

Lao Peng X suddenly exited the MEGA form and lay on his back on the water.

"Charizard loses its ability to fight, Mega Seadramon wins!"

What does it mean to exit the MEGA form? Anyone with a little common sense knows it.

The referee raised the flag and announced without hesitation::

"Since all three of Ash's Pokémon have lost their ability to fight, the winner is Shigeru Oki from Alola!"


When the referee made the decision, only Xiao Mao's head portrait remained on the electronic screen, and a big"WIN" appeared.

The scene burst into warm applause.

"Awesome! It's really awesome! It completely suppressed the Mega Charizard!"

"This is the power of the Perfect Form! This can suppress the Mega Form, I can't even imagine the Ultimate Form!"

"That can't be said. That Charizard is not mature yet. If Dantei's Charizard came, the result would not be the same."

"What the hell, what kind of logic is this? I told you to let Su Xuan's Sky-Flying V-Beast come over, it will definitely kill this Charizard in one second, why did you fight for so long?"


On the command platform, Xiaozhi silently put away his Charizard.

Without saying anything, he turned around and stepped onto the field with many water stains, and walked into the player channel.

Xiaomao looked up at the other person's back.

Without saying anything, he just turned around and walked to the other side of the channel.

At this time, no matter what the winner said to the loser, it would not have any positive effect.

Xiaozhi walked into the player channel and saw two figures standing in front of him.

He could no longer suppress his unwillingness.

He lowered his head and sobbed.:

"Mom... Red Brother……"

Aunt Hanako reached out and hugged Xiaozhi.

Chihong didn't say anything, but just patted her brother's back.

This is better than any words.


About twenty minutes later,

Aunt Hanako and Chihong led Xiaozhi, whose eyes were red, out of the arena.

Although he lost, his performance was definitely much better than Xiaozhi's in the original novel.

Take your time!

As the family of three left the arena, they happened to see a girl with a ponytail, about 18 years old, holding her hands in front of the moon with her fingers interlocked.

She said to Su Xuan with shining eyes::

"Let me join Alola? Then, can I have a Digimon too?"


Su Xuan nodded. Xiaozhi's family of three:... beg....

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