Let's go back to ten minutes before Hanako and her family of three came out of the arena.

""Let's go see Xiaozhi and the others, shall we?"

Xiaomao, who had won, looked at the time and said.

As the winner, he did not comfort Xiaozhi.

At this time, family affection is the most effective medicine.

"Although you are harsh in your words, Xiaomao, you still care about Xiaozhi."

Xiaogang said with a smile

"You're overthinking. I just thought that if that guy is still depressed, I can still laugh at him."

Xiao Mao pouted.

Well, whatever you say is what it is.

Everyone left the audience together.

However, before everyone entered the contestant channel where Xiaozhi's family was.

A girl in school uniform, about 18 years old, ran over and stood in front of everyone. She had a wheat-colored complexion and black hair tied into a ponytail.

The bangs in front of her eyebrows were conspicuous green.

A pair of bright big eyes were very interesting.

"Excuse me! Excuse me!"

The girl opened her hands and shouted

"Brother Su Xuan, this person is also the favorite to win this conference."

Lilia whispered

"Nimo, right?"

Su Xuan read out the other person's name.

Lilia had shown him the other person's profile at the banquet before.

"Yes! I am Nemo, a Pokémon trainer from the Orange Academy in Padiya."

Nemo first introduced herself briefly.

Then she clapped her hands and put them together in front of the moon.

"Please, Dr. Su Xuan, please fight me!"

Xia Xiaogang blinked twice when he heard what Nimo said.

After introducing himself, he immediately challenged the opponent who was impossible to win...

Let them vaguely see the shadow of someone in each other

"Is Xiaozhi a gender-reversed version?"

Xiaoxia muttered in a low voice.

As a time traveler, Su Xuan, who knew Nemo's personality well, couldn't help but smile.

Nemo's personality in the game is a bit like the female version of Xiaozhi.

But in terms of strength, it is a high-end version. At least not like Xiaozhi.

In the previous life, some viewers even discussed if Xiaozhi traveled to Padia and teamed up with Nemo.

These two people would either fight or go to fight every day.

And then... click, Xiaozhi was banned

"I have been following Dr. Su Xuan's affairs since the battle you fought against the champion of Karuna in the Kalos region."

Nimmo held her hands together with her fingers interlocked in front of her chest, blinking her bright eyes that were different from Mary's seductive eyes.

But her tone was even more annoying than Mary's.

"Please, please, I really want to ask you for advice."

Su Xuan:……

He had to admit that he was a little touched.

He thought she was a heroic senior, but she turned out to be a whimpering monster.

This kind of cute contrast really appeals to a fat otaku like Su Xuan.

Su Xuan first glanced at Serena, Mary and other girls around him. He silently counted the number of people and said to himself:

"Add this and it's almost complete……"

Su Xuan glanced at the contestant channel again.

Xiaozhi and his family hadn't come out yet.

"Let's play it."

Su Xuan pointed to the public battlefield not far from the arena.


Nimo jumped up excitedly.

Hidden under the school uniform, it is estimated that the C-level combat power is not obvious, but under Nimo's movements, a clear arc flashed

""A new companion has arrived."

Serena whispered to the sisters around her.

As the person who has been with Su Xuan the longest,

Serena often knows what he wants to do with just a glance from Su Xuan.

Even Sirona can't compare to this.

"Nimo also defeated three players in the previous three rounds of the preliminaries. She is the third player who can do this after Red and Darko among the contestants who do not have Digimon in this tournament."

Lilia helped to look up the information.

"Forget about Darko, he's just a third-rate trainer who relies on Darkrai's abilities."

Although she doesn't get along with Green, Shijiana agrees with her on this point.

Although she also pursued Rayquaza in the past, she didn't rely on the power of the sky dragon.

Shijiana herself is a powerful champion-level trainer. A strong partner is icing on the cake for them, not a life-saving gift.

This is the difference.

While the girls were discussing, Su Xuan and Neemo had already stood in the command area.

Neemo pulled her gloves, her little mouth slightly grinning, revealing her white teeth.

"Then I'm coming, Doctor!"

"Please! Styracosaurus!"

Nimmo threw the Poké Ball in her palm with her forehand.

As the battlefield ground trembled, she could feel a Pokémon that was definitely heavy falling to the ground.

Looking up, a heavy dragon landed heavily in front of Nemo. The huge plastron extended from the tail to the chest.

The back had a big sword as a fin.

A huge dragon with an icy breath...

"The Styracosaurus can spray extremely cold air from its mouth, which can turn even scorching lava into ice in an instant.

The illustration on Xiaoguang's phone revealed the basic information of this ice dragon.

"This is... a quasi-god from the Padia region! A very good dragon!"

""Hey? Champion Du, when did you come?"

Daigo was startled and asked.

Yulong Du did not answer, but still had that icy face, with his hands clasped in front of Yue Xiong, staring straight at the dragon sent by Nimo.

He felt the strong dragon breath.

"Dragon? Then……"

Su Xuan lowered his eyes to look at Tailmon, who had extended his little tender tongue and licked the back of his paw.

Of course, you have to use fairies to deal with dragons!

Tailmon noticed that Su Xuan was looking at him.

His big, charming eyes blinked.

Then he slightly raised his right paw, making it look like he was holding a stick.

Then he opened his mouth wide, put his right paw to his mouth, and opened and closed it like he was eating a popsicle.

Su Xuan:……

"Go, Tailmon."

Resisting the urge to slap the little female cat, Su Xuan threw the Poké Ball lightly.

"Damn fairy type!"

Yu Longdu gritted his teeth and cursed as if he saw an enemy.

Daigo, Mikoli and others silently moved away from him.

Fairy type is a new attribute that was discovered in Kalos a few years ago.

Its appearance has affected the ecological balance of the entire Elf Continent.

Of course, the others are fine.

The dragon type is the most affected.

Because the fairy type is completely immune to the dragon type.

Yu Longdu, the first dragon cancer in the Elf Continent, was very angry.

In the past, only the ice type and the dragon type could restrain the dragon.

As a result, when your fairy type came, my great dragon clan became a joke.

Damn it, damn it!

"As expected, they sent out a fairy-type, but Doctor, this attribute restraint strategy doesn't work on me."

Seeing Su Xuan take out Tailmon,

Neemo's eyes suddenly lit up, revealing a smile that everything was under control.

Then, she took out a pure black jade ball that was the same size as a Poké Ball.

"What is that?"

Serena, Xiaoyao, Qinglu and others also showed curiosity.

Then, Nimo lifted the pure black stone high.

The plain stone emitted a brilliant crystal light.

Nimo threw the glowing crystal stone in the next second. At the moment of collision with the body of the Styracosaurus, the body of the Styracosaurus was coated with a layer of metallic light film.

It emitted silver light in the sunlight!

"Is this the so-called Tai Crystalization?"

Dr. Oak said with emotion.

"Too crystallized? What is that? Grandpa."

Xiao Mao asked puzzledly

"Just like Carlos's Mega and Galar's Gigantamax, it is a method of strengthening Pokémon from Padia."

Professor Oak explained.

Liliae exclaimed:

"The dragon's attribute changed from Dragon+ to Steel!"

Yes, the special thing about Tai Crystallization is that it can change attributes.

""Go, Styracosaurus, Iron Head!"

Nemo waved her hand and pointed.

Styracosaurus roared and rushed towards Tailmon like an armored vehicle. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Iron Head is a steel-type move.

And now Styracosaurus has become a steel-type through Taicrystallization.

The power will only be greater.

""Power of the Moon."

Su Xuan ordered calmly.

Tailmon placed his claws and palms together.

A light pink energy ball was condensed and thrown at Styracosaurus.

Facing the fairy-type trick that originally restrained it.

At this moment, Styracosaurus was not afraid at all, and continued to charge like a heavily armored tank against the power of the moon!

"This is good!"

Yulongdu's eyes lit up.

This is good!

This is really good!

With this thing, his Dragonite will not be afraid of the damn attributes of Fairy and Ice.

It doesn't matter if it's not"Steel","Fire" is also acceptable.

However, Yulongdu seems to have overlooked a problem.

That also requires the attribute of your hypertrophic Taijing to be"Steel" or"Fire". What if the attribute of Taijing is"Dragon", won't it still be suppressed?


The power of the moon could not stop the Styracosaurus.

But it had slowed down the opponent.

At the last moment before being hit

, Tailmon jumped up, stepped on the top of the Styracosaurus, and jumped behind it.

""Icicles Fall!"

At the master's command, the eyes of the Triceratops, whose body was coated with a layer of steel, condensed.

The water vapor on Tailmon's head quickly condensed and turned into sharp icicles.

They fell in the next moment.

""There was a flash of lightning."

The surface of Tailmon flashed, and it nimbly shuttled between the icicles.

"Cat Punch."

Tailmon approached Styracosaurus at high speed and clenched his fist.

He suddenly smashed it into the bulging belly of Styracosaurus.


Nimo laughed:

"After the crystallization, the Styracosaurus became a steel dragon. Moreover, the Styracosaurus is a dragon that is very good at defense, so the fairy-type attacks are almost ineffective."

"How about it, Doctor? Want to evolve?"

"Although Angewomon is also a fairy type."

Nimmo has obviously done enough research on Su Xuan.

Tailmon alone cannot break the defense of Taicrystal Spinosaurus.

"Carlos has Mega, Galar has Gigantamax, Padia has Crystallization, so... Nemo, let me show you our Alola method of strengthening Pokémon."

Su Xuan suddenly laughed.

As soon as these words came out, everyone, whether it was Serena and Xiaomao who transferred to Alola, or Lusamine, Kukui, Suiren and others who were native to Alola, were shocked.

Liliae:"Alola's method of strengthening Pokémon? Difficult, could it be... Z moves?"

Suiren:"No, no way? The professor wants to use that move?"

Serena:"Yes, it should be impossible, right?"

Mary:"We have to take a picture of it."

If we talk about the means of strengthening Pokémon in Alola, it should be Z-Moves.

Through the power of Z-Crystal, Pokémon can use powerful moves that can kill with one blow.

But the premise is that you need to dance awkwardly.

Let Liliae, Serena and other delicate girls use it.

People may think it's cute.

Shenshen Mikoli, a feminine and handsome man, doesn't feel out of place.

But let Su Xuan, a rough man, use it... Damn, the picture is too beautiful, I can't even imagine it.

"Hehe, it would be interesting if he used the Z move."

Sonia smiled gloatingly and took out the water camera, ready to take a picture of Su Xuan's dark history of dancing.

Kukui was puzzled and said:

"This, this is not right? Ah Xuan doesn't have a Z bracelet."

Just like Gigantamax requires a Gigantamax wristband, and MEGA requires a key stone and evolution.

The use of Z moves also requires a Z bracelet and a Z pure crystal.

However, Su Xuan doesn't have these two things.

And the next second, Su Xuan answered everyone's confusion.

Su Xuan raised his right hand, and a light blue ball of light rose from the Tyrannosaurus Rex in his palm.

Students who have watched"Naruto" may easily mistake it for the Rasengan.

This ball of light is lighter than the Rasengan, and it wraps Su Xuan's right hand and the Tyrannosaurus Rex together.

A letter flickered faintly inside.——X!

"Come on, Tailmon!"

As soon as Su Xuan finished speaking

, Tailmon leaped towards his master.

Su Xuan also placed the"X"The light ball with characters is thrown into Tailmon's body

"Tailmon is X-transformed!"

Everyone's face changed when they heard Su Xuan's words.


An energy ball with the letter"X" wrapped around Tailmon.

It can be seen that Tailmon's body is changing rapidly.

The sacred halo that was originally wrapped around its tail has expanded rapidly.

It is like a backpack hanging on its shoulders.

The slender long tail has also changed from one to two, swaying in the wind.

Finally, it lands in a brand new posture!

Tailmon X

Shirona:"X…X-transformation? I've never heard of it."

Sonia:"Me, me too, I've never seen Xuan use it."

Professor Oak:"Evolution, Mega Evolution, Ultimate Evolution, Fusion Evolution... and now X-transformation, my god, how many evolution modes does Alola have?"

Xiao Mao opened the Pokémon Book

"Tailmon X Tailmon's X-body form, its body has become smaller than before, and its curiosity and mischievousness have been further enhanced. Rather than being an evolution, it is more like a return to Tailmon's original form."

"The exclusive skill [Holy Bell] emitted by the bell on the ear has a strong suppressive power against evil and dragon-type Digimon and elves."

Nimmo opened her mouth in surprise and didn't come back to her senses for a long time.

"Although it is still a fairy type, well... Holy Bell!"

Su Xuan gave the order.

Tailmon X jumped high, and the bell on his left ear made a pleasant"ring-ring-ring" sound.

The sound waves emitted a sacred halo, falling in circles.

""Steriospider! Defend!"

Nimo reacted quickly.

Upon hearing this, the steriospider immediately crossed its arms to block its body.

To be honest, the steel attribute possessed by the crystallization did not give it much sense of security.


The Styracosaurus roared in pain.

Even though it had become a steel attribute through the crystallization, it was still a dragon after all.

The powerful suppression of the Holy Bell on the Dragon and Dark Attributes made the Styracosaurus very painful.

"That's enough, Tailmon.

Tailmon said, stopping the ringing and falling back to the ground.

"Let's stop here. Don't you have to participate in the Quartz Conference later?"

In the original Silver Conference, Ye Yue's Blaziken was seriously injured and failed to reach the semi-finals after defeating Xiaozhi.

And this Styracosaurus is undoubtedly Nemo's main force.

It's better not to hit too hard.

They are all Grandpa Su's Knights of the Round Table, how can they fight each other?

"Yes, thank you for your advice."

Nimmo rubbed the confused head of the Styracosaurus, put it back into the Poké Ball, and bowed to Su Xuan to express her gratitude.

And Tailmon X at Su Xuan's feet also turned back into Tailmon

"You have a bright future, Nimo, so……"

Su Xuan smiled slightly:

"How about joining Alola?"

PS:Although Nemo is introduced, the plot of Zhuzi deceiving Padia will not be involved at present.

Of course, if you want to read it later, we can also write about Padia.

The picture is Nemo.

A reader friend recommended that Mei Touko should also be included... Please let me think about it again.

These two are indeed very beautiful, but there are too few descriptions of their personalities in both comics and games.

If I write about them, I don’t know how to describe their personalities.

It’s a headache...

Speaking of which, I read a book today about the relationship between the Nergigante and the Flame Queen Dragon and the Green Flame King Dragon. My eyes are hurting……

Share: Apollo555

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