ten minutes later

"Um, Dr. Su Xuan, may I ask who this child is?……"

When she saw Su Xuan inviting a girl, after a brief moment of shock, Aunt Hanako, who had just walked out of the arena with her two sons, finally mustered up the courage to come forward and talk to her.

"Oh, I just met her and I want to invite her to be the gym leader of our Alola League."

Su Xuan turned sideways and introduced Xiaozhi and his family of three.:

"Nimo, also a participant in this conference"

"Hello, my name is Nimo, I am from Padiya. I just met Dr. Su Xuan and asked him for advice."

Nimo bowed to Hanako and the other two.

Hidden under the school uniform, the curves of an 18-year-old girl are not fully developed, but they are already looming.

That is something that women of Hanako's age can't envy.

Otherwise, why do men say that men like 18-year-olds?

"But, Doctor, although I am very grateful to you, leaving Padia to join Alola is a……"

Nimo scratched her collagen-covered face awkwardly.

"you are not���Do you like fighting? Didn't you see how Mali and Caidou performed? Once you come to Alola, you can fight with them every day."

Su Xuan used Nimo's fighting mad personality to persuade her.

"Ah this……"

As expected, Neemo hesitated.

Damn, it was a heart-throb.

You know, what she liked most was fighting.

After three rounds of preliminaries, she had seen the strength of Alola trainers such as Serena and Marie.

If she could be in the same region with so many strong trainers...


Neemo couldn't even hold back her saliva.

She showed an expression as if she saw a nympho, and nodded like a garlic.:

"Then... I'll join."

OK, another potential champion has been obtained.

This is the easiest one for Su Xuan to recruit.

He came to the door on his own initiative.

But it's not surprising.

But think about it carefully, it's not surprising.

After all, Nemo is a battle maniac.

And now Alola has gathered so many young talents.

For Nemo, it is simply a huge treasure trove.

Not to mention the unknown Digimon and Su Xuan's presence.

"What type of Digimon do you want?"

Su Xuan asked.

At this time, Serena and others also followed.

After hearing Su Xuan's words, they were all stunned.

Because through Su Xuan's attitude towards a trainer's Digimon, he can roughly guess the strength of that person.

For example, for Shinji and Gladion, who are just good trainers,

Su Xuan just picked one to deal with it.

And if it is Serena, 100 Green, Shijiana and other strong ones, he will ask the other party what type they want.

Or choose the most suitable one for the other party according to the other party's style.

But the Styracosaurus cultivated by Nemo is enough to prove her strength.

"I'm not picky, I can do any type."

Neemo waved her hand, full of expectation.

She really wasn't being polite.

Neemo was an all-around trainer of the same type as Sirona.

She used all attributes.

Su Xuan thought about it, silently opened the system mall, and aimed at a rock dragon with big eyes.


Su Xuan handed the Poké Ball to the other party.

After Nimo took it, she couldn't wait to open it.

A small dragon Digimon with a body similar to the baby dragon shark, made of stone, with a pair of big round eyes, looked up and looked at Nimo.

"This is……"

Sirona curiously took out her phone to check the illustrations

"Firewavemon, a Fire+ type Rock Dragon Digimon whose entire body is made of hard, burning rocks"

"Although they have wings, they will be exhausted after flying for a short while. They are very enthusiastic and the more excited they are, the hotter their body temperature becomes."

"The unique skill is to spit out small and extremely hot fireballs from the mouth [Small Flame】"


"Although it is a rock dragon, it is actually a fire + attribute? This is the same as my sea dragon beast and the dragon army of the champion, the name has dragon but it is not a dragon."

Xiao Mao pinched his chin and said to himself

"Baka! Watch out!"

Xiaoyao elbowed Xiaomao from behind and pointed at Yulongdu who was looking gloomy not far away.

The Flying King couldn't stand hearing such words.

"cough cough……"

Xiao Mao quickly turned his face to the other side and pretended that he knew nothing.

""Please give me more advice in the future, Fire Wave Beast."

Nimo picked up the little rock dragon and rubbed it with her wheat-colored face.

The dark green bangs in front of the eyebrows brushed against the big eyes of Fire Storm Beast, causing the other party to grin and laugh.

"By the way, Doctor, how do I transfer money? Can I use a credit card?"

Nimo suddenly remembered something and asked.

Holding the Fire Wave Beast in her left hand, she took out a bank card from her pocket with her right hand.

"Black card?!"

Qinglu and Xiaomao stared.

They were born in the Oki family and were definitely second-generation rich.

But they didn't have this card.

"Nimo... I remember that the second daughter of the CEO of Rotom Cell Phone Company seems to be……"

Dawu, who is also a second-generation rich man, has evolved into a first-generation rich man because his father was imprisoned. His eyes change slightly.

"Oh, that's my dad."

Nimo said calmly.

(abeg)"Damn rich people……"

Xiaozhi muttered with resentment.

Xiaogang and Xiaoxia wanted to comfort him, but they didn't know what to say.

After all, reincarnation is a skill.

But to be honest, Xiaozhi's reincarnation skills are already pretty good.

He has a brother with amazing talent, and a bad friend from a famous family.

Although his resources are not as good as those of the rich second generation like Qinglv and Neemo, but at least he has everything he should have, right?

"No, we will be colleagues from now on."

Su Xuan asked Nimo to put the card away, then raised his hand and shouted:

"Everyone should live in harmony with Nimo"



That evening, the fourth and final round of the preliminaries ended.

Except for Xiaozhi, all the contestants who were familiar with Su Xuan advanced to tomorrow's official elimination round.

Although Xiaomao often mocked Xiaozhi, he would still look at him from time to time during the party.

Qinglu also noticed his brother's expression, coughed, and stopped talking about tomorrow's elimination round, changing the subject.:

""We have more and more Alola people. Do we have enough candidates for the champion, king and gym leader positions?"

Caidou looked around at the people present and counted.:

"Me, Serena, Miss Lurina, Miss Shigana, Xiaoguang, Xiaoyao, Nemo, and Oki Qinglu and Oki Shigeru……"

"There are nine people in total. If the minimum number of eight gym owners and one champion is met, then it will just meet the minimum requirements for joining the alliance."

Dawu said

"This is quite similar to the situation in Galar, but Galar has ten gyms."

Mikoli said

"What do you mean? Are you mocking us Galar for not being able to gather four kings?"

Dandi said rather unhappily.

Even though he had a good temper, he didn't want to discuss this topic.

After all, the Galar Alliance had not been able to gather four kings for such a long time, and it had been a pain in his and Roz's hearts for many years.

But fortunately, he saw a lot of potential in Shinji.

It shouldn't be a problem to train him to be a king.

Add in Chibana and Nie Zi... Damn! There's still one missing!

"Caidou, you forgot someone."

Su Xuan smiled and pushed Sirona up.

Xiaoguang:"Eh! ? Is Miss Sirona coming to Alola too?"

Xiaomao:"This is really... unexpected.……"

Xiaoyao:"It's over, it's over... I can no longer keep my position as the king."


Dandi was completely dumbfounded.

Good fellow, he was so worried about Le'er's lack of a king.

Su Xuan directly poached the champion of another region.

I can't learn it, I really can't learn it!……

"But even so, with one champion, four kings, and eight gym masters, there must be a few people missing, right?"

Mikoli was also frightened, and it took him a while to recover from the shock.

"There are still a few candidates who are not here. We will meet up in Alola later."

Su Xuan explained. Liu Bo, who is still in the negotiation, Gladion and Xiaoyin, who are far away in Kalos preparing to attend the Miare Conference, are all candidates for the gym leader.

"This Quartz Conference will select the first four kings and gym leaders of Alola, but who will be the first to sit on the throne of champion will have to wait until the first Alola Conference."

Su Xuan said with a smile.

As soon as this was said, it immediately aroused a warm response from the crowd.

"Can't I ascend to the championship throne in one go? Well, before that, I, Qinglu, will wrong myself a little and imitate Yulongdu to become the leader of the Four Heavenly Kings."

Qinglu shook his head while holding the juice.

""Tsk! You're really good at flattering yourself!"

Xi Jiana said with disdain. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Nimo let out a long sigh, patted her chest which should be around C, and said with relief.:

"That's good. I just formed a partnership with Hobomon. I probably won't go far in this Quartz Conference, but it will be different in the Alola Conference."

The Quartz Conference had just entered the elimination stage.

Everyone started talking about the Alola Conference.

The sisters Xiaoyao and Xiaoguang gathered together to discuss something. The two sisters were in a bad mood.

Because they felt that they might not be able to keep their thrones in this Quartz Conference.

Although when Su Xuan first invited them, he wanted Serena, Mary, Xiaoyao and Xiaoguang to be the four generations of the Four Heavenly Kings.

But seeing so many colleagues sharpening their knives at the scene, the two fifteen-year-old girls were very scared.

They felt that this position was not safe!

Everyone was discussing heatedly.

Su Xuan suddenly felt someone pulling the corner of his clothes.

Turning around, he unexpectedly found that it was Aunt Hanako.

"Is there anything wrong? Madam Hanako.

Su Xuan put down his wine glass and asked

"So, Mr. Su Xuan, does that mean you don't have to pay taxes if you invite trainers to join Alola?"

Hanako said a little embarrassedly. She was a little bit inferior to the rich and powerful.

"That's right."

Speaking of which, Serena and Xiaoyao didn't take any money.

But Qinglu and Xiaomao did.

Anyway, Professor Oak made a lot of money from the copyright of the Pokémon Encyclopedia.

It was a drop in the bucket for them.

"Well, what do you think of my two children?"

Hanako pointed at Xiaozhi, who was sitting in the corner and had not recovered his spirit.

And Red, who was not good at speaking but sat silently beside Xiaozhi.

She had been thinking about how to make money recently so that her two sons could transfer to Alola.

But today, she saw that Nemo could join without paying.

Although Hanako didn't know much about fighting, she felt that her two children should be able to follow this path.

"This... well, Xiaozhi still has a lot of room for growth. I think he can travel to other areas to practice more, and Red... to be honest, he doesn't seem to be the type of person who is willing to stay in one area for a long time."

According to Xiaozhi's words, Su Xuan felt that he had to at least change his 50-50 characteristic.

Not to mention reaching Galar's strength, he had to at least reach the height of the Kalos chapter.

As for Crimson, her strength is unquestionable.

After all, she is the first one of the younger generation to break through to the master level.

But Crimson is a person who can't sit still.

In the original story, it was estimated that it took only about two years for her to defeat the Four Heavenly Kings and become the champion of Kanto.

She resigned and ran to Silver City. In the special edition animation, she even took her Pikachu around the continent. She went to Kanto, Hoenn, and Unova. She even fought with the Toilet King and the Earth Dragon.

Her strength is evident.

But the problem is that as a regional king or even champion, you have to stay in your jurisdiction all year round as a stabilizing force.

Otherwise, why did Su Xuan, who clearly caught up with Sirona, go to great lengths to find a substitute for her?

Isn't it because if there is no one to replace her, she, as the champion of Sinnoh, can't leave Sinnoh?


After hearing what Su Xuan said, Hanako also realized this problem.

Not only Akane, but her two sons all have ADHD and can't calm down.

They only go home twice in a year.

They are not suitable to be gym leaders, let alone champions.

Which region can allow their champions to travel around the world?

Daigo had to give up his championship position to dig stones for the whole world.

"That, that……"

Hanako couldn't bring herself to ask Su Xuan to exempt her family from taxes.

She wasn't that shameless.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, Su Xuan has helped Xiaozhi a lot.

He found a tutor for him to train in Charizard Valley, and gave him the Flare Ace, whose potential was not perfect but at least above average.

He didn't take a penny.

It was like the treatment of a stepfather.

He still felt that it was not enough?

That was too shameless.

"Let them come to Alola to participate in the Archipelago Tour when there is a chance. With Red's strength, I think it will be no problem."

Although Su Xuan knew that Red would not be able to sit still and stay in Alola to be the king or champion, it would be a win-win to have such a potential trainer at the head level to promote his Digimon.

Since you can't pay the tax, then go to the Archipelago Tour to promote it.

Anyway, Su Xuan didn't think that Suilen, Kachi and the others could stop Red.

But the only regret is that, at least in this tournament,

Red will be 99% suppressed by Cyan.

Archipelago Tour?

Hanako blinked and cast her gaze on Suilen, Mao and the others.

The Archipelago Tour seems to be fighting with those children, right?

Su Xuan said that Red is no problem... then Satoshi...

Mrs. Hanako secretly stroked her forehead.

It would be great if she could give half of her eldest son's talent to her younger son.


With the end of the preliminaries, the Quartz Conference officially entered the 6v6 elimination round.

The venue also moved from the previous four sub-venues to the main arena.

Under the attention of 100,000 spectators, the final battles were launched one by one.

At this moment, the 32 contestants who advanced to the elimination round were standing in the center of the venue, waiting for the results of the draw.

As the lifting platform in front of the Olympic flame rose, the pink-haired twin-tailed announcer Kurumi from the Johto region waved.:

"Ladies and gentlemen, after a week of competition, we finally ushered in the final elimination round with only 32 contestants left!"

"Starting from today, there will no longer be multiple games taking place at the same time. Instead, two players will take turns to compete in a 6V6 all-out battle in the Quartz Arena, which symbolizes the highest honor for trainers!"

"First, let's take a look at the draw results!"

Walnut waved her hand and pointed to the big screen at the top of the audience.

For a moment, both the audience and the contestants had their heartbeats speeding up, and they subconsciously clenched their fists.

"There are so many talented people in Alola."

On the Holy Flame Platform, seeing the Alola people occupying one-third of the quota, Damalanqi also sighed in his heart.

Thinking of the troubles everywhere in the alliance recently,

Damalanqi felt that it was necessary to merge Alola into the alliance as soon as possible.

With Su Xuan here, those Rocket Team, Plasma Team and other things should be more honest, right?

And at this moment, the list that kept flashing on the big screen finally froze!

Sure enough, the internal fight in Alola began at this moment!

The first round -

Serena VS Xiaoyao!

It's finally here, the battle of the internal fight in Alola!

PS:The picture shows a fire wave beast, with the attribute of fire +.

A new January is coming, and I beg everyone to vote for something..

Added by: Apollo555

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