The Kanto Quartz Plateau Arena was boiling with excitement.

To everyone's surprise, the person standing on the platform was not the guest commentator from the previous rounds, the ace announcer from Johto, Hu Tao.

Instead, it was the president of the Elf Alliance, Damara Lanqi.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we have finally arrived at the semi-finals of this year's Quartz Conference."

"Now, please let us welcome the Four Heavenly Kings of Alola with the warmest applause!"

After Damalanqi finished speaking, the audience also gave him a loud cheer.

The sound was deafening.

In the official live broadcast room and TV station, with the appearance of Serena, Marie, Green and Shijiana, special effects were added to their names in the subtitles later.:

【Alola Princess】——Serena

【Pure desire three no girl】——Marie and Su Xuan are old acquaintances. Kalno, who is far away in Kalos, couldn't help laughing when she saw this nickname.

I want to know what Serena Marie and the others think when they see this nickname.

However, some people in the alliance have always liked to give nicknames to those popular trainers.

The most famous ones are Yulongdu [The Invincible Dragon Messenger] and Dandi [The Undefeated Champion].

In addition, there are Cattleya's [Beautiful White Rose], Shirona's [Cabbage Sister], etc.

Oh, the latter one seems to be given by fans.

Among them, the Galar Alliance likes to give nicknames to their own people the most.

Anyone who serves as a gym leader in Galar has a nickname.

【Dragon Storm】Chibana, [Freezing Expert] Meirong, [Melancholy Nie Zi] Nie Zi, etc.

Shenzhong used to work in the Galar League, Lulina and Caidou both had the nicknames [Turbulent Waves] and [Galar Fighting Genius].

It may be because Roz pays attention to commercial publicity.

Oh, by the way.

The nicknames given to Shijiana and Qinglu by the subtitles of Kanto TV are——

【[The Trembling Dragon Girl] and [The Right Arm of the Digital Emperor].

Wow, a 28-year-old loli and a mediocre teacher Rayleigh, right?

Well, it seems that the interview scene where Qinglu stood up for Su Xuan before the Quartz Conference and pointed at the reporters and scolded them left a deep impression on many people.

This established his position as the current number one supporter of Su Xuan.

If the other three knew about this, they would definitely hit him harder.



"President Damalanchi really gave me face by personally helping to explain and introduce the alliance. It seems that he really wants Alola to join the alliance."

Looking at the old man standing on the high platform, Shirona smiled and looked at Su Xuan

"This little favor is not enough for me to change my plan for him."

Su Xuan shook his head.


Shirona frowned slightly, not knowing what Su Xuan meant.

Just as she was about to speak, Su Xuan held her head.

Then she felt her lips soften.

All the words that were about to rise to her throat were blocked back.

""Okay, don't ask, just watch the game."

Su Xuan let go of Sirona.

Sirona glared at him.

Suddenly, she felt a resentful breath coming from behind her.

Turning her head, she happened to meet the gaze of a 29-year-old aunt.

Sirona was so scared that she quickly turned her head back.


"I believe that everyone is as impatient as I am.……"

At this point, the old man Dama Lanqi stood on tiptoe and raised his hand to signal everyone to look at the large electronic screen at the top of the arena.

"Let's take a look at this round of battle schedule!"

As soon as these words came out, the avatars of the four people on the screen flashed rapidly.

Even though there were only four people left, there were only two pairs of combinations.

Everyone was still holding their breath at this moment, extremely nervous.

Under the gaze of at least nine people on site and online.

After about five seconds of flashing, the screen finally stopped!

Serena VS Green!

Shijiana VS Mary!

"Wow! The list is out!"

The sixty-year-old old man held the microphone and shouted very energetically.:

"The first round is [Alola Princess] vs. [Right Arm of Digital Emperor]! The second round is [Trembling Dragon Girl] vs. [Three-Nothing Girl of Pure Desire]! What does Three-Nothing mean? There are some words that young people nowadays that we old people really don't understand.……"

When he talked about the latter part, Dama Lanqi said to himself with a puzzled look on his face

"Prince, princess? Yes, I am a little embarrassed."

Hearing the nickname called out by Damalanqi, Serena scratched her cheek a little embarrassedly.

Oh, wait!

If Brother Su Xuan is the emperor of Alola, then the princess... wouldn't it be a daughter?!

Serena's elegant little face suddenly collapsed.

She didn't like this nickname.

Mary's expression was still blank.

She didn't like this nickname very much.

But it was not completely unacceptable.

On the other hand……

"When did you become a right arm? I think two arms are more like that!"

Hearing Qinglu's nickname, Xijiana felt as disgusted as if she had eaten a fly.

"See you in the finals if you dare, haha, provided you can make it to the finals."

Qinglu's mouth curled up into a Nike smile.

He was the only one among the four who was satisfied with the nickname.

That's right.

There are only three kinds of trainers in this world!

Su Xuan!

Oak Qinglu!

And the others!

"Wait, you're dead."

After leaving these harsh words, Xi Jiana and Mali returned to the audience seats, leaving the venue to Serena and Qinglu.

Before leaving, she patted Serena's shoulder and waved her pink fist.:

"Kill that guy!"

Serena was suddenly in tears.


Damalanchi then handed the microphone back to Hu Tao.

He was over 60 years old, so he could just introduce himself. But he couldn't handle it if he was asked to be a commentator for two 6v6 full-scale battles. In the center of the battlefield, Serena and Qinglu stood opposite each other. Qinglu smiled and said


"Do you want to test out your new combat power?"


Serena was slightly stunned, and was quite surprised by Qinglu's suggestion.

Qinglu spread his hands and smiled.:

"Anyway, it's 6 vs. 6, I think it's a good idea for everyone to try out the new partner, and it can also promote our Alola again."

Hearing the second half of Qinglv's words, Serena also became interested

"Let's give it a try."

After the two agreed, they turned around and walked towards their respective command platforms.

The quiet-tempered Kurumi also showed his passionate side.

"This semi-finals will not only determine the winner of this Quartz Conference, but also determine who is the strongest king of Alola."

"Let's wait and see!"


"Now begins the first round of the semi-finals, Serena from Alola vs. Aoki Aoki, also from Alola"

"When all six Pokémon on one side lose their ability to fight, the other side is declared the winner. If they are defeated by using something called Armed Evolution, the trainer can continue to fight if he can still command them."

"If you can't, you will be declared a loser."

The referee quickly explained the rules.

He was also the supervisor of the previous light and dark battle between Caidou and Marie.

To be honest, this tournament was a refreshing experience.

Trainer Mard transformed himself and started the fight.

"Let the world see the power of Alola."

Qinglu weighed the Poké Ball in his hand and kissed the ball cover like his younger brother.

"Come.on my new partner!"

A white light flashed, but what landed was a black dragon Digimon that gave people a sense of foreboding.

""A new Digimon I've never seen before!?"

Xiaozhi exclaimed.

And this time, the older Red beside him was even faster than Xiaozhi in calling up the Pokémon Dictionary.

"Black Guilmon is a carnivorous and ferocious Fire + Coefficient Codemon. It has the same ability as the original Guilmon, but its personality is more fierce and violent."

"The unique skills are [Virus Breath] which spits out poison from the mouth and [Fire Grenade] which has explosive flame bombs.】"

After reading the illustrated information, Chi Hong muttered:

"Black Gilmon……"

At this time, Xiaogang, who was sitting on the other side of Xiaozhi, suddenly spoke:

"Oh, I remember now. When we signed up for the Quartz Conference, didn't Dr. Su Xuan say that he would give rewards to the top four people?"

Xiaoxia nodded heavily,"Yes, yes, I remember now, that is to say, not only Qinglu, but also Serena and Xijiana.……"

Red secretly clenched his fists.

He swore to go to Alola immediately after the Quartz Conference.

Although he is mute, it doesn't mean he has no temper, right?

This is the first time in his 16 years of life that he was beaten so badly by Green.

This revenge must be avenged! (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Black Guilmon, right?

Green, you got a good new partner.


"First it was Black Patamon, and now it's Black Guilmon. It seems that Green is a bit of a dark-type Digimon."

Su Xuan laughed.

Isn't Black Patamon the Digimon?

Now it's Black Guilmon.

It seems that Green is really destined to be with the dark-type protagonists.

If he travels to the digital world, he will probably become at least one of the new Four Dark Lords.

"Please! Take care of the fox beast!"

On the other side, Serena also���

A small fox Digimon with a bullet shell wrapped around its body, and a gentler face than the opposite Blackkilmon.

"Before it was Demon Foxmon, now it's Pipe Foxmon. If Cyan is fighting with Dark Digimon, then Serena has an indissoluble bond with Fox Digimon."

Sonia chuckled.

Su Xuan said that Pipe Foxmon should not be considered a fox Digimon strictly speaking.

After all, its final evolution is a horse...

But there is nothing to be surprised about.

After all, the evolutionary route of Digimon is that cats can turn into dragons, and dragons can turn into armed helicopters.

In comparison, what's so strange about a fox evolving into a horse?

"Pipe Foxmon is a general Digimon that is always inseparable from the sacred shell on its body. It is said that the earrings on its ears are accumulating power at any time, and the amount of this power will affect its evolution path."

"He is calm and composed, and can turn the tide of battle with accurate judgment even in unfavorable situations."

"The unique skills are [Bullet Cyclone], which allows the player to penetrate the shell and rush at the enemy at high speed, and [Absolute Light Rush], which emits a dazzling light from the earrings, temporarily blinding the opponent.】"

Xiaoyao looked at the introduction in the illustration and sighed.:

"What a pity, it feels very cute and in line with my aesthetic"

"There's nothing I can do, sister. Who made you lose to Miss Serena?"

Xiao Sheng rubbed salt into the wound

"What did you say?"

Xiaoyao rolled up her sleeves and wanted to hit her brother again.

"Don't be like this, Xiaoyao. Don't be like this.……"

The old father Qianli and Daigo Mikoli and others came to mediate.

"In fact, Xiaoyao suffered mainly because of Mr. Su Xuan's team's failure. The next time she fights Serena, the result will probably be different."

Dawu analyzed.

"Really? Mr. Daigo!"

Xiaoyao's eyes lit up.

"Yes, I think so too."

Mikoli also agreed. Mitsuko pulled her daughter over and whispered:

""Child, you have to understand that women who act like spoiled children have the best life."

After observing for a few days, Mitsuko also discovered that the little girl named"Serena" really knows how to please men. As soon as

Su Xuan twisted his neck, Serena immediately ran up to rub his shoulders.

Su Xuan licked his tongue, and Serena immediately brought juice.

There was no one around Su Xuan, and Serena immediately took his arm.

How could Su Xuan not give special treatment to such a little girl?

On the other hand, his own daughter was as grown up as a boy.

How can you achieve great things like this?

Qianli on the other side showed the face of an old man on the subway.

Are you in a hurry to push your daughter into the fire pit!



""Black Guilmon! Flame grenades!"

In the field, Green had already launched an attack.

Black Guilmon opened his mouth and continuously fired ominous dark purple flame bombs.

""Go! Pipe Foxmon!"

Pipe Foxmon, under the command of its master, dragged its slender body and moved around the field like a snake.


Every time Black Gilmon's purple fireball exploded, there would be a loud explosion.

But every time, Pipe Foxmon would avoid it at the shortest distance and keep approaching Black Gilmon.


At the moment when there were only ten meters left to Blackkilmon,

Pipe Foxmon increased its speed to the extreme and hit Blackkilmon's abdomen fiercely.

"It was very fast, faster than any growth I have ever seen, but……"

As Qinglv spoke, everyone looked at the black-kilmon who was hit in the abdomen.

They saw that the other party had crossed his hands and had overlapped them in front of him to block the attack from Guanhumon.

"Our response speed is not slow!"

"Poison attack!" The dark purple poison gas rose from the claws of the Black Kilmon.

"X"Swing out

"Bullet whirlwind!"

At such a close distance, even if Pipe Foxmon is fast, it is impossible to avoid it.

Let's have a try!

Pipe Foxmon's small body locked into the bullet shell, turning into a white light to meet the poisonous claws of Black Kilmon.

""How fast!"

Even Sonia and the others who had followed Su Xuan for a long time were stunned.

Not to mention the growth stage, even in the mature stage, they had never seen a few faster than the Pipe Fox Beast.

Su Xuan said calmly.

After all, his final evolution is the top three in speed among the Royal Knights.

……(Good job, King)……

No one knows.

When the Quartz Conference was in full swing, the headquarters of Silver Corporation located in Golden City had been occupied by Team Rocket without anyone noticing.

The members of Team Rocket, dressed in black uniforms, did not stop for a moment.

What they had to do was not only to rob the property of Silver Corporation, but also to get all the scientific and technological information they had studied for so many years.

As one of the three beast warriors, Sachi hugged Yu Yuexiong with his arms, silently watching the subordinates who were helping out.

Then he glanced at the battle between Pipe Foxmon and Black Killmon on the screen of his mobile phone, and silently sent an email to Su Xuan.

"Sir, how about the action the day after tomorrow as originally planned?"

Just after sending this message, Sachi remembered something and added a message.:

"Could you please transfer some of your troops back to Alola? It would be troublesome if Sakaki was killed."

According to Thatch's speculation, the Four Heavenly Kings of Alola should all have Ultimate Forms in their hands now. If these four are together, even if Thatch is confident in Sakaki's strength, she is still worried about what would happen if one of them made a mistake and killed Sakaki.

It would be better to transfer some people back.

"Hey! What are you doing there? Come to work!"

Chakra, who was sitting in the boss chair with his feet not even touching the ground, scolded. Thatch secretly glanced at the dwarf.

You are so stubborn. Even if you are stubborn

, you will never be the boss.

Thatch knew that Chakra was so stubborn because he wanted to take over after Sakaki died.

But Thatch knew even more that even if Sakaki died, Chakra would not take over.

That guy has a son!

Oh, thinking about it, Thatch was a little embarrassed to kill Chakra.

The poor worker who was fooled by the boss who made promises all his life

PS:Thanks to a friend who reminded me that Kaiwangmon has built-in X. I will make a patch to explain it later. Thanks.

Also, thanks to the friends in the comment area for pointing out the mistake in time.

It scared me. His record is so bad. Wasn't he killed instantly in the animation? There is no sense of existence in the game and comics. Is it worthy of the noble X body?.

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