"Priestmon, a Psychic + Onmyoji Digimon who is proficient in Onmyoji and has extremely high spell skills"

"The unique skills are [Sanskrit Pen Flash], which can write Sanskrit characters with a giant pen while chanting a spell and fly it towards the enemy to cause a super energy explosion, and [Death Talisman], which can wrap the party with a giant sphere to avoid being attacked by the enemy.】"

On the huge electronic screen of the Quartz Arena, there were only two Poké Ball icons left next to Serena and the turquoise portrait.

After seeing Serena mega-evolve the second-to-last Digimon from Nine-Tailed Foxmon into a new form,

Xiaozhi immediately took out his Pokédex and took a photo of the other party. The speaker on the phone transmitted the information of this fox Digimon standing on two feet and wearing a Taoist robe.

"That stinky man is so biased."

Kona, who witnessed the actual battle, secretly rolled his eyes and complained.

Qinglu's strength is obviously above Serena's.

The reason why he is now forced to have only one Digimon is entirely because Qinglu only has two Digimon, BlackKilmon and Devilmon.

The others are ordinary elves.

Serena has almost a whole team of Digimon.

Su Xuan is so biased.

It's a pity that Qinglu can follow Su Xuan so loyally.

""Priestmon! Magical flame!" Serena chose to use fire to deal with the green evil + attribute of the Mechanical Wyvernmon. Priestmon took out a large brush like a giant sword from his sleeve. With a sudden swing, a brilliant flame danced. The Mechanical Wyvernmon appeared like a storm.

"We accept this flame!"

Seeing this, Qinglu raised the corner of his mouth slightly and showed the Tyrannosaurus machine.

""Machine Wyvern

's body glowed with strong light, and its huge body shrank rapidly.

But it burst out with a stronger deterrent force.

Two curved swords split the evolutionary light, and Kaiwangmon appeared!

Without using any special moves, he just swung the sword and split the attacking spiral flame into two

"Have you forgotten that my Kaiomon is good at controlling fire?!"

In the confident voice of the green beast, it was split into two, and the endless flames scattered in the sky floated towards the priest beast.

It was the trick he used to defeat the red Snorlax before!

""Go! Gaia Reactor!"

Kaiwangmon leaped up, raised his two swords high, and chopped down heavily as if pressing a detonator switch.

"The priest beast is also very good at controlling fire."

Serena raised her hand and pointed without showing any weakness.

The priest beast turned the brush very fast, and wrote a character in the air that was difficult to understand like writing cursive script.

The next moment, the character expanded at a speed that surpassed the growth rate of all creatures in the world.

It was like a super-powered big character explosion that suppressed the flames in the air and rushed towards Kai Wangmon in the sky.

"From the evil type to the dragon type, so that the psychic type moves can work!"


A violent explosion in the sky 827

"But there is an insurmountable gap between the Ultimate and the Perfect!"

Qinglu suddenly raised his voice.

In the blink of an eye, Kaiwangmon rushed out of the smoke.

The two swords crossed in an"X" shape emitted a unique light purple light.

""Phoenix Slash!"

The unique white and blue sword light fiercely cut into the chest of the priest beast Yue Xiong.

The priest beast's eyes were as big as copper bells, and her silver teeth were clenched.

From her slightly trembling legs, it can be seen that she was trying her best to support herself and didn't want to fall.

Swish... snap!

At the moment when Kai Wangmon put the knife back to his waist and the handle and the belt made a crisp sound, the priest beast still staggered and fell to the ground.

This pretense is really beautiful

"Priestmon loses his ability to fight, Kaiomon wins!"

The referee announces the result of the fight

"In this way, Serena only has one partner left."

At the headquarters of the Kalos Alliance, seeing the fallen priest beast, Water King Shimi spoke.

Although Serena has jumped from Kalos to Alola.

They still hope that Serena will win.

Although it's not much, it can barely help Carlos gain face.

"The only one left is the original partner."

Kalunai, who has a good relationship with Serena and has always kept in touch with her, said

"Oh, by the way, recently two young men who use Digimon have challenged our Kalos Alliance and are preparing to participate in the Miare Conference, right?"

Yan Kai suddenly remembered something.

"I remember their names were Xiaoyin and Gladion."

Pakira said without hesitation

"Paquila's memory is still as good as ever. Are they interested in working for Carlos?"

Dorasena asked with a smile.

Paquila said that let alone poaching, Vladari now hopes that these two people will get out of the Carlos region as soon as possible.

He is afraid that they will lure Su Xuan here.


"Finally, I leave it to you, Barumon!"

Serena took out the last Poké Ball from her bag and threw it with great effort and elegance.


Serena's original partner.

Now one of the new three Pokémon of the Alola League!

"I can't lose face for Alola, and I can't let Brother Su Xuan be ashamed of me!"

Serena knew very well that there was still a certain gap between her and the top potential monsters such as Green and Red.

But she couldn't give up easily.

She wanted to prove to the world that she, as the first person invited by Su Xuan to join the team, had the ability!

""Respond to my heart! Balmon!"

Serena also showed her Tyrannosaurus.

A brilliant light burst out from the screen of the Tyrannosaurus and the surface of Balmon.

"The cold electric light surrounds everything in the world. Dark flowers, bloom!"

Serena raised her right hand high.

""Balumon Ultimate Evolution!"

Everyone subconsciously clenched their fists.

After all, they had seen it several times.

Even the dumbest people could find the routine.

Especially Xiaozhi, Daigo, Qianli and others who were already very familiar with Su Xuan.

They all found that the Alola trainers had learned a bad habit from Su Xuan.

That is, they must recite poetry for the Ultimate Evolution!

Of course, there are also those who have not yet mastered the Ultimate Form.

But in order to prove that they are Alola people, they also recite poetry for the Perfect Form evolution.

Xiaomao said, what's wrong with the Perfect Form? Did the Perfect Form cost you money?!


Inside the venue, the evolutionary light column produced by the Ultimate Evolution had not yet dissipated.

The sky was full of bright red petals, which had already swept the entire venue, not to mention the venue, and almost occupied the entire area visible to the naked eye of the audience.

"too beautiful……"

Mikoli reached out and held a petal in his hand

"You are worthy of being the champion of this magnificent celebration."

Daigo also said beside him.

Mikoli did not answer his friend's words.

He couldn't wait to see what kind of beautiful Digimon would appear.


However, what was beyond everyone's expectation was that behind the dreamy and romantic double sea of flowers, the first to attack from the evolutionary light column was a thorny field.

Then, a pair of sky-high high-heeled boots.

For a moment,

"Xiaogang, you have a nosebleed."

Xiaozhi reminded him.

But the next second, Xiaozhi found that other people had the same problem.

"Huh? Mr. Qianli, Xiaomao, why are you... Hey, I don't have enough tissues."

Xiaozhi didn't understand what was going on.

【Oh my god, this, can this kid bear seeing this?】

【I won't even scream if these high heels step on me】

【Take a screenshot quickly! Otherwise the live broadcast room will be blocked later!】

【Damn, what am I still hesitating about? Save up money and transfer to Alola! To lead the three starter Pokémon, you must have a grass-type Barumon! 】

In the official live broadcast room, the barrage has exploded.

Long legs that account for more than 60% of the body, and a fiery body wrapped in big red petals. Holding needles in left and right hands and a whip in the right hand.

The big red flower buds turned into a mask, covering the face above the nose.

But not only did it not reduce her charm, but it added a touch of mysterious beauty that made people intoxicated.


A slap on Qianli's face

"What are you looking at?"

Mizuko said with a fierce face.

"No, no, that's me……"

Qianli tried to hold back for a long time but couldn't come up with a complete explanation. He even kept glancing at the field from the corner of his eyes.

Mitsuko stood up and left with a gloomy face.

"Mom! Mom! Calm down, calm down!"

"Don't get angry at your wife Mitsuko, all men are like this."

Similar things happened throughout the venue.


"Rosemon, a grass + spirit attribute Digimon known as the"Queen of Flowers", has an unparalleled figure and appearance."

"Claims to be as strong as Lilithmon, but has a bit of an overly self-awareness. Although a Grass + Spirit Digimon, it is also extremely good at electric-type moves."

"The unique skills include [Thor's Whip] which emits high voltage electric shock, [Rose Rapier] which pierces the opponent with a plant rapier, [Forbidden Temptation] which destroys and decomposes the opponent with a powerful fairy energy wave, etc.……"(To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

On the other side, Qinglu was one of the few people who was not distracted by Rosemon's charm.

After reading Rosemon's information, Qinglu smiled and said:

"Grass + Spirit, is it also good at Electric? Wouldn't it have an advantage against my Kaiomon?"

"And even if they are both Ultimate, you don't even have X-antibody, do you think you can be compared with my Kai Kingmon?"


Hearing Qinglu's confident remarks, Su Xuan couldn't help laughing.

"Is X-body equivalent to Alola's Mega-body?"

Shirona leaned towards Su Xuan and asked

"Well... let's put it that way."

After evolving Tailmon into Tailmon X, Su Xuan also explained the X-antibody to the girls.

Just take the example of Mega-transformation.

Because there are many similarities between the two. X-transformation is the same as Mega-transformation.

Only certain Digimon and Pokémon can achieve evolution.

And X-body is like Keystone and Evolution Stone, it is a tool to achieve X-transformation.

Under the curious gaze of the girls around, Su Xuan continued to give examples.:

"There are not many Digimon that can be X-transformed, and among these Digimon, there is an even rarer one, that is, a Digimon with a built-in X-body."

"They evolve directly to the X state, without the need to inject the X body.

Although the front row is not good at actual combat, Liliae, who is very eager to learn, draws inferences from one example.:

"Does it mean that an elf is always in MEGA state and will never change back?"

"You can also explain it this way, Lilia is really smart."

Su Xuan rubbed Lilia's head.

Feeling the warmth of Su Xuan's big hand, Lilia squinted her eyes like a well-behaved cat.

"This is amazing, it's like my Metagross can stay in Mega form forever... that's really powerful."

Daigo imagined it... Wow, that's really awesome

"Qinglu is really lucky."The mute Chihong made a rare complaint.

"That's not true. Kaiwangmon is the weakest Digimon with X-antibody, comparable to Mega Garchomp."

Su Xuan said with a smile

""Hey! What do you mean?"

Sirona was unhappy.

Although she already had Puppymon and Gabumon,

Garchomp, who had been with her for nearly 20 years, could not be replaced in terms of emotions.

"That's the truth, baby."

Su Xuan wanted to laugh when he mentioned this.

In fact, there are some awesome MEGA evolutions and some lousy ones.

For example, Talon, Charizard, Mouth, Bulbasaur, etc.

They did get a leap-forward upgrade after MEGA evolution.

But there are also some really lousy ones.

The first one is Garchomp. Damn, his speed even slowed down after MEGA evolution!

The same is true for Kaiomon.

As a noble being with X-body, his battle record is really lousy.

It feels like he is in the same boat with Imperialdramon.

Did they have a good fight?

Oh, no, at least Imperialdramon has never been killed instantly in the animation.

So when Su Xuan heard Qingluo say so proudly,"You don't even have an X-body, why do you fight me?", he wanted to laugh.

It doesn't matter whether you have that X-body or not.


"Powerful! Just! Beautiful!"

Serena stretched forward with her right hand raised high.

"Go! Rosemon! Forbidden Temptation!"


Rosemon opened his arms.

The big red energy wave like the flowers on his body turned into a light cannon and bombarded out.

There were also a lot of roses around him.

Power and splendor coexist!

Facing the Dragon+ Kaiomon.

Rosemon, who is good at Grass+Spirit+, is indeed extremely disadvantageous.

Basically, only the fairy-type tricks can be used.

""Phoenix Fire Strike!"

Qinglv put his right hand on his left chest and shouted loudly.


The sword light rose, and the two swords were combined and slashed together.

The huge crescent sword energy attacked! Forbidden

Temptation VS Phosphorus Fire Strike!

The powerful shock wave rippled at the moment of contact between the two sides, and almost at the moment of contact with the transparent energy barrier, the barrier cracked with dense fine lines.

""Battle Greymon."

Following Su Xuan's call, the God of War of Tianguan Mountain arrived at the arena.

He took down the Shield of Courage from behind and blocked the strongest impact of the aftermath.

He stood still and isolated it from the outside.

"As expected, Battle Greymon is the most handsome!"

Xiao Sheng shouted excitedly

"This overwhelming force……"

Ji Ke's father, Ji En, also looked at the tall figure who easily blocked the impact of the two Ultimates' attacks with a look of fascination.

He glanced at the Poké Ball on his daughter's belt again.

He thought,"Why is your stomach so disappointing?!"


""Charge! Big character explosion! Plus the fire slash!"

Qinglv glanced at the War Greymon standing in front of the barrier and Su Xuan sitting on his shoulder.

He must let the boss see his strength!

Kaiwangmon spit out a super big character explosion with an area of nearly half a football field through the mask.

The next moment, he kept dancing with his two swords and rushed forward together.

He would never give Rosemon a chance to dodge.

"Dangerous thorns!"

Serena had the same idea.

She must not lose face in front of Brother Su Xuan.

Rosemon whipped the ground hard with a whip.

Endless thorns made of thorns and roses rose from the ground and quickly woven into a wall of thorny vines. It temporarily blocked the big word explosion.

The big word explosion covered it, and the flames instantly burned it in half.

Kaiwangmon cut it with a knife, and it was like cutting tofu and split it in two.

""Watch your step! Kai Wangmon!"

Qinglu shouted.

Kai Wangmon did not even raise his head under the command of the trainer. He slashed directly at the bottom of his feet. It just happened to crush the thorn whip that came out of the mud under his feet into pieces.

"Do you think a move that I've seen once can be useful?!"

Qinglu shouted.

This was the move that Serena's Floramon used to defeat Xiaoyao's Galactusmon!

"I didn't intend to do anything to you with this trick."

Serena said calmly


The green eyes changed slightly.

A sword light that was much weaker than Kaiwangmon's but still powerful cut through the ground.

Rosemon jumped out with a gorgeous body covered with dust, and rushed to Kaiwangmon within half a meter!

"Not only the thorns, but they also dug holes themselves!!"

Qinglu said in a deep voice

"But don't think you can turn the tables just like that! Spray flames!"

""Flying knee kick!"

Kaiwangmon was about to open his mouth to release his fiery breath.

But Rosemon, under the passionate command of his master, suddenly raised his long right leg with high heels and hit

Kaiwangmon's jaw hard!

Shut up, stinky male dragon!.

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