After several rounds, a skeleton Digimon that looked like a corpse and gave people goosebumps floated in the air holding a bone staff.

It was Mary's strongest Digimon at the moment. Although it was a perfect form, it was a zombie Satanmon whose strength was close to the ultimate form.

It was hard to imagine that a pretty little girl would use this kind of Digimon.

It was like traveling through a different world and seeing a little girl using an axe.

But Mary just liked these elves and Digimon that looked like they were not good people.

It was just like her vision of choosing men.

She liked the kind of men that she couldn't control and were a little bad.

Su Xuan:???

""Zombie Satanmon! Dark Bone Claw!"

Under Mary's command, floating in the sky, Zombie Satanmon raised a withered wooden staff with a yellow energy bead on the top.

The deep and turbid dark energy continued to condense.

Finally, it surged down in the form of black waves!

Although the name has a"claw", it is actually a shock wave.

Standing below, clenching his fangs, staring at Zombie Satanmon, with catheters all over his body.

The mechanical dinosaur beast is the first digital partner that Su Xuan gave to Shijiana, the evolution of Megalomon -

Metal Megalomon!

""Fight back! Nuclear lightning!"

Shijiana waved her right hand outward.

The cloak behind her was lifted high with the movement.


Steeldramon opened its fang-armed mouth.

It suddenly stretched out its left arm and opened its palm.

In the center of its palm, there was a pinhole-shaped muzzle the size of a fingertip.

The next moment, a light blue electronic light wave rapidly expanded in a spherical outline.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a slender but penetrating blue laser.

It tore through the air with a"whoosh" sound of breaking wind, and at the same time collided with the dark waves spreading from the sky. The ominous dark wave was instantly detonated.

Shijiana and Marie both instinctively raised their hands to protect themselves.

Even though both Digimon would take their masters into consideration, they would instinctively avoid the aftermath of the attack rushing to the command platform where the two were.

But even if it was just the wind pressure generated by the impact.

It also blew Marie's twin ponytails and Shijiana's cloak"whoosh"

"Dragon Star Group!"

Before the impact dissipated, Shijiana stared at the storm and shouted at Steel Dragon Beast.

In the storm, Steel Dragon Beast's exaggerated body comparable to that of Machine Tyrannosaurus opened its mouth.

In the billowing smoke, it spit out a high-density dragon breath energy ball.

It rushed straight into the sky and then exploded heavily!

Countless small meteorites burning with flames fell from the sky.

They fell like a rainstorm on the zombie Satanmon floating in the air.

Zombie Satanmon flew quickly.

But facing the dense attacks of the Dragon Star Group, he had to wave his staff from time to time to smash the meteorites that attacked him.

The Dragon Star Group meteorites that were dodged fell to the ground.

The continuous explosions that deafened the eardrums of the audience sounded one after another.

The flames rose and turned into semi-spherical shock waves.

Mary's face was extremely gloomy.

Facing Steel Dragon Beast, which has almost the best meat shield attribute of Steel + Dragon, the pure evil zombie Satanmon really doesn't have many skills to fight

"Another Dark Bone Claw!"

At this point, Mary could only use a tug-of-war to wear down the opponent's physical strength.

Zombie Satanmon heard this and raised the staff again.

Prepare to condense the dark energy for the second time.

However, in the firelight, several missiles that were very similar to the Ultimate Destruction Cannon of Machine Tyrannosaurus Rex were also grinning, and the missile cannons with flames behind them suddenly flew out.

It exploded on the back of Zombie Satanmon from the right rear.

That was the Giga Destruction Cannon of Steel Dragonmon!

Severe pain came from the back, and Zombie Satanmon was hit by the Giga Destruction Cannon and fell rapidly.

But the dark energy condensed in the core of the top of the staff did not dissipate.

"Dark Bone Claws!"

Mary clenched her fists and shouted in a rare way.

""Iron Head!"

The burly Irondramon no longer held back.

Facing the black tsunami that was coming like a wave, he lowered his head slightly and pointed his forehead forward.

He rushed forward!

Finally, a moment before Zombie Satanmon landed,

Irondramon's head hit Zombie Satanmon right in the face.

The eyeballs under Zombie Satanmon's skull mask showed obvious pain, and his mouth opened wide.


Zombie Satanmon slammed heavily into the wall behind Mary.

It was embedded in the wall, creating a deep pit more than half a meter deep.

And after a few seconds, it fell to the ground with a"bang".

The last flash of light passed by.

Zombie Satanmon turned back into the adult form of Impmon

"Zombie Satanmon loses his ability to fight, and Steel Dragonmon wins."

The referee announced.:

"Since all six of Marie's Pokémon lost their ability to fight, the winner is Sigana from Alola."

Sigana climbed the railing in front of the podium with one hand.

She crossed the hurdle with one hand as if possessed by a Toucan.

She led MetalGiantmon to Marie and Impmon and said with concern,:

""Damn tape?"

She had lost her loved ones before, so now she cherishes everything she has now.

Mary, who had already put Impmon back into the ball, shook her head, indicating that she didn't need to care.

At this moment, Su Xuan's big hands covered the two girls' heads on the left and right.

Mary and Shijiana turned their heads at the same time, meeting Su Xuan's gaze and smile.

"You've worked hard, go back and have a rest."

Xi Jiana grinned and nodded vigorously.

Mary's mouth twitched twice, wanting to laugh but unable to.

In the end, she used the method Su Xuan had taught her before.

She used her index fingers on the corners of her mouth and forced a smile.

Well, so cute!


"Tomorrow is the moment when I will become the world's number one!"

Qinglu raised his glass and shouted at dinner time.

Xiaomao next to him glanced at Su Xuan not far away without any expression.

Qinglu added awkwardly,"Ahem, the doctor is the number one in the universe."

Red was silent as always.

But from the random glances under the baseball cap, you can guess that his mood is not as calm as his face.

To be honest, he wanted to go to Alola to participate in the island tour as soon as possible.

Not only to gain new combat power, but Red also didn't want to watch his mortal enemy reach the top of the quartz.

But reason told him that he should stay and watch the final.

This is very likely to be a showdown between the two strongest tamers in the world except Su Xuan.

Watching it up close will definitely allow you to learn a lot.

It can also pave the way for yourself to cultivate Digimon.

More importantly, captains such as Shuilian, Mao, and Kachi are also here.

If they don't go back, the island tour can't proceed normally!

""Sister Xijiana! We are counting on you."

Everyone in Pallet Town gathered around Qinglu.

Xiaoyao, Xiaoguang, Serena and other girls of similar age stood on Xijiana's side.

Especially Xiaoyao and the others, they just didn't like Qinglu. They didn't want this guy to be the leader of the Four Heavenly Kings.

Even if it was only temporarily.

"Don't worry, how could I lose to that guy?"

Xijiana raised her hand and showed her muscles.


"Brother Su Xuan, after the Quartz Conference, shall we go to Kalos to watch Brother Gladion's game?"

Lilia, who was still holding the unevolved Big-Eared Beast as usual, approached Su Xuan and asked with anticipation in her eyes.

Although if nothing unexpected happened, Thatch would take action tomorrow,

Su Xuan still pretended to know nothing and nodded and agreed to Lilia.

"Mrs. Hanako, do you want Xiaozhi to try it too?"

Su Xuan suddenly asked with a sidelong glance.

Xiaozhi now also has a X spray.

I am looking forward to the old spray X storage water spray X being stronger.

Hanako smiled and shook her head

"Xiaozhi has decided to go to Alola with Red to challenge the island tour. He may have to disturb Mr. Su Xuan for a while."

"No, no, Alola is not mine, you can come if you want."

Su Xuan waved his hand and smiled.

Although it was a pity that the two X-sprays could not fight each other.

But with Xiaoyin and Gladion, it should be enough to strengthen Ailan.

And it was not long before the Miare Conference. It was really difficult for Xiaozhi to collect 8 badges in such a short time.

(To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

When Shirona and Sonia heard Su Xuan's words, their expressions were a little strange.

Isn't Alola yours?

It is no exaggeration to say that in Alola, every penny dropped from the sky belongs to the surname Su.


Quartz Conference Finals

"Ladies and Gentlemen! This year's Quartz Conference, which has lasted for nearly half a month, is finally coming to an end today!"

Hu Tao stood on the high platform, waved and shouted to the 100,000 audience members who had already filled the venue.:

"I believe that everyone is like me, and feels very sad about the end of the conference."

"But there is no need to feel regretful, because what we are about to witness will be the most exciting showdown of this competition!"

"Let us warmly welcome the two finalists to enter the venue!"

When Qinglu and Xijiana walked out of the contestant passages on the left and right sides, the atmosphere in the entire Quartz Arena was boiling to the extreme.

"Green! Green! Green!"

"Shijiana! Kill that pretentious guy!"

"Come and fight for our honor! Oki family!"

"This is Alola's victory!"


The cheers that came one after another were about to burst the sky.

And the names of the contestants, Green and Shijiana, were not the only ones being shouted at the scene and on the Internet.

There was also"Alola".

From the first round of the preliminaries to now, everyone sent by Su Xuan to participate in the competition had at least one exciting battle that was enough to be watched repeatedly and recorded in the battle textbooks.

This made the popularity of the Alola region reach an unprecedented height.

Su Xuan also went to look at the comments section related to Rosemon yesterday.

If you didn't know, you would think that the nobles were gathering to have a silver party.

One by one, they claimed to save money to change their nationality.

It reminded Su Xuan of the single dogs in his previous life who saved money and said they wanted to buy beautiful robots.

Kukui also reported to Su Xuan that the number of reservations for the new Alola Big Three increased dramatically yesterday.

And Barumon, which originally accounted for only a little over 20%, also skyrocketed to 89% like a rocket launch!

The main reason is that the grass type has more weaknesses.

So relatively few people choose it.

Unless you are the anti-tune Vine Snake or the Green Grass Maker Bomb King Kong.

Otherwise, few people choose the grass type.

0 flowers requested

Just yesterday, Balmon became the most popular grass-type starter Pokémon in the entire Pokémon Continent.

The reason is... those who know will understand

"May all your Barumons evolve into Poopmons."

Su Xuan silently offered his blessing in his heart.


At this time, Xijiana and Qinglu both walked to the center of the venue.

"When I first met you in Fengyuan, I didn't like you."

Shijiana's ruby-like eyes stared at Qinglu.

She grinned, revealing the conspicuous tiger tooth inside.

"Wow~ What a coincidence, I am the same."

Qinglu responded with a mocking smile.

"I asked the professor last night, and he wouldn't mind even if you beat six of them."

The referee and Hu Tao, who were closer to the two, didn't know what to say.

These two are now the four kings of the Alola League, right?

This strong smell of gunpowder... With such a bad relationship, I feel that the future of Alola is a bit worrying.

Hu Tao, who has high emotional intelligence, smoothed things over in time.:

"It seems that the two kings are very eager to fight. I can't help but want to see it. Please go to the command platform to make final preparations."

Hu Tao was a little afraid that the two of them hadn't even taken out the Poké Ball.

The trainer himself started fighting.

"Humph! He's just a grandpa's boy who grew up in a greenhouse. I can deal with him right away!"

Xijiana spread out her cloak and turned away.

"The vicious woman who only thinks about violence will soon let you know who is the second best animal trainer in the world!"

Looking at the two people who were gradually moving away with their backs.

In the VIP room of the highest stand, the Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto were guarding Damalanchi.

Granny Kikuko spoke first:

"The winner between the two will qualify for the King Challenge"

"But they won't come to Kanto to serve, right?"

Xiba scratched his face and said

"Even if it's not appropriate, I can still play in the game, A'Du, you better be careful."

Grandma Juzi glanced at Yulongdu


Yu Longdu, as always, had a look of contempt on his face.

But Kona had already noticed that Yu Longdu's hands around Yue Xiong were tightly clasped.

"This game may decide who is the world's second.……"

Professor Oak whispered to himself.

In the field, Green threw the Poké Ball with his backhand.

"Crush her! Demon beast!"

Seeing the demon beast with a cute appearance but an extremely bad and even vicious smile on its face, everyone's expression froze.

Before the audience could come to their senses,

Qinglu had already revealed the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

"At the beginning……!?"

Xiao Mao was shocked by his brother's actions.

It was completely different from the previous battle with Serena.

He showed his trump card right from the start! ?

"Tearing apart the pitch-black darkness, burning the heaven and earth to ashes, the lone and absolute king! All things tremble under his might!!"

The strong light of evolution expanded rapidly, turning into a pillar of light that enveloped Qinglv's head.

The strong wind caused by the violent power blew his brown hedgehog hair into a frenzy.

"Make the monsters evolve to the ultimate level!!"

When countless viewers at the scene and in front of the TV saw the pair of iconic scimitars sticking out from the beam of light, they finally reacted.

Such a big deal right from the start!?

"Kai Wangmon!!!"

However, on the other side—— bang!

The muscles of the giant dragon beast that were so exaggerated that they seemed to burst their skin at any time fell to the ground.

Shi Jiana also raised the Tyrannosaurus to the tip of Qiong's nose.

"The roar of the king is now shaking the earth! Engrave the unique power of the overlord in your body! Megalodon Evolution!!!"

At the call of the master,

Megalodon's body and the screen of the Tyrannosaurus Rex burst into strong light.

Just like the green Demon Beast, the sky-high beam of light almost covered half of the field.

""Raging Tamashi! Machinedramon!!!"

In the final cry of Shijiana, a huge steel-armored mad dragon, whose entire body was covered with steel and had no biological skin at all, showed its true face from the evolutionary beam.

"What is this?"

Looking at the Machinedramon that was comparable to a Gigantamax Pokémon,

Damalanqi in the VIP seat opened his mouth wide.

The four champion-level kings beside him had similar expressions.

However, Yulongdu only opened his mouth for two seconds and then quickly closed it.

He thought that no one should see it... right?

And Shijiana and Qinglu, Machinedramon and Kaiwangmon looked at each other.

It seemed as if a thunder of ten thousand pounds had exploded between them.

"Wait, why do these two people's summoning lines sound so familiar to me?"

Sirona said with a strange expression

"He is both a king and a Tamashi.……"

Lusamine tilted her head slightly and looked at the bastard sitting next to her daughter.

Well... it turns out that they are not competing for the second place in the world.

They are competing for who is the first henchman of Emperor Su Xuanzong.

"Brother Red, should we also think about the summoning lines? Otherwise, when others Ultimate Evolve, they will recite poems, but we won't. Isn't that a bit out of place?"

Xiaozhi barely recovered from the shock, swallowed his saliva, thought of a question, tilted his head and asked his brother.


Are you trying to embarrass a mute like me?

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