Misty, who was sitting in the row in front of Xiaozhi, rolled her eyes wildly when she heard what he said. He started thinking about reciting poems without any Digimon?

Xiaoxia felt that Xiaozhi was just like that greasy guy who had just met a girl and had already thought of every possible name for the child.

In the past, she would have definitely said something venomous to him.

But when she thought about how much Xiaozhi had suffered recently, she decided to forget it.

After all, we can't allow him to fantasize, right?

Those who don't even dare to fantasize in their fantasies are the real losers.

He can't chase the senior in real life, and he doesn't even dare to fantasize in novels.

"Machinedramon is the strongest mechanical Digimon of the Steel+ type, with its entire body made of 100% metal. It is said that all the transformation coefficient Digimon so far are prototypes prepared to complete Machinedramon."

"It is said that this Digimon exists in another time and space and is known as one of the Four Dark Lords. It has overwhelming destructive power, but does not have a brain to match it, which greatly tests the command ability of the trainer."

"His special skills are [Infinite Cannon] which fires super crossbow-level dragon energy waves from the two cannons on his back, [Turbo Claw] which is connected to the alloy chain with his left hand, and [Giga Destroyer] which fires organic missiles from the moon mouth.】"

Hearing the introduction of Machinedramon coming from Kona's phone, Xiba grumbled in a low voice.:

"Another dragon?"

So far, all the Ultimates they have encountered are dragons.

Only Rosemon seems to be an alien.

Well, but Sheba would never have thought that they would soon see a non-dragon Ultimate.


""Turbo Claw!"

Shijiana twisted her neck, baring her fangs and yelling at Machinedramon. Machinedramon raised its left arm, and the entire claw was disconnected from its hand, connected by a rough chain.

It tore through the air and approached Kaiwangmon at high speed.

""Fight back! Phosphorus Slash!"

Qinglu had no intention of being afraid of fighting because of the size difference.

Kaiwangmon's two swords"Chrysanthemum Phosphorus" flashed blue and white"430" sword light.

He faced forward head-on.

The blades and steel claws kept colliding.

A lot of sparks splashed.

Kaiwangmon swung the scimitar wildly.

And Machinedramon swung his left shoulder wildly.

He waved his left arm connected by a chain like a whip.

During the round of the two sides' moves,

Machinedramon's steel claws and Kaiwangmon's sword light fell on the barrier from time to time.

Each shot could tear a big hole in the transparent barrier.

Or cause a large area of spider web cracks.

The audience in the front row turned pale.

Damn, I won't lose my reputation just to watch a game, right?

""Priestmon, Death Talisman, Rosemon, Guard."

A double barrier, one white and one green, suddenly rose up.

Even the attack of two Ultimate Digimon could not shake it in the slightest.

Everyone turned their heads and saw that two female Digimon had stood at the edge of the field without knowing when.

The double barrier was opened to tightly cover the field.


""Big word explosion!"

Qinglv behind Kaiwangmon suddenly raised his hand and pointed forward.

Kaiwangmon had already jumped onto the flaming left arm of Machinedramon. He raised his head high at the command of his master.

He released a super"Big" shaped flame array with an area comparable to that of Machinedramon itself.

"Kill him! Split him!"

Shijiana's red eyes shrank sharply like the pupils of Uchiha Chuunibyou.

Machine Evil Dragon Beast raised its right claw high.

Like a great sword of destruction.

Split it horizontally!

The steel body came into contact with the high-temperature flame.

It did not change the expression of Machine Evil Dragon Beast at all.

Instead, it split the"big" in the word"explosion" into"丨" and"人" one above and one below.

Machine Evil Dragon Beast roared.

The huge steel claws urgently fell towards Kai Wangmon.

The sound of metal clashing sounded.

Kai Wangmon crossed his two swords and pressed against the lower end of the sharp claw in the middle of Machine Evil Dragon Beast's right claw.


""Roar, roar, roar!!!"

Qinglv and Kaiwangmon roared together.

Kaiwangmon raised the power of his hands to the limit. He lifted the huge body of Machinedramon like a seesaw! Machinedramon lost its balance in mid-air and"thumped".

Its back hit the double protective shield created by Priestmon and Rosemon.

"Holy Sword!"

Green shouted.

Kaiwangmon jumped up and landed on the right arm of Machinedramon.

The tips of the two swords pierced into the steel skin.

Then, they rushed to the shoulder.


Fire was everywhere.

Kaiwangmon, who was running all the way, left two long cuts on the right arm of Machinedramon. But because it was made of steel, there was no bleeding.

"Running around everywhere!"

Shijiana kicked her legs and jumped to the top of the machine evil dragon beast. She looked into Shijiana's eyes.

The machine evil dragon beast immediately understood what its master meant.


When Kaiwangmon was about to charge,

Machinedramon's entire right arm actually fell off!

This operation was really scary.

Even the top trainers and champion trainers who were at the scene or watching on TV were all staring with their eyes wide open.

Can you play like this!?

"Ah Xuan!——"

Sonia pointed at the Machinedramon in the field in disbelief.

"There's nothing strange about it. Machinedramon is a transformation-type Digimon.

Su Xuan said calmly.:

"However, after this battle, Machinedramon will most likely transform back to its juvenile stage."

After a normal battle, it will usually just transform back to its growth stage.

If it is beaten too hard, it will transform back to its juvenile stage.

And it will take a long time to evolve again.

Now looking at the way Shijiana and Qinglu are getting excited...

Su Xuan guarantees that their partners will have to go back and rest for a while after this battle.

That's good, anyway, Sachi has expressed more than once that he hopes to transfer his troops away.

In order to avoid accidentally killing Sakaki.

Now, there is no need to even think of a reason.


"If you like that hand so much, I'll give it to you!!"

Shijiana, standing on top of the Mechanical Evil Dragon Beast, shouted with a fierce smile.:

""Giga Destroyer!!!"

Machinedramon roared.

The cabin door on its chest opened.

Similar to Machinedramon, but even bigger, the missile cannon with flaming tail fell straight down.

Blow you up with this arm!

"Phosphorus Strike!!!"

Qinglv, who was also in a state of excitement, jumped down from the command platform.

Standing right behind Kaiwangmon, he pointed upwards.

"Hey! You two!"

The referees in the outer area were all stunned.

Are the battles in Alola so wild?

The two swords screamed and overlapped.

All the power was concentrated on the top.

They shot up to meet the falling missile cannon.


The ruthless special move came up.

Under the extremely powerful impact,

Kaiwangmon, who had just jumped up, was pressed down by the air pressure again.

Machinedramon, who had lost one arm, also took a step back.

But with the huge advantage of size, he did not completely lose his balance like Kaiwangmon.

"Infinite Arms!"

Machinedramon stabilized his body faster than his opponent.

The moment he heard the master's order, he had no intention of doing so.

The only remaining steel left arm surged with disturbing evil waves.

Like a five-finger mountain, it fell tightly together.


The ground of the arena was like a cookie falling on the ground and breaking into small pieces.

The 100,000 spectators at the scene felt their buttocks sink down hard.

That feeling was like the take-off and landing in an amusement park!

The ground collapsed!

And Kaiwangmon, who was caught off guard, was crushed under this big hand.

Looking closely, he found that the upper half of his body was exposed between the claws of Machinedramon.

"I'm the winner!"

Xijiana, who was on top of the Mechanical Evil Dragon Beast, waved her hand and pointed downwards.

"Infinity - Cannon!!!"

Boom! Boom!

The two huge cannon barrels behind Machinedramon turned and aimed at Kaiomon, who was pressed between the fingers of his left hand.

The muzzles of the cannons accumulated dazzling golden energy waves!

"Don't think it's over now!"

Qinglv was so excited that the veins on his neck bulged.

Kaiwangmon barely stretched out his right hand.

The flaming Chrysanthemum fiercely inserted into the giant steel claw that was holding down his lower body.

However, Machinedramon seemed to feel no pain.

No matter how many times you chop, I will never let go! (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Go to hell!

The next moment, two golden heavy crossbows that were enough to smash two mountains fell almost vertically towards Kaiwangmon who had not yet struggled.

""Phoenix Slash!!!"

Qinglu's heart tightened, and he gritted his teeth and roared.

Even if this posture could not allow Kaiwangmon to exert his strength perfectly.

But there was no other choice.

After struggling for a long time, Kaiwangmon, whose right leg was still pressed, had no choice but to swing the sword in this half-lying posture.

This was his last resort.

Finally, the golden shock wave above and the blue-white sword light below collided with each other.

The rapidly spreading shock wave instantly covered the entire field of vision of the audience on the scene, as well as 100% of the screen in the live broadcast room.


The double-handed protective shield created by Priestmon and Rosemon.

Cracked into pieces

""Angewomon, protect."

A familiar voice sounded.

Indistinctly, everyone saw a dreamlike figure flapping its white wings and flying over the arena. A third layer of protective shield was created, so the terrifying sound of glass shattering could not be heard.

However, the deafening roar still passed through the triple protective shield and echoed in everyone's ears.

And the blazing white light was even clearly seen by the Phoenix King ten thousand meters above the sky.

It was unknown how long the aftermath lasted before the noise gradually calmed down.

The audience, who had been stimulated by the dazzling light just now and could only close their eyes, finally opened their eyes and looked.

What they saw was... No, to be precise, they saw nothing.

Because the huge venue was left with only a bottomless pit!

And the only ground where Machinedramon and Green could stand was the spot where they stood!

This scene was very similar to the scene when Cell blasted the venue of the Cell Tournament with one shot.

"This is the power of the Ultimate... It's amazing."

Shiba looked at the battlefield that was left with only a bottomless pit and murmured subconsciously.

"Because their attacks were squeezed by the triple protective shield, they were completely pushed to the ground, but... it was terrifying enough...."

Kona Junction Road

"Kaiwangmon... is missing?"

Xiao Mao also discovered the problem.

His brother's partner is missing.

Could it be that he fell down?

"Isn't it there? In his arms."

Su Xuan reminded.

Everyone looked at him intently.

They saw Qinglu standing on a piece of land that looked like a mountain top.

In his arms was a spherical Digimon with a pure white body and two ribbon-like tentacles on its brows.

"Digomon is a common digital beast in its infancy. It looks innocent and cute, but if you put your hand in it rashly, you will be bitten by its dense teeth."

After hearing the introduction in the illustrated book, Xiao Mao was stunned and said:

""Being, being beaten back to childhood?""

Oh my God!

These beast trainers have fought each other so many times that they have forgotten how many times they have fought each other.

This is the first time I have seen someone being beaten back to childhood.

"So Xi Jiana won the first round, right?"

Xiao Yao asked.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Guang suddenly pointed to the field and exclaimed::

"Look everyone! Machinedramon——"

Everyone's eyes shifted from Qinglv to Machinedramon.

Machinedramon's left arm from the elbow to the palm was also peeling off and decomposing at a speed visible to the naked eye, breaking into debris and falling into the bottomless pit below.

"The infinite cannon just now even affected its own hand."

Su Xuan said.

It was originally a long-range trick.

But in order to ensure the hit,

Xijiana asked the mechanical evil dragon beast to hold the opponent down before using it.

This is the price


Standing on top of it, Xijiana immediately realized that something was wrong with her partner and shouted


Machinedramon used up the last bit of his strength.

He stretched out his arm, which only had the wrist left but no palm, and put the master on the ground.

The next second, the mechanical body quickly disintegrated and dissipated.

The body also shrank rapidly.

It turned into a round light pink ball Digimon.

Shijiana quickly reached out and caught it.

"Rollermon, a juvenile general digital beast that has no combat ability and can only threaten the enemy by spitting out bubbles."

Seeing the picture and introduction of Rollermon in the illustrated book, Nimo was puzzled.:

"Eh? Doctor, isn't the evolved form of Rollermon Agumon?……"

Su Xuan was speechless for a moment.

Do you know what"everything comes out of a ball" means?

Not to mention Agumon.

The Homomon in your arms evolved from Ballmon.

If Ditto in the spirit world can lay any egg, then Ballmon can evolve into any Digimon!

"So, how does this match work now?"

Xiaozhi blinked, at a loss.:

"The venue has become like this……"

Other viewers and netizens also started a heated discussion.

I'm afraid this has never happened since the establishment of the alliance.

The venue was destroyed in the middle of the game!

And looking at this state, the Quartz Arena may not be usable for a long time.

"President, do you want to move to the branch arena?"

Grandma Kikuko asked Dama Lanqi.

In addition to the main 5.4 arena where everyone is now, there are four small arenas on the Quartz Plateau.

They are the four arenas used in the previous preliminaries: rock, ice, grass, and water.


Dama Lanqi was also in a dilemma for a moment.

Half of his body was buried in the ground, and he didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

""The outcome will be decided at the first Alola Conference."

Just as everyone was discussing, a voice suddenly attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone turned their heads and saw Su Xuan standing up from his seat, looking straight at the two people in the field, and asked:

"How about it?"

Hearing this, Qinglu was the first to speak.:

"Since this is your opinion, I have nothing to say.:

"Guandong's level is too low, he can't stand my level at all."

Good fellow, you're going to criticize Guandong again, right?


At this time, crisp applause rang out.

Serena, who was beside Su Xuan, stood up first and applauded with a smile on her face.

Sonia followed closely behind, and her pretty face also showed a gratified smile.

The applause continued.

Shirona, Xiaoyao, Mali... Red, Hanako, Xiaozhi... Daigo, Qianli... and the 100,000 spectators at the scene stood up one after another.

They came back to their senses from the shock, and finally realized that they had witnessed a classic battle that was worthy of being recorded in the history of the alliance.

It was worth it!

The rebellious character Qinglv lifted Digomon high up, letting his partner enjoy the honor it deserves.

This is its glory.

And Xijiana covered her mouth with one hand, her eyes reddened uncontrollably.

My daughter doesn't cry easily, but she is not too sad.

From the death of her elder sister four years ago, to sneaking into two major criminal organizations alone, to the failure of the inheritance ceremony.

She lost too much.

And today, she was reborn.

All this is because of that man.

Xijiana swore secretly in her heart.

Whoever disrespects Su Xuan, she must kill him!.

Added by: Apollo555

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