Starting from Kanto, traveling around the world!
Starting from Kanto, traveling around the world!
The legend of the most legendary Trainer is spread in regions all over the world!
On the Indigo Plateau, the legend begins!
On Mt. Silver, the name of the Red Devil was created!
Sky Pillar, harness the dragon god Soaring in the sky!
At the top of Mt. Coronet, face the Lord of the Gods!
Unova, Kalos, Alola, Galar, Padea!
In the name of Red, walk the road of generations!
- 1 1. Press The A Button To Start Your Adventure!
- 2 2. The Red And White Poké Ball Cap Is The True Form Of Red!
- 3 3. The Red Earl Dervish PokéMon Must Be Charmander!
- 4 4. The Power Of Red, Charmander: He Is Really Not A Human Being!
- 5 5. Rival Green: Has Your PokéMon Gotten A Little Stronger?
- 6 6. The Battle Of Earl Dervish, Red Vs Green, Charmander Vs Squirtle!
- 7 7. Let’S Leave The Outcome Between Us In The Indigo Plateau!
- 8 8. The Golden Thunder That Shattered The Darkness Of The Sky, Ash And Pikachu!
- 9 9. Rainbow Feather, Alienated Fearow!
- 10 10. Chihong: This Should Be The Most Words I Have Ever Said!
- 11 11. Entering Viridian Forest, The Familiar Growl: Pi~ Card?
- 12 12. Partner Pikachu: What Is This? Ketchup? Give It A Lick!
- 13 13. Xiuze Forest Ranger And Xiao Huang, Poacher Balk!
- 14 14. Xiao Huang, The Healer, And Pikachu Challenge Fearow!
- 15 15. Xiao Huang And Qiu Qiu, Xiao Huang: I Will Become Qiu Qiu’S Trainer!
- 16 16. Xiao Huang’S Everlasting Power, The Red Power Of Transformation!
- 17 17. Xiao Huang’S First Conquest, Xiao Lala!
- 18 18. Charmander And Pikachu Become Stronger, Changes In Red Power!
- 19 19. Farewell, Xiao Huang: I Wish You A Tailwind All The Way, Big Brother!
- 20 20. Pewter Is The Rock-Solid Gray And Black Color!
- 21 21. Go To Challenge Nibi Gym, The Gym Leader Flint!
- 22 22. Nibi Gym Challenge: Red Vs Flint, Pikachu Vs Graveler!
- 23 23. Nibby Gym Challenge: Defeat Graveler And Rhydon Appears!
- 24 24. Nibi Gym Challenge: Charmandervs Rhydon, Light Of Evolution!
- 25 25. Nibi Gym Challenge: Charmeleon Appears! The Winner Is The Challenger Red!
- 26 26. Obtain Pewter Badge, Charcoal And Electric Beads!
- 27 27. Battle At PokéMon Center, Sell Ore At Pewter’S Rock! (15)
- 28 28. Leave Nibby City And Head To Mt. Moon! (25)
- 29 29. Arriving At Mt. Moon, Charmeleon Acts As A Torch! (35)
- 30 30. Max, The Mountaineering Man, Lights That Destroy The Ecological Environment! (45)
- 31 31. What, Someone Dared To Attack Team Rocket? (55)
- 32 32. There Are Four Rockets Teams In Total, And The Science Major Is A Filial Piety!
- 33 33. Chihong Was Intercepted Again And Again!
- 34 34. Maybe This Is The Bad Relationship Between Chi Ye And Team Rocket?
- 35 35. A Little Guy’S Surprise, Heading To The Top Of Mt. Moon!
- 36 36. A Scuffle Between Team Rocket And The Poachers, The Imprisoned Clefairies!
- 37 37. Rescue The Clefairy And The Explosion Of Mt. Moon!
- 38 38. Mt. Moon Square Represents The Moon Dance Of Happiness!
- 39 39. Unova Region’S Flash PokéMon Axew! (14)
- 40 40. Flash Axew, Higher Attack And Speed Species Strength! (24)
- 41 41. Trainer Rodin’S Meowth Arrives In Cerulean City! (34)
- 42 42. The Color Of The Water In Cerulean City Is A Mysterious Aqua Blue! (44)
- 43 43. The Best Way To Improve Your PokéMon Is To Fight!
- 44 44. A Girl From Unova Region!
- 45 45. The Fifth Generation, The Black And White Heroine - Touko, Appears!
- 46 46. Participate With Touko In The Doubles Battle In The Battle Hall!
- 47 47. Touko: Come On, Aka-Kun!
- 48 48. Touko’S Krokorok, Dimensionality Reduction Strike!
- 49 49. Touko’S Minccino, Twenty Consecutive Wins In Doubles Matches!
- 50 50. Sharing Lunch With Touko, Touko: I Will Be Your Rival!
- 51 51. The Black And White Heroine, Touko, Challenges The Original Protagonist, Red!
- 52 52. Red Vs Touko, Pikachu Vs Krokorok! (Please Order In Full!)
- 53 53. Touko’S Earl Dervish PokéMon Pignite And Charmeleon Enter The Battle! (Please Order In Full!)
- 54 54. Red Vs Touko, Charmeleon Vs Pignite, Dragon Rage! (Please Order In Full!)
- 55 55. Touko’S Departure, Golden Ball Bridge, Bridge Blocking Tactics! (Please Order In Full!)
- 56 56. Continuous Battles On The Golden Ball Bridge, Rockets! (Please Order In Full)
- 57 57. The Evolved Person, Childhood Sweetheart - Bilan, Appears! (Please Order In Full!)
- 58 58. Red Vs Blue, Coming Up Is Charmeleon! (Please Order In Full!)
- 59 59. Red Vs Blue, It’S Sunny Day, Turn On The Power Of The Sun! (Please Order In Full!)
- 60 60. Red Vs Blue, Charmeleon Vs Ivysaur, Chlorophyll! (Please Order In Full!)
- 61 61. Ivysaur’S Sunny Flames, Red And Blue, Have Each Other In Their Hearts! (Please Order In Full!)
- 62 62. Route Twenty-Four, The Beastman A.J! (Please Order In Full!)
- 63 63. Vs A.J, Axewvs Sandshrew! (Please Order In Full!)
- 64 64. Route Twenty-Five, The Lost Red And Blonde Beauty! (Please Order In Full!)
- 65 65. The First Female Champion In History, Sinnoh Champion——Cynthia! (Please Order In Full!)
- 66 66. Bilan’S Sense Of Crisis: How Could Qingmei Be Defeated By Tiansheng? (Please Order In Full)
- 67 67. A Being Born For Fighting, Cynthia’S Sister Yudo Sundae (Please Order All Of Them!)
- 68 68. Cynthia: I Suggest You Have A Sundae Battle With Chi! (Please Order In Full!)
- 69 69. Yudo Sundae’S Awakening, Cynthia’S Relief (Please Order In Full!)
- 70 70. White Cape, Ash And Krabby! (Please Order In Full!)
- 71 71. Under The Red And Oppressive Bgm, The First Victim Is Ash (Please Order In Full)
- 72 72. Ash’S Charmander Is So Different! (Please Order In Full!)
- 73 73. The First Tragedy In Ash’S Career, The White Cape Massacre (Please Order In Full!)
- 74 74. The Lighthouse Above The Sea, Bill Lighthouse! (Please Order In Full!)
- 75 75. The Huge Dragonite Appears, Pikachu: Don’T Even Think About Touching Chi! (Please Order In Full!
- 76 76. The Courtesy Of The Ultra-Ancient Dragonite, Dratini PokéMon Eggs And Orange Dragon Scales (Plea
- 77 77. Team Rocket In The Unknown Island, Fire, Thunder And North Wind (Please Order In Full!)
- 78 78. Vermilion Is The Orange Color At Dusk! (Please Order In Full!)
- 79 79. Vermilion Gym, Gym Leader Ma Zhishi And Raichu Appear! (Please Order In Full!)
- 80 80. Vermilion Gym Challenge: Axew, Evolve! (Please Order In Full!.)
- 81 81. Doragon Dies! Ma Zhishi: I Had An Explosion Today! (Please Order In Full!)
- 82 82. Leaving Vermilion City, Red And White Bicycles! (Please Order In Full!)
- 83 83. Your Childhood Sweetheart Bilan Suddenly Appears! (Please Order In Full!)
- 84 84. Green And Raticate, The Big Truck That Broke Into The Rock Tunnel! (Please Order In Full!)
- 85 85. Team Rocket Is Coming, The Blue Nidoqueen! (Please Order In Full!)
- 86 86. Green And Petrel, One Of The Four Generals Of Team Rocket! (Please Order In Full!)
- 87 87. Self Destruct Tactics, The Breeder Man Is Famous For His Breeder! (Please Order In Full!)
- 88 88. A Rare Encounter Between Red, Blue And Green, The Poisoned Raticate (Please Order In Full!)
- 89 89. Green And Growlithe, The First Generation Trio Travel In Rock Tunnel (Please Order In Full!)
- 90 90. PokéMon? What An Inconvenience! (Please Order In Full!)
- 91 91. Lavender Town, Red And Blue, A Match Made In Heaven! (Please Order In Full.!)
- 92 92. White Hands, Disappearing Men And Women! (Please Order In Full!)
- 93 93. PokéMon Home, Team Rocket And Cubone! (Please Order In Full!)
- 94 94. News From Mr. Fuji, Team Rocket In PokéMon Tower! (Please Order In Full!)
- 95 95. PokéMon Tower, Life Will End One Day! (Please Order In Full!)
- 96 96. Ghost’S Identity, Cubone’S Mother! (Please Order In Full!)
- 97 97. The PokéMon Tower Incident Is Over, Team Rocket Cannot Be Forgiven! (Please Order In Full!)
- 98 98. Conquer, Cubone, Thank You Gift From Mr. Fuji! (Please Order In Full)
- 99 99. Under The Sunset, Red And Blue Depend On Each Other! (Please Order In Full!)
- 100 100. The Old Man Who Plays Poké Flute! (Order All Over The World!)
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