The old man was very happy.

Originally, according to Wutong's prediction, it would take some time for Xiaohuo to evolve, although there would be no side effects if he evolved now.

However, with the side effects brought by Wutong's ten years of experience as a breeder, he always wanted his Pokémon to be trained to the limit at each stage before evolving.

It's just that plans can't keep up with changes, and the will of Pokémon itself is also an important factor affecting the evolution of Pokémon.

As the white light faded, Xiaohuo, who evolved into Charizard, appeared in front of Wutong.

When Xiaohuo was a Charmeleon, his skin was dark gray with white flame patterns.

Now that he has evolved into Charizard, the color of his skin has deepened further, turning into a deep black, with some bone-white flame patterns on his body.

The pupils are very deep dark blue, the body muscles are well-proportioned and strong, and the flame at the tail has also changed, which is different from the normal yellow-red flame at the tail of the general fire-breathing dragon.

The flame at the tail of Xiaohuo is pure red, very charming, like the blood-red color of blood.

After the evolution, Xiaohuo is as oppressive as a dragon from hell.

"So handsome, my team is finally going the route of appearance." Wutong said with emotion.

Thinking about the first-tier macho pink team, Wutong was upset.

Fortunately, the style of the team finally began to normal after Beedrill.

"Roar!" Xiaohuo, who had evolved, roared at Articuno, flapped his wings and flew directly.

Now, I can fly too, and I must beat you, the blue-haired scum bird today!

"Xiaohuo, fierce fire, jet fire!" Wutong knew that evolution could not restore physical strength, so he decided to make a quick decision.

"Roar!" Xiaohuo was covered with flame-like red energy again, and a mouthful of blood-red flames spurted out.

"Swoosh!" Articuno responded with a freezing beam without thinking.

This time the situation finally reversed, and Xiaohuo's jet of flames had a slight advantage.

According to the second law of the Pokémon world, as long as the skills of equal strength collide, an explosion will occur. An explosion occurred in the center of Articuno and Xiaohuo.

"Xiaohuo, rush up, Fire Fang!" Wutong commanded.

Xiaohuo's wings shook and rushed directly in front of Articuno. This time there was no disadvantage in air defense. Xiaohuo finally approached Articuno, and the blood-red flames in his mouth surged and bit on Articuno's neck.

"Swoosh!" Articuno cried out in pain, flapped its wings, and a strong blizzard appeared, giving Xiaohuo a snowstorm.

After the evolution, Xiaohuo has the attribute of flying, and the original double ice resistance has become normal.

After being hit by the blizzard of Articuno, the flame at Xiaohuo's tail became weaker.

"Xiaohuo, don't let go, metal claws!" Wutong shouted.

Xiaohuo's claws extended with metallic energy and grabbed Articuno's body.

Blue-white energy appeared in Articuno's mouth, and it hit Xiaohuo with a freezing beam combo.

Xiaohuo finally couldn't hold on and let go, and Articuno took the opportunity to distance himself.

"It seems to be the limit, Xiaohuo, the last blow! Dragon Dive!" Wutong commanded.

"Roar!" The wounded Xiaohuo forced himself to roar at Articuno, and the bright blue aura enveloped Xiaohuo.

The blue energy formed a dragon shape, and Xiaohuo rushed towards Articuno with amazing momentum.

"Swoosh!" Orange-yellow energy appeared on Articuno's body and hit Xiaohuo.

The next second, Xiaohuo fell from the air and had lost his ability to fight.

Articuno also slowly fell to the ground. It didn't look very good, but it should still have the strength to continue fighting.

"You did a good job, Xiaohuo." Wutong was not surprised by Xiaohuo's failure and calmly took Xiaohuo back.

You should know that Xiaohuo is less than one year old at most, and the Articuno in front of him left a legend in the Snow Mountain 1,200 years ago.

Wutong is very satisfied with Xiaohuo for being able to fight to this extent.

(ps: Just in case, let me explain that Xiaohuo must not win here, otherwise there will be problems with his combat effectiveness. After all, this Articuno is also a thousand-year-old bird, and in the animation, it can suppress the blizzard of the Snow Mountain with its own will, so it cannot be an opponent that Xiaohuo can defeat at this stage.)

"Sorry, Articuno, my Xiaohuo has a misunderstanding." Wutong said to Articuno.

"Shua!" Articuno looked at him unhappily. You said it was a misunderstanding, so what?

Wutong had no choice but to use his ultimate move, picked up Xiaobai and put him in front of Articuno's face.

"Kana?" Xiaobai tilted his head and looked at Articuno curiously.

"Shua! (You are playing dirty, you little brat!)" Articuno called to Wutong.

Wutong didn't care, and began to tell Articuno why Xiaohuo misunderstood.

After hearing Wutong's explanation, Articuno's face turned green. It was an old man over 1,200 years old, how could it do such a thing.

No wonder the Charizard looked like it wanted to fight it to the death.

"Sorry, sorry, I will explain it to it later, and thank you for saving my Xiaobai." Wutong said.

After that, a bright green light appeared on Wutong's body, and Wutong used the power of Changpan to treat Articuno.

Feeling that his injuries were recovering, Articuno calmed down. This time, it could only be said that it was a misunderstanding caused by various coincidences.

"Pu Li!" Seeing the battle over, Jigglypuff ran out, and it felt that it was its turn to play.

"Shua!" Seeing Jigglypuff running out, Articuno shouted.

This guy, the culprit who almost ruined its reputation, actually wanted to sing! ?

Articuno didn't hesitate at all, and a freezing beam hit Jigglypuff.

Jigglypuff turned into an ice ball again, and then Articuno flapped its wings and hit Jigglypuff ice ball directly out.

Seeing Jigglypuff ice ball rolling down the mountain, Articuno breathed a sigh of relief.

Wutong didn't know what to say for a moment, and could only wish Jigglypuff a good journey.

After treating Articuno's injuries, Wutong simply built a fire in the cave and set up a tent.

Seeing Wutong's actions, Articuno was speechless. What's going on? This guy wanted to stay after running into his house and fighting?

I really hate Pokémon trainers who have no sense of boundaries.

Wutong, who was well prepared, released Xiaohuo again. He was supposed to go to the Pokémon Center for treatment, but after the battle between Xiaohuo and Articuno, it was completely dark outside.

It was a bit dangerous to go down the mountain at night, so Wutong decided to stay at Articuno's place for one night.

After treating Xiaohuo's injuries, Xiaohuo woke up. When he woke up, Xiaohuo saw Articuno lying on the side and immediately bared his teeth.

"Okay, stop baring your teeth. Why are you like a dog? Articuno didn't do anything. You misunderstood." Wutong patted Xiaohuo's head and said.

After Wutong and Xiaobai explained together, Xiaohuo also knew that he had misunderstood, and looked at Articuno with an embarrassed face.

"Shua~" Articuno turned his head aside as he looked at Xiaohuo, who was smiling awkwardly, indicating that he was too lazy to pay attention to this guy.

Seeing that the misunderstanding was resolved, Wutong simply released all his Pokémon and began to prepare dinner.

After all, he didn't have lunch yet, and he started running around looking for Xiaobai, and he was already very hungry.

After Xiaowa and Xiaogui came out, they were very happy to see Xiaobai was found. They turned around and saw Xiaohuo who had evolved, and both guys were stunned.

What's going on? We agreed to be a team of three little ones, why did you grow up first?

Xiaohuo scratched his head awkwardly and didn't know how to explain.

Articuno, who was lying on the side, felt a headache when he saw Wutong calling out a group of Pokémon again. Isn't this his home?

However, after Wutong prepared dinner and bribed him with delicious food, Articuno didn't care.

Isn't it just a place to stay? Just borrow it casually. There is not much else at home, but there is a lot of space.

Wutong was not polite, of course. The next day, he went to the Pokémon Center to give Xiaohuo a thorough recovery, and then went back to Articuno.

Such a good sparring partner, of course, could not be let go. Wutong decided to stay with Articuno during this White Snow Mountain training.

In the next week, under the temptation of Wutong's food and deception, and Xiaobai's cuteness, Articuno completely fell.

Articuno completely became the sparring partner of Wutong's Pokémon, and had to fight Xiaohuo three times a day.

But Xiaohuo never won once, and was not as oppressive as the first time he fought with Articuno.

As for the reason, it was also very simple. At that time, Xiaohuo had an anger amplification, and Articuno was indeed a little confused at the beginning, allowing Xiaohuo to take the initiative and eat a few attacks, and his condition was not very good.

Now Articuno is in good condition, Xiaohuo has lost the anger buff, and Xiaohuo is no match for Articuno.

However, Xiaohuo's progress is also very significant. He has fully adapted to the evolved form and is more flexible when flying.

Wutong felt that Xiaohuo would be able to take him flying if he practiced more.

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