The weather was very hot, but the weather was very hot.

On the top of the Snow Mountain, Wutong rode on Xiaohuo's back with a serious look.

"Xiaohuo, come on, you can do it this time!" Wutong said to Xiaohuo.

"Roar!" He nodded and shouted in response.

Then, Xiaohuo jumped forward and jumped off the Snow Mountain.

"Xiaohuo! Flap your wings! Flap hard! Help! Help!" The next second, Wutong's miserable howl appeared.

"Swoosh!" An ice-blue figure rushed towards Xiaohuo and Wutong who jumped off the Snow Mountain.

In the cave of Articuno, Articuno grabbed Wutong with its claws and flew back to the cave, followed by Xiaohuo who looked embarrassed.

Wutong was put on the ground by Articuno, and Wutong couldn't help but sigh.

Obviously, his own Fireball is much stronger than Xiaozhi's old spray, but there are always problems when flying by himself.

Obviously, it is fine when it flies by itself, but as long as it takes people, it seems to forget how to fly and has all kinds of problems.

It seems that it will take some time to practice riding Fireball everywhere.

Of course, if Wutong is really anxious, he can also buy a flying skill learning machine, so that Fireball can directly take Wutong to fly.

Skills such as flying, surfing, diving, rock climbing, waterfall climbing, etc. can actually achieve the same effect mainly through training.

However, learning these skills can help Pokémon skip the training process and directly achieve the desired effect, just like turning on the simple mode.

Unfortunately, Wutong is now training in the Snow Mountain, and there is no place to buy a flying skill learning machine, so he can only try to let Fireball take him to fly through training.

It's just that the result is not good.

"Okay, okay, Xiaohuo, it's okay, I just need to continue to exercise." Wutong touched Xiaohuo's head to comfort it and said.

"Roar~" Xiaohuo called softly.

"Thank you too, Articuno, you saved me many times." Wutong sighed again.

There is no way. It is too dangerous to practice flying without a safety officer. The Onion Soldier is definitely not able to do it. It is not easy for it to fly with two onions, let alone take Wutong and say goodbye to the sky.

So I can only ask Articuno for help. Anyway, this guy eats and sleeps every day during this period, and the only exercise every day is to fight with Wutong's Pokémon.

The whole bird is rounder.

So Wutong has no psychological burden to ask Articuno for help.

"Well, I'm going to leave today, so, Xiaohuo, this is your last chance." Wutong stretched and said.

"Roar!!" After hearing Wutong's words, Xiaohuo regained his spirit and roared.

"Shua? Shua!" Articuno shouted disdainfully.

Wutong's other Pokémon were also released and began to cheer.

"Well, let's get started! Onion Soldier, come and help!" Wutong rolled up his sleeves and said.

"Ga~!" Onion Soldier also picked up the onion blade for cooking and was ready to help at any time.

After setting the table, Wutong took out sufficient ingredients and started cooking directly.

Xiaohuo and Articuno stood on both sides of the table, looking at each other provocatively.

As various double portions of food were placed on the table, Articuno and Xiaohuo also started to act.

Both Pokémon entered the mode of eating crazy food, madly pouring rice into their mouths.

Wutong and Onion Soldier did not stop and kept making various dishes.

The other Pokémon on the side were already accustomed to it. Obviously, this was not the first time that Xiaohuo and Articuno competed.

As time went on, Xiaohuo and Articuno's speed gradually slowed down, but both Pokémon stared at each other and tried hard to stuff food into their mouths.

"Roar! (Blue-haired bird, if you can't do it anymore, don't try to hold on!)" Xiaohuo shouted at Articuno while chewing his food.

"Ss ...

Standing behind Wutong, it was not used to acting as Wutong's bodyguard after being released.

Crystal Rock Snake yawned and seemed not very interested in this fierce "battle".

In the end, Articuno still won. Xiaohuo, whose belly was already round, lay on the ground, but still looked at Articuno unconvinced.

"What a pity, it seems that you can't complete your revenge before leaving." Wutong stopped and said.

"Roar~" Xiaohuo simply pretended to be salted fish and collapsed there without moving.

"Shua!?" Articuno only realized at this time that Wutong was really leaving. Doesn't that mean it can't eat the food made by Wutong every day! ?

Articuno suddenly fell into deep thought. What should he do in the next few days?

"By the way, Articuno, I prepared some energy cubes for you. Although they are not as delicious as freshly made food, you should like them too." Wutong took out a big box and said.

"Shua!" Articuno was moved to tears. It was so good.

"By the way, we have known each other for such a long time. How about giving me a few of your feathers as a testimony of friendship?" Wutong said with a dagger in his hand.

"Shua!" Articuno nodded happily, turned around and pulled two tail feathers for Wutong.

Ditto's transformation form +1

After saying goodbye to Articuno, Wutong left the Snow Mountain and continued his journey to Asagi City.

After two days of uneventful travel, Wutong finally encountered a situation again.

In an unknown forest, Wutong encountered a thick white fog in a certain area.

Under the interference of the white fog, Wutong's visibility dropped to a very low level.

The mobile phone Rotom, which served as a navigation, also seemed to be disturbed by the white fog and temporarily lost its navigation function.

Sure enough, the performance of this generation of mobile phones Rotom is not very good.

It is not a solution to stay in the fog all the time. Wutong can only try to leave the range of the white fog first.

Without the help of navigation, Wutong can only rely on himself. He only hopes that the old man, the God of Lost, can take a rest and not favor Wutong 24 hours a day.

Just as Wutong was wandering around looking for a way to leave the white fog, the weeds on the ground behind him twisted unnaturally twice.

But Wutong didn't notice this at all and continued to walk around.

After walking for a while, Wutong was still in the white fog with no sign of going out.

The white fog was still thick, and it was unknown when it would dissipate.

Wutong suddenly felt a headache. Xiaohuo couldn't take him flying now. Even if he called Xiaohuo out to let it fly out of the range of the white fog, it would be useless.

After all, the routes that can be advanced in the air and on the ground are completely different.

As for Ditto, its ability to carry people is only a little better than Xiaohuo. It can barely fly up and then fall down.

"Do we have to wait here for the fog to dissipate!? This luck is too bad." Wutong said to himself helplessly.

At this time, Wutong felt something wrapped around his ankle, and then a huge force appeared, dragging Wutong in one direction.

Wutong immediately reached for the Poké Ball on his waist, but before he could touch the Poké Ball, he was entangled by another thing.

Wutong lost the ability to resist, and Wutong used his superpowers to call the Dream Demon.

The Dream Demon felt Wutong's call and flew out of the shadow.

Seeing Wutong's condition, he found that he was tied up tightly by unknown vines.

Without time to hesitate, the Dream Demon used magic flames to burn the vines to help Wutong escape.

Who knew that before the vines on Wutong were burned, another vine rushed out, tied to the Dream Demon and dragged them in one direction.

I don't know how far they were dragged, but Wutong and the Dream Demon were finally dragged out of the range of the white fog.

Wutong finally saw who had kidnapped it. A girl with short green hair and a long green dress stood beside two strong Bulbasaur.

The vines that bound Wutong and Dream Demon were extended from the two Bulbasaur.

"Have you rescued them?" The girl's soft voice sounded.

Wutong suddenly felt his body lighten, and the vines wrapped around his body were loosened.

Wutong immediately jumped up, pulled back a distance, picked up a Poké Ball, and looked at the girl and the two Bulbasaur in front of him with vigilance.

The Dream Demon, who was also put down, also floated beside Wutong, and looked at the guy in front of him with the same vigilance as Wutong.

"I'm sorry to take you out of the white fog in this way, but before that, please allow me to welcome you to my courtyard." The girl said softly.

At this time, Wutong also found that in

Behind the girl was a huge fence gate, and behind the gate was a garden that stretched as far as the eye could see.

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