The two of them were in a mess, but they were still in a mess.

Looking at Adu and Mo arguing there, and Xia Hai who was still being rubbed on the head by Adu, Wutong felt that he was out of place here.

But he was still a little brother, and he hadn't got the certificate of the Pokémon Junior Investigator after he was promoted, so he couldn't just leave.

"So, isn't Mo your real name, Mr. Dark Silence?" Wutong still took the initiative to say.

Otherwise, if this continues, Wutong doesn't know when he can leave here.

"No, it's my real name, just keep calling me Mo, okay, I'm going to continue my vacation, work overtime, Adu." Mo looked at Adu provocatively with dead fish eyes and then left.

"This bastard, no, the entire special criminal investigation department is a bunch of slacking bastards!" Adu said angrily when he saw Mo leave.

"Hehehe (❁´︶`❁)~" Xia Hai, whose head was rubbed by Adu, still looked happy.

Seeing Xia Hai's look, Wutong felt that she might lie down happily beside Adu before standing behind Adu openly.

"Tsk tsk tsk, is this the golden mad dog? It's really 'mad'." Wutong shook his head and said.

"Here, this is your new ID. I have other tasks and I have to work overtime!" Adu threw the brand new ID to Wutong and said with gritted teeth.

"I wish you a happy overtime, I won't bother you!" Wutong took the ID, quickly picked up the elf egg and ran out.

"This bastard!" After hearing Wutong's words, Adu's eyes twitched, and the strength of his hands unconsciously increased.

"Hey, it hurts, Adu, please be gentle!" Xia Hai couldn't help but say, feeling the pressure on his head.

Wutong, who left the Pokémon Center, rode his motorcycle and sped away, leaving Asagi City.

The next morning, Wutong, who had returned to his original appearance, walked slowly into Asagi City holding an opaque Pokémon egg protection device.

For nothing else, just for the word "stability".

With the departure of Shuiliu and Heye, the once bustling Asagi City Port also returned to its former calm.

Only a few local people from Asagi City were strolling on the beach.

Wutong, who was holding the Pokémon egg, yawned. After all, it was already midnight when the mission ended yesterday, and with the various things that happened after leaving Heye, Wutong basically didn't sleep for a long time.

But the habit of getting up early made Wutong's biological clock wake him up very early.

Walking on the streets of Asagi City, Wutong began to think whether it would be better to challenge the Asagi Gym directly or to walk around Asagi City first.

"Forget it, just challenge the gym directly and then take a nap!" After thinking for a while, sleepiness still prevailed, and Wutong decided to challenge the Asagi Gym as soon as possible and then go to bed.

With the navigation of Rotom on his mobile phone, Wutong soon arrived at the door of the Asagi Gym.

The shape of the Asagi Gym was like a pile of iron blocks. He walked to the door of the gym and knocked on it, and the door opened by itself.

"Excuse me, is there anyone? I'm here to challenge the Asagi Gym!" Wutong walked in and shouted.

"Welcome, please come in, please keep going forward." A voice that sounded a little childish appeared.

Wutong raised his eyebrows and walked in as the voice said.

After passing through a corridor made entirely of steel, Wutong came to a steel gate.

"Okay, please come in." The slightly childish voice appeared again.

As the voice fell, the steel gate in front of Wutong opened. A battle field appeared in front of Wutong.

Wutong walked in, the steel gate behind him closed, and the originally dim field was instantly lit up.

"Is it you who want to have a Pokémon battle?"

"Yes, it's me." Wutong responded.

The steel gate opposite Wutong opened, and a girl walked in.

"I am Ami, the gym leader of the Asagi Gym in Asagi City, a beautiful and beautiful warrior!" The girl introduced herself.

"Oh, you are Ami from the Asagi Gym, why do I hear that Ami has long hair." Seeing the girl call herself Ami, Wutong asked a little funny.

"Well, that's because the weather has been too hot recently, so I cut it off." The girl stuttered after hearing Wutong's question.

"Oh, so that's the case, then I don't know what the challenge rules of the Asagi Gym are?" Wutong asked without exposing it.


The rule of the Onion Gym is 3v3, go, Onix!" The girl said the rules and sent out her Pokémon.

"Eh? Why Onix? Isn't Ami's trump card Steelix?" Wutong asked in surprise.

"Well, that's because I want to test your strength first." The girl continued to find excuses.

"Okay, I'll leave Onix to you, Little Turtle." Wutong looked at Onix and chose Little Turtle.

"Ka-mi~!" Little Turtle came out and looked at Onix on the opposite side, took out a pair of sunglasses from his shell and put them on his face.

"Little Turtle, be serious and put away your sunglasses." Wutong said helplessly.

"Ka-mi? Ka-mi!" After hearing what Wutong said, Little Turtle obediently put his sunglasses back into his shell.

"Excuse me, let's start." Wutong said to the girl on the opposite side.

"Onix, hit! "The girl didn't hesitate to command Onix to attack.

"Little Turtle, clap your hands for a surprise attack." Wutong said.

"Ka-mi!" Little Turtle slapped the charging Onix.

Even though the size difference was huge, Onix was still stopped by the slap.

"Little Turtle, water wave." Wutong continued to command.

"Ka-mi!" Little Turtle stomped his feet, and a circle of water appeared out of thin air around it and shot out in all directions.

Onix, which stopped in front of Little Turtle, was hit by the water wave directly, and closed his eyes and lost his ability to fight.

"Onix!" The girl ran to Onix worriedly.

"Then, let the real Ami come out now." Wutong said.

"You, what are you talking about, I am Ami!" The girl still said stubbornly.

"Kexia! "A stern voice appeared.

Kexia was shocked and stood up immediately.

A girl in a white dress with a small Magnetron on her shoulder walked in.

"I'm so sorry, this child is an apprentice trainer of the Asagi Gym. I'm sorry to bother you." Ami walked to Wutong and apologized.

"It's okay, I knew from the beginning that she was not Ami, so the real Miss Ami, can you have a gym challenge with me?" Wutong asked.

"Of course it's okay, but please wait for me, Kexia!" Ami called Kexia sternly.

"Yes!" Kexia, who wanted to sneak away, stood at attention immediately and said.

"Come with me." Ami said and walked out of the battle field.

"Sorry, I lied to you." Kexia honestly apologized to Wutong, took back Onix and followed Ami.

"Kammy? "Kami Turtle was confused. What happened? Why did he run away in the middle of the fight?

"Come back, little turtle. You can rest for the next battle." Wutong said and took back the little turtle.

On the shadow behind Wutong, Dream Demon floated half of its head and looked at Ami who was leaving thoughtfully.

After a while, Ami returned to the battle field, and Kexia didn't know where she was.

"I'm sorry to have delayed some of your time. Now we can start the gym battle." Ami said.

"Then I'll leave it to you." Wutong responded politely.

"Dream~!" At this time, Dream Demon suddenly flew out and came to Ami.

"Dream Demon! ? What's wrong with you?" Wutong asked strangely.

"Dream~ Dream Demon circled Ami, and then flew back to Wutong's shadow.

Ami was a little strange, not knowing what Dream Demon wanted to do.

"Uh, Dream Demon told you to wait for it." Wutong acted as a translator and said.

"Wait for it?" Ami replied with a puzzled look on her face.

"Dream~!" The Dream Demon flew out again, but this time there were a few more books around it.

Under the control of the Dream Demon, the books flew in front of Ami.

Ami subconsciously caught the book, and after seeing the pattern on the cover of the book, Ami's face instantly turned red.

"Well, the Dream Demon said that this is the book that Lijia asked it to bring to you." Wutong also saw the cover full of philosophical♂ atmosphere, turned his head and said awkwardly.

Wutong now remembered that Ami and Lijia were good girlfriends.

"Wait a minute! When did you contact Lijia, Dream Demon? I obviously don't have her contact information!" Wutong suddenly realized that something was wrong and said to the Dream Demon.

"Dream~Dream!" The Dream Demon turned his head and called twice proudly.

"What do you mean I don't care about girls' affairs? You guys don't use Rotom to contact Lijia every night, do you? I was wondering why Rotom always looks weak recently." Wutong said as he remembered something.

"Dream!" The Dream Demon stuck out his tongue at Wutong and flew back to Wutong's shadow.

Holding a pile of

Books with a philosophical atmosphere. Watching Wutong and the dream demon quarrel, Ami didn't know what to say.

"Sorry, my Pokémon has a unique personality. Let's continue." Wutong said to Ami.

"Okay, the rule of the shallow green gym is 2v2. If there is no problem, let's start." Ami said.

"Well, don't you put your books away first?" Wutong pointed to the books in Ami's arms and asked.

Ami's face turned red again, and she ran out quickly with the books.

Wutong shook his head helplessly and continued to wait.

After a while, Ami came back, and the book in her hand was gone.

"Sorry, let's start, Magnemite, please." Ami said to the Magnemite on her shoulder.

"Lu~" The Magnemite on Ami's shoulder shook and flew into the battle field.

"Xiaobai, please." Wutong sent Xiaobai without hesitation.

After all, Xiaobai has just evolved and needs to get familiar with the impact of the new body shape.

"Roar~" Xiaobai, who has a slender body, appeared on the field and made an ethereal cry.

"Is this Charmeleon? Magnemite, electromagnetic wave!" Ami was a little surprised when she saw Xiaobai and then commanded Magnemite to attack.

"Lu~" Magnemite shot out a blue electric current and rushed straight towards Xiaobai.

"Xiaobai, move, smoke screen!" Wutong commanded.

In Xiaobai's situation, it is definitely impossible to develop into a standing turret type. After all, its slender body does not look like it can stand on the field.

Therefore, Wutong's requirement for Xiaobai has always been to be able to move freely and use skills while maintaining accuracy.

After hearing the command, Xiaobai immediately started running and avoided Magnemite's electromagnetic wave. While running, black mist was sprayed out of his mouth.

The black smoke screen spread throughout the field, and the figures of Xiaobai and Magnemite were also hidden in the black smoke.

"Magnemite! One hundred thousand volts!" Ami commanded.

A flash of electricity immediately flashed in the black smoke. Ami wanted Magnemite to use a large-scale attack to force Xiaobai to appear.

"The guy who can't help it at this time will be the target. Xiaobai, spray the flame in the direction of the lightning!" Wutong commanded.

In response to Wutong, a blue column of fire broke through the smoke and shot in the direction of the lightning.

Magnemite appeared in the dissipated smoke. The blue column of fire shot at Magnemite.

Magnemite was knocked to the ground directly, and there were traces of burning on his body.

"Magnemite, cheer up! Discharge!" Ami called.

"Xiaobai, rush over and spray the flame." Wutong commanded.

"Lu~!" Magnemite floated up again.

However, as soon as it floated up, it saw a mouth with blue flames. The next second, Magnemite was washed in the face by the blue column of fire at close range.

"Lu~" Magnemite's eyes turned into (✘Д✘), and it fell to the ground and lost its ability to fight.

"Well done, Xiaobai." Wutong praised.

"Roar~" Xiaobai shouted in response. Influenced by his brothers and sisters, Xiaobai also likes Pokémon battles.

"You have cultivated Charmeleon very well, which is enough to make me believe that you are an excellent trainer. Then, my second Pokémon is it. Go! Steelix!" Ami said and sent out her second Pokémon.

"Roar~!" With a roar, the huge Steelix raised its body and looked down at Xiaobai.

The huge size put a lot of pressure on Xiaobai.

"Don't be afraid, Xiaobai, the size is its advantage and disadvantage, use the jet of flame!" Wutong commanded.

"Roar!" Xiaobai sprayed a mouthful of flames directly after hearing the command.

"Steelix, dig a hole!" Ami commanded.

"Roar!" The Steelix crashed into the ground, and the hard dirt field was dug up like tofu.

The Steelix drilled directly into the ground, and Xiaobai's jet of flames missed.

"Roar!?" Seeing such a big target disappear, the inexperienced Xiaobai was a little panicked.

"Calm down and feel the movement on the ground." Wutong commanded.

Wutong looked at the surrounding steel walls and the ground, and then looked at the dirt ground of the battle field.

Wutong felt that Ami was definitely doing it on purpose, just to make it easy for the Steelix to drill into the ground.

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