The ground was covered with dust, and the ground was covered with dust.

In the battle field, Xiaobai kept observing the ground, trying to see where the Steelix would rush out.

The Steelix wandered around underground, causing the ground to tremble slightly.

Wutong was a little puzzled. Would this battle field really not collapse if Steelix did this? Or had it collapsed several times, and what Wutong saw now was the repaired one?

Xiaobai tried hard to observe, and the next second he felt the ground under his feet bulge out, and Steelix rushed out of the ground and knocked Xiaobai out directly.

"Is it really not that easy? Xiaobai, spray flames." Wutong commanded.

No matter what, he had to spray the other side.

"Roar!" The knocked-away Xiaobai forcedly adjusted his body shape in the air and shot out a blue column of fire.

This time, the Steelix, who had nowhere to dodge, was hit by Xiaobai's jet of flames, leaving burn marks on his body.

"Steelix, rockfall!" Ami commanded.

"Roar!" Steelix roared at Xiaobai, and some broken stones appeared on Xiaobai's head and fell down.

Xiaobai fell to the ground and lost his ability to fight.

"Thank you for your hard work, Xiaobai. Xiaohuo, come out and avenge Xiaobai." Wutong took Xiaobai back and threw another Poké Ball.

"Roar~!" A flash of light passed, and Xiaohuo, like a magic dragon, appeared in the battlefield.

"Your Pokémon are all unique. Just now it was a white Charmeleon, and now it's a black Charizard." Ami said after seeing the second Pokémon sent by Wutong.

"I just have a little luck. Xiaohuo, turn on the fierce fire!" Wutong did not hesitate to let Xiaohuo turn on the fierce fire directly.

"Roar!" Xiaohuo flew into the air and roared, his body wrapped in red flame-like energy.

If it weren't indoors, Wutong would even want Xiaohuo to open the power of the sun. Although Xiaohuo takes the physical attack route, it doesn't mean that its flames are not powerful.

"Steel Snake, sandstorm!" Ami saw Xiaohuo's look and knew that she had to take it seriously.

"Roar!" Waves of sand and stones rolled up from the side of Steel Snake, and the sand and stones swept the whole field and raised a strong sandstorm.

"Xiaohuo, spray flames!" Wutong started to attack directly after Xiaohuo finished adding status.

As for why the belly drum was not used, just look at Steel Snake's physical defense racial value of 200.

The scarlet flames shot out like blood and hit Steel Snake's body. Steel Snake immediately twisted its body in pain.

"Steel Snake, sandstorm!" Ami immediately commanded.

"Roar!" Steel Snake spun on the spot, and the raging sand and dust gathered around Steel Snake as it spun.

The Steelix turned into a dust tornado, blocking the flames of Xiaohuo.

After the dust tornado disappeared, a hole appeared on the ground. The Steelix had disappeared.

"Xiaohuo, fly higher." Wutong said calmly.

"Roar~" Xiaohuo obediently flew higher and flew to a place close to the ceiling.

"Steelix, Iron Tail!" Ami knew that it was useless for Steelix to stay underground and gave the command directly.

"Roar!" Steelix broke out of the ground, and its huge body was slightly in the air. It twisted its body, and a white light appeared on its tail and whipped Xiaohuo in the air.

"Xiaohuo, Iron Tail!" Wutong was not to be outdone and directly gave the hard top.

"Roar!" A metallic color appeared on Xiaohuo's tail and rushed towards Steelix. He turned 360 degrees and whipped his tail up.


The sound of steel colliding rang out, and Xiaohuo collided with Steelix's tail, and for a while, they were evenly matched.

"We still need to fight in close combat, Xiaohuo, belly bulge! Flame fang!" Wutong found that Xiaohuo's long-range ability seemed unable to break the sandstorm of Steelix, so he gave the command.

"Roar!" Xiaohuo roared, and his claws slapped on his belly, making a drumming sound. He got close to Steelix, and scarlet flames burst out of his mouth. In front of Charizard's face, he formed a pair of flame fangs and bit Steelix fiercely.

The flames surged on Steelix, and there was an explosion.

"Roar~!" Steelix closed his eyes in pain and roared, and his body fell backwards unconsciously.

"Xiaohuo, spray flames." Wutong did not stop and continued to command Xiaohuo to attack.

"Roar!" The scarlet pillar of fire shot out and hit Steelix, who was lying on the ground.

Steelix, who suffered continuous damage, directly lost his ability to fight.

The victorious Xiaohuo flew back to Wutong.

"Well done, Xiaohuo." Wutong patted

Charizard's back said, it's not that he didn't want to touch his head, but the main reason is that the current Charizard is taller than Wutong, so it's a bit difficult to touch his head.

"Thank you for your hard work, Steelix." Ami also took back the Steelix that lost its combat ability.

"Well done, Wutong, you are indeed an excellent trainer, and I still have a lot to learn." Ami walked in front of Wutong and said.

"Ami, you are also very good, your Steelix is ​​really tough." Wutong said.

After all, Steelix has withstood several fire skills.

"Here, this is the steel badge you won." Ami took out a regular octagonal iron-gray badge and handed it to Wutong.

"Thank you." Wutong took the badge and said.

"By the way, if you have nothing to do, you can go to the battle tower in Asagi City to take a look, you will definitely like it there." Ami recommended to Wutong.

"Battle tower? I will go to take a look." Wutong nodded and replied.

Wutong remembered that the battle tower in the Johto region only appeared in the crystal version, and in the animation, it only appeared twice because of the Rocket trio.

After leaving the Shallot Gym, Wutong went to the Pokémon Center to restore Haku and Fireball.

While waiting, Wutong saw Interpol Mo again. Next to him was a young man who looked very sunny. The two were talking about something.

Wutong did not go up to say hello. After all, he was a Pokémon trainer, the champion of the Quartz Conference, the half-brother of Mewtwo, the holder of the Silver Feather, the Rainbow Warrior chosen by the King of Phoenix, and the patron of the Lost God - Wutong.

Not the little Pokémon investigator Xiaotong who had just been promoted.

So Wutong decisively stopped looking in Mo's direction and waited for his Pokémon to recover.

But what Wutong didn't know was that as a member of Interpol's special criminal investigation department, Mo was very sensitive to other people's sight.

After discovering that Wutong was looking at him, Mo secretly observed Wutong without making a sound.

After seeing Wutong leaving the Pokémon Center with his recovered Pokémon, Mo showed a thoughtful expression.

"What's wrong, Master?" The young man in front of Mo asked after noticing Mo's abnormality.

"Nothing, I just saw an interesting little guy." Mo replied.

After Wutong took back the recovered Xiaohuo and Xiaobai, he began to walk towards the battle tower.

The way to the battle tower does not require Rotom's navigation at all. After all, the battle tower is the tallest building in Asagi City, which can be said to be very conspicuous.

Arriving at the door of the battle tower, two security guards strictly guarded the gate.

"Hello, please show your badge." One of the security guards saw Wutong and said.

"Badge? This one is fine, right?" Wutong said, taking out the steel badge that he had not put away in time.

"This is the steel badge, no problem, please come in." The security guard said after looking at the badge in Wutong's hand.

Wutong put away the steel badge and walked into the battle tower.

The first floor of the battle tower is a hall. On the left is the place where Pokémon are restored and various props are sold, and on the right is the place for registration.

Wutong went directly to the registration window on the right. As expected, the receptionist was a Miss Joy.

"Hello, Miss Joy, I would like to ask, what is this battle tower for?" Wutong walked over and asked.

"Hello, the battle tower, just like its name, is a place where Pokémon trainers gather to fight. After registering, trainers can improve their levels through continuous fighting. Trainers with higher levels can also buy rarer items in the store opposite." Miss Joy explained.

"Rarer items?" Wutong became interested.

"Of course, if you don't have a demand for this, and simply want to find an equal opponent or a stronger opponent, it is recommended to register for the battle tower." Miss Joy said considerately.

"Is that so? Then please help me register, Miss Joy." Wutong took out the Pokémon illustrated book and said.

"Okay, then do you want to start from the lowest level, or provide materials that can prove your strength and start fighting directly from the corresponding level?" Miss Joy asked after taking Wutong's Pokémon Encyclopedia.

"What are the specific levels?" Wutong asked curiously.

After all, there is no very clear level division in the world of Pokémon animation, and there are often plots of the underdog overthrowing the superior, so Wutong is still very curious about this level.

"The level of trainers starts with rookie trainers, then ordinary trainers, elite trainers, gym owner trainers, king trainers, and finally

"It ends with the champion trainer." Miss Joy explained.

After hearing Miss Joy's explanation, Wutong was not surprised, as it was similar to what he guessed.

But even if he knew the level division, it would not be of much reference value, after all, the gym owners in each region were too watery.

The weak ones might not even be able to beat the elite trainers, while the strong ones could face off against the champions, with a huge span.

It can be said that the level of gym owner trainer is very vague.

And Wutong estimated that his current strength was probably that he could easily fight with ordinary gym owners, and had a 30% chance of fighting with quasi-king level trainers. If he played all his cards, he could fight with the king level 's goalkeeper for a while.

Of course, this trump card does not include shaking people, otherwise, if Mewtwo is called out directly, and then the three stupid birds from Asia Island are fooled over, even the Dodo will have to stand still.

Wutong asked himself that he did not have any special strengths, but his background was definitely strong enough.

Back to the topic, Wutong must have items to prove his strength, after all, the trophy of the Quartz Conference is still in his backpack.

It is not too much for the champion of the Quartz Conference to register as a gym leader trainer?

So Wutong resolutely said to Miss Joy: "Please register a new trainer for me. ”

Why not bully the weak? Besides, he has only been traveling for more than a year, not even two and a half years, and he can't sing, dance, rap or play basketball. Of course, he is a rookie trainer.

As if she saw through Wutong's idea of ​​bullying the weak, Miss Joy said: "Okay, Wutong from Changpan City, by the way, let me explain in advance that there are two ways to upgrade the level. One is to accumulate 50 wins, and the other is to win ten games in a row. Of course, you can choose not to upgrade after winning ten games in a row, but after winning five games in a row, the level will be forced to upgrade. ”

"Huh? In other words, winning fifteen games in a row will force you to upgrade, right? What if you deliberately lose the fifteenth game?" Wutong asked as if he had found a bug.

"There will be referees in the game~ If you deliberately play passively, you will be punished and banned, so don't try it. "Miss Joy said with a smile.

But the atmosphere around her was clearly that if you dared to play a fake match, you would be dead.

"Hahaha, I didn't think so much. I hate people who play fake matches the most. By the way, Miss Joy, will the level drop? For example, if you don't play for a long time." Wutong asked to change the subject.

"It won't have any impact if you don't play for a long time, but if you lose five games in a row, you will be demoted." Miss Joy explained patiently.

"So that's the case. Thank you, Miss Joy." Wutong took back the Pokémon Encyclopedia and thanked him.

"It's okay. This is your battle level card. I wish you a happy battle. "Miss Joy replied.

After completing the registration, Wutong walked to the battle entrance. After verifying the battle level card with the staff, Wutong was taken to the waiting room.

Because he started from the rookie trainer level, Wutong only waited for half a minute before he had an opponent.

When he arrived at the battle venue, he saw a familiar shorts guy opposite him. I have to say that the dressing style of these passers-by is really nothing new.

The rules of the battle tower are also very simple. Rookie trainers and general trainers are all 1v1 singles.

When it comes to elite trainers and gym owner trainers, it becomes 3v3 singles.

There are two options for the battle between the king trainer and the champion trainer level.

One is 6v6 singles, and the other is 6v6 team battle.

So the battle time of the king trainer and the champion trainer level is generally longer. Of course, there are not many king champion level trainers coming here to fight.

"Both players are in place. Please send out your Pokémon at the same time. The side whose Pokémon loses its combat ability first loses. "The referee said.

"Little Frog, come out and move around." Wutong chose to let Little Frog come out and move around first.

"Please, Rada!" The boy in shorts also released his own Pokémon at the same time, which was also nothing new, a Rada.

"As long as I defeat you, I can level up! Be my stepping stone!" The boy in shorts said arrogantly.

"Oh, really? Then your road to leveling up will be cut off." Seeing the boy in shorts' arrogance, Wutong smiled kindly and said.

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