The two of them were sitting together.

In Yongjiu's tree house, Yongjiu, Miku, Xuecheng, Wutong, Xiaozhi and others sat around the table.

Yongjiu took out a block-shaped object carefully wrapped in cloth and pushed it in front of Xuecheng.

"Is this something you dropped?" Yongjiu asked after handing the cloth bag to Xuecheng.

Xuecheng opened the cloth bag, and inside was a sketchbook full of traces of time.

"It's mine." Xuecheng looked at the sketchbook and said a little unbelievably.

"You must have traveled through time and space." Yongjiu said to Xuecheng.

"Traveled through time and space?" Xiaoxia asked curiously.

"What is that?" Xiaozhi also asked curiously.

"That is to say, this child traveled through 40 years to the present and appeared here." Meijiu said.

"No way!?" ×2 Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia both shouted in surprise.

"You have traveled through time for 40 years. So you must have met Celebi, right? After all, the Pokémon that can travel through time and space and still live in the forest must be it. By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Xiaotong, and I am a Pokémon investigator. Forty years ago, there should have been investigators, right?" Wutong said to Xuecheng.

"Celebi! By the way, where is Celebi!? Celebi should be with me!" Xuecheng was excited when he heard what Wutong said.

"Pokémon? Celebi?" Xiaozhi repeated in confusion.

"We didn't see it." Xiaoxia comforted Xuecheng and said.

"Did you see Celebi!? And Xiaotong is a Pokémon investigator and knows Celebi?" This time it was Yongjiu's turn to ask in surprise.

"Yes, I saw Celebi." Xuecheng said with certainty.

"The Pokémon we call the God of the Forest is Celebi." Yongjiu said.

"Celebi, the guardian of the forest, gives life to the forest and is said to have the power to travel through time and space." Meijiu continued.

"So, Miss Xiaotong guessed right? You travel through time and space because of Celebi's power..." Xiaogang was also very surprised.

"Legend has it that Celebi lives in the Lake of Life in the forest, but no one has ever seen it travel through time and space." Yongjiu said.

"But how did Miss Xiaotong know Celebi and know that it can travel through time and space? You shouldn't be from Guoye Village, right?" Meijiu asked curiously.

"This is nothing strange, everyone knows a Celebi, right?" Wutong shrugged and said.

"Emmmm, everyone knows a Celebi? What a strange answer." Meijiu said with a tangled face.

"Celebi is seriously injured, I have to save it!" Xuecheng stood up and said seriously.

"Then let's help together. After all, there is strength in numbers. Besides, you haven't said your name yet. I can't keep calling you a boy, can I?" Wutong also stood up and said.

"Yes, I'll go too!" Xiaozhi nodded in agreement.

"Me too!"

"And me!"

Xiaoxia and Xiaogang certainly couldn't not go either, so they stood up and said.

Xuecheng was stunned for a moment when he felt that Wutong and Xiaozhi were so excited.

"My name is Xiaogang, and I'm a good Pokémon breeder." Xiaogang took the initiative to introduce himself when he saw Xuecheng's state.

"My name is Xiaoxia, remember that I'm a world-class beautiful girl~" Xiaoxia said as confidently as ever.

Wutong nodded secretly. She was worthy of being Sister Xia, who could easily say such shameful remarks.

"I'm Xiaozhi, and my goal is to become a Pokémon master. This is my partner, Pikachu." Xiaozhi also introduced himself.

"Pika~!" Pikachu, who was lying on Xiaozhi's head, waved his little paw at Xuecheng.

"Then tell me again, my name is Xiaotong, boy, what is your name?" Wutong said.

"I am Xuecheng, please help me." Xuecheng smiled after seeing everyone doing this.

"Then let's go. If nothing unexpected happens, Celebi should have gone to the vicinity of the Lake of Life. Let's go there first. If we can't find it, we can look for it separately. Grandma Yongjiu, can you tell us the specific location of the Lake of Life?" Wutong said.

"I understand, the God of the Forest is in your hands." Yongjiu nodded and said.

At the same time, Bixias was driving a robot that looked like a four-legged spider in the Celebi Forest.

Along the way

All the Pokémon were frightened by this four-legged spider-like robot and ran away.

On the other side, Wutong and his companions, who knew the location of the Lake of Life, set out immediately and re-entered the depths of the Celebi Forest to start looking for Celebi.

Searching all the way in the depths of the Celebi Forest, the group found an unusual place. Two tree trunks as thick as hills overlapped and fell to the ground, covered with vines and moss. Obviously, these two giant trees have been there for a long time.

At the intersection of the two giant trees, a group of Pokémon gathered together and attracted everyone's attention.

"The Pokémon are all gathered together!" Xiaozhi said and ran over. Facing the tree trunks like cliffs, Xiaozhi grabbed a hanging vine without hesitation and started climbing up.

"I'll go too!" Xuecheng followed Xiaozhi without hesitation and climbed up together.

Wutong, Xiaoxia and Xiaogang looked very flexible and Xiaozhi couldn't help but sighed as he climbed up at a very high speed.

"Even Monkey Monster would be defeated by this." Xiaoxia complained.

"Yeah, as a normal trainer, how did you think of climbing up in the first place?" Wutong expressed his incomprehension.

Xiaozhi and Xuecheng quickly climbed up, and the two ran to the cave where Pokémon gathered, and they saw Celebi as expected.

Seeing Celebi lying in the cave, Xuecheng breathed a sigh of relief and wanted to take Celebi out and take him back for treatment.

However, Celebi, who was injured by the Pokémon hunter, was in a highly sensitive state at this time.

Facing Xuecheng's outstretched hand, Celebi closed his eyes in fear, and invisible waves were emitted.

Xiaozhi, Pikachu and Xuecheng were all blown away.

Xiaozhi was directly shaken off the tree trunk. Fortunately, as a super rookie, Xiaozhi had excellent physical fitness and turned 180 degrees in the air to grab the vine.

"Did that guy do it!?" Xiaozhi said unhappily, and then used his hands and feet to climb back faster than before.

"It's more like Infernape than Monkey King." Brock said after seeing Xiaozhi's actions.

"What a lively guy, let's go up too, come out, Steelix!" Wutong said and called out Steelix.

"Roar~" The black and translucent Steelix appeared, lowered its head and let Wutong stand on it.

"You two come up too." Wutong said to Brock and Xiaoxia.

"Is this the crystal-like Rock Snake from before?" Xiaoxia said in surprise after seeing Steelix.

"This Steelix is ​​so beautiful!" Brock said excitedly after seeing Steelix.

After Wutong and the other two stood on the top of Steelix, Steelix stood up and climbed onto the trunk of the giant tree.

The average length of a normal Steelix is ​​9.2 meters, and Wutong's Steelix is ​​even longer, exceeding 12 meters.

So the upright Tungsten Steelix approached the top of the trunk of the giant tree directly, and after climbing up twice, Wutong and the other two easily reached the vicinity of Xiaozhi and Xuecheng.

At this time, Xiaozhi and Xuecheng were trying to coax Celebi out of the cave where Celebi was, but Celebi was very wary, and the branches and leaves waving back and forth by the operator blocked Xiaozhi and Xuecheng.

"Leave it to me, I should be able to calm it down." Wutong leaned over and said.

Xiaozhi and Xuecheng were both stunned and subconsciously gave Wutong a place.

Wutong stood at the entrance of the cave, stretched out his hands forward, and a green light appeared.

The power of Changpan was connected to Celebi, soothing its mind and healing Celebi's body.

[Calm down, Celebi, as the god of the forest, you should be able to feel it. I guarantee with this power of Changpan that we will not hurt you, we just want to help you. 】

Wutong's eyes were shining with blue light, and he spoke to Celebi through his thoughts.

Feeling the gentle power of the power of Changpan and the sincerity conveyed by Wutong's spiritual power, Celebi gradually calmed down.

Celebi could feel that Wutong was a kind person, but why was the voice of a boy in the telepathic call, but it looked like a girl?

Celebi said she couldn't figure it out.

Wutong didn't know what Celebi was thinking at the moment, and directly picked Celebi up. Celebi leaned in Wutong's arms, feeling that the silicone breasts used by Wutong for disguise were not very soft.

"Let's go quickly, Celebi is very weak now." Wutong said to Xiaozhi and Xuecheng.

Several people immediately started running towards the direction of Guono Village.

The slower Steelix was taken back into the Poké Ball by Wutong.

However, just as Wutong and his friends ran out of the range of the giant tree trunk, a smoke bomb fell from the sky and exploded in front of them.

"What's going on!?" Xue Cheng, who encountered this kind of thing for the first time, couldn't help but say.

Wu Tong raised his eyebrows, and his hand had already touched the Poké Ball on his waist.

"Since you asked sincerely!"

"We will be merciful and tell you!"

Two familiar voices appeared.

"Iron Warrior, magic shines!" Wu Tong decisively took action.

Iron Warrior appeared in front of Wu Tong, and colorful beams of light shot out.

The opening remarks that were still being read came to an abrupt end.

"This rude guy! It feels so annoying (meow)!" ×3 The Rocket trio took off instantly.


"Okay, there is no time to waste, let's go quickly!" Wu Tong took back the Poké Ball and continued to run.

"So handsome!" Xiaoxia said with stars in her eyes.

"As expected of a Pokémon Investigator, you are very decisive." Xiao Gang couldn't help but praise.

"So what's going on?" Xue Cheng asked in confusion.

"Don't worry about these details, let's go quickly." Xiaozhi said.

"Pika!" Pikachu also nodded and called out.

The group continued to run, and then the second accident occurred without any surprise.

Bixias drove a four-legged spider-like robot to block Wutong and others.

"Did it really appear?" Wutong looked at the strangely dressed man on the robot in front of him and said to himself.

"Leave that Celebi to me!" Bixias shouted to several people.

"Who are you!" Xiaozhi shouted.

"No need to tell you!" Bixias said directly.

Beautiful, otherwise you can become a cadre! The villain just does the job directly, and the more he talks, the faster he will die.

"Make way!" Xiaozhi said angrily.

"Xuecheng, Celebi is up to you, leave this guy to me." Wutong said after handing Celebi to Xuecheng.

"Huh? Miss Xiaotong?" Xuecheng said puzzledly.

"Celebi's condition is very bad, you should take it to the treatment immediately. It's probably too late to go to the Pokémon Center. Go directly to the Lake of Life. The lake water there can treat Celebi's condition." Wutong said.

"I understand, but this guy?" Xuecheng said worriedly.

"He is the highest cadre of Team Rocket. Don't forget that I am a Pokémon Investigator, so leave it to me with confidence." Wutong interrupted Xuecheng and said.

Bixias took a Poké Ball from the armor on his chest, a pure black Poké Ball with vertical lines protruding, like a bomb.

A ferocious Banjiras was released from the dark ball to block everyone.

"Iron Warrior, magic shines!" Wutong directly called out the Iron Warrior to attack.

"Please, Miss Xiaotong!" Xiaozhi said and changed direction and continued to run.

"I will definitely make Celebi healthy again." Xuecheng said firmly.

"Miss Xiaotong, be careful." Xiaoxia said worriedly.

"I'll leave this to you. We'll come back to help you as soon as possible!" Xiaogang said and followed.

"Don't get in the way! Destroy the death ray!" Bixias commanded when he saw Xiaozhi and his group running.

The colorful light column collided with the orange-yellow light column and produced an explosion.

Bixias directly activated the robot to chase Xiaozhi and his group.

"Steel Snake! Come out! Stop it!" Wutong certainly wouldn't let him send out Steelix again as he wished.

"Roar!" Tungsten Steelix blocked Bixias' way and whipped Bixias with its tail.

"Humph, destroy the death ray!" Bixias snorted coldly.

Another orange-yellow energy column shot out and hit Tungsten Steelix directly.

Tungsten Steelix's attack paused and its body was beaten back a little.

"Tsk, you don't have martial ethics. Do you dare to use physical attack!" Wutong said.

The power of the Destruction Light of Bankiras, which was forcibly amplified by the Dark Ball, was ridiculously great, and there was even no negative stiffness of the skill.

It seems that it is not easy to take down the top cadre of Team Rocket.

"Steel Snake, sharp stone attack, Iron Warrior, another magic flash!" Wutong commanded.

Black sharp stones appeared around the Tungsten Steel Snake and shot at Bankiras.

The front of the Iron Warrior also condensed colorful light again, and the colorful light beam shot straight out.

"What an annoying guy, Bankiras, the maximum power of the Destruction Light!" Bixias commanded impatiently.

Bankiras opened his mouth wide, and a thick orange-yellow light beam shot out. He was not at a disadvantage when fighting one against two.

Seeing that he could not take down Wutong for a while, Bixias threw two more dark balls.

A giant claw mantis and a 狃拉 appeared.

"Go, Celebi, find it out

. "Bixias ordered.

Giant and Ula immediately set off and ran in the direction where Xiaozhi and the others left.

"You clingy guy, I will make you regret it." Bixias looked at Wutong and said gloomily.

"Humph, you are the Rocket team leader with a strange mask, are you ready to become my achievement?" Wutong retorted bluntly.

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