The battle was over, and the enemy was in chaos.

In the depths of the Celebi Forest, Wutong commanded the Iron Warrior and the Tungsten Steel Snake to attack Bixias and Bankiras.

The four-legged spider robot under Bixias had a strange energy shield system, which could block all the long-range attacks from Wutong.

Not to mention Bankiras, who was controlled by the dark ball and was only reckless, and the destruction and death ray was output like crazy.

The forced amplification effect of the dark ball, coupled with the complete lack of side effects and stiffness, Bankiras instantly turned into a self-propelled turret, and he blasted out a burst of destruction and death ray at anyone he saw.

It was precisely because of this that although Wutong commanded two Pokémon to attack Bixias, he could only fight Bixias on equal terms.

However, Wutong frowned at the state of Bankiras. The forced amplification of the dark ball could not be without side effects.

After all, the Pokémon forcibly captured by the dark ball is not three times stronger than the black one, but obviously ten times stronger.

But correspondingly, such a huge enhancement will definitely have a painful price. The so-called turning Pokémon into evil is not worthy of being called a price at all.

After all, even if the Pokémon turns evil, there is still the state of absolute obedience, so without considering the state of the Pokémon, the dark ball is definitely a magic weapon that can take both black and white.

Then there can only be one price, that is, vitality and future potential. Wutong doubted that if the fight continued, Bankiras would not be able to bear it first.

As for how long this "always" is, Wutong has no way to confirm it.

But Wutong knows one thing, that it can't continue to drag on like this.

After all, the Celebi Forest is very fragile. If the battle between the two destroys the forest too much, the Lake of Life will be polluted.

Moreover, Wutong doesn't want Bankiras to be exhausted to death, not for anything else, because that's the old Ben! The quasi-god old Ben! The handsome and powerful old Ben!

Even if he can't command the battle, it's great to keep him at home. Find a companion for him, and lay more eggs. Wouldn't it be wonderful if he laid a shining baby Kiras?

"Hehehe, little Ben Kiras, wait for me to save you!" Wutong shouted.

"What's wrong with this stinky girl? It seems that her brain is not normal. Forget it, I can't continue to waste time with her. It's more important to catch Celebi." Bixias was stunned and said.

Just as Bixias thought so, a black fog rose and filled the whole place.

Wutong, who lost his career, immediately asked the Iron Warrior and the Tungsten Steel Snake to get close to him and be prepared.

"Master Bixias~" Bixias, who was still wondering about the sudden appearance of the black fog, heard a call.

Then he saw a man and a woman wearing strange Rocket Team uniforms who didn't look very smart waving at him.

After the smoke dissipated, Wutong regained his vision. Only the remains of trees left by the battle were left around, and Bixias and Bankiras had disappeared.

"They ran away? Should we say they are worthy of Team Rocket?" Wutong said a little unhappy.

Looking at the direction that could no longer be identified nearby, Wutong was a little entangled. How should he find Xiaozhi and the others?

Wutong suddenly missed his Platypus very much. At least he had the navigation God Duck and would not get lost without navigation.

"Oh, forget it. Xiaozhi and the others will definitely fight if they meet Bixias. We will find them eventually. Big Steelix, lower your head and walk around in the forest casually." Wutong waved to the Tungsten Steelix and said.

"Roar~" Tungsten Steelix obediently lowered its head and let Wutong sit on it, and the Iron Warrior stood behind Wutong like a close bodyguard.

Xiaozhi and his group still followed the development of the plot. They first defeated the giant claws mantis and cynosure that were chasing them, and then successfully found the Lake of Life with the help of various Pokémon.

After Bixias got rid of Wutong with the help of smoke, he continued to chase Xiaozhi and his group. Behind him, the three members of Team Rocket stood there obediently.

It was the three members of Team Rocket who released the black smoke to help Bixias get rid of Wutong. If Wutong knew, he would definitely feel that these three guys have stronger vitality than cockroaches.

They were obviously beaten away, but they could still run back so quickly.

Obviously, Bixias temporarily believed the identity of the three members of Team Rocket, so he let the three of them ride on the four-legged spider robot together. Fortunately, the driving space of the four-legged spider robot is relatively large, so it does not seem crowded.

While chasing Xiaozhi and his group, Bixias saw

I sent out the Giant Claw Mantis and the Owl, and both Pokémon were tied up tightly on the stone.

God knows where they found such a thick hemp rope.

Sure enough, a qualified trainer should bring hemp rope when going out.

Seeing that Bixias's two Pokémon were tied there, the three members of Team Rocket couldn't help but tremble, and looked at Bixias carefully, fearing that Bixias would be angry at them.

However, Bixias didn't get angry when he saw his Pokémon being subdued, but laughed instead.

"It would be meaningless if it weren't like this, this prey is really good." Bixias said with a smile.

"Master Bixias is so handsome~!" ×3 The three members of Team Rocket said with little stars in their eyes.

Let's pull the perspective back to Wutong.

Without navigation and no one to lead the way, Wutong could only sit on the head of Steelix and wander around.

Until dark, Wutong still didn't find Xiaozhi and his friends, nor did he see any trace of Bixias.

Wutong directly turned on the bad mode. It didn't matter. After all, as the patron of the lost god, it was normal to get lost.

Wutong found a relatively flat place and lit a bonfire. Wutong decided to rest here for a night.

Because he was not sleepy yet, Wutong took out the rainbow feather. Because in the plot, when Celebi went berserk, Suicune appeared to help Xiaozhi and his party.

So Wutong wanted to try to summon Suicune with the rainbow feather. After all, he was the captain of the Phoenix Guard and the loyal licker of the Phoenix King. How could he not come to check after feeling the breath of the rainbow feather?

Playing with the rainbow feather emitting a faint glow in his hand, Wutong waited for Suicune to appear.

However, after a long time, Suicune still did not show up. Wutong was a little strange. Could it be that he was too far away and didn't feel it?

Thinking of this, Wutong simply learned the way to summon Lugia before, and used psychic power and Changpan power to stimulate the rainbow feathers.

Receiving the dual stimulation of psychic power and Changpan power, the rainbow feathers moved without wind, and spread out waves around.

Then a figure slowly emerged from the darkness and walked in front of Wutong.

"Hey, it's here as expected." Wutong said with a smile.

The next morning, Wutong woke up early, but when he opened his eyes, he found that the Iron Warrior woke up earlier than him and was standing beside him as a guard.

If Wutong hadn't seen the Iron Warrior resting last night, he would have suspected that the Iron Warrior didn't sleep.

Yawning, Wutong stood up from the side of the Tungsten Steelix and patted the dark and shiny trunk of the Tungsten Steelix to wake it up.

Wutong and the Iron Warrior sat on the top of the Tungsten Steelix and continued to look for the traces of Xiaozhi and his group.

"Boom~!" A roar came from a distance accompanied by the vibration of the ground.

"Found it! Steelix! Go full speed in that direction!" Wutong shouted, pointing to the direction where the sound came from.

"Roar!" Tungsten Steelix roared in response and rushed to the direction where the sound came from with all his strength.

"Well, forget it, I'll run by myself, Steelix, you come back first." Wutong found that the speed of Tungsten Steelix at full speed was still impressive, so he simply jumped down and started running.

Tungsten Steelix is ​​harder and more heat-resistant due to its body material, but its relative weight is also much higher, so its already slow speed is even worse.

As the roar continued to appear, Wutong didn't have to worry about getting lost, so he put away Tungsten Steelix and started running.

The Iron Warrior followed Wutong and ran in the direction where the sound came from.

Soon, Wutong found Xiaozhi and his group.

At this time, Xiaozhi and his group were caught in the middle by Bixias and the Rocket trio, and Celebi had been caught in the mechanical claws of the four-legged spider robot.

The current situation is very bleak.

"Iron Warrior! Magic Flash! Steelix! Impact!" Wutong immediately commanded his Pokémon to enter the battlefield without hesitation.

"Roar!" The re-released Tungsten Steelix roared and crashed straight into the four-legged spider robot under Bixias.

The Iron Warrior held the double-headed sword horizontally in front of him, and a colorful ball of light appeared in the center of his body, and a dazzling rainbow beam of light shot out.

It hit one of the four-legged spider robot's legs.

Two consecutive sudden attacks made the four-legged spider robot under Bixias lose balance and fall to one side.

Bixias also fell off the four-legged spider robot.

"Asshole, you come to hinder me again! Come out! Bankiras, Giant Claw Mantis, and Ura!" Bixias roared angrily.

Three ferocious-looking Pokémon were

After being released, it attacked Wutong and Xiaozhi's group frantically.

"Miss Xiaotong!" Seeing Wutong's emergency appearance, Xiaozhi and his group shouted happily.

"No time to reminisce, hurry up and rescue Celebi!" Wutong shouted hurriedly.

"Got it! Pikachu! Use Iron Tail!" Xiaozhi also reacted and gave the command.

"Pika!" Pikachu rushed to the mechanical claw that bound Celebi, its tail covered with steel color, and its body rotated, and the iron tail hit the mechanical claw.

The mechanical claw twisted and deformed instantly, and Celebi was able to fly out of the gap.

"Don't hinder me!" Bixias shouted, took out a dark ball from the armor on his chest, and threw it hard at Celebi.

At the moment when the dark ball was about to approach Celebi, a Poké Ball flew over from another direction and hit the dark ball at once.

The two balls collided and all deviated from their original trajectory and fell to both sides.

"What!?" Bixias shouted in disbelief.

"Humph, I've been prepared for this! Iron Warrior, Psychic Blade, Steelix, Stone Attack!" Wutong commanded.

The Iron Warrior swung the double-headed sword in his hand, and his mental power condensed into an arc-shaped blade and shot at the giant claw mantis.

Black sharp ore appeared around Steelix and shot at Bankiras and Ula.

"Celebi!" ×2 Just when Wutong thought that Celebi was fine, Xiaozhi and Xuecheng shouted.

Wutong turned around and found that the three members of Team Rocket had touched Celebi at some point and caught Celebi with the insect net in their hands.

"What the hell are Xiaozhi and the others doing!" Wutong couldn't help but roared in a low voice.

It could have ended as soon as possible, but they started acting again?

"Well done! Bankiras, Giant Claw Mantis, Ula! Destroy the death ray!" Bixias shouted happily.

Bankiras, Mantis and Ura began to squander their vitality again, and shot out thick beams of light, wantonly destroying the forest.

Iron Warrior and Steelix were directly forced back by the three crazy Pokémon.

"Tsk, how can Suicune be so slow!" Wutong said while holding the rainbow feather in his pocket.

The next second, a brisk breeze blew.

The figure that Wutong had been thinking about finally appeared.

Accompanied by the blowing north wind, the incarnation of the north wind, Suicune, finally appeared.

Suicune jumped to the center of the battlefield, and the mane on his body moved without wind. He opened his mouth and a water ball condensed, and then shot it at Bankiras, Mantis and Ura.

"Suicune? Very good, it seems that my harvest today is not small." Bixias was not panicked after seeing Suicune, but said happily.

"Huh? Are you still asleep? Or worry about whether you can run away first!" Wutong said provocatively.

"Xiaozhi! You guys quickly beat those three guys away and save Celebi, don't give this strange masked man a chance!" Wutong turned around and shouted to Xiaozhi and the others after provoking Bixias.

However, before he finished speaking, Wutong saw a scene that made his blood vessels explode.

In Musashi's hand, a black Poké Ball that looked like a landmine appeared at some point.

And this Poké Ball had been pressed on Celebi.

Accompanied by a dark purple liquid-like light, Celebi was sucked into the Poké Ball.

"Fuck!? You didn't stop it!? You, you are willing to give them the Dark Ball!?" Wutong looked at Bixias and said seriously.

"Humph, I just asked them to help temporarily, and the command of the Dark Ball is still in my hands!" Bixias said with a sure win.

"Suicune, don't let him get the Dark Ball!" Wutong had no choice but to pin his hopes on Suicune.

Suicune also knew that things were escalating, and his attacks began to become tougher.

"Do you think I only prepared one?" Bixias said with a wild smile as he looked at Wutong.

"What did you say!?" Seeing Bixias' smile, Wutong suddenly had a bad feeling.

Suicune was fighting three crazy Pokémon alone at this time.

Wutong's Steelix had been called to stop the Rocket trio and prevent them from joining Bixias.

Iron Warrior was guarding Wutong to protect Wutong's safety.

Mantis and Niula rushed towards Suicune like crazy beasts, while Bankiras fired destructive death beams one after another from behind.

At the moment when Bixias' voice fell, Mantis finally touched Suicune, and a dark ball appeared in its claws.

"Fuck!" Wutong couldn't help but utter the national quintessence again.

With the second black and purple light, Suicune also disappeared

Stayed where you are.

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