After the dark ball was captured by Suicune, the giant claw mantis immediately returned to Bixias.

Bixias took back the dark ball from the giant claw mantis's claws and smiled triumphantly.

"I knew that you, a rice cake-like guy, would definitely stick to me and give up my plan, so I had already made a backup plan." Bixias said to Wutong with a serious face.

"I am doing my duty, bastard, Iron Warrior, magic shine!" Wutong commanded the Iron Warrior to attack Bixias.

Bixias was unmoved by the colorful light beams, and Bangiras directly blocked Bixias and took the Iron Warrior's magic shine.

"Come out! Evil Suicune!" Bixias shouted excitedly.

A dark purple light flashed, and Suicune, whose body color was darker by one degree, was released. At this time, Suicune's pupils shrank and turned into vertical pupils.

His face was hideously distorted, and his body was surrounded by dark red air currents. The sound he made was no longer as ethereal as before, but became like a curse that made people feel cold all over.

"What a trouble, he looks very strong." Wutong said irritably as he looked at the blackened Suicune.

"Yes! Such Pokémon should belong to me, unlike these trash, they are strong enough!" Bixias said excitedly.

"You are the trash! Trash who dares not even cultivate Pokémon yourself! Iron Warrior! Spirit Blade!" Wutong shouted.

The Iron Warrior swung the double-headed sword in his hand horizontally, and the arc-shaped blade condensed with spiritual power flew out.

Facing the spiritual blade shot at him, Suicune's ribbon-like tail swung and directly shattered the Iron Warrior's spiritual blade.

"Is it true that the dark transformation is ten times stronger? Xiaozhi, Xuecheng! How are you guys doing?" Wutong felt that things were getting difficult, and hoped that Xiaozhi could get Celebi back.

"Miss Xiaotong! We got Celebi back, but what should we do now? Suicune has become so scary." Xiaozhi and his friends ran to Wutong and said.

Wutong felt better. These guys finally stopped acting. If Celebi was taken by Bixias again, things would be even more difficult.

He looked at the direction of the Rocket trio. At this time, the trio had disappeared. It was estimated that they were beaten again. I hope they won't come to make trouble again.

"You protect yourself, and don't let Celebi out now. I'll find a way to wake up Suicune." Wutong said.

"I understand, I will definitely protect Celebi!" Xiaozhi said firmly.

"Yes, we will definitely protect Celebi!" Xuecheng also nodded and said.

"Miss Xiaotong, you have to be careful." Xiaoxia said worriedly.

"Don't struggle in vain, hand over my Celebi!" Bixia said when he saw the dark ball in Xiaozhi's hand.

"Don't dream!" Xiaozhi shouted directly.

"We will not hand over Celebi to you!" Xuecheng also said firmly.

"Humph! Suicune! Show your strength! Get Celebi back!" Bixia said no more and directly commanded Suicune to attack.

Hearing Bixia's order, the black water flow and the dark red wind mixed and entangled around Suicune.

Suicune jumped high, the water flow and wind gathered in his mouth, and then turned into black and red intertwined energy and shot towards Wutong and others.

"Iron Warrior! Wide-area defense! Hold on!" Wutong commanded hurriedly.

The Iron Warrior stood in front of everyone, and a translucent green energy shield appeared to cover the Iron Warrior.

The black and red interwoven energy cannons shot at the energy shield, which was directly broken, and the residual power of the energy cannons hit the Iron Warrior.

The Iron Warrior swung the double-headed sword in his hand left and right, barely blocking the attack.

"Hmph, dying struggle! Suicune, continue to attack!" Bixias commanded.

Seeing that Suicune was going to fire the energy cannon again, Wutong's face became ugly. After all, it was very difficult for the Iron Warrior to block it once.

At this time, two roars came.

"Is it finally here! ?" Hearing these two beast roars, Wutong couldn't help but say.

The reinforcements that Wutong had been waiting for finally arrived.

The mighty lion and the strong tiger, the other two members of the Phoenix King Guard, Entei and Leigong appeared.

Last night, Wutong successfully attracted Suicune with the rainbow feathers, explained what happened, and persuaded Suicune to call Entei and Leigong as well.

I don't know what they rely on to connect with each other

Anyway, Suicune came here by himself at the beginning.

Originally, Wutong wanted to be more cautious and directly gather the power of the Phoenix King Guard to suppress Celebi instantly to prevent it from consuming too much vitality.

As a result, because of the butterfly effect caused by Wutong's participation in the plot, Bixias actually took precautions and took Suicune with him.

Wutong didn't know whether to sigh that the convergence of the world line was too strong or that Bixias was too cautious.

So Entei and Raikou, who were originally the backup, became the hope of the whole village. It can only be said that fate is playing tricks on people.

Entei and Raikou jumped in front of Wutong, looking at Suicune on the opposite side, Entei and Raikou both showed confusion.

I don't understand why my captain suddenly turned evil.

"You two are too slow! There is no time to explain too much now. Suicune is controlled. You two use all your strength to defeat it. As long as it is not dead, it's okay! Don't delay time, otherwise Suicune will not be saved!" Wutong said immediately after seeing Entei and Raikou.

Yan Di and Lei Gong looked at each other and nodded.

"Roar! (I've wanted to beat it for a long time! Why did I let it be the captain of the Phoenix Guard!)" ×2 Yan Di and Lei Gong roared at the same time.

Public revenge, cough, no, the opportunity to save the captain has come! Yan Di and Lei Gong were very excited, one of them had a blazing flame, and the other was surrounded by lightning.

Without any hesitation, the two Pokémon attacked Suicune in the most violent way.

"Huh!? |ʘᗝʘ|" Wutong people were dumbfounded, what's wrong with these mythical beasts? Is there no decent beast?

Bixias was also a little panicked when he saw Yan Di and Lei Gong suddenly appear. What is the identity of this guy named Xiaotong, how can he ask for help from outside to invite a mythical beast?

"Damn it, Bangilas, Giant Claw Mantis, and Yula! Go grab Celebi for me!" Bixias roared.

Suicune was being attacked by Entei and Raikou, and had no time to snatch the dark ball containing Celebi.

There was no other way, Bixias could only put his hope on these "useless" Pokémon again.

As long as he could get Celebi, victory would still belong to him.

"Iron Warrior! Steelix! Stop them! You guys, leave here quickly, remember to release the Pokémon to guard the surroundings, and don't let Celebi be released now!" Wutong shouted.

Iron Warrior directly met Mantis and Ula, and forcibly retained the two Pokémon with one against two.

Steelix also entangled Bankiras to restrict its movement.

"Got it, we'll come back to help you after we put Celebi away!" Xiaozhi said and ran towards the direction of Guono Village.

Xuecheng, Xiaoxia and Xiaogang also followed.

[Emperor, Thunder God, drive Suicune into the Lake of Life. Suicune can purify the water flow, and the power of the Lake of Life may wake it up. Remember not to let Suicune use too much power, it is now completely consuming its own vitality. ]

Seeing Xiaozhi and his group leave, Wutong's eyes were shining, and he used his superpowers to warn Emperor and Thunder God.

Emperor and Thunder God heard Wutong's message and deliberately began to lead Suicune to the direction of the Lake of Life.

Bixias also found that something was wrong, but he no longer had the Dark Ball. After all, the Dark Ball was so buggy that it could not be made so easily. Now Bixias could only get rid of Wutong first.

"Asshole, if I still had the Dark Ball." Bixias gritted his teeth and roared in a low voice.

No, that's not right, there should be another Dark Ball, Bixias suddenly remembered something.

Bankiras, Mantis, Ura, Suicune, Celebi, Bixias has only used five Dark Balls now, there should be one more!

Bixias immediately looked in the direction of the Dark Ball that was knocked off by Wutong just now.

"Tsk, did you remember? But it's too late." Wutong said, taking out a Dark Ball and shaking it at Bixias.

"What! When did you, you bastard!" Bixias couldn't help shouting when he saw the Dark Ball in Wutong's hand.

"Hmph, stop struggling, just surrender!" Wutong put the Dark Ball back into his clothes and said.

"Impossible! Bankiras! Destroy the Death Ray! Mantis! Shadow Clone, a flash of lightning! Ura! Split!" Seeing that the situation was becoming more and more unfavorable to him, Bixias began to seriously command the Pokémon to fight.

Iron Warrior and Steelix were beaten back to Wutong's side.

"It's really hard to fight, so we can only take a gamble!" Wutong took out the key stone and Steelix's super stone and said seriously.

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