The battle was over, but the battle was over.

If Wutong relied on the Iron Warrior and the Tungsten Steelix to drag the enemy, he could win.

But by the time Wutong won, the Pokémon like Bankiras would probably not survive for a few days. In addition, if the battle dragged on, there might be some unexpected changes. Wutong thought it would be better to fight quickly.

"Steelix, cheer up, you will definitely succeed this time! Iron Warrior! Please, hold them three first!" Wutong shouted to the Tungsten Steelix beside him.

The Iron Warrior seemed to have no idea what fear was. After hearing Wutong's command, he disassembled the double-headed sword and turned it into two long swords and rushed towards Bankiras and the others.

"Roar!" Steelix leaned down and put its head next to Wutong. Wutong came to Steelix's head, half squatted down, and covered Steelix's head with the hand holding the super stone.

In the other hand, he held the key stone on his chest. Superpowers and the power of Changpan surged, Wutong put aside all distractions, and the only thought in his mind was to defeat the opponent.

Infected by Wutong, the flames of war began to burn in Steelix's eyes, and the will of the trainer and the Pokémon gradually unified.

Without time to think about the lines when Steelix super evolved, Wutong only knew that they succeeded this time.

The key stone and the super stone were connected by colorful light, and the light continued to cover Steelix's whole body.

As the light dissipated, Steelix super evolved successfully.

Super Steelix became even bigger, and there was a circle of floating blue crystal-like suspended fragments around its neck. The fragments were divided into six groups and rotated clockwise. Six fang-like protrusions appeared on both sides of the mouth.

The three pairs of spikes on the body turned into a material similar to aqua blue diamond, and the tail tip also turned into a sharp spike like aqua blue diamond, flashing coldly under the sunlight.

And the four body segments without stick-like protrusions have a blue snowflake-like pattern on both sides. The light on it flows like a stream of water.

Perhaps because of the unity of will, Wutong felt that the attributes of Super Tungsten Steelix did not change, but it could manipulate the energy of the ice system to a certain extent, which should be due to the special super stone.

After the super evolution of Tungsten Steelix was completed, the Iron Warrior could not support it. Facing the siege of three crazy Pokémon, if it were not for the power of flash that made the Iron Warrior highly resistant to blows, he would have lost consciousness long ago.

Even so, the Iron Warrior was already wounded and it became difficult to move.

"Sorry, I kept you waiting for a long time. Take a good rest." Wutong took the Iron Warrior back and looked at the three Pokémon controlled by the dark ball.

"Then, it's our turn. Steelix, lighten your body! Iron Tail!" Wutong commanded.

"Roar!" Super Tungsten Steelix roared, and some extra gravel fell off its body. It rushed towards Bankiras and the others at a faster speed.

The sharp diamond tail flashed white light, and with a sweep, it blew away the giant claw mantis and the unicorn.

"How is it possible! Bankiras! Destruction ray!" Bixias quickly commanded Bankiras to fight back.

"Steelix! Iron Tail!" Wutong also commanded.

The battle was continuous, and it was consuming vitality to forcibly improve its strength. It was also hit by Suicune.

Bankiras's actions inevitably slowed down. The tail of Super Tungsten Steelix hit Bankiras' head before Bankiras used the destruction ray.

The powerful force directly made Bankiras faint.

"I'll remember you, next time! I'll make you pay!" Bixias' voice rang out, and after realizing that the situation was hopeless, Bixias directly activated the flying machine on his back.

He planned to take Suicune back and leave here, and when he got a new dark ball, he would definitely kill this bastard who ruined his business.

"Who gave you the courage to say such a thing? Fish Leong? Steelix, sharp stone attack!" Wutong couldn't help but complain when he saw Bixias flying up.

Do you really think he doesn't dare to attack the trainer? And dare to fly up as a target?

Sharp stone spikes appeared around Super Tungsten Steelix and shot at Bixias.

Bixias panicked when he saw Wutong actually attacking him directly, and hurriedly shook left and right to avoid it.

However, a stone hit Bixias' face with a sound of breaking wind, and the strange mask on his face was instantly knocked off and fell to the ground

It was smashed into pieces.

The strong impact also made Bixias lose consciousness for a few seconds, and the sharp stone attack of the Super Tungsten Steel Snake successfully hit and smashed the aircraft behind Bixias.

It must be said that Bixias is really lucky, and he was not pierced through by the sharp stone attack.

After Bixias's mask was broken, Suicune, who was fighting with Entei and Raikou, paused, feeling that something that bound it disappeared, and the attack became more violent.

However, under the suppression of Entei and Raikou, Suicune was still knocked into the Lake of Life.

Wutong came to Bixias who fell to the ground, and directly took out a thick hemp rope to tie Bixias up.

In order to prevent accidents, Wutong also stripped Bixias naked, leaving only a pair of large shorts.

All the equipment on his body was piled together, and then under Wutong's command, the Super Tungsten Steel Snake destroyed these things with a breath of dragon breath.

As the dark balls were all destroyed, the controlled Pokémon returned to normal.

Suicune found himself being besieged by Entei and Raikou, and quickly proved that he had escaped from control.

However, Entei and Raikou seemed not to have heard and continued to attack, as if they would not stop until they knocked him out.

And Bankiras, Claws and Ula were also free, but they were still lying on the ground because of the huge loss of vitality and serious injuries.

"Then there is only the final finishing work left." Wutong took out a few Poké Balls and subdued Bankiras and the others first.

After all, their problems could not be solved by their own Evergreen power alone, and they could only rely on the function of the Poké Balls to maintain their status.

"I, I was wrong! Let me go!" The sober Bixias was no longer as arrogant as at the beginning.

"Humph, wait for the punishment of justice, trash." Wutong replied disdainfully to Bixias's plea for mercy.

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