After Wutong and Adu secretly communicated, Xiaozhi finally couldn't help it and shouted to Dr. Silanu and Chenji: "What do you want to do, you bad guys! What do you want to do to Gyarados!" "Anyway, you can't escape, so I'll tell you the content of Plan R." After hearing Xiaozhi's roar, Dr. Silanu turned around and said to Xiaozhi complacently.

Is this also something you can say! ? Wutong was numb. Do you have to be so straightforward? Just tell others when they ask you. Are you really not afraid of being eavesdropped?

Adu on the side also became energetic after hearing what Dr. Silanu said, and pricked up his ears and listened carefully.

"Plan R?" Xiaozhi repeated the question.

"That's right, Plan R is a revolutionary plan, a plan to freely control the evolution of Pokémon. This is our Rocket Team's revolutionary plan." Dr. Silanu turned into a small encyclopedia and answered all questions.

"Control the evolution of Pokémon?" Xiaogang couldn't believe it.

"How can such a thing be done!" Xiaoxia directly refuted.

"Look at that Gyarados, the existence of that guy is the ironclad evidence of the success of the evolution acceleration wave we developed." Dr. Silanu pointed to the red Gyarados that was caught like a cooked prawn.

After hearing Dr. Silanu's words, several people all looked at Gyarados.

"Evolution acceleration wave?!" Seeing that the red Gyarados was locked up, Xiaozhi and the other two continued to ask in a very supportive manner.

"That's right, the evolution acceleration wave. We used the evolution acceleration wave to illuminate the Lake of Anger, and then a Magikarp reacted and evolved into a Gyarados." Dr. Silanu said with a smile.

"How could it be?!" Xiaozhi said in disbelief.

"And we also found that this accelerated evolution can be used as a weapon." Dr. Silanu said.

"This is all thanks to your Pokémon. If we hadn't seen your Pokémon being affected, we wouldn't have known that this accelerated evolution wave is so effective on Pokémon." Chen Ji said.

"But the accelerated evolution wave has not been completed yet. The reason why the Gyarados is red may be that the skin color of the Magikarp period has been left behind. We plan to slowly study the Gyarados and perfect the accelerated evolution wave." Dr. Silanu continued.

Watching Dr. Silanu answering questions and actively extending knowledge points like a responsible teacher.

Wutong fully understood what it meant that the villain died because of talking too much.

"Even if it is completed, it's meaningless. The Pokémon that evolves like this obviously has serious problems, and even if it evolves and doesn't listen to orders, it will only be trouble." Wutong said.

Anyway, Dr. Silanu is so easy to talk to, so why not help Adu to say more.

"Hmph, so what if there are problems? As long as the Pokémon can achieve stronger evolution, these sacrifices are worth it. As long as the Pokémon forced evolution radio waves are completed, we can form the strongest Pokémon army." Dr. Silanu said disdainfully.

"As for what you said about not listening to control, hmph, what our Rocket Team needs is just a powerful tool. We have been researching devices to force control Pokémon for a long time. However, that waste Bixias took all the dark balls away and was caught. Damn Pokémon Investigator, our Rocket Team will make them pay the price sooner or later." Dr. Silanu continued.

Very good, say more, the top Pokémon Investigator is right behind you. Wutong thought secretly in his heart as he looked at Dr. Silanu's arrogant look.

"Damn it! I won't let you succeed!" Xiaozhi said angrily.

"Ignoring the efforts of trainers and Pokémon, what kind of evolution is that!" Xiaogang roared.

"I will never sit idly by!" Xiaoxia also said.

Very good, very spirited and courageous, but it would be better if you could say these without being caught. Wutong continued to think.

"You guys can shout as much as you want, do you think you can stop us? It's a waste of effort!" Chen Ji said disdainfully.

Is this the reason why you don't take their Pokémon away? Pikachu is lying on Xiaozhi's shoulder, and Togepi is still held by Xiaoxia. This villain is too unprofessional. Damn, there are so many complaints to complain about, so busy. Wutong's mood began to get angry.

After another verbal battle, Wutong and his friends were locked up.

"Hey! Let us out!" Xiaozhi is still trying to output.


It is impossible for us to leave here, that's right, never. Hahaha, hahahahahahahaha!" Chen Ji laughed and left the cell.

"What should we do, Xiaozhi." Xiaogang said, looking at the iron bars.

"We are not only locked up here, but also tied up. There is nothing we can do." Xiaoxia said a little discouraged.

"I will never give up like this. I must crush that guy's ambition! Xiaotong, you also say something." Xiaozhi said unwillingly.

"So, how did you guys survive safely in so many incidents with such recklessness? Thank you for your hard work, Ditto." Wutong said helplessly.

Hearing Wutong's words, Xiaozhi and the other two all turned around and looked at Wutong.

At this time, Wutong had escaped and was moving his body, and next to him was the blue round Ditto.

Ignoring the three surprised people, Wutong directly commanded Ditto to free them.

"Great, let's go and save Gyarados! "The freed Xiaozhi said immediately.

"So, don't be so reckless. Alas, those guys should have left. With Adu here, there shouldn't be any problem." Wutong was very helpless.

On the other side, Adu, disguised as a soldier of Team Rocket, drove in the transport convoy of Team Rocket.

This time, because of Wutong's presence, Adu did not turn back to save Xiaozhi and the others, but followed Team Rocket wholeheartedly, intending to directly wipe out the entire nest of Team Rocket.

Seeing that Team Rocket's transport convoy was moving towards Kaji Town without any hesitation, Adu contacted Miss Junsha in Kaji Town with the video phone in the car.

"What, Team Rocket's base is in Kaji Town! ?" Miss Junsha said in surprise after receiving Adu's call.

"It seems that they plan to use a helicopter to transport Gyarados directly to the headquarters." Adu said.

"I understand! I will ask someone to go over for support immediately!" Miss Junsha saluted and said.

"Please. "Adu said and hung up the call.

The scene returned to Wutong and the others, and the people trapped in the cell were trying to escape.

Although Wutong released Xiaozhi and the others, Pikachu and Togepi were still under the influence of the forced evolution radio waves, and they all lay on the ground weak and sore.

"Hey, you are Pokémon trainers! Ditto." Wutong sighed and said when he saw the few people trying to open the cell with their hands.

"Mou~" Ditto heard Wutong's call and walked directly out of the cell.

This kind of iron-barred cell is equivalent to no defense for Ditto.

After arriving outside the cell, Ditto crawled to the keyhole, extended a part of his body and inserted it into the keyhole. After twisting for a while, the cell was opened.

"Great, Xiaotong, you are really amazing!" Xiaozhi shouted happily as he looked at the opened cell door.

"Okay, let's go, I hope it's not too late. "Wutong walked out of the cell directly. As for whether he could make it in time, he probably would not have made it without Adu.

Besides, Musashi and Kojiro were blocking them. By the time they arrived, Adu should have solved the problem.

"Stop arguing, you can't be released!" Musashi came over and said after hearing a noise coming from the cell.

"Yes, it's impossible..." Kojiro, who was following behind, continued.

However, when the two arrived at the door of the cell, they found that Wutong and Xiaozhi had successfully escaped.

"The little brats actually ran out!" Musashi shouted in surprise.

"We are the ones who will be recorded in the history of Team Rocket. We must not let them run away!" Kojiro said hurriedly.

"Damn it, it's Team Rocket, Pikachu! Use 100,000 volts! "Xiaozhi said subconsciously after seeing Musashi and Kojiro.

"Pika, Pika~" Pikachu called out weakly, and a weak electric current flashed across Pikachu's cheek, and then there was no follow-up.

Although Pikachu was released, the influence of the Pokémon's forced evolution wave still existed, and Pikachu had no strength to launch an attack.

"Pikachu doesn't seem to have recovered yet, go, Arbok!" Musashi seized the opportunity and immediately released his Pokémon.


"This is a good opportunity, we will take Pikachu! Double-Bomb Gas, come out!" Kojiro obviously did not forget his original intention and directly sent out Double-Bomb Gas.


"I said, have you two forgotten me? Ditto, Swampert mode, water burst." Wutong said.

"Mou~! "Ditto received the command and jumped directly towards Arbok and Gastly. During the jump, its body changed and turned into a muscular

The pink hunk, Swampert.

The water flow wrapped around his arms, and he sent Arbok and Gastly flying out with one punch.

"Send them away, Turbidity." Wutong continued to command.

Ditto opened his mouth, and a turbid mud flow spurted out.

"Why is it so noisy, meow~" Meow came over weakly at this time, and saw Musashi Kojiro, Arbok and Gastly flying over after being hit by the turbidity flow.

"What a disgusting feeling (meow)~!" ×3


"It's solved, let's go." Wutong said calmly, as if it wasn't him who had just sent the Rocket trio flying.

After that, Wutong took Ditto out of the cell and prepared to go to the laboratory to take a look.

"Xiaotong's technique is so skillful." Xiaogang couldn't help but say.

"Yeah, he doesn't often send people flying like this, does he?" Xiaoxia continued.

"What are you talking about? Let's go and save Gyarados!" Xiaozhi said immediately, obviously concentrating on Gyarados.

After hearing Xiaozhi's words, several people immediately followed Wutong and left the cell.

"You go and save Gyarados first. I will destroy this place before going. We can't let Team Rocket continue to use these things to hurt Pokémon." Wutong said to Xiaozhi and others.

Anyway, the delay has been long enough, and without transportation, it is difficult for the three of them to quickly catch up with Adu and Team Rocket, and it should not hinder Adu's actions.

Instead of continuing to delay them, it is better to let them go directly, so that it will not hinder their actions.

"Okay, I'll leave this to you, Xiaotong." After hearing Wutong's words, Xiaozhi agreed without hesitation.

"Be sure to be careful." Xiaogang said.

"We will save Gyarados." Xiaoxia was full of confidence.

Watching the three people leave Wutong, I began to think about how to get to the laboratory.

After looking around and thinking for a moment, Wutong decisively took out the Poké Ball.

"Navigation Duck No. 2! It's decided to be you!" Wutong threw the Poké Ball and said.

"Ga!?" The released Onion Soldier looked at Wutong with a puzzled look, as if wondering why his trainer was sick again.

"Okay, Navigation Duck No. 2, now your trainer needs you to take him to the laboratory, start navigating!" Wutong said.

Wutong thought about the probability of finding the laboratory by walking around randomly. Sure enough, professional things still need to be handed over to professionals.

"Ga~" Onion Soldier sighed helplessly, and then resigned himself to taking Wutong forward in this temporary base of the Rocket Team.

Under the leadership of Navigation Duck No. 2, Wutong successfully found the laboratory.

"Well done, you have lived up to the inheritance of your Navigation Duck family." Wutong looked at the laboratory in front of him and praised Onion Soldier.

"Quack! Quack!" The green onion soldier shouted in dissatisfaction. You are the navigation duck, and your whole family is the navigation duck.

And it is not from the same tribe as the Platypus.

Ignoring the green onion soldier who was quacking, Wutong came to the computer in the laboratory.

I don't know whether it was because he was confident that this place would not be invaded or because he was careless. The computer did not have any password or other encryption measures.

The information about the forced evolution of Pokémon was placed here so openly.

"Although this laboratory is going to be destroyed, this information is worth collecting. I will give it to Mewtwo later. Maybe I can research something." Wutong said to himself while looking at the information in front of him.

You know, Mewtwo's scientific research ability is actually very strong. After all, as a psychic, his intelligence is very high, plus Mewtwo's studious nature and the heritage on the new island.

In fact, Mewtwo is also an excellent scientific researcher.

After finding a mobile hard drive to copy the information in the computer, Wutong directly commanded his Pokémon to start the demolition project.

A good temporary base of Team Rocket was turned into a ruin by the wanton destruction of Wutong's Pokémon.

"Okay, the mission is completed. It's been a long time. Adu should have been done. Let's contact him and see." Wutong called out the mobile phone Rotom.

After all, he had to contact Adu in his original identity. If he used the investigator's special communicator in Xiaotong mode, it would be very likely to reveal something.

He tried to contact Adu, but Adu didn't answer the call.

"Strange, with Adu's strength, it should have been solved after so much time. Could there be any accidents?" Wutong said to himself as he watched the call automatically hung up because no one answered.

The screen switched to Adu's side.

At this time, Adu was commanding Dragonite to fight.

However, Dragonite's opponent was not only Tatsumi's two Toucans, but also a ferocious Arbok.

Opposite Adu, besides Tatsumi, there was also a plump woman wearing a white Team Rocket cadre uniform.

The accident really happened.

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