After successfully abducting Gastly, Wutong set off overnight to continue to Golden City. After all, he didn't want to get lost with Xiaozhi and his group.

But before leaving, Wutong thoughtfully moved Kojiro and Xiaogang out of the wooden house.

In order to prevent the two from catching a cold, Wutong also covered them with a quilt, but Wutong only had a spare quilt.

So they could only let the two sleep in the same quilt for one night.

Because there were more mosquitoes at night, Wutong also scattered some petals with mosquito repellent around the two, which were red.

After doing all this, Wutong left with satisfaction.

"Your character is unexpectedly bad, little ghost~" Gastly said as he watched Xiaogang and Kojiro loving each other.

"What are you talking about? I did this because I was worried about them." Wutong said with a righteous face.

"Hehehe, I almost believed it." Gastly said with a sinister smile.

"Gass, remember not to laugh like that in the future, it's very unlucky." Wutong said to Gastly.

"What should I be afraid of as a ghost-type Pokémon?" Gastly asked back.

After hearing Gastly's words, Wutong was also paused. This Gastly's words were so irritating. (。•ˇ‸ˇ•。)

Time flies, and Wutong left the Maiden Gorge Port and continued to Golden City. It has been more than half a day since Wutong left the port of Maiden Gorge and continued to go to Golden City.

At this time, the sky has also brightened.

"I say, little ghost, don't you think we have already walked this road?" Gastly asked after passing the same place again.

"How is it possible? You must have seen it wrong. I am a man known as the God of Recognition of Roads." Wutong replied.

"But I have seen those two Rattatas many times." Gastly said as he looked at the two loving Rattatas under a tree.

"Don't all Pokémon like Rattata look the same? You must have an illusion." Wutong remained firm.

"But, the food they eat has not changed." Gastly said as he looked at the two Rattatas feeding each other an unknown nut.

"It's a coincidence. They are all in the same forest and the types of food are similar." Wutong continued to comfort Gastly.

"The problem is that these two Rattatas are both male!!! Encountering seven or eight pairs of two male Rattatas that look exactly the same, eat exactly the same, and are still in love in one day! Do you think this is possible!" Gastly couldn't help but started to roar at Wutong.

After hearing Gastly's words, Wutong didn't know how to answer, although his face suddenly became unusually serious.

"What's wrong, little ghost?" Seeing Wutong's serious face, Gastly couldn't help asking.

"Be careful, old ghost, we must have been hypnotized. The one who can hypnotize you must be a scary guy, otherwise how could such a ghost wall thing happen." Wutong said while observing the surroundings vigilantly.

"So, you little ghost will never admit that you are lost, right!!!" Gastly shouted at Wutong.

"What are you talking about, old ghost! I am a god of knowing the way! How could I get lost!!" Wutong also shouted at Gastly.

"Aren't you already lost!!!"

"Didn't I say that I was hypnotized when I met a powerful Pokémon!"

Wutong and Gastly started a meaningless quarrel.

"Dream~!" The dream demon suddenly floated out from Wutong's shadow and shouted at Wutong and Gastly.

After all, the dream demon hasn't slept for a long time, and it is very sleepy now.

The dream demon's eyes glowed, and it controlled a Poké Ball on Wutong's waist.

A flash of white light passed, and the duck-billed baby was released.

"By the way, hum hum, I will prove it to you right now. This is the first navigation god duck under the throne of the God of Recognition of the Road, the duck-billed baby!" Wutong pointed at the duck-billed baby and said proudly.

"Bubby!?" The duck-billed baby looked confused and didn't know what happened.

"Dream~! Dream!" The dream demon called the duck-billed baby twice and then went back into the shadow of Wutong.

The duck-billed baby also understood what he needed to do. After looking at the nearby environment, weather, etc., the duck-billed baby directly chose a direction and began to lead the way.

"You little ghost are unexpectedly useless in some places." Gastly said as he looked at the duck-billed baby who began to lead the way.

Under the leadership of the duck-billed baby, Wutong finally successfully arrived at Golden City.

"Old ghost, how about it! Do you believe it now?

Am I the god of knowing the way?" Wutong said to Gastly when he saw the Golden City not far away.

"Duckbill baby, it seems you are also very hard-working." Gastly ignored the proud Wutong, and floated to the duckbill baby and said.

"Bubby~Bubby!" The duckbill baby shook his head to indicate that it was okay.

"You old ghost! Don't lead my duckbill baby astray!" Wutong said to Gastly.

"We are going to the city. I don't like too many people to see me. I will borrow your shadow for a while. Remember to buy this week's Playboy. Today is the day of release." Gastly said and went directly into Wutong's shadow.

"Dream! "As soon as Gastly floated into Wutong's shadow, the Dream Monster flew out and shouted angrily at Wutong.

How could you let other Pokémon enter your shadow? Don't you know that your shadow has already taken on the shape of my Dream Monster?

Are you in love with someone else!?

"Be good, don't be angry. It was that Gastly that floated in by itself. I can't do anything about it. See if you can drive it out." Wutong said to the Dream Monster to comfort him.

"Dream!" The Dream Monster also knew that it was useless to just shout at Wutong, so he dived back into Wutong's shadow.

Wutong watched his shadow squirming, and then the Dream Monster flew out with a wronged look on his face.

Obviously, it was no match for Gastly now.

"Dream! "The dream demon was very unconvinced, and circled around Wutong and thought of something.

It floated directly behind Wutong and began to look for something in the pink backpack on his back.

Soon, the dream demon found a book, but the pictures in the book made Wutong speechless.

"When did you put this thing in my backpack?" Wutong asked the dream demon speechlessly.

The dream demon ignored Wutong and rushed into Wutong's shadow again with the book.

Wutong watched his shadow squirming again, and this time Gastly floated out.

"Ahhhhhhhh! You blinded my eyes! How can there be such a book in the world! "Garsis floated out and howled to the sky.

Wutong also looked at Gastly with sympathy. After all, the book that Meng Yao brought in just now was full of philosophy, which was a fatal blow to an old pervert like Gastly.

But Wutong was also speechless. When did Meng Yao put such a terrible thing in his bag?

Wutong felt that it was time to sort out his backpack, so as not to put any strange things in it again.

"Damn it, little ghost! Now! Immediately! Go buy me a Playboy, otherwise my eyes will go blind!" Gastly said to Wutong, and his eyes cooperated to perform a falling effect.

"How can you, a ghost-type Pokémon, go blind? "Wutong didn't care.

However, seeing Gastly's pitiful appearance, Wutong decided to take it to buy books first.

Garsly no longer had any intention of entering Wutong's shadow, and directly turned into a pendant and hung on Wutong's backpack.

Of course, it was fake, it was just that Gastly used hypnosis. I don't know what the principle of this old ghost's hypnosis is, it feels like it's almost catching up with the seventy-two transformations.

After entering Golden City, Wutong began to look for a bookstore, and the duck-billed baby took the task of leading the way.

After all, Golden City is the largest city in the Kanto region. If Wutong is allowed to walk around by himself, he may not be able to get out of this city.

Turning left and right with Wutong, the duck-billed baby led Wutong to a bookstore.

Walking into the bookstore, Wutong began to look for the Playboy magazine.

After a round, Wutong successfully found it, but after seeing the price, Wutong was tangled.

Because he found that this magazine was unexpectedly expensive. You know, a Poké Ball is only 300, and an ordinary Evolution Stone is only 3,000.

And this magazine is 500! ?

Three magazines a week are almost half an Evolution Stone. Wutong suddenly felt that his 30,000 starting capital didn't seem to be that much.

But he still had to do what he promised Gastly. Wutong could only carry the three magazines to the cashier with a distressed heart.

"Hey, brother, I didn't expect you to have good taste. Are you interested in learning superpowers from me? "When Wutong was paying the bill, an uncle next to him suddenly came over and asked.

Wutong was speechless for a while. Are people nowadays so tough in their turn of speech?

What does good taste have to do with learning superpowers from you? You can even say that I have a unique bone structure and am suitable for learning superpowers.

"Not interested." Wutong refused without hesitation.

"No, no, no, let's discuss it. If you learn superpowers from me, you will be given a gift of mental strength skills.

"The old man said immediately.

"Let's go, I also think I'm suitable for learning superpowers." Wutong said directly to the uncle after putting away the Playboy.

Seeing Wutong's look, the uncle was also stunned. Are children nowadays so real?

Following the uncle, we came to a shabby little house near the bookstore.

There was also a dusty plaque above the door of the little house.

After careful identification, Wutong found that it was a superpower club.

"Uncle, is it too late for me to regret now?" Wutong asked the uncle beside him.

"Hey, brother, don't just look at the surface of things, these are actually disguises." The uncle said and pulled Wutong into the little house.

"Uncle, you made me understand what it means to be rotten outside and rotten inside." Wutong said, looking at the equally shabby house.

"Hey, don't care about these details. Come on, this is the initiation gift of our club. "The uncle said as he took out a pink CD.

Wutong took the CD and looked at the uncle in front of him in confusion.

He actually gave me something good right away. Even Wutong, who came here to take advantage, was a little scared. This was a little too easy.

"Uncle, you don't want to cheat me, do you?" Wutong said to the uncle vigilantly, but he didn't return the skill learning machine in his hand.

After all, Wutong was sure that this skill learning machine was real.

"Actually, I came to you for help. As for this skill learning machine for mental strength, it was made according to the method passed down by my grandfather." The uncle said as he took out a stack of identical pink CDs.

Wutong saw the thick stack in the uncle's hand and understood why the uncle would give him the skill learning machine without any care.

"Okay, I'll believe you for now, but what do you want me to do for you?" Wutong asked.

"I hope you can defeat Nazi on behalf of the Superpower Club!" said the uncle.

"Goodbye! "Wutong turned around and left without hesitation.

"Hey hey hey! Don't do that, don't do that!" The uncle quickly grabbed Wutong.

The uncle began to tell Wutong his story.

Originally, there was only one superpower club in Jinhuang City, and at that time, his superpower club was very popular.

Until the arrival of Nazi's family, especially after the establishment of Jinhuang Gym, all the members of the club went to Nazi to learn superpowers.

He also tried to challenge Nazi, but was easily defeated by Nazi without any surprise.

And the uncle wanted someone to defeat Nazi once in the name of the superpower club.

"Then what is your superpower, uncle?" Wutong asked curiously.

"Since you want to know, I'll show you, watch!" The uncle said and started to use his superpower.

Wutong looked at the uncle expectantly to know what he would do.

However, after waiting for a long time, Wutong did not find any changes.

"Uncle, you haven't changed at all. "Wutong asked in confusion.

"Take a closer look." The uncle said to Wutong.

Wutong looked left and right but still saw no change.

"Didn't you notice that the mole on the left side of my face moved to the right side?" The uncle pointed to a black mole on his face and said.

Wutong felt a headache. Doesn't this uncle think that the members of his superpower club left on their own?

What kind of superpower is it to move the mole on the left side to the right side?

"Forget it, I'll try my best for my strong mind. But please let me sleep first." Wutong said helplessly.

The superpower uncle found a place for Wutong to rest.

Wutong, who hadn't slept for a day and a night, fell asleep and didn't wake up until the evening.

Under the uncle's guidance, Wutong came to the Golden Gym, but there was a simple house next to the Golden Gym with a handmade gym logo on it.

"Where is this? "Wutong said to himself as he looked at the "gym" next to him.

"This is a fighting gym. Although it is a self-proclaimed gym, they failed to compete with Nancy for the gym qualification in Golden City, but they have never been convinced so the gym has not been closed." The superpower uncle explained.

"Then let's warm up here first." Wutong said and walked in.

"Huh?" The superpower uncle wanted to stop him, but after thinking about it, he gave up and followed him.

Wutong remembered that if he won the gym, he could get a flying kick or a fast punch. Although he was not very interested, it would be good to give it to Professor Oak.

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