The two of them were so busy that they were busy.

Wu Tong walked into the fighting "gym". To his surprise, there were many people in the gym.

Everyone in the gym wore uniform white training clothes and had a band tied on their heads.

Next to each person stood a fighting Pokémon, training with their trainer.

But they were basically ordinary fighting Pokémon of the Monkey King and Arm Strength lineage.

In the deepest part of the gym, a muscular, square-faced uncle sat cross-legged there.

On both sides of this square-faced uncle were the Fast Punch Man and the Flying Leg Man.

It seems that this square-faced uncle should be the owner of this fighting gym.

"Hey, isn't this Azhi, whose disciples were snatched away by that little girl Nazhi?" The square-faced uncle saw Wutong and the superpower uncle coming over and teased.

"Huh, Wude, how much better are you than me? You were suppressed by a little girl from the beginning, and in the end, even the gym qualification that was about to be obtained was snatched away." Azhi retorted disdainfully.

"Are you here to pick a fight?" Wude jumped up instantly and glared at Azhi.

"Huh? It was obviously you who started the trouble! What? Do you think your mole is healed again? Believe it or not, I will move it to your butt this time!" Azhi was not afraid of Wude, who was several times stronger than him.

"If you dare to touch my beauty mole, I will tear you into eight petals!" Wude threatened Azhi.

Wutong felt that he had no chance to interrupt the topic.

The gym members who were training on the side all seemed to have not seen half of it, as if they had long been accustomed to it.

"Tell me, what are you doing here this time? Forget about borrowing money. If you don't have food to eat, I can give you a few meals for free." Wu De calmed down again and said to A Zhi.

"You think too much. My new disciple is going to challenge Nazi, but I want to warm up so I came here to find you." A Zhi said pretentiously.

"Hehe, how can you trick new disciples into your broken place? Xin Yan, come here, there is someone who wants to challenge the gym, leave it to you." Wu De took a look and didn't intend to take action himself, turned his head and shouted to a strong young man who was practicing kicking hard.

"Yes, Master!" Hearing Wu De calling him, the strong young man named Xin Yan came over.

And next to him was a fearless boy.

"Come on, boy, let me see your strength. I hope you don't lose too badly." Wu De said to Wu Tong.

"My name is Wu Tong, don't worry, you should worry about your apprentice." Wu Tong, who was finally remembered, replied.

"Go, Fearless Boy!" Xinyan said to the Fearless Boy beside him.

The Fearless Boy jumped twice on the spot to stretch his body and then walked to Xinyan and posed for Wutong to call out his Pokémon.

"Go, Murkrow." Wutong thought about it and called out Murkrow. After all, Murkrow didn't seem to have participated in a serious battle.

"Ga~!" Murkrow shouted with full of energy after flying out.

"Hahahaha, is this your apprentice, Azhi? The Pokémon is so pink and not masculine at all. Did it dye it this color on purpose?" Wude mocked after seeing Murkrow.

Although he knew that Wude's face was aimed at Azhi, his words still made Wutong very unhappy.

"Murkrow, fight quickly, follow the wind and then blow the wind!" Wutong said to Murkrow with a "brilliant" smile.

"Ga!" Although Murkrow had been with Wutong for a short time, it knew that when Wutong showed this expression, it meant that his mood had begun to become unhappy.

The airflow around Murkrow began to swirl, and then wrapped around Murkrow's body. Murkrow's speed increased a lot.

Then Murkrow flapped its wings, and a gust of wind swept towards Fearless Boy.

"Fearless Boy, flying knee kick!" Nobuhiko directly chose to let Fearless Boy attack.

Fearless Boy jumped high, bent one knee and shone with light, and crashed into Murkrow.

"Murkrow, get out of the way, scared." Wutong didn't care. With Murkrow's speed and the tailwind, if he was hit by Fearless Boy's flying knee kick in the air, he might as well go home.

Murkrow showed a serious light of excitement when facing Fearless Boy flying over.

When Fearless Boy's knee was about to knock Murkrow's face, Murkrow moved, and Fearless Boy spun around.

The boy flew past Murkrow.

Then Murkrow slapped Fearless Boy's butt with one wing, giving him a speed boost.

"This guy, this habit must be changed." Wutong frowned as he watched Murkrow's thrilling performance.

If it weren't for the fact that it was still Murkrow and hadn't evolved into Crow Head, Wutong would have thought that its characteristic was overconfidence.

After all, it was too confident. Facing an attack, it didn't dodge until the last second. How much confidence in its own speed it needs.

However, Wutong's Murkrow has a hidden characteristic, Mischief Heart, and it will indeed be overconfident after evolution.

Fearless Boy, who didn't hit the target and was slapped on the butt by Murkrow, crashed directly into the sandbag beside him.

The characteristic of the flying knee kick made Fearless Boy hurt himself instead of hurting the enemy.

"Fearless Boy! Adjust your state! Use a million-ton heavy kick!" Nobuhiko did not lose his composure for a temporary defeat, but continued to command Fearless Boy to attack.

The Fearless Boy jumped up again and turned 360 degrees, kicking Murkrow with a glowing light on his legs.

It seems that Nobuhiko's training direction for the Fearless Boy is to make him a flying kicker.

"Murkrow! Brave Bird Attack!" Wutong planned to end it as soon as possible, after all, Wude was the main goal this time.

"Gah!" Murkrow cried, and his body was covered with energy, and he turned into a giant energy bird and rushed towards the Fearless Boy.

The giant energy bird collided with the Fearless Boy's million-ton heavy kick.

The giant energy bird dimmed a lot in an instant, but successfully suppressed the Fearless Boy.

The million-ton heavy kick of the Fearless Boy was directly broken, and then he was knocked to the ground by the slightly dimmed giant energy bird.

The Fearless Boy lay on his back on the ground, his eyes spinning in circles, and he lost the ability to fight.

"Gah!!!!" Murkrow became very excited when he saw the Fearless Boy who had lost his ability to fight, and began to circle in the sky.

The reaction damage of the Brave Bird Attack seemed to be nothing, and did not affect Murkrow at all.

"Yes, you are much stronger than I thought, but Azhi, why is your apprentice a bird player? Where is his psychic Pokémon?" Wu De looked at Azhi with contempt.

Although he knew what was going on from the beginning, he didn't expect that Azhi would not even look for a trainer with a psychic Pokémon.

"Well, our Psychic Club is very tolerant." Azhi found a far-fetched reason.

"Humph, since you defeated Nobuhiko, you are also qualified to challenge me. What do you think, kid, do you want to give you some time to rest?" Wu De is worthy of being a martial artist, and he is still quite martial. He also asked Wu Tong if he needed a rest.

"No, my Pokémon is in good condition now." Wu Tong glanced at the excited Murkrow and said.

After all, this is the first time that Murkrow has seriously fought between trainers.

"Really? As long as you can defeat me, you can choose one of my Fast Punch Lang and Flying Leg Lang. But the premise is that you can defeat both of them. Flying Leg Lang, you go first!" Wu De said.

"Sha!" Flying Legs Lang walked in front of Wu De and shouted at Murkrow.

Fearless Boy was his most satisfied disciple, but Murkrow bullied him like that. As his master, he had to get back at him.

"Gah? Gah!" Murkrow saw this guy with spring legs and no neck coming out and wanted to avenge his apprentice. I'll slap you with a big slap!

"Flying Legs Lang! Two consecutive kicks!" Wu De had no intention of yielding and directly let Flying Legs Lang attack first.

"Sha!" Flying Legs Lang kicked out directly on the spot.

"Murkrow! Move!" Wu Tong shouted hurriedly.

"Gah?" Murkrow was a little confused. Even if the neckless spring legs were longer, it was impossible for him to kick on the ground.

However, Murkrow immediately knew why Flying Legs Lang kicked on the spot.

In the meantime, Flying Legs Lang's kicking leg stretched out directly, and kicked Murkrow from the side with a perfect arc.

"Gah!?" Murkrow reacted at the last moment and twisted his body forcibly, only letting Flying Legs' kick brush against his body.

However, Murkrow felt pain after just a brush.

"Murkrow! Move! Divine Bird Strike!" Wutong said with a raised voice. At this time, Wutong also discovered Murkrow's problem, because he had been with him for a short time.

And because of his naughty character, Murkrow would not execute his command in the first time. This is fatal in battle.

"Gah!" Murkrow listened to Wutong's words this time and started to move.

Just as it moved away, Flying Legs' second kick kicked past the position where Murkrow had just been.


Murkrow also saw this kick, and it knew that if it had not moved just now, it would have been kicked again.

Murkrow's trust in Wutong increased a lot.

Murkrow obediently began to rise into the air, but because of the restriction of the roof, Murkrow could not climb much higher.

After reaching the highest point it could reach, Murkrow turned around and fell directly, rushing towards Feituilang with a strong airflow.

"Feituilang! Roundhouse kick!" Wu De commanded.

"Sha!" Feituilang jumped up, his body began to rotate, and his two legs stretched out again, hitting Murkrow like two whips.

"Ka!" Murkrow's eyes became serious, and then in the surprised eyes of Wutong and Wu De's unbelievable eyes.

Cleverly shuttled between the gaps between Feituilang's legs, Murkrow could also adjust his posture to avoid attacks that could not be avoided.

Murkrow successfully arrived in front of Feituilang with a whirlwind, and then hit Feituilang hard.

"Dark Crow! "Peck!" Wutong quickly recovered from his surprise and did not waste this opportunity to let Murkrow continue to attack.

"Gah!" Murkrow's beak glowed and pecked at Flying Legsman fiercely.

After all, it was a battle, not a gentle peck when playing with Wutong.

Flying Legsman could not stand the continuous attacks and fell to the ground without the ability to fight.

"Gah!" Seeing that he had successfully defeated Flying Legsman again, Murkrow became more excited.

However, this time it did not forget its trainer, landed on Wutong's shoulder, and then pecked Wutong's head twice to express its feelings.

"Murkrow, can you still fight?" Wutong asked Murkrow.

It seems that his guess about Murkrow's flash power is still not accurate enough.

Wutong initially thought that Murkrow's flash power was far beyond the speed of ordinary Murkrow.

However, the battle just now made him realize that Murkrow could actually control the direction and body posture at that speed, so there are many more operations that can be performed.

"Gah! "The Murkrow cried out, indicating that he could continue to fight.

However, Murkrow paused as soon as it flew up, and then fell down. Fortunately, Wutong was quick to catch Murkrow.

"Gah! Gah!" The captured Murkrow cried out in pain twice.

"Sorry, sorry, I was careless, Murkrow, come back and rest." Wutong found that he was holding Murkrow's neck. And because he was anxious, he used a lot of strength.

At this time, Murkrow was like a chicken that was caught and slaughtered. He apologized to Murkrow and Wutong took it back to the Poké Ball.

"Boy, you are good, but my Fast Puncher will not lose! Go! Fast Puncher!" Wude took Flying Legs back to the Poké Ball and said to Wutong.

"Abby!" Fast Puncher came out and punched the air twice.

"Dream demon, come out and move around. "Wu Tong said to his shadow.

"Dream~" Meng Yao floated out reluctantly. He didn't expect that Murkrow was not durable at all. He thought he could just slack off.

"Okay, stop complaining. After challenging the Golden Gym, you can be a good homegirl." Wu Tong said to Meng Yao.

After all, he now has three Pokémon to fight besides Meng Yao, and the attributes of these three Pokémon are enough to deal with most situations.

"Boy, it seems that your identity is not ordinary. You actually have two shining Pokémon." Wu De said when he saw Meng Yao's eyes.

"Dream demon, hypnosis." Wu Tong was not interested in chatting with Wu De, and directly let Meng Yao start attacking.

"The stinky boy actually sneaked up! Fast Fist! Move!" Wu De shouted hurriedly.

"Abby!" After hearing this, Fast Fist immediately began to sway his body and began to move irregularly.

"Dream demon, black eyes, strange light! "Wutong continued to command.

"Dream!" The dream demon shouted, and a pair of evil eyes appeared behind him and stared at Kuai Quanlang.

After being stared at by these eyes, Kuai Quanlang felt that his swing became unsmooth.

Then a colorful twisted light floated towards him. Obviously, the light ball was not flying fast, but Kuai Quanlang found that he could not avoid it.

After being hit by the strange light, Kuai Quanlang fell into a state of confusion, shaking like a drunk.

"Hypnosis." Wutong continued to command calmly.

"Kuai Quanlang! Recover quickly!" Wu De shouted anxiously.

However, the confused Kuai Quanlang could not recover as soon as he said he would, and he was hit by hypnosis after all.

After the hypnosis successfully hit, it was the performance time of the dream demon. Various skills were thrown randomly, and occasionally a hypnosis was added.

Wu De could only watch his Pokémon fall to the ground and lose its ability to fight.

"You have no moral integrity! You are playing dirty, disgusting, and bullying me, an old comrade in his 40s!" Wu De pointed at Wu Tong and said.

Wu Tong also looked at Wu De speechlessly. Is your real name Wu Baoguo?

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