The old man was very happy.

Wu De sighed as he looked at Kuai Quan Lang, who was lying on the ground and had lost his ability to fight. He felt that he might really be old.

"Boy, you defeated me. Although I don't have a badge to give you, choose one of my two old friends. "They should be able to go further in your hands." Wu De said to Wu Tong.

Wu Tong thought for a moment and decided to take Kuai Quan Lang away. After all, it would be better for him to take it now than to let Gou Hao get it later.

After choosing, Wu Tong left. A Zhi also looked at his "old opponent" with a complicated expression and followed Wu Tong away.

Because A Zhi saw confusion and retreat in Wu De's eyes.

"Xin Yan, are you interested in inheriting this dojo? "Looking at Wutong and Azhi leaving, Wude asked Xinyan beside him.

Wutong didn't hear Xinyan's answer and didn't know it.

After leaving the fighting dojo, Wutong didn't go directly to the Golden Gym next door, but decided to go and treat Murkrow first.

After all, Murkrow should be the main force against Nancy, and it can't do it in its current state. Xinyan and Wude's strength exceeded Wutong's expectations.

I thought Murkrow could be easily solved, but it almost turned over.

Under the leadership of Azhi, Wutong came to the Pokémon Center to treat Murkrow. Wutong looked at the sky outside and decided to fulfill his promise to Gastly.

After saying hello to Azhi and asking him to wait for him here, Wutong began to look for the TV station in Golden City. Of course, it was the duckbill baby who led the way.

"Little ghost, where are you taking me?" Gastly asked Wutong when he saw that no one was nearby.

"Go do what I promised. "Wu Tong replied.

"I didn't expect you to keep your promise. I wanted to stay with Playboy for a few months and then leave." Gastly said without hesitation.

"Hey, you old man, don't say this kind of thing, and is this your original plan?" Wu Tong said to Gastly speechlessly.

"Hehehe, it depends on how well you do." Gastly replied.

With the help of the navigation god duck duckbill baby, Wu Tong successfully found the remote Golden City TV station.

Because it was past the time to get off work and the location was remote, there was no one nearby.

But seeing that there were still many lights on in the TV station building, it should be the staff of the evening program.

"Little ghost, where is this?" Gastly asked curiously.

"This is the place to help me fulfill my promise, old ghost, how about it? Do you have the ability to take me in?" Wu Tong asked.

"You little ghost, you don't want to trick me into doing bad things for you, do you? "Garsis looked at Wutong suspiciously.

"What are you thinking about? It's because of your request for three Playboys every week! I wanted to solve it with money!" Wutong said to Gastly.

In fact, he also wanted to call his grandparents for help, but he had to play a pity game with Gastly first. What if this old ghost softened his heart and revealed some special skills?

Garsis laughed twice, then swelled up and wrapped Wutong.

"Hey! You are made of poisonous gas, you want me to die!" Wutong hurriedly stopped.

"Little ghost is really troublesome, I'll leave you a tube." Gastly looked at Wutong with disdain and said.

Then Wutong really felt that there was an extra tube sticking out of his mouth.

Wutong has begun to doubt whether Gastly is some hidden beast. Could it be that it is actually Algas!?

At this time, Wutong didn't know how people outside saw him, but seeing Gastly's confident look, he boldly walked into the TV station.

"What's going on? Is this sensor door broken again? "The security guard looked at the sensor door that he suddenly opened and asked in confusion.

Wu Tong boldly left the security guard. It seemed that Gastly should have used hypnosis to make others unable to see him.

As for the duck-billed baby, he had put it away before he came in again.

After all, Gastly's body is 95% made of toxic gas, and if the duck-billed baby accidentally ignites a fire, Wu Tong will be in big trouble.

Although he didn't know if it could be ignited, Wu Tong still thought it was better to be safe.

Wu Tong ran around in the TV station, found a studio that was broadcasting live, and walked in.

"Old ghost, do you want to tell the story yourself or do you want me to help you?" Wu Tong asked.

"What are you talking about, little ghost? Although the people here are more than the ones I capture every year,

There are more guys, but it is completely impossible to meet your promise. "Gass said to Wutong.

"So, this is the power of technology. Do you see those machines? Those are cameras. Now it should be live broadcasting. As long as you find a way to tell the story in front of that person, at least tens of thousands of people will be able to hear this story." Wutong said conservatively.

"There is such a thing?" Gastly said in surprise.

After all, although he has lived for a long time, he rarely goes to crowded places, so he doesn't know much about TV and other things.

"But before that, let the people here sleep first. After all, if they are awake, they may interrupt the live broadcast at any time. Please, Dream Demon." Wutong said to his shadow.

"Dream~" The dream demon responded and then sent out waves of hypnotic waves.

"Hehehe, I'll help too. "Garsis screamed and started to hypnotize the people in the studio.

Sure enough, there was no problem if he didn't give direct instructions. If the Pokémon took the initiative to help him, there would be no rejection reaction.

After a while, everyone in the studio fell asleep.

The TV audience who were watching this program were all confused. What happened? Why did everyone fall asleep in the middle of today's program?

"Then Gastly, turn me into a girl. After all, there may be surveillance in this studio. It will be troublesome if I am discovered. "Wu Tong said.

Garsis didn't refuse, so Gastly's hypnosis is more than just a skill?

"I want to see you, I miss you so much~" The audience watching TV found that a beautiful girl who had never been seen before suddenly appeared.

The girl began to tell her story and expressed her longing for her lover, hoping to let more people know about this.

The people watching the show didn't think about the ghost, but just watched it as an easter egg of the show.

However, under Wu Tong's deliberate processing, the girl's story became more touching, and coupled with the girl's beautiful face, the audience all began to empathize.

After telling the story Afterwards, Wutong left the Golden City TV station under the cover of Gastly.

Gastly was also very satisfied with Wutong's performance just now, and said that he would not abandon Wutong for a while.

Wutong was too lazy to pay attention to this lustful old ghost, and called the duckbill baby back to the Pokémon Center.

At this time, Murkrow had also recovered, and Wutong was ready to officially challenge Nancy.

Back to the door of the Golden Gym, Azhi did not intend to go in with Wutong. It seems that this guy is still a little afraid of Nancy.

Entering the Golden Gym, a man in a white coat and long burgundy hair stopped Wutong.

"Hey, this is not the place you should come to, leave quickly!" The man said to Wutong.

"I'm here to challenge Nancy, please lead the way." Wutong said directly.

"Are you sure you want to challenge Nancy?" The man confirmed again.

"Of course, and I heard that many people are learning superpowers here at Nancy. I wonder if you have superpowers, uncle?" Wutong looked at the person in front of him with interest.

"Hey! I'm only 26 years old! Don't call me uncle! But since you want to see it, I'll show you!" The 26-year-old uncle took out an iron spoon, the man stared at the iron spoon, his face turned red, and then the iron spoon bent down by itself.

"Oh! So amazing!" Wutong applauded without hesitation, clapping his hands.

After all, after seeing the ability of the uncle in the superpower club to move the mole, he felt that this superpower of bending the spoon was already very powerful.

"Okay, uncle, the entertainment program is over, you can take me to find Nazi." Wutong said.

"You kid said not to call me uncle!" The 26-year-old uncle retorted, but still took Wutong to the depths.

"It's here. "He came to the door of a hall, pushed open the door, and motioned Wutong to go in. The 26-year-old uncle ran away immediately.

Looking at the temple-like venue in front of him, Wutong walked in.

In the deepest part of the room, on a chair, a girl in red was holding a doll in her arms.

"I'm here to challenge the Golden Gym. You are Nancy, right? Please have a Pokémon battle with me!" Wutong shouted to Nancy.

"It doesn't matter if I compete with you, but if you lose, are you willing to be my friend and play with me?" said the doll in Nancy's arms.

"No problem." Wutong replied.

"Then, let's start." After hearing Wutong's agreement, a cold voice came out, and Nancy stood up directly from the chair.

Looking at Nancy's cold face, Wutong also swallowed a mouthful of saliva,

Of course, he was not affected by Nancy's beauty, but was afraid that he would be a puppet here if he failed.

"Come out, Casey." Nancy said coldly.

Nancy was holding a doll, and the doll was holding a Poké Ball.

The Poké Ball flew up and landed on the field, and a Casey appeared.

"It's Casey, Murkrow, I leave it to you." Wutong said.

"Ga!" Murkrow flew out and shouted spiritedly.

"Murkrow, we attack first! Tailwind, wind!" Wutong commanded.

In any case, adding buffs first will definitely be no problem.

The airflow surrounded Murkrow, Murkrow's speed increased, and then its wings flapped, and a gust of wind swept towards Casey who was sitting on the ground.

Nancy's eyes flashed red, and Casey was connected to Nancy's superpowers. Her squinting eyes suddenly opened wide and emitted red light.

Casey used instant teleportation to directly avoid Murkrow's wind.

"Dark Crow! Behind you, scare!" Wutong had encountered this kind of thing before, so he gave the order directly.

"Gah!" Dark Crow made a face and turned his head to shout behind him.

Casey, who had moved to the back of Dark Crow in an instant, wanted to scare Dark Crow, but was frightened by Dark Crow's fright.

And fortunately, the shrinking effect of fright was triggered.

Casey froze in place and did not take the next step.

"Dark Crow, peck!" Wutong would not waste a good opportunity and directly let Dark Crow continue to attack.

Seeing this, blue and white light emerged from Nancy's body, and the light of evolution also appeared on Casey's body.

The light dissipated, and Casey evolved into Yongjila. Facing the peck of Dark Crow, Yongjila blocked it with a spoon.

"Tsk, it really feels like a cheating no matter when I look at it. Dark Crow, attack with wings!" Wutong couldn't help but say when he saw the evolved Yongjila.

"Gah!" Seeing that his beak was blocked by a spoon, Murkrow was very unconvinced, and his wings emitted light and slapped directly at Yongjira.

A move of double winds hit Yongjira's head.

"Telekinesis." Nancy commanded calmly, as if she was not the one in disadvantage.

Yongjira's eyes glowed red.

But nothing happened.

"Murkrow, Divine Bird Strike!" Wutong seized the opportunity and let Murkrow use his ultimate move.

"Gah!" Murkrow soared up and flew near the ceiling in an instant.

Because the battle field of the Golden Gym was like a temple, the ceiling was very high, and Murkrow had plenty of space to climb.

Then Murkrow turned around and fell straight down, with an orange-yellow light on his body and a whirlwind rushing towards Yongjira.

"Yongjira. "Finding that telekinesis had no effect, Nancy was stunned for a moment and then continued to command Yongjila.

Even if telekinesis didn't work, Yongjila wouldn't be easily defeated with teleportation.

"Dark Crow! Seven o'clock!" Wutong directly helped Dark Crow fill in the blind spot.

"Ga!" Yongjila instantly disappeared in front of Dark Crow, and Dark Crow didn't stop. After hearing Wutong's words, Dark Crow made a big turn.

"Yongjila! "Nazi's tone finally changed a little.

However, Nazi's Yongjila obviously did not practice teleportation to perfection. It did not have the ability to seamlessly connect teleportation.

And Murkrow turned unexpectedly fast.

Although a lot of words were written, all this happened in just a moment.

Murkrow's Divine Bird Slam still hit Yongjila.

Yongjila successfully used teleportation at the moment of being knocked away, and returned to the battlefield, without failing because of leaving the venue.

"Yongjila, mental power." Nazi felt that the power of mind was not effective, which must be insufficient.

Yongjila waved the spoon in his hand, and his eyes burst into red light, and the strong power of mind hit Murkrow.

However, Yongjila still did not break through the shackles of attribute restraint, and its powerful mental power had no effect on Murkrow.

"Murkrow, Yongbird Slam." Wutong decided to end the game.

"Gah! "The Dark Crow was covered with energy and turned into a giant energy bird and rushed towards Yongjila.

Yongjila still used his mental strength, but it was useless. In the end, he was successfully knocked away by the Dark Crow and lost his ability to fight.

"It seems that I won." Wutong said to Nancy.

"This, how is this possible! This is impossible!" Nancy looked at the defeated Yongjila with disbelief. Obviously, her personality of not wanting to lose is not able to face failure.

"This is a golden badge, leave quickly." The doll in Nancy's arms came to Wutong at some point and handed over a round golden badge.


Wutong looked at Nancy's doubtful look and knew it was better to leave first. He picked up the golden badge and left in a hurry.

"I'll remember you, the guy who defeated me." After Wutong left, Nancy also regained her composure and looked at the door and muttered to herself.

I don't know why, but Nancy always felt a little cold in her lower body.

"Huh, I was scared to death. Nancy is really scary now." Wutong left the Golden Gym and breathed a sigh of relief after making sure that Nancy didn't get angry and come out to chase him.

"Although that little girl has a bad face, her underwear is very cute." Gastly popped up and said.

"Indeed, Nancy's expression is simply terrible. Wait!? What did you say?" Wutong asked hurriedly when he found something wrong halfway through his response.

"Look, blue and white stripes~" A blue and white striped panty floated in front of Gastly.

"This, can't it be!?" Wutong asked with a twitching eye.

"Yes, there are other styles, but the styles are similar." Gastly said, and a lot of striped panties floated around him.

"Are you trying to kill me? How many did you steal?" Wutong immediately started running, yelling at Gastly as he ran.

"Not much, just all of that little girl's, including the one on her body." Gastly said nonchalantly.

Wutong showed a desperate expression, this old pervert! If Nancy knew, she would probably never forget me in her life.

"Who is it?" Nancy was confused as she watched her closet, which usually contained underwear, become empty at the Golden Gym.

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