The old man was very busy, but he was very worried.

Liu Mu waited for a while in the Elf Center, and took a book "Suzuki Forest Brief" from the bookshelf in the Elf Center to kill time. He learned from it that Suzuki Forest was part of the Orange Forest, and most of this area of ​​Suzuki Forest belonged to the territory of the Thorntail Insect Clan, which was very dangerous, because there were a large number of hunting swallowtail butterflies and poisonous powder moths gathered inside the Suzuki Forest. These two kinds of elves were fine if they appeared alone, but they were extremely dangerous when there were too many.

Liu Mu looked at these contents. With their current strength, they must not go inside, otherwise they would die if they encountered multiple hunting swallowtail butterflies or poisonous powder moths. It seemed that they could only try their luck in the periphery and hunt some weak elves to gain benefits. Liu Mu continued to read on.

This book also records a road that leads to the Chenghua Forest. This road does not need to pass through the Suzuki Forest. You can enter the real Chenghua Forest through the area between the interior and the outer area. Then you can walk out of the forest and arrive near Chenghua City.

Just when Liu Mu was absorbed in reading, the nurse came over with a piece of paper and a Poké Ball and said, "Sir, the coyote dog's examination is complete. Here is the report." Then she handed the report to Liu Mu.

When Liu Mu got the report, he saw that it said, race coyote, energy intensity level 8 [intermediate youngster], total energy storage 98 points, good cultivation level. Liu Mu looked at these data with some confusion and asked the nurse, "Miss nurse, this energy intensity is easy to understand after all, the realm is written at the back, but how are the energy storage and cultivation levels divided later?" The nurse took out a booklet from her pocket and said while reading, "Well, according to the record in the booklet, under normal circumstances, a normal Pokémon with ordinary low-level qualifications will increase its energy by ten points for each level increase during the young stage. The higher the qualifications, the more it will increase. For example, good qualifications will increase by 12 points for each level increase. The energy reserve is related to the number and power of skills released. The cultivation level is the degree to which the trainer cultivates the Pokémon, which will be divided into poor, passing, good, excellent, and perfect. The passing level is the Pokémon's level. You will be able to play your qualifications normally. If you are good, you will get a little extra energy limit and various values ​​each time you upgrade. If you are excellent, it is rumored that there is a small probability that you will break through your qualifications when you reach this level of evolution. "

After hearing this, Liu Mu's eyes lit up and said, "Thank you, Miss Nurse"

The Miss Nurse just looked at Liu Mu in confusion and said, "You don't know my name, why do you keep calling me Miss Nurse?"

Looking at Liu Mu's embarrassed expression, the Miss Nurse already understood in her heart, "My name is Zoe, what's your name?"

"My name is Liu Mu"

Zoe said with a smile, "Hmm, it's a good name. Thank you for helping me today and giving me practice."

Liu Mu responded, "I can't be the one. Miss Zoe also helped me a lot. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first." After saying this, Liu Mu was ready to get up and leave.

Zoe said behind him, "I heard that to be promoted to the level of excellent training, not only hard training is required, but also a lot of materials are needed as a foundation."

Liu Mu's eyes were slightly different when he heard this, and he turned back and said, "Thank you Miss Zoe for telling me, I'm leaving now." After that, he left quickly.

After Liu Mu left, Zoe said with a bored look, "It's boring. I thought he would ask more questions." There seemed to be something looming in Zoe's shadow under the light

After Liu Mu left, he had a lot of thoughts in his mind. Why did he tell me these things when we are not relatives? I am not valuable. I can exchange this information. It's strange. I will have less contact with him in the future. But a lot of materials, how much is the elite level?

After Liu Mu returned to the park, he released the coyote dog and continued to train sand throwing. Liu Mu kept throwing cans and let the coyote dog hit him.

The coyote dog hit very quickly, and its accuracy was also improved compared to the morning, which greatly increased the coyote dog's confidence. After Liu Mu let the coyote dog hit 20 times, he would let the coyote dog rest for a while and give it massage.

At this time, a familiar voice came over, and a figure that Liu Mu was very familiar with came over. It was Xu Mao. "Hey, I knew you were here. You are really hardworking, Liu Mu."

Liu Mu replied, "I can't help it. I will go hunting outside the Suzuki Forest in a few days."

After listening to this, Xu Mao's eyes flashed, "If you want to go hunting, do you know the rules in the wild?"

Liu Mu paused for a while and said, "No way

In the land of law, the weak are the prey of the strong, and strength is respected. This is the right summary, right? "

After listening, Xu Mao clapped his hands and said, "Not bad, not bad, you understand it well. In that case, let me say one more thing. Our duel in the town is just a duel, not a battle, because you can't kill people. If you are in the wild, kill the trainer first if you can, don't be soft-hearted."

After listening, Liu Mu nodded thoughtfully

And Xu Mao also took out something from his backpack, "Since you are going to the wild, this dagger is for you. Okay, I'll leave first, you continue training." After that, he left quickly.

Liu Mu watched his back slowly walk away until he disappeared

"Hooter, get up, let's continue training"

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