After Liu Mu left the park, he went straight to the department store. He was going to buy some outdoor supplies, because the coyote had learned to throw sand, and he would set off to Suzuki Forest as long as he was proficient.

When Liu Mu was on the road, he saw the guards escorting a man wearing blue and white clothes, a black headscarf, and a special symbol on the headscarf. Liu Mu felt familiar, as if he had seen him in his previous life. He thought about it and didn't remember it. Suddenly, the man yelled, "You dare to offend the Ocean Team, aren't you afraid of being killed? Let me go quickly." He kept struggling, which angered one of the guards wearing a hat. He punched him directly and broke his teeth, so he became honest.

Ocean Team? Liu Mu remembered. Wasn't that one of the villains in Fengyuan area? In the previous life, there was Ocean Team in the game video. Why would they come to such a small place? Strange, forget it. Anyway, he has been caught. I'd better go shopping.

After arriving at the department store, he walked around first. The bone horn of Garubi was still there, but this time the purpose was not it, and he couldn't afford it. Mu found the clerk and said, "I need some outdoor survival items."

The clerk immediately recommended "insect repellent spray 250 per bottle, smoke bomb 800 per piece, wound medicine 200 per piece, antidote 150 per bottle".

Liu Mu bought two bottles of insect repellent spray, two bottles of wound medicine, two bottles of antidote, a smoke bomb, and a set of outdoor tents for a total of 2,100 yuan.

Liu Mu felt extremely painful when paying the money. The money he just got was gone again. His hands were shaking when paying the money, and his hands tightly grasped the 2,100 yuan.

The clerk smiled and took the money away, "Sir, this is your stuff, welcome next time."

Liu Mu could only leave with his stuff in his arms, and kept telling himself in his heart that he would make it back, he would make it back.

After returning home, Liu Mu released the coyote and said to it, "Coyote, you need to quickly and skillfully throw sand in the next two days, and then we will set off to the wild." But Tu Shang barked in response, and rubbed Liu Mu's trouser legs intimately. Liu Mu saw the coyote's confidence in its firm eyes. Liu Mu squatted down and scratched the coyote's chin, and the coyote lay comfortably on the ground.

"Okay, let's have a meal and rest, and continue training tomorrow."

The next morning, Liu Mu was walking on the way to the park and heard the patrolling guards. One of the young members said, "I just saw a new device at the Elf Center, I don't know what it is." Another young member wearing a hat said, "I heard from my relatives who work at the Elf Center that it seems to be the equipment used by the Alliance to test the energy strength and reserves of the elves." The young member just now quickly said, "Then now we can know the energy strength and reserves of the elves more accurately. I have to go and see it after my patrol." One of the captain-like people said sternly, "Okay, what are you doing with all the chattering? Do you want to be punished? Hurry up and patrol seriously." After hearing this, the patrol team immediately fell silent and began to patrol seriously.

After hearing this, Liu Mu secretly remembered it in his heart. After today's training, he would go to the Elf Center to check it out.

Soon, Liu Mu walked to the park and released the coyote dog near the sand field. After the coyote dog came out, it looked around and saw that it was a park. It turned around and ran to Youmu to grab his trouser legs.

Liu Mu half-crouched with a smile, touched the coyote's head and said, "Today we are going to continue practicing throwing sand. You will hit the cans on the ground first, from near to far. After hitting three, I will throw cans out. Try to hit them." The coyote barked confidently.

Seeing the coyote's confident look, Liu Mu was very pleased. He placed a can five meters, ten meters, and fifteen meters away from the coyote.

The coyote also started, condensing energy in its legs and started throwing sand. The first two were very easy, but after ten meters, the energy began to weaken and the accuracy decreased, but it could still hit. The cans in the air were extremely difficult to hit. He hit them three times and didn't hit them once. Seeing this situation, Liu Mu chose to practice in the air first.

Liu Mu looked at the coyote and said, "It's okay, take your time. We need to predict its trajectory." The coyote was thoughtful and continued to play five rounds. It hit once. "Very good, grasp this feeling." Ten more rounds came and it hit four times. The coyote had used sand throwing 19 times and began to pant. Now the accuracy of the exercise has also decreased. Liu Mu chose to let the coyote rest. It was close to noon, so he could have lunch and take a break.


Liu Mu used ordinary elf food and added half a evil energy block to make lunch to restore the strength of the coyote.

After lunch, Liu Mu took the coyote to the elf center. As soon as he entered the door, he saw the nurse and several workers moving things. When the nurse saw someone coming, she immediately put down the things in her hands, walked over and said, "Sir, what's the matter?"

Liu Mu responded, "I heard that ZTE has a new device, come and try it."

The nurse said, "To check the energy of the elves, then sir, you have to wait a while until the equipment is fully installed."

Liu Mu nodded and sat down next to him, watching the nurse busy. After nearly an hour, the nurse rushed over and said, "Sir, the device is ready, sir, can we discuss something?"

Liu Mu heard this and asked in confusion, "What's the matter?"

The nurse said embarrassedly, "This is my first time using this device. I am not very skilled and it may take a long time. Of course, I will compensate you. I won't charge you this time, okay?"

Liu Mu nodded to agree.

The nurse said happily, "Okay, thank you for your trust, sir. Please give me the Poké Ball."

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