After a while of photosynthesis, the lotus leaf boy's condition improved significantly. He opened his eyes immediately and saw that it was a human. He immediately showed fear and took several steps back, but then he remembered that he was seriously injured and he was the one who saved him, so he stopped immediately. Liu Mu saw him with his own eyes, took several steps back and showed fear in his eyes. It seemed that he was traumatized and may have a natural hatred for humans and fear in his heart. Liu Mu half-squatted and asked, "Do you want to eat something?" Then he took out a bowl from the space backpack, took out ordinary elf food, and poured some into it. The lotus leaf boy looked at the food, hesitated, swallowed his saliva, and chose to trust Liu Mu. He walked over and tasted a few bites, and then ate it with big mouthfuls.

Seeing that he was willing to eat, Liu Mu was a little relieved, but his shadow was not easy to deal with, and he couldn't sell it if he didn't handle it well.

Liu Mu looked at the lotus leaf boy eating with big mouthfuls, and thought about it later. Liu Mu poured some more food.

Liu Mu looked at the lotus leaf boy eating the elf food, so he took out the elf ball and said, "If you are full, come in and rest first", and took the elf ball back to the lotus leaf boy.

Then he released the trumpet bud, who came out with a confused face, and then saw the coyote dog that frightened him, and trembled as soon as he came out. Liu Mu just poured a little food in the bowl and said calmly, "Eat it", and the trumpet bud looked at these things hesitantly. Although he felt it was very fragrant, he was also very scared.

Liu Mu looked at his hesitation and said coldly, "Eat quickly. If you don't, I'll let you experience it again." The coyote dog grinned when he heard this. The two looked like a dandy and a wicked servant. When the hornet heard it, it immediately lay down in the bowl and ate it in fear. After eating, Liu Mu put it away.

After doing this, Liu Mu took the coyote dog and went to the left side of the tree hole to explore. Liu Mu took out a dagger, and the coyote dog was alert all around.

Liu Mu and his companions walked slowly, and suddenly a snake bear jumped out of the bushes, but he ignored Liu Mu and his companions and ran straight past Liu Mu.

Liu Mu felt strange, so he followed him quietly. After a while, he saw three snake bears, including the one who came to join. There were four in total.

When the other three saw the other one coming, they hurried over to join, and then the four snake bears ran in one direction together.

Liu Mu followed him for nearly half an hour. The four of them ran to a cave, then stopped, chattered a few words, and walked into the cave together.

Liu Mu stopped outside the cave and observed that the cave was more than two meters wide and more than one meter high. He took the flashlight in his left hand and the dagger in his right hand and walked in with the coyote dog.

The cave was extremely dark. If it weren't for the flashlight, it would be pitch dark. There was no sign of any elves in it, and the serpentine bear that ran in just now was gone.

Just as Liu Mu looked around for valuable resources, there was suddenly some sound on his right side, and the flashlight immediately shone over there.

Under the light, a serpentine bear appeared. He was frightened by the sudden strong light, and the thing in his mouth fell out directly. Liu Mu saw that it was an orange fruit, and the serpentine bear immediately rushed out.

When Liu Mu saw the orange fruit, he guessed in his heart, could this be where they hid things? He bent down, picked up the orange fruit, and put it in his backpack.

Liu Mu walked in the direction he came from. After a while, Liu Mu felt that he had walked into a wider passage. After a few steps, he walked into an extremely spacious cave. In the middle, there was a pile of tree fruits, and there were some metals and shiny gems and various sundries next to them.

Liu Mu first went to the side of the sundries and observed them. There were various elf props, wound medicine, antidote, antidote, etc., which were not of great value. However, Liu Mu's sight was attracted by one of the things, which was a yellow fragment, and a generally black elf ball with yellow patterns in the middle and red patterns on the top, and a fiery red gem next to it.

"The yellow fragments should be vitality fragments. If you eat this stuff, a dying Pokémon can at least keep alive, even if it doesn't restore it to its prime. The Poké Ball next to it is a luxury ball, and the gem should be a fire gem." Liu Mu excitedly put them into the space backpack.

Then he looked at the pile of tree fruits, took ten orange fruits and turned around.

Just walk away.

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