The cave was full of people, and the people were busy.

In the cave, Liu Mu, who had just taken the things, returned along the original route. On the way, he met another snake-patterned bear. This one saw Liu Mu and ran away immediately, not giving Liu Mu any chance to catch up.

Liu Mu had to shake his head. He was satisfied with getting 3 props and 10 tree fruits. It was impossible to exhaust the pond to catch fish. After all, he would come again next time.

Just when Liu Mu saw the light at the entrance of the cave, there were also calls from many elves outside. Liu Mu was alert and immediately said, "The coyote dog will use the long howl to increase its attack first, and then we will go out." The coyote dog immediately condensed energy and howled long, and the momentum immediately rose. The elves outside also quieted down when they heard this, and at the same time turned off the weight-bearing device and took it down.

Liu Mu walked out with the coyote dog. The scene was the same as Liu Mu imagined. Six snake bears were waiting outside.

Seeing this situation, Liu Mu was full of thoughts. Although the average momentum and strength of the six of them were lower than that of the coyote dog, it was impossible for them to hold back with such a large number.

The snake bear on the opposite side saw Liu Mu coming out and immediately rushed over with the Iron Head Skill.

"The coyote dog is throwing sand. You can't fight hard. Find an opportunity to destroy one first." The coyote dog immediately used the sand throwing and successfully covered a snake bear. Then it ran around and the other five chased after it.

"Continue to use the sand throwing, and then find an opportunity to bite the covered one." The coyote dog looked for another opportunity. When there was a certain distance, it suddenly turned around and kicked two at once. Then it continued to run wildly, rushing towards the one that was covered first. On the way, it condensed energy in its teeth, pounced and bit it.

The snake-marked bear howled on the spot, and the coyote dog threw him away with a flick of its head. The remaining three that were still chasing him also stared at the coyote dog with hatred.

Because of the pause in the attack, the coyote dog was caught up by one of them and hit the coyote dog's side directly. The coyote dog endured the pain and gathered strength to shake its head, biting his neck directly, and exerted force. A lot of blood burst out of the snake-marked bear's neck, making the coyote dog's body stained with blood, and even the blood blurred his vision, causing his vision to be all blood red.

But this did not hinder him. On the contrary, the pain in his body and the smell of blood made him more excited.

The coyote dog threw the corpse to the other two chasing them, beat them up, and then gathered strength all over his body, bursting out with a stronger momentum, pounced on it and made a surprise attack. With his claws, the sides of the two snake-marked bears were torn apart and fell directly to the ground.

After the two were killed, the coyote dog, which was stained with blood, became more excited, and his momentum continued to rise. Liu Mu was also very excited because he knew that the coyote dog was going to break through the ordinary level.

The two snake bears just now had recovered. Seeing that the other companions had fallen, and the coyote dog's momentum was still rising, they showed fear, but still rushed over and used the iron head skill.

When the coyote dog saw them rushing over, it also grinned and pressed down. The dark energy gathered around it, interweaving into lines, and rushed directly behind them.

The coyote dog teased with a corner of its mouth, and bit one of them directly. The side of the snake bear was bitten directly by the coyote dog. The coyote dog bit and kicked directly, tearing off half of the meat on his side, and the internal organs were scattered all over the ground.

The last snake bear was so scared when he saw this situation that he turned around and wanted to run. How could the coyote dog let him do what he wanted?

Following up with a flaming tooth, the coyote dog's mouth was blazing with fire, biting its hind leg. Liu Mu could smell the aroma of meat from the position at the entrance of the cave, but my snake bear was desperately pulling its legs out, and kicked the coyote dog with its other leg a few times. The coyote dog looked fierce, and pulled it with its mouth, but it didn't pull out the whole leg, but only pulled out part of it. However, it looked that this hind leg was also useless.

The coyote dog bit his abdomen fiercely, and some of the blood and fragments bursting out of the abdominal cavity went into his mouth, but more of them dyed the grass red. The coyote dog kept adding force in its mouth, and the snake bear struggled violently at the beginning, but it was completely silent after a while.

But the coyote dog did not stop there. He kept adding force until the snake bear's body made a click sound, and his mouth closed, and the snake bear was also broken into two pieces. The blood bursting out of it completely dyed the coyote dog's originally gray-black body blood red.

The coyote's momentum has thus stabilized and reached the ordinary primary level.

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