The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two were in a state of panic.

The inner and outer boundaries of Suzuki Forest

Liu Mu ran out of the Chenghua Forest area quickly, came to the inner and outer boundaries of Suzuki, and then walked quickly to the outer area.

Liu Mu was about to raise his foot and walk away, when he suddenly heard the sound of flapping wings from behind. Liu Mu looked back and saw two hunting swallowtails rushing towards Liu Mu, one was weaker than the coyote, and the other was equally matched.

Liu Mu quickly ordered, "Coyote, howl long, then use the flame fangs, kill the stronger one first," the coyote received the order, immediately condensed energy and howled long, and the momentum increased, and rushed out, while the two hunting swallowtails on the opposite side used poison needles at the same time, and immediately shot out dozens of purple needles.

The coyote dog also dodged sideways, but the opponent's attack was too many, and he was still hit by three or four needles. The coyote dog felt some stinging, but this made him more excited and made him faster.

The coyote dog pounced suddenly, with fire coming out of his mouth, and directly bit the hunting swallowtail butterfly with similar momentum. He exerted force in his mouth, and the hunting swallowtail butterfly that was bitten was restrained. The hunting swallowtail butterfly was motionless on the spot. The coyote dog turned his head and threw the body at another hunting swallowtail butterfly. This one originally wanted to distance itself, but was hit like this and fell to the ground.

The coyote dog walked over with a grim smile on his face, and continued to use the flame fangs to bite it down.

Liu Mu took the body of the hunting swallowtail butterfly in, and saw that the shooting circle was finished, so he walked over and took this one in.

Liu Mu took out a bottle of antidote from his backpack, asked the coyote to open its mouth, and poured the antidote into it. After pouring it, he patted the coyote's head and said, "The coyote is gone."

Liu Mu walked for nearly ten minutes and arrived near the tree hole. Liu Mu put away the tent.

Liu Mu set out on the road back to Suzuki Town. After Liu Mu walked out of the tree hole, he found a tree and took out a dagger to draw a cross. He drew one every time he walked a short distance.

Liu Mu left marks as he walked, and the trees around him became fewer and fewer until he walked out of the Suzuki Forest. Liu Mu looked up at the sky, and the orange light of the sun shone on Liu Mu.

Liu Mu was a little absent-minded for a while. I don’t know if it was because of the relaxation of leaving the wild that made him enjoy this moment very much.

The northern gate of Suzuki Town

The young guard stationed here said in boredom, "It's so boring. Where did Old Li and the others go? They didn't even take us with them."

Another young team member glanced at them and said calmly, "The captain specifically asked them to go. Of course, the captain has his reasons. Don't think too much. Just continue to guard."

The team member who complained about boredom said, "Yes, then let's talk about something else. At least it won't be so boring. Do you still remember that blood-stained boy?" He was obviously a little excited when he said this.

The team member who greeted Liu Mu before was obviously interested and said excitedly, "Of course I remember. I have inquired about it. He was born in a poor family, graduated early from the Pokémon School, and became an ordinary trainer. The first time he went out to the wild, he killed several Pokémons and came back with a blood-stained shirt. It was obvious that he had fought with his own hands. I also inquired at the Pokémon Center. He was seriously injured at that time and ran back by willpower." After saying this, there was obvious respect in his eyes.

The other team members stared at him in amazement, and the team member who brought up the topic joked, "You still understand."

The team member who respected Liu Mu very much said proudly, "Of course, have you ever seen a peer who can make the captain express his admiration? I have seen it. Have you ever seen a peer with stronger willpower than him?" After saying this, the other team members felt that his head seemed to be raised a little.

Some team members nodded thoughtfully after hearing this, and a sense of admiration surged from their hearts.

While they were thinking and chatting, a figure gradually approached the gate. One of them greeted them after seeing it, "Here comes someone, be serious," and all the team members immediately fell silent.

When the admirer saw that it was Liu Mu who came back, he immediately ran over and said excitedly, "Sir, are you back from hunting?"

Although Liu Mu was still a little surprised, he did not lose his composure. He smiled and said to him, "I'm back for the time being after hunting enough."

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