The two of them were very busy, and the two of them were very busy.

Liu Mu walked slowly into Suzuki Town. When he passed the gate, he felt that many team members had a strange feeling towards him, which made Liu Mu very strange.

Liu Mu felt the admiring eyes of the team members, and Liu Mu left the gate quickly with a strange feeling.

The sun had completely set, and Liu Mu needed to go to the Pokémon Center to check the two captured Pokémons.

In the Pokémon Center

Two people came in, one was short, and the other was sturdy and looked a bit like a cripple from his walking posture.

The sturdy one came up and took out the Poké Ball and gave it to Zoe, and then said enthusiastically, "I don't know, Miss Nurse, will you have time to have a quick meal with me later?" He leaned against the counter and flicked his hair.

Zoe still had a smile on her face, but she was in a bad mood. "I want to hit him, but what should I do? I have to hold back. I can't hit him here," Zoe had an idea in her mind.

After Zoe picked up the Poké Ball, she turned and walked into the examination room, and the short man hurriedly said, "Boss, the nurse didn't reject you," and his boss laughed and patted his shoulder.

After a few minutes, Liu Mu saw that there were people at the counter, so he found a place to sit down first, listening to the two people at the counter chattering, saying that if you learn from the boss, I guarantee that it won't take long for you to make an appointment with a beautiful woman, and then the younger brother patted his ass again, making him laugh.

"Beauty? You're not talking about Zoe, are you?" Liu Mu felt familiar when he saw their backs, and recalled Zoe's appearance in his heart, a delicate face, fair skin and beautiful appearance. Even in a nurse's uniform, you can see that she has a good figure and a special temperament. She is indeed a beauty.

Just after Liu Mu recalled, Zoe came out of the examination room and saw Liu Mu coming back. Her eyes lit up and she came up with a plan. Liu Mu smiled and nodded when he saw Zoe coming out.

After Zoe returned the Poké Ball, she smiled and said to Liu Mu, "Liu Mu, are you here to pick me up after get off work?" Liu Mu's smile froze when he heard this.

Liu Mu cursed in his heart, "Zoe, you are using me as a shield. Okay, you will have to pay me later."

When the two heard this, they also turned back with anger on their faces, but they saw the face that made them sleepless all night.

When the boss saw Liu Mu, the old injury on his leg immediately broke out. He couldn't stand steadily and knelt down directly. He panicked and said, "Brave man, you are here, you, you, you" and couldn't even finish his words because of nervousness.

"Just pretend you didn't see us and treat us as a fart. We will get out of here." After that, he took his little brother and ran towards the door.

Liu Mu was watching him talking to himself the whole time, watching him run out expressionlessly, thinking to himself, "No wonder they look familiar, it turns out to be those two guys, although it doesn't take much effort, Zoe still has to pay," and then turned his head and stared sharply at Zoe who was at a loss.

Zoe was stared at like this, and said a little at a loss, "Why, I didn't mean it."

Liu Mu just stretched out his hand and said calmly, "Give me 2,000 yuan, do you think you can settle this for nothing?" He even hooked his hand.

Zoe looked at Liu Mu speechlessly and said speechlessly, "Are you obsessed with money?" He took out 2,000 yuan from the counter and handed it to Liu Mu.

Liu Mu nodded and said, "Well, boss, please call me next time. By the way, these three Poké Balls are fully checked. Here is 1,500." He took out 1,500 and gave it to Zoe.

Zoe looked up at the money and glanced at Liu Mu again, then looked at the money again, silently clicked her tongue, picked up the Poké Ball and walked into the inspection room.

Liu Mu went to the bookshelf to find a book and continued to kill time.

Zuo Yi took three Poké Balls, put them on the machine, and operated on the operation panel. First, it showed the Coyote Dog, energy level 15 (ordinary primary), energy reserve 225, cultivation level excellent, and good qualifications medium.

Zoe looked at these data and thought to herself, "It's a breakthrough, and the strength has improved very quickly."

The second Poké Ball showed the Lotus Leaf Boy, energy level 7 (young intermediate), energy reserve 84, cultivation pass, and good qualifications low.

After Zoe saw this qualification, how did Liu Mu do so lucky? Although it was nothing to her, for an ordinary civilian, having a Pokémon with good qualifications is a hope of crossing the class and a possible hope of becoming an elite.

Zoe dismissed these thoughts and turned to look at the other one.

Trumpet bud, energy level 6 (young

period), energy reserve 63, cultivation passed, ordinary and medium qualifications.

"This one is normal, nothing special," Zoe picked up the Poké Ball and report after thinking, and walked out.

When Liu Mu saw Zoe coming out, he went over to take the Poké Ball and report.

"The change of the coyote dog is expected, which is nothing, but I didn't expect that the lotus leaf boy is actually a good qualification, but his shadow is not suitable for me, but if I sell it, the price of such a shadow is also greatly discounted, and the trumpet bud is mediocre." While thinking, Liu Mu has decided where the lotus leaf boy will go.

After reading the report, Liu Mu said to Zoe, "Thanks, Zoe, remember to call me if you have work in the future," and then waved his hand and walked out in Zoe's speechless eyes.

After Liu Mu arrived at the dim street, he looked at the time and walked towards the west of Suzuki Town. When he arrived at the door of the black market, he paid the entrance fee, dressed neatly, and walked in.

The black market was still so lively, with all kinds of noises, very noisy. Liu Mu found an open space with some people, took out a piece of cloth from his backpack, put the Fire Gem, plus the Bell Bud Poké Ball and his report.

When Liu Mu took out the Fire Gem, many people's attention was already attracted. Among them, there was a man who looked strong. He came over and asked in a very dull voice, "Boss, I will take your gem for 2000." After saying that, he took the Fire Gem with his hand, but there was only a ding sound, and a dagger nailed in front of his hand.

Liu Mu's cold voice came, "Don't buy it if you can't afford it, don't touch my things with your dirty hands," the man could only withdraw his hand in dismay, and then stood up and hid in the crowd.

Other people who were watching saw that Liu Mu was so fierce, so they put away their thoughts and honestly quoted prices beside him.

People in front of Liu Mu quoted prices one after another until someone quoted 5400, and Liu Mu was relieved.

There was only one Poké Ball left on Liu Mu's stall, and Liu Mu was not in a hurry, so he just sat there.

After sitting there for nearly half an hour, a tall man with a rather vicissitudes of life came over to ask the price, "Boss, sell me this trumpet bud for 12,000, how about it?"

Liu Mu nodded after hearing the price, and saw the man took out cash from his back and handed it to Liu Mu.

After Liu Mu sold the things, he packed up the stall and went home.

The people in the dark nodded, but were stopped by another person. He hurriedly said, "Two people went to follow someone a few days ago, and then one went to the gates of hell, and the other had his leg broken. You don't want to be the next one, do you?"

The two stopped thinking after hearing this.

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