The weather was very hot, and the weather was very hot.

At dusk

Liu Mu and the other three people each brought four prisoners back to the gate. There were even two trainers among the prisoners.

The four people handed the prisoners to other guards, who kept praising them. Xu Hao also came over at this time. Everyone immediately fell silent and watched Xu Hao walk in front of the four people.

Huang Xing looked at this situation and was about to speak immediately, but Xu Hao just glanced at him calmly, and Huang Xing's words were choked on the spot.

Xu Hao looked at everyone and said calmly

"You three go to rest, Liu Mu, you follow me,"

Xu Hao turned and left, leaving the others looking at each other, and Liu Mu could only follow behind Xu Hao.

The two came to the guard camp, Xu Hao said to Liu Mu, "Sit down, don't be nervous," Liu Mu sat down silently beside him.

Xu Hao continued to say calmly, "It's done well, but not good enough." Liu Mu's originally uneasy mood returned to calm after hearing this.

I looked at Liu Mu's doubtful eyes, and Xu Hao continued, "Originally, I deliberately kept that group of scoundrels. After they did evil, I would immediately let the guards go out to patrol and arrest them, and then call the town to gather them together and execute them collectively. In this way, we can deter that group of scoundrels and gain the trust of the townspeople," Liu Mu's doubts became heavier.

Liu Mu asked, "But according to the provisions of the alliance law, what they did is not enough to be sentenced to death," Liu Mu expressed his doubts.

Xu Hao slowly explained to Liu Mu, "Liu Mu, you still don't know much about wartime regulations. In this special period, those who disturb the order should be killed."

In Liu Mu's shocked eyes, Xu Hao slowly said, "With your form, Liu Mu, although it can also deter and gain the trust of the townspeople, because the means are too gentle, the effect is not as good as the original method, and you need to patrol continuously to strengthen and maintain these effects."

Looking at Liu Mu's thoughtful look, Xu Hao continued, "Now, only if you keep patrolling can you deter those villains. I can assign you another person."

After thinking for a while, he continued, "It's Huang Xing. You two will be responsible for patrolling in the future. This matter is just not done well enough. Okay, go out." Liu Mu bowed respectfully to Xu Hao and turned to walk out.

Just after Liu Mu walked out completely, a ripple appeared in Xu Hao's shadow, and a voice suddenly came from his heart.

"Sir, they ruined your plan, don't you blame them?"

Xu Hao laughed when he heard this and said, "What's the big deal? I didn't do anything wrong. It's just because of my youthful mentality that I didn't do it well. If I were 20 years younger, I would do the same." After he finished speaking, the ripples in the shadow had completely calmed down.

On the other side, after Liu Mu walked out of the camp, other members of the escort team immediately surrounded him and asked, "Liu Mu, are you okay? Captain Xu didn't punish you, did he?"

Liu Mu shook his head and said to them

"I'm fine, and Captain Xu didn't blame me."

After hearing this, the others also breathed a sigh of relief. Huang Xing came over and patted Liu Mu on the shoulder, and Liu Mu turned his head to look in the direction of the patting him. Seeing that it was Huang Xing, he said to him.

"Captain Xu asked the two of us to be responsible for patrolling. I will be responsible for the night, and you will be responsible for the day."

After speaking, Liu Mu patted his shoulder, and Huang Xing was shocked.

Time passed quickly, more than 50 hours passed.

The guards on the city wall at night kept yawning, while the team members beside him stared at the direction of the forest.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps behind them, and the yawning team member looked in the direction of the footsteps.

A young man with a Zubat on his shoulders came over, and when they saw the boy, they shouted respectfully.

"Hello, Captain Liu, you come to patrol. There are no vicious incidents in the town now, thanks to your contribution."

Hearing this, Liu Mu waved his hand and quickly said that it was not just his own contribution, and then said to them.

"How is the observation? Is there any unusual movement in the wild?"

Another guard shook his head at Liu Mu and sighed.

"It's been more than two days, and there is nothing unusual."

Liu Mu also showed a puzzled look on his face, thinking about the time when the elf tide will arrive.

"Two days ago, Uncle Xu had received the information that the cinnabar fruit was swallowed. Even if it takes some time to initially digest the medicinal power and break through, it won't take that long,"

The dark clouds in Liu Mu's heart gradually thickened. Suddenly, he felt something moving on his shoulder. Liu Mu turned his head to look at the Zubat on his shoulder, only to see that the whole Zubat was shaking.

Liu Mu reacted immediately and waved to the team members beside him.

"Go and activate the alarm. You fire flares in the direction of the forest, and the others release the elves to be on guard."

All the team members were frightened by Liu Mu's shout, but out of respect for Liu Mu, they released the elves and sounded the alarm at the first time.

The originally spacious city wall seemed a bit crowded because of the appearance of the elves. One of the team members took out a device and fired two flares in the direction of life.

Two red flame missiles flew towards the forest in a curve. When they reached mid-air, the two missiles suddenly exploded and spread like fireworks, directly illuminating an area.

Everyone on the city wall, listening to the alarm from the tower, looked towards that area in horror, only to see a large cloud-like shadow in that area, constantly moving up and down, and the flames of the flares fell into it, like sparks hitting straw, and suddenly burned.

The burning cloud separated from the main body, and burning bodies kept falling from it.

Everyone on the city wall had seen clearly that the cloud was a tide of elves composed of poisonous powder moths and hunting swallowtail butterflies.

Liu Mu shouted to the others, "Hurry up and prepare ammunition and preheat the main guns of the city gate tower. The rest of you use elf trap bombs and incendiary bombs to fire towards the left front."

Most people on the city wall either went down the city wall to move ammunition or ran to the main city tower to preheat the main guns. The rest of the people used four secondary guns on the left city wall to fire a trap bomb. A small part of the elves in the elf tide were attracted and ran over on the spot. The remaining three secondary guns immediately fired at the attracted elves. In an instant, the entire area was illuminated by fire, and that part of the elves burned on the spot, like a large ball of fire.

Just the loss of this part of the elves was harmless to the entire elf tide. Seeing this situation, the large group of dark clouds immediately began to disperse, directly turning into five black dragons, two of which faced the city gate directly, and the remaining three surrounded Suzuki Town from other directions.

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