The enemy was in chaos, and the enemy was in chaos.

When Liu Mu saw them split up, he immediately looked at the right wall. Because of the alarm, there were already trainers gathered on the right wall, and they reacted quickly and fired at the group of Pokémons.

On the right wall, some trainers were loading ammunition, and some were moving ammunition. None of them were idle, and the captain of the guard team saw the Pokémons coming over and immediately shouted to the others.

"Load the secondary gun with incendiary bombs and fire straight ahead."

Several loud gunshots, six orange-yellow lines of fire rushed from the city wall to the group of elves. The hunting swallowtail butterfly looked at the shells coming straight at it and flapped its wings hard to avoid them, but this one avoided it, and the next one was not so lucky. The flames of the incendiary bombs immediately engulfed the nearby elves. The burning elves kept flapping their wings randomly, running around like headless flies, spreading the flames among the elves.

The captain of the right city wall watched and was overjoyed when the shells hit, but the burning flames were quickly extinguished by the elves' internal processing, leaving charred bodies on the spot, and the remaining elves continued to charge.

The captain looked at the group of elves who were ferocious because of their injuries and were constantly shortening the distance. He knew in his heart that it was too late to reload now, and shouted to other trainers.

"Brothers, draw your swords, and prepare your elves to fight these beasts to the death!"

After saying that, he drew his sword from his waist and shouted. Other trainers followed his example, drew their swords and daggers and shouted, and ordered the elves around them to use various long-range attacks.

The hunting swallowtail butterfly and the poisonous powder moth also used various long-range attacks, including numerous poison needles like rain, and various purple and yellow powders sprinkled on the city wall.

The attacks of both sides quickly met. A rumble stone beside the captain clapped his hands, and the earth-yellow energy overflowed from its side, gathering a large amount of rubble on the rumble stone. The rumble stone shook, and the rubble directly hit the elves.

Seeing that the two sides had already fought, Liu Mu retracted his sight and looked straight ahead to see that the two groups of elves in the direction of the northern gate had already separated and rushed straight over. Hearing a buzzing sound from the city gate tower, Liu Mu was overjoyed and shouted immediately.

"All guns on the northern wall, aim and fire."

Liu Mu's shout even overwhelmed the shouts of others and the roar of machines. Others quickly adjusted the positions of their guns. As Liu Mu made a gesture, the guns rang out, and six orange-yellow shells flew out and hit the elves.

This group of elves also reacted quickly, dodging two shells by diverting a gap in advance, but the other four shells all hit. Although they hit, they did not break up their formation, and they continued to charge.

Liu Mu watched their charge and did not make any other moves, just waiting silently. Then a very dull humming sound came from the right tower, followed by an energy beam that illuminated the entire northern area of ​​Suzuki Town as bright as day, heading towards the elves.

Liu Mu half-covered his eyes, and the straight energy beam was like a sword splitting the dark clouds, directly penetrating the elves and heading towards the last group of elves.

The last group of elves was slightly panicked, but they managed to disperse, but some of them were still killed by the energy, and the beam finally fell to the ground.

An explosion suddenly occurred below the elves, and the flames rushed directly to the entire elves. The light brought by the flames even illuminated part of the Suzuki Forest.

Liu Mu's eyes were full of shock, and he kept giving orders, but he was thinking quickly in his heart.

"The weapons made with the technology of the elf world are really terrifying. The secondary gun is only as powerful as the normal artillery in the previous life, but this main gun is obviously mixed with the special technology of the elf world. I heard from some old team members that the main gun has only two rounds of ammunition for the whole town, and it takes several days to cool down each time it is used up."

Suddenly, Liu Mu saw that part of the elves that had rushed to the front had collapsed and turned around and ran away. Liu Mu was overjoyed when he saw this situation.

"Could it be that the energy beam of the main gun killed a leader, causing the control of the elf tide to decline, and coupled with the continuous casualties, it began to collapse partly."

The remaining Pokémons ignored the scattered ones and continued to charge forward. Liu Mu put on a mask and drew out a dagger, shouting to the others.

"Brothers, put on your masks, draw your knives, and follow me with your Pokémons to stop these beasts!"

Other trainers on the wall immediately put on their masks and drew out their knives and daggers

, led the elves to the city wall, launching various long-range attacks, and Liu Mu also led the wolfhound to start the frontal attack.

After the bombardment and collapse, the group of elves that led the charge had only more than 100 left, and Liu Mu had only more than 60 trainers and elves on his side. This would be a tough battle.

Liu Mu shouted to the wolfhound, "Use loud roars, try to avoid using melee skills, and don't be entangled by them." The wolfhound gathered energy in its throat and roared violently. The dark ripples rushed directly into the elves, and several elves fell from them on the spot.

The hunting swallowtail butterflies and poisonous powder moths also separated into nearly 30, trying to surround Liu Mu and the wolfhound. Liu Mu saw through their intentions and immediately retreated with the wolfhound. The wolfhound kept roaring at them on the way, killing two or three each time.

While Liu Mu was constantly moving the battlefield on the wall, the remaining hunting swallowtails and poisonous powder moths had already fought with other members of the guard team. At the beginning, they directly released poison powder and paralysis powder. Some elves with low levels were hit on the spot and could only be harvested slowly by them, while those who were not hit also immediately counterattacked and started a bloody fight on the spot.

Some elves that were poisoned also gritted their teeth and used skills to fight back against them, and the poisonous powder moths also took the opportunity to release poison needles at the trainers. Some people were unable to dodge and were directly hit, lying on the ground without knowing whether they were dead or alive. The elves left behind, seeing their masters fall, were also full of anger and continued to fight hard.

Liu Mu kept moving with the coyote dog and kept harvesting them at the same time. The poisonous powder moth kept using poison needles to harass Liu Mu in secret, but Liu Mu had already used his superpowers at this time, and all their small movements could not escape Liu Mu's eyes.

Liu Mu kept dodging here, and whenever he had a chance, he took out his dagger to cut the poisonous powder moth and the hunting swallowtail butterfly. Just when Liu Mu was looking for an opportunity to step forward and slash with his dagger, he felt his foot numb. Liu Mu looked down and saw a purple poison needle stuck in his foot.

The poison quickly flowed through his body, and Liu Mu used his superpowers to suppress it desperately. For some reason, superpowers seemed to have a strong suppressive effect on the poison, and quickly suppressed the poison in the sole of his foot.

Because the poison was suppressed, Liu Mu's movements were only slightly affected, so Liu Mu looked like he was not poisoned at all. He continued to move quickly and slash with his dagger, and even used his superpowers to deflect the direction of some poison needles.

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