“Have you not fallen yet? This persistence and courage is admirable, but I can only win this game today.”

Sky is shining under the blazing sun, and the field explodes. The smoke and vapor were dissipated.

Looking at the monarch snake standing proudly, Enzo was astonished and admired, and at the same time full of strong fighting intents.

He recognized the Ghost Balloon being defeated by the opponent, but Houndoom is his real Trump Card.

Attribute restrains the opponent, and Level is still higher than the opposing Monarch Snake. If he can’t win with such a big advantage, then his games in Stadium these years have been played for nothing.

“Howl–” Feeling the gushing intent of the trainer’s fighting intent, Houndoom’s eyes on the court also looked at the monarch snake, and let out a provocative growl.

“The monarch snake, although Attribute is not dominant, don’t be underestimated by the opponent~” Liang Ren moved towards the monarch snake standing proudly on the field.

“Wum–” The monarch snake replied to complied, the snake’s body twisted, and two Ruby-like eyes twinkled.

Sky’s scorching sun is like fire, although this kind of weather can increase Houndoom’s Fire Element Ability formidable power.

But Houndoom will also sweat in hot and high temperature environments, which accelerates the loss of moisture and physical exertion within the body.

On the side of the monarch snake, although there is no chlorophyll characteristic, mastering Synthesis is a trick to restore Ability.

But as Grass Type Pokémon, Synthesis is an inherent ability.

In this sun shone brightly sunny environment, the speed and physical recovery of the monarch snake will be greatly improved.

In this game, if it is operated properly, the Monarch Snake can actually do a lot, but it is not impossible to fight against the wind.

“Houndoom, use Fire Spin.” Seeing that Liang Ren and the Monarch Snake were still about to fight, Enzo was not at all polite, and decisively launched a fierce offensive.

Seeing Houndoom Ability Stockpile, Liang Ren is calm on the surface, but he looks like an enemy in his heart, so he doesn’t dare to take it lightly.

“Monarch Snake, use Bubble’s aria!”


Liang Ren’s command just arrived, and Houndoom was on the field. Just a big mouth, Spit Up a huge Fire Spin.

The same is Fire Spin. Houndoom showed it. It can be said that the Ponyta that I encountered in the battle yesterday is almost a sky and an underground.

The flames are raging, and there are thousands of lava fire beasts roared in the whirlpool, and the momentum is huge.

“Swish——” The crisis is approaching, and the monarch snake has also pushed the speed to the limit. The entire swift as wind, moved towards the front as a desperate attack.

“Bang Bang…”

“peng peng peng peng”

The sticky blood flames touch the ground, like a mountain that bursts in the autumn tiger season Fire Normal, swept the arena in the blink of an eye, squeezing the dodging space of the Monarch Snake smaller and smaller.

But in a dangerous situation, the Monarch Snake was also excited.

The monarch snake that received Liang Ren’s order, one in Shekou, a group of more powerful water bombs than ever before, turned and blasted towards Houndoom like a squally storm.

Enzo and Houndoom didn’t expect that the Monarch Snake would dare to fight back under such circumstances, and one of them wanted to Dodge in desperation.

“peng peng peng peng……” Houndoom reacted very quickly, leaping back and dodge most of the attacks, but his body was still hit by a few water bombs.

“Hoohoo!!” Houndoom, who had eaten two water bombs, let out a painful howl.

Houndoom’s fighting intent remains undiminished, but the monarch snake’s counterattack also allows it to see the opponent’s fangs.

Fortunately, the Monarch Snake was surrounded by Fire Spin at this moment. Looking at the Monarch Snake with increasing burns on its body, Houndoom’s eyes flashed with pleasure.

“Houndoom, use gunpowder to charge.” Enzo, who was in the rear, did not give up such a good opportunity to attack. He raised his hand and waved forward and launched an offensive decisively.

“Howl–” On the field, the hell dog, full of flames, ran wolves on the field, as if it had just returned from the abyss.

On the side of the monarch snake, while sweeping the flames with Bubble’s aria, he gallops forward frantically to fight Houndoom attrition.

The Species Strength of 110 and the Speed ​​Stat of 130 are not super-sweet, but compared with the physical strength of 75 and the speed of 95, they are already very advantageous.

In addition, under Sunny Day weather, physical recovery and movement speed are greatly improved.

After the two sides started racing, Houndoom couldn’t catch up with the Monarch Snake for a while, even with the smoke charge.

“Come on, the monarch snake…!!!”

“Come on, the monarch snake…!!!”

Look at this scene, originally he was acting for Liang Ren The worried audience here suddenly became excited, and a mountain cry out and sea howl cheers broke out off the court.

Hearing the audience cheering for the monarch snake, Enzo’s face became ugly. His Trump Card Houndoom couldn’t even win the opposing monarch snake.

Enzo was a little flustered and exasperated in his heart. Looking at Houndoom, who was always unable to catch up with the monarch snake on the field, Enzo yelled: “Houndoom, give me speed.”

“Howl–” Feeling the dissatisfaction of the trainer, Houndoom’s paws buckled and the shoulder blade muscles twitched, and the speed suddenly increased a lot.

However, seeing Hei Lu speed up, Liang Ren and Monarch Snake not only have no sense of crisis urgency, but a smile of joy flashes in their eyes.

“The monarch snake, right now…” Liang Ren didn’t give any instructions, but as a combat partner, the monarch snake understood what Liang Ren meant.

“shua shua ——” The Sovereign Snake’s body was close to the ground, and a horizontal fold flashed, taking advantage of the moment of turning back, both eyes glowed with strange green light.


Houndoom was rushing, his left front leg and right hind leg suddenly froze, and a flash of fire flashed in the eyes of the fire beast whose body was wrapped in flames. Astonished, and immediately after…


Houndoom, who was speeding up to charge towards the monarch snake, fell to the ground as if tripped by something.

“roar roar…”

“It appeared again. In the game last night, Qingteng Snake also used this trick to trip Ponyta to the ground.”


“At that time, the Qingteng Snake launched a strong counterattack and finally achieved a headwind. The same situation, will it be staged again today.”


< p>“The Monarch Snake…The Monarch Snake…”

“The Monarch Snake…The Monarch Snake…”

Seeing this scene, the fans of Liang Ren off the court were suddenly excited It’s cool to get up, but sometimes it is tense and exciting to complete a headwind turnaround under high pressure.

“The turnaround, you thought too well.” At the other end of the field, Enzo murmured inwardly.

However, seeing Houndoom tripped over by the monarch snake’s petrification skills made him secretly vigilant.

Although petrochemical skills are overbearing as a way to control Ability, it is not easy to use spirituality like a monarch snake.

“Houndoom, use Snarl!!!” Looking at the monarch snake that was approaching, Enzo hurriedly gave instructions to Houndoom.



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