“Wum–” Hearing Liang Ren’s warning, the monarch snake also solemnly nodded.

Looking at Liang Ren, there is no plan to change Pokémon, and Enzo of the red side has already released Pokémon for the second game.

At the stadium Sky, the referee controlled the Flying device to keep the flying steady. After looking around, he decisively announced the start of the game.

“The monarch snake, move flexibly, use Safeguard.”

“Houndoom, use Sunny Day.”

At the beginning of the game, Liang Ren chose to take preemptive strikes and still It starts with Safeguard, which resists reduction control effects.

The other side has adjusted his emotions and sent out the real Trump Card. Enzo, who took out his full strength, also gave immediate instructions.

“Swish—” The monarch snake leaned down, twisted its body, and slid against the ground, and flew out with a swish.

Looking back, seeing that Houndoom did not catch up, the monarch snake hurriedly ran power within the body, and used Safeguard, a hazy colorful mysterious mask to protect it.


On the other side, Houndoom did not immediately launch an attack, but it also raised its head and moved towards the sky and spit out a dazzling flare.

The light bomb exploded, and beams of scorching sunlight were suddenly cast on the court.

Liang Ren, who was standing on the sidelines and wearing a baseball padded jacket, felt in a daze that he was returning to the scorching summer. The sun was shining on him, and he only felt warm.

“Houndoom, use gunpowder to charge!!” After completing the weather laying of the enhanced Fire Element Ability formidable power, Enzo revealed strong confidence in his two eyes and launched an offensive without the slightest hesitation.

“Howl–” Houndoom raised his head and screamed, his eyes emitting a tyrannical red light.

The paw kicked the ground, and the body wrapped in raging flames instantly turned into a Blaise, moved towards the monarch snake.

“The monarch snake, don’t confront the opponent head-on, keep me a distance.” At the moment Houndoom launched the charge, Liang Ren gave instructions to the monarch snake.

“shua shua ——” Before people arrived, the wind came first, and I felt the heat wave on the back, and the speed of the monarch snake accelerated again in the crisis.

The snake’s body twisted, and its body galloped forward like it was floating.

Facing Houndoom, Fire Element Pokémon, whose level is higher than the monarch snake.

For a head-on confrontation, only Bubble’s aria, this move Ability, is the monarch snake of Water Type and will never be the opponent of Houndoom.

To win this game, Liang Ren needs to think about some tactics.

Fortunately, the level difference between the two sides is not big. The monarch snake’s physical strength, resilience and speed are not weaker than Houndoom. This is the confidence of the monarch snake’s skipping grades to challenge, and it is also the turning point of this game.

“Monarch snake, hurry up dodge!!” The monarch snake kept twisting its body and galloping forward, and suddenly Liang Ren’s shout came from behind.

“Wum–” The Monarch Snake did not hesitate at all, his tail hit the ground, and a pole vault jumped up instantly.

And the monarch has just a dodge, wrapped in Houndoom with raging flames, like an out of control train, screaming and ramming from behind.

Under the “Sunny Day” weather, Houndoom’s Fire Element Ability formidable power has increased by at least × 1.5 times. Fortunately, the monarch snake is a dodge just now, otherwise it will definitely be seriously injured by this move.

“What about dodge, I don’t believe you can dodge all the attacks of Houndoom.” Fire Element Ability, whose formidable power has been increased, can seriously hurt the opponent with just one move. This is Enzo’s confidence .

“Houndoom, look back and use big characters to explode.” Seeing the monarch snake leaping high up to in midair, Enzo commanded Houndoom to launch an attack again.

“Howl–” Houndoom, who rushed past, suddenly stopped, and the flames all over his body seemed to have received some traction, and quickly moved towards the mouth.

“Oops, I can’t avoid it.” Liang Ren’s face was a little anxious, but the situation had not reached the point where it could not be saved.

“Monarch snake, use Bubble’s aria!!”


Liang Ren tone barely fell, a huge flame’big’ The word is like a huge seal, moved towards Tackle, the monarch snake.

The flames are raging, and even the air has several points of scorching, and a faint smell of scorching hair is faintly smelled.

Flame characters predict the falling trend of the monarch snake. From the third-person perspective of the off-site audience, it seems that the monarch snake himself hit the muzzle of Houndoom.

If this is hit, there is no need to fight in the next battle. Liang Ren can directly choose to admit defeat.

The form of the court is critical, and the audience outside the court tightened their clothes and sweated all over.

Just when the flame character was less than half a meter from the falling monarch snake, even the monarch snake whose Coil shape was spherical, burst out water bombs in its mouth.


“chi chi~”

Amidst all the crimson, the cool and cold water blue flashed by, followed by a sound Amid the violent explosions, the turbulent Ember and the thick water vapor enveloped the stadium.

However, Liang Ren, who was closest to the stadium, heard a dull sound of hitting the ground. It was the sound of the monarch snake flying to the ground by the explosion.

“Monarch Snake, how are you, can you still fight?” Liang Ren asked worriedly.

Formaidable power is such an amazing move. Although it is offset by Bubble’s aria and cut some of the formidable power, the monarch snake is absolutely uncomfortable with such a blow.

When Liang Ren asked, the opposite Enzo was also listening.

If the monarch snake does not lose the combat capability and the opponent has no plan to admit defeat, then he will launch a more violent attack.

“Wum~” The monarch snake shook his head, straightened his upper body, and gave an affirmative answer.

It hasn’t lost its combat capability yet, it can still fight, but Liang Ren also clearly heard a hint of weakness in the voice of the monarch snake.

Being hit by Houndoom’s big characters without losing the combat capability, the Monarch Snake is not safe. In fact, it has been seriously injured. Liang Ren frowned slightly when he noticed this.

But the off-site spectators don’t care about this. In their opinion, the Monarch Snake has already fought with the Ghost Balloon, and it is not in good condition.

However, after Houndoom’s big character exploded, the Monarch Snake was not killed in seconds, which was a miracle in their opinion.

“The monarch snake…the monarch snake…”

“The monarch snake… the monarch snake…”

The water vapor dissipated and I looked at the whole body The burned monarch snake still stood proudly on the top of the excel, and there was a burst of support from Bzz Bzz in the audience outside the field.

The Monarch Snake’s eyes gleamed like red pomegranate pulp, Normal, and glanced at the audience supporting the audience. The Monarch Snake turned his head and glanced at Liang Ren.

After getting along for a long time, a look already contains a lot of meaning, and Liang Ren instantly understands.

“Although I was seriously injured, do you want to continue fighting? In that case, I will fight with you to the end today.” Liang Ren nodded heavily.

He cultivated Pokémon, and the reason for pursuing a “single side” was to be able to avoid changing Pokémon in battle, when faced with disadvantages in all aspects.

Since Pokémon has already played, this game, this opponent, belongs to it. Liang Ren didn’t want to replace Pokémon, who still wanted to fight, out of utilitarianism to win.

“The new battle begins now–” Infected by the fierce fighting intent of the monarch snake, Liang Ren also became excited.

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