“Wum–” The monarch snake crowed in the field.

Doing two things at the same time and even more use is a compulsory ability for Liang Ren’s Pokémon to develop to the middle and late stages.

At this moment, after receiving the instruction of Liang Ren “Leech Seed”, the monarch snake who is competing with the Ghost balloon in Absorb, spit out five Leech Seeds.

“xiū xiū xiū xiu… ”

Being held tightly by Vine Whip and holding the Ghost balloon that competes with the monarch snake in’Absorb’, there is no way to dodge Leech Seed blow.

Leech Seed’s brown epidermis is accompanied by a cocklebur-like barb, which adheres to the Ghost balloon as soon as it hits the Ghost balloon, and quickly takes root and sprouts from the body’s escaped power. .

Followed by a piercing sensation, Leech Seed sprouted Shell Smash, which in the blink of an eye turned into strips of Demon Ghost Vine, tying the Ghost balloons firmly.

“Oh!” Giga Drain + Leech Seed, the trickle of physical loss from the very beginning turned into the normal flood discharge of today. The sudden weakness and deficit made the Ghost balloon uncontrollable. A whine.

“Ghost balloon, use Will-O-Wisp!!!” Seeing the Ghost balloon fell into a desperate situation, the trainer opposite Enzo also showed off cutting off one’s means of retreat at this moment.

“Woo-” Ghost balloon relaxes the display of “Strength Sap” Ability, at the expense of Will-O-Wisp burning all over.

“Monarch Snake, don’t let go of Vine Whip, continue to increase my strength and use Giga Drain.” The opponent is already exhausted, and Liang Ren will naturally not back down at the last moment.

“Wum!!” The monarch opened his mouth and replied to complied, Will-O-Wisp lit up on the Ghost balloon, and instantly burned the Demon Ghost Vine that Leech Seed had sprouted into ashes.

However, Vine Whip was trained by the monarch snake through long-term whip tops. The tenacious level is not comparable to the Demon Ghost Vine made by Leech Seed.

The epidermis burned and cracked, the internal fibers withered and then carbonized, but the power drawn from the Ghost balloon quickly healed the injury on Vine Whip.

There is nothing serious about the monarch snake, but the last wave of the ghost balloon’s desperate situation broke out, but it didn’t last long.



“Bang!!” Vine Whip, who was tied up in the opening and never let go, finally released However, the Ghost balloon on the other side of Vine Whip has already lost its combat capability.

“Ghost balloons cannot fight, this game is won by the blue monarch snake~” Controlling the flying device to descend height, seeing Ghost balloon eyes turned into a pair of vertigo spirals and has passed out, the referee decisively announced the result of the game .

“Mu Mu Liang Ren ……Mu Mu Liang Ren ……”

“Mu Mu Liang Ren ……Mu Mu Liang Ren ……”

” Ahhh !! Liang Ren races high~”

“The squad leader won, the squad leader won——”


“……”< /p>

Enzo is not low in strength and popularity in Stadium in Saffron City. He was promoted to a professional three-star trainer like Liang Ren a few days ago.

Liang Ren sent the second echelon of the Monarch Snake, who had just evolved yesterday, to face Enzo’s Trump Card Ghost balloon. In the end, it was Liang Ren’s Monarch Snake who won the victory.

As the referee announced the result, the audience outside the court, Casey, Yuan Shizuka, and the others in the waiting hall burst into enthusiastic cheers.

Liang Ren smiled the most sunny and friendly towards the camera outside the field before turning his attention to the defeated Ghost balloon.

Ding, experience +360

Ding, picked up physical strength Attribute value +1

Ding, picked up special attack innate talent value +1


“Monarch Snake, you behaved well, do you want to fight next?” Seeing Ghost Balloon contributed an innate talent red coin, Liang Ren was in a good mood.

“Wum–” He just won a game. At this time, the monarch’s fighting spirit is high, so naturally he will not choose to leave the game like this.

Although Vine Whip still hurts fiercely, the Leech Seed and Giga Drain at the end provide a lot of physical nourishment.

Now the monarch snake only feels that his body is full of inexhaustible power, so there is no place to vent my sorrow!

“Well, in the second game, you will be on the court.” Liang Ren nodded, not at all, refuted the interest of the monarch snake.

“You are very strong, and your Pokémon is also very tricky. I think not only I look down on you too much, but I believe other trainers outside have greatly underestimated your strength.”

The Ghost balloon that had lost the combat capability was returned to the baby ball. The trainer on the opposite side called Enzo looked at Liang Ren with a solemn expression, “But then I will take out my real Trump Card!!!”

“You are also very strong, and I look forward to playing with you with all your strength.” Looking at the young man who has changed his arrogant attitude, Liang Ren is also very polite.

However, the words of the white-haired and red-eyed youth also made Liang Ren secretly vigilant.

The reason for arrogance is that he has strong capital. Since the other side said to use all his strength, Liang Ren believes that there must be an unknown and powerful hole card on the other side.

“The red players are asked to release the Pokémon who are ready to play in the second game.” The cheers of the audience gradually ceased, and the referee also issued preparation instructions for Sky.

“Then the second game is up to you, my real strongest Trump Card, the magic dog from the abyss Inferno: Houndoom!!!” After that, Enzo sent a black golden Luxury Ball.



The baby ball is opened, a Doberman dog looks like a previous life, with black fur and back It is surrounded by bones and has devilish horns on its head.

The canine Pokémon with an arrow-shaped whiptail resembling a devil appeared on the field from the growth of the tail vertebra.

In the front row of the waiting hall at the No. 1 branch, two young men wearing dark purple cloaks showed a strange smile on their faces after seeing Enzo release the Houndoom.

“Can defeat the Ghost balloon, Mumu Liang Ren, the monarch snake, is very powerful, but Enzo-sama’s Trump Card is not the Ghost balloon, but the Houndoom.”

“Whether the Level has reached LV.Level 43 or the Attribute has an absolute advantage, the monarch snake Mumu Liang Ren will never be the opponent of Master Enzo, the Houndoom.”

“Even more how, Enzo-sama, this Houndoom also has the power of the Top Rank.”

Two young men in dark purple cloaks not at all lowered their voices, and their words were waited for. The other trainers in the hall heard clearly.

Learning that Enzo, the Houndoom, was very strong on the field, the trainers in the waiting hall suddenly became excited, and their faces were full of expectant expressions of watching the show.

Only the Casey and the other girls who came with Liang Ren have a worried look on their faces.

“The squad leader won’t lose, right?” Yuan Shizuka clenched her hand tightly, her words full of worry.

“Don’t worry, Liang Ren is so strong, he must be fine.” For Liang Ren, Casey has almost blind trust.

“Hey, even if the monarch snake is not the opponent of Houndoom, will Houndoom be the opponent of Liang Ren and other Pokémon? Anyway, the winner must be Liang Ren.”

Shimura Wei Young curled her hair with her fingers, her face was not worried.



“Johto Region evil + Fire Type Houndoom? The breath is so strong, I am afraid the Level is at least LV. Level 40 or above.”

On the field, he silently felt the breath of Houndoom on the opposite side, and Liang Ren said in surprise.

Attribute has the advantage, and the level is higher than the monarch snake. For the monarch snake, this is definitely a very powerful opponent.

“The monarch snake, pull yourself together, and there will be a fierce battle next!!” Liang Ren said to the monarch snake.

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