“Monarch snake, don’t let go of Vine Whip…” Seeing the monarch snake’s Vine Whip being burned by Will-O-Wisp, Liang Ren hurriedly stopped.

The battlefield of the monarch snake is on Ground, and the Ghost balloon has the Levitate Flying ability. When the two sides are facing each other, there is no advantage in Attribute or ability positioning.

It’s hard to tie the Ghost balloon with Vine Whip. If you loosen the other party, it will be difficult to catch the other party next, so this time you have to hold cutting off one’s means of The mentality of retreat, hold the opponent tightly.

But under attack, this is not a simple blood deduction in the game.

With ten fingers connected to the heart, Vine Whip was burned by the Will-O-Wisp of the Ghost balloon, and the pain felt by the monarch snake was also real.

Liang Ren issued such an order at this moment. If it were a Normal Pokémon, I am afraid it would not be willing to execute it, but the monarch snake is obviously not in this rank.

With the close loyalty of the monarch snake to Liang Ren, even if Liang Ren let it jump into the Fire Pit, I believe that the monarch snake’s eyes will not blink. It’s pretty good that the monarch’s snake’s eyes will not blink. training.

“…Sovereign snake, use Bubble’s aria!!!” Liang Ren did not hesitate for a moment, Will-O-Wisp contaminated on Vine Whip has begun to move towards the spread of Sovereign Snake, he hurriedly issued Respond to instructions.

“Woo–” The monarch snake on the field twisted his body anxiously, and opened his mouth to make waves of sea-blue color.

“xiu peng peng ~”

I saw the monarch snake body all around, thick-walled hollow water balls wrapped in sound waves formed out of thin air, and then moved towards Vine Whip. A Ghost balloon tied at one end was smashed.

Water bombs rubbed Will-O-Wisp’s spreading Vine Whip, only a sound of’chi chi’ was heard, and the contaminated Will-O-Wisp was instantly wiped out.

“peng peng peng peng……”

“Peng!!!!” Suffering a strong counterattack from the monarch snake Revenge, Vine Whip’s Ghost balloon tied up on the other end It’s uncomfortable.

Water Type, Ghost and Flying Type have no relationship between restraint and restraint.

The body was hit by one after another water bomb. After the sound wave in the package was released, the double damage of smashing + explosion caused the Ghost balloon to whine again and again.

“Ghost balloons, use Payback!!!” Seeing the Ghost balloons being attacked, across the field, Enzo had no longer cared about the repeated exclaims from outside spectators.

If at first the Monarch Snake succeeds in the Shadow Force of the dodge Ghost balloon, and immediately pulls away and looks back and fights back, Enzo will realize the difficulty of underestimating Liang Ren.

At this moment, Will-O-Wisp burned his body, but Liang Ren did not let the monarch snake release Vine Whip, and the monarch snake did not hesitate to be injured and carried out the instructions of Liang Ren.

For this, Enzo greatly exceeded his expectations, and he was also shocked by the courage of Liang Ren and the monarch snake.

Endured a short period of pain, but Liang Ren gave Protect to the advantage established in the previous battle. Now he began to counterattack, really knocking Enzo and Ghost balloons.

But to stand out from the many training homes of Saffron City Stadium, Enzo and Ghost balloons are by no means mediocre.

The command of’Payback’ came at once. It was originally chained by Vine Whip and was hit by the Ghost balloon which was hit by the continuous waves of water bombs.

Suddenly, like the monarch snake who had endured Will-O-Wisp’s burning just now, his heart became fierce, and then he slammed into the monarch snake.

“Bang!!” Liang Ren and the Sovereign Snake did not expect to have such a hand on the opposite side, and they were caught off guard. The Sovereign Snake who was fighting back with a water bomb was hit by the Ghost balloon and fell to the ground.

Payback is the same as Avalanche and Counter. After being attacked during the Ability Stockpile period, Payback will counterattack the attack with double damage.

Even if the Ghost balloon’s physical attack ability is not good, but after the Ability formidable power is doubled, the monarch snake hit by the Ghost balloon with the’Payback’ still suffers serious injuries.

But what makes the audience supporting Liang Ren feel fortunate and gratified is that although the Monarch Snake suffered a sudden attack, the Vine Whip tied to the Ghost balloon has not been released.

“Don’t let it go? Then don’t regret it next.” After Enzo rebuked in his heart, he attacked Liang Ren and the monarch snake again.

“Ghost balloon, use Strength Sap!!” Enzo shouted to the Ghost balloon on the field.

“Woo-” Knocked down the monarch snake and was bounced back to the Ghost balloon in midair. He screamed, and his body and eyes suddenly glowed brightly.

Although “Strength Sap” is also a Grass Type Ability, the Ability effect is also to steal the opponent’s physical strength, but this is still somewhat different from Absorb, Mega Drain, and Giga Drain.

As the exclusive Ability of Corsola (Galar Region), Shiinotic, Polteageist, and Ghost balloons, the formidable power of Strength Sap is directly linked to opponent’s physical attacks.

The stronger the opponent’s physical attack ability, the higher the formidable power of Strength Sap. The normal Absorb series is linked to the ability of Ability users. This is a big difference between the two.

“You want to fight Absorb with the Monarch Snake, let’s see whose Absorb is better.” Seeing the ghost balloon’s counterattack, Liang Ren showed a strange smile on his face.

In order to learn the Grass Type master of the energy ball, during the two and a half months of the Mt. Moon pulse, the monarch snake progressed step by step, mastering “Absorb, Mega Drain, Giga Drain”. Very amazing height.

Playing’Absorb’ Liang Ren is not afraid.

“The monarch snake, as it wishes, we use Giga Drain here!!” Liang Ren has confidence on his face, moved towards the monarch snake ordered.



The trainers on both sides issued instructions, and the two Pokémon on the field were like a tug of war. Using Vine Whip as a channel, he desperately steals the opponent’s physical strength.

However, when the two sides started Absorb wrestling, Enzo, who took the initiative to launch an offensive, suddenly discovered that his Ghost balloon used Strength Sap did not get any advantage from the monarch snake.

The initial damage value of “Giga Drain” Ability is 75, and the property attack value of the Monarch Snake is also 75. Therefore, the initial damage value of “Strength Sap” of Ghost balloon use is not lower than the former.

However, Enzo miscalculated one point, that is: Although the initial damage of the Ability of both sides is similar, the Ghost balloon is not Grass Type Pokémon after all.

Giga Drain was displayed in the hands of the Monarch Snake. After enjoying the formidable power increase of this system, the initial Ability formidable power alone is not comparable to the Strength Sap of the Ghost balloon.

even more how there are a series of factors such as Ability proficiency increase, special attack ability increase, strength level increase and so on.

The Absorb wrestling started less than a moment ago, and the Ghost Balloon’s physical strength has already begun to’make ends meet’. However, in the face of a disadvantaged situation, it dare not withdraw Ability.

When the force is removed together, then the two Vine Whip tied to it will really turn into a pumping pipe, drawing its physical strength thoroughly.

But don’t withdraw the effort, the struggle of’making ends meet’ is like boiling a frog in warm water. Sooner or later, the Ghost balloon will fail.

“Damn it…” At the other end of the field, at first was full of confidence, and accused Liang Ren of not letting go of Vine Whip. He was the Enzo of courting death. His face became ugly at this moment.

However, in the face of such a deadlock, he couldn’t think of any way to break it.

Seeing the embarrassment of the cold and arrogant white-haired young man, Liang Ren did not be polite with the other party and made another killer move.

“The Monarch Snake, use Leech Seed.” Liang Ren’s mouth slightly raised, moving towards The Monarch Snake ordered to shout.


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