“roar roar…”

“Liang Ren unsurprisingly sent the evolving monarch snake.

I witnessed the evolution of the monarch snake yesterday. , But at that time there was no chance to see the monarch snake fight. It seems that today we are very lucky to be able to witness the monarch snake fight with our own eyes.”

“But our Enzo player also knows the trick of the monarch snake. Therefore, he also sent the strongest Trump Card Pokemon in his hand, the Ghost balloon of Sinnoh Region Ghost + Flying Attribute.”

“The difficulty of this Ghost balloon, player Enzo, has seen Enzo player in the past. The audience in the battle must be very clear.”

“The Ghost balloon, Contestant Enzo, was dubbed the title of Devil’s Sting because of its evil and strange fighting style, which means it was bitten by the devil. “

“It seems that today’s game is destined to be the dragon wars, the tiger battles, but I just don’t know who has the best skills to win the game tonight? Let us all wait and See.”

At the stadium Sky, the event commentator was riding a Flying machine and said excitedly with an amplified headset.

Liang Ren is currently the most popular and popular teenager trainer in Kanto Region.

He went to the city Stadium to play games. Regarding the arrangement of opponent, Stadium’s department responsible for the event arrangement also specially arranged for him trainers with certain strength and popularity.

Regardless of whether Liang Ren wins or loses in the final game, the popularity of both players can play a very good publicity and exposure effect for Saffron City Stadium.

But if Liang Ren wins the game in the end, then he can also gain more popularity from the special arrangement of Stadium.

Of course, Liang Ren’s opponent is also, this is a benefit for all three parties.



“Mu Mu Liang Ren ……Mu Mu Liang Ren ……”

“Mu Mu Liang Ren ……Mu Mu Liang Ren ……”



The trainers of both sides are in place, and two Pokémons have also appeared.

As the game commentator heated up the atmosphere, the audience broke out again in the audience with mountain cry out and sea howl cheers and cheering.

The commentator, who also serves as a referee, did not hesitate, pinched the point, and when the audience’s emotions reached its peak, he immediately announced: “The game has begun!!!”

“The monarch snake, Safeguard.”

“Ghost balloons, use Shadow Force.”

The referee began to issue instructions. Liang Ren and the trainer on the opposite side named Enzo did not support the big, almost immediately issued Instructions.

The two Pokémon on the field have been well-trained, and immediately upon receiving the instructions, they acted at extremely fast speed.

“Ulu—” The Ghost balloon held by Sky Levitate in the stadium screamed, and the huge purple body instantly disappeared into the air.

Invisible and then launching a sneak attack is the usual trick of Ghost Type Pokemon. There is no panic on the face of the monarch snake who has experienced fighting with Ghost Type Pokémon in Mt. Moon.

Move power within the body, outline a strange technique within the body and inject power to make it work normally.

“Wum–” From the third perspective of God, the monarch snake on the field raised his head and uttered a clear cry, and Coil’s body was instantly protected by a colorful mask full of mysterious colors. .

In addition to Psychic Type, Ghost Type Pokémon also has a lot of control abilities.

Seeing that the balloon in midair Ghost becomes invisible, Liang Ren without the slightest hesitation chooses to let the monarch snake turn on the magic shield that isolates and weakens the control effect.

The attack of the Ghost balloon came very quickly. In midair, who was still three or four meter away opposite the monarch snake, suddenly appeared behind the monarch snake after a period of stealth stealth.

“Li! !” The four balloon streamers with yellow talisman paper on the front end suddenly glowed with an evil scarlet glow, like four ghost hands, slamming into the heart of the monarch snake Qicun.

The Ghost balloon attack is sudden and the angle is very tricky and weird, but the monarch snake is not defenseless.

Shadow Force is the same as Sandslash’s Dig.

99% of opponent use Dig will choose to attack from below their own body, and Ghost Type stealth sneak attack, 99% will choose behind.

As a result, disappearing from the Ghost balloon, the monarch snake has been secretly perceiving the movement behind it. At this moment, feeling the evil wind behind him, the monarch snake immediately responded.

“shua ——” The upper body suddenly crawled to the ground and the dodge Ghost balloon attacked, and then the snake’s body twisted and pulled a short distance toward the front spur.

Then turned around and looked back, without any extra instructions from Liang Ren.

The autonomous battle awareness exercised from long-term field combat allows the monarch snake to immediately mobilize power within the body to infuse his eyes.

“Who!!” The monarch snake opened his mouth and let out a neigh, and the two monster green eyes resembled two small diffusers.

The Ghost balloon expression that was illuminated by the gray and green light kept the ferocious and ferocious assault, and his body was frozen in midair stiffly.

“The Monarch Snake, use Vine Whip to catch it for me.” The Monarch Snake’s immediate response was very quick, and Liang Ren’s order was issued at this moment.

“Swish——” The monarch snake had no words.

Under the collar of the shoulder blades, two pliable Vine Whips pierced the air like Viper Normal, and then slammed out of the air, and then tied the in midair by a ghost balloon controlled by the petrochemical power.

Although it was foreseen in advance that the opposite boy was difficult to deal with, Enzo found that he still underestimated how difficult Liang Ren was.

At this moment, I saw that the monarch snake not only easily dodged the Shadow Force of the Ghost balloon, but also confined the Ghost balloon with petrification.

Now the Ghost balloon is tightly entangled by the two Vine Whip monarch snakes.

Enzo, who has studied Liang Ren’s past game videos, knows that the monarch snake will probably use a blast attack like’Vine Whip Meteor Hammer’ in the future.

Although he has special coping strategies, he still couldn’t help feeling flustered in his heart.

Because although he took the initiative to initiate the offensive at first, the rhythm of the game was not at all developing in the direction he had anticipated.

Fortunately, as a popular trainer on Stadium, Enzo’s mental quality is still passing the test.

In just an instant, he calmed his mind and adjusted his emotions, and he blurted out in response to the instructions, “Ghost balloon, use Will-O-Wisp!!!”

“唳——” I don’t know if it was the pain of being strangled by the monarch’s Vine Whip, or the imposing manner required to perform Ability.

in midair The Ghost balloon held by Vine Whip like a hydrogen balloon made a harsh scream.

With the terrifying expression, even the hairs on Liang Ren’s forearms burst up in an instant.

Liang Ren hasn’t given an order to let the Sovereign Snake drag the Ghost balloon into the field. After the ghost balloon screams, the body suddenly appears all around. Will-O-Wisp.

Beating somebody at their own game after being entangled by Vine Whip, choose to use Will-O-Wisp, spread through Vine Whip and burn the body of the monarch snake. This is Enzo’s coping strategy.

Seeing the trick, I studied the video of Liang Ren’s Pokémon battle in advance, Enzo still has several points of confidence and confidence.

“Wum-” Vine Whip was infected with Will-O-Wisp, and the monarch snake screamed like a heartache.

Fire Kecao, although through special training, Grass Type Pokémon is not too scared when encountering Fire Element Pokemon, but it is an unchangeable fact that it will suffer double damage after being attacked.

“Monarch Snake, don’t let go of Vine Whip…”

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