The plane flew overhead, and the meteor pierced the night sky…

Liang Ren and a group of Pokémon went to a fast food restaurant to settle the dinner, and when they came out and rushed to the city Stadium, there was sky outside. It’s already dark.

Bright lights, gorgeous neon lights, busy traffic on the road, pedestrians on the pedestrian street leading their Pokémon walking leisurely.

I went to the Pokémon Center to recover and then came out. The sky was already dark, but the time was only a little bit earlier than six o’clock.

“I have enough rest, and it’s time to loosen my bones.” Liang Ren looked at a few Pokémon around him, “Let’s go, let’s go to the city Stadium.”



Several Pokémon complied, and then took a taxi to the city Stadium with Liang Ren.

“Liang Ren, here!!!” As soon as they got off the bus, the three girls on the square waved to Liang Ren excitedly, and looked intently. Who are the four girls in their dormitory without Casey!

“Casey, Wei Young…you have come to Stadium so early.” Liang Ren said.

“It is necessary. Today is our casey’s professional one-star promotion. We made a special trip to cheer for her, and of course we will cheer for you.”

Shimamura Weiyang He curled his hair with his fingers and said with a smile.

“The relationship is good, but Casey is now approaching the LV.40 level of both Pokémon. It is not appropriate to hit the professional one star.”

In Mt. Moon During the pulse, Casey had been in regular contact with him. Liang Ren knew very well about Casey’s current strength.

Although he is a theoretical student, his Pokémon Level and strength are not inferior to the combat student in the class at all, and it can even be placed in the forefront of the combat student.

We need to know that Daisuke, Izumu Shan, Kida Shinichi, and Sakata Jin are the top students in the class, and the highest Pokémon Level in their hands is LV.Level 41.

However, Casey has two Pokémon in his hands. Lilligant has reached LV.Level 39 and Bellossom has also reached LV.Level 38. This strength is very amazing.

“It’s no problem that Casey’s strength hits one star in the profession, but Casey currently only has two Pokémon in his hands, and both are Grass Type.”

“It’s often seen in qualifying. People blocked the last professional one-star promotion match, the opponent specially prepared a Magmar, and he forced Casey to fail the promotion.”

“I hope I don’t meet Attribute’s Pokemon, which restrains Grass Type today, so that Casey can go smoothly. He was promoted to one-star career.” Yuan Shizuka also said with a distressed expression.

However, compared with the worries of his companions, Casey son, the client, was rather calm.

“Don’t worry. Some time ago, I specifically asked Liang Ren about the inverse Attribute play. After a period of special training.

Now Sayuri and Meili, even if the Attribute is unfavorable. Pokémon will not say that there is no power to fight.” Casey was full of confidence in his heart.

“Well, you little girl, it turns out that you were prepared for it, so that our sisters were worried for you in vain.” Yuan Shizuka cocked her mouth and said angrily.

“I was wrong. If the game is successfully promoted to the professional one star in a while, we will go shopping later, how about a Chanel lip gloss for the three of you.”

Casey suggested full of smiles.

“It’s pretty much the same.” The nodded girl from Weiyang Shimamura let her go.



As everyone talked, they walked towards the Stadium registration hall, Liang Ren also accompanied four women and one Talking about each other.

Daisuke, Shinichi, leave school in a wooden sweater, travel, travel, and advanced studies.

Liang Ren can’t stay in school for long, so he has to ask for leave to go to the Orange Islands.


Walking into the event hall, Liang Ren and Casey went to register each.

Casey is the main venue in the evening to qualify for the 1v1, while Liang Ren reported two matches, one is the 2v2 at the branch field, and the other is the qualifying match at the main venue in the evening.

To help the Monarch Snake accumulate actual combat experience and hit higher stars, Liang Ren can be regarded as doing both.

Yuan Shizuka and Shimamura Weiyang are also registered trainers of Stadium. Tonight because of Casey’s promotion, the three of them did not go to the stand and accompanied them in the waiting hall.

However, because Liang Ren reported a 2v2 match for the monarch in the branch field, Liang Ren took the lead in the game.

It didn’t take long to sit down at branch No. 1, and the staff informed Liang Ren that he was on the court.

“I’m going—” Liang Ren stood up and said to the four women beside him.

“Liang Ren come on!”

“Squad leader, come on!”


“…”< /p>

Liang Ren waved to the four women, and then decisively walked into the entrance passage.

I came to Stadium to play a game yesterday, and now the main snake of Heavenly Monarch has gradually become familiar with the atmosphere of Stadium and is no longer nervous.

“The next players on the field are Mumu Liang Ren and Enzo!” As the lifting platform rises, the voice of the venue above the head is also clearly filled.

“Mu Mu Liang Ren ……Mu Mu Liang Ren ……”

“Mu Mu Liang Ren ……Mu Mu Liang Ren ……”

” Enzo…Enzo…”


There was a lot of cheers in the venue. Apart from cheering for Liang Ren, there were also many audiences. The audience cheered for Liang Ren’s opponent in this game, the trainer named Enzo.

“It seems that this trainer named Enzo is not too popular on the Stadium side.” Liang Ren muttered, and his heart was twelve points.

Although he does not use victory as the only criterion for judging Pokémon’s strength and progress, since he is on the battlefield, spare no effort and Pokémon are also a must to win the game.

“Boom Ka——”

“Boom Ka——”

When Liang Ren adjusted his emotions, the lifting platform was already supporting him, and in addition A trainer named Enzo was promoted to the arena, and the cheers of the spectators off the court also passed from all directions like a tide.

The young man in the other section of the field looked at Liang Ren with very interested eyes, and Liang Ren was also curiously observing the trainer named Enzo.

This trainer named Enzo has silver-white hair and short eyebrows. He is wearing a red and gold windbreaker, black leggings, a yellow and black scarf, and white gloves.

Liang Ren’s eyes are as clear and clear as amber, and he glances at the other’s dark red eyes. He clearly knows the indifferent and arrogant personality of the opposite youth.

“So cold and arrogant, does he seem to be a very capable trainer?” Liang Ren muttered in his heart.

As the referee issued a preparation instruction from the Sky Flying machine on the field, the cheering of the audience outside the field gradually died down.


Without hesitation, feeling the fighting intent of the opposite youth, Liang Ren took off the monarch snake’s baby ball from the trainer’s belt and pressed the middle zoom button .

“Come out, Ghost balloon!!!”

“Monarch snake, ready to fight!!”

A meeting of eyes, both sides threw their hands at the same time Baby ball.



The baby ball opened in midair, the green snake fell on the field, and the other The purple Pokemon, which looks like a mini hot air balloon, floats into the air.

“Sinnoh Region, Ghost + Flying Type Pokémon: Ghost balloon?” Liang Ren’s eyes flashed with precision.

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