
Hearing what Casey said, the man on the opposite side of the stadium was wearing thin-legged ripped pants and a brown vest full of Spirit, Soul and Qi.

Opponent, who was laughing wildly with the drake, suddenly stopped laughing, blinked, and looked at the girl with a puzzled face.

“The game begins!!” Before Casey gave an explanation and answer, the referee at the top of the field had already announced the start of the game.

“Pokémon is tricky, but is the trainer really in the head but it’s hard to do?” Casey’s smile became brighter.

If the girl looks in the mirror now, she will find that her smile at this moment is exactly the same as that of the boy she loves.

“Since you don’t admit defeat, don’t blame your big brother. I made too heavy a move~” Crobat’s trainer squeezed his fists and his knuckles crackled.

“Bellossom, use Sunny Day.” The game has started, Casey didn’t waste the mood to take care of the opponent’s provocations, and decisively preemptively gave Bellossom instructions.

“Mei Li~” Bellossom reacted instantly after receiving the instruction, standing on tiptoe and spinning on the spot, the yellow and green petal skirts collided with each other and made the soft sound of wind chimes.

“xiu——” A shining light bullet came into the condense of the two small hands, and then threw it to Crobat in the sky gracefully like a gymnastic ball.

The beautiful girl, the beautiful and lovely Pokémon, is obviously a fierce battle, but it seems that Casey and Bellossom are performing a special performance.

Bellossom threw a shining ball of light towards Crobat with a smile on his face, and the cute and adorable picture made the trainer on the other side look surprised.

Crobat in Sky also revealed that’Is Bellossom inviting me to play a game of tossing the ball? Should I catch the ball and then gently throw it back’ hesitated.

However, the dumb trainer and Pokémon quickly tasted what is called a gentle blow.


The shining light ball flew in front of Crobat’s eyes and burst with a bang, as if throwing a shiny bullet at the wide-eyed person, the sight book Crobat’s eyes became blank for an instant, which was so degraded.

“Ah! My eyes.” The Crobat trainer off the field also screamed and bent over to cover his tearful eyes.

Sunny Day is a way to improve the formidable power of Fire Type moves, while at the same time providing activation-driven auxiliary Ability for Grass Type Pokémon’s Synthesis.

No one thought that such an ability without any lethality would be used by Casey and Bellossom with the same effect as a Shiny bomb.

“Yes, it really shines more and more.” In the waiting hall, Liang Ren looked at the girl on the field with appreciation and said.

As a theoretical student whose goal is to be a breeder, Casey has integrated her dance hobby into Pokémon’s breed, and now she has formed a fighting style unique to her.

Like the ingenious use of Sunny Day’s Ability just now, even Liang Ren has an amazing feeling of’taught and learned’.

One trick Sunny Day not only activates Bellossom’s chlorophyll properties, doubles the speed and ability, but also blinds Crobat.

Although Crobat’s actions are mainly located by the Echoed Voice of sound waves, it is undeniable that the game at first, Casey has already gained the upper hand.

“Bellossom, use Leech Seed.” Meeting the trainer and Crobat on the other side has not reacted yet, Casey did not give up this great opportunity.

The order was given, Bellossom, who was dancing hula on the field, made a small mouth, and Crobat spit out Leech Seed one after another in moved towards sky.

“xiū xiū xiū xiu…”

“Crobat, hurry up dodge.” Hearing the noise, the mental youth who was still rubbing his eyes hurriedly shouted.

As a Crobat that relies on sound wave coaching action, it stands to reason that Leech Seed of dodge Bellossom is a very simple thing, but it is not the case.

Although my hearing is different from ordinary people, I am used to wearing reading glasses and perceiving the world in two ways. I am suddenly blinded by Bellossom’s Shiny bomb. Crobat not at all recovers and adjusts so quickly.

Leech Seed struck, and Crobat was beaten upright.

The tiny barbs allow Leech Seed to adhere firmly to Crobat. After absorbing the strength, Shell Smash quickly sprouts and turns into thorns and vines to tie Crobat’s five flowers together.

“Crobat!!!” The spiritual young man who finally recovered from the Shiny bullet, eyes opened and just saw the Crobat moved towards the field, which was bundled by vines, fell down.

“Bellossom, use Toxic.” Seeing Crobat being tied up by Leech Seed and falling onto the field, Casey’s smile became brighter and brighter.

Grass Type’s Bellossom vs. Flying Type’s Crobat is at an absolute disadvantage in Attribute. Both the audience and the peer Gen Shizuka felt that Casey’s winning rate was very low.

No one thought that after the game officially started, the situation would evolve towards moved towards. It turned out that Casey, whose Attribute was inferior, had the upper hand.

“Mei Li~” Bathed in the sun, Bellossom’s warm body became more and more agile, and he was jumping on the court.

Poison Type Pokémon will not fall into poison and Toxic, Steel Type Pokémon is immune to the attack of poison Attribute, and the iron in the game is not completely applicable in reality.

Steel Type Pokemon can be immune to Poison Powder dust, but strong corrosive Poison Type attacks like Acid are not immune, and even if Poison Powder dust is inhaled, some Steel Type Pokémon will still be Poisoning.

Regardless of hemolysis, damage to nerve tissue or damage to the body, toxins are generally divided into animal toxins and plant toxins.

If they have toxins of roughly the same nature, they may still be immune, but Crobat has animal toxins and cannot be immune to Bellossom’s plant toxins.

“Beep xiu——”

A sparkling saliva with Toxic was spit on Crobat’s body by Bellossom, and in the blink of an eye, an unhealthy poisonous halo appeared on Crobat’s cheeks.

As a Poison Type Pokémon, although the nature of toxins is different, the body’s resistance to toxins is ultimately much stronger than other Pokémon.

Bellossom’s Toxic saliva does not at all make Crobat fall into a Toxic state, but falls into a level 1 poisoning, but it can make Crobat poisoned. Casey is already very satisfied.

“Damn it, Crobat, use Confuse Ray.” Seeing that Crobat was poisoned, the mental youth on the other side suddenly went crazy.

However, the grumpiness of the youth made the smile on Casey’s face even brighter. A irrational opponent and a calm and wise opponent are not at the same level as threats.

“Bellossom, close your eyes and use the vertigo dance.” Casey beat Bellossom to order.

Confuse Ray needs eye contact. After Bellossom closed his eyes, Crobat’s Confuse Ray suddenly lost its effect.

Not only that, when Crobat looked over with a sly gaze, he was attracted by Bellossom’s vertigo dance and fell into chaos in the blink of an eye.

Leech Seed turned into a vine to bind Crobat’s action and steal physical strength. The poisoned state caused Crobat’s physical strength to continue to drain, and now he is in a state of chaos.

The 3rd-layer controls the addition. The mental youth can no longer command Crobat to counterattack, because Crobat, who is in a state of chaos, has no response to his instructions.

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