“Ahhh…” If this is not the Star Wars, the rule is 1v1, and the mental youth who are raging have already wanted to replace Crobat.

But in this state, Crobat can’t hold on for long, and Casey is ready to light another fire on her side.

“Bellossom, use Giga Drain.” Casey, who stood dignified in the command position like a model, drew his ears gracefully, smiled sweetly and moved towards Bellossom and gave instructions.

“Beautiful Mile~”

Bathed in the sun, listening to the enthusiastic cheers of the audience outside, Bellossom on the field is like a dancer, jumping and dancing.

The soft green energy ribbon danced around the front, Crobat has not made any effective counterattack since falling to the ground.

Bounded by the Demon Ghost Vine pulled out by Leech Seed, Crobat has no way of avoiding Bellossom’s Giga Drain, but it has fallen into chaos without even knowing that it has been attacked.

Like a warm and gentle willow breeze blowing on his face, Crobat only felt relaxed and joyful, and his mind was rippling, and soon he was intoxicated in the spring breeze.

But this is just how Crobat feels after he has fallen into chaos. From the perspective of the audience and the trainers on both sides of the field, it is——

The energy satin turned into by Giga Drain The strap was tangled up, and Crobat’s physical strength was drained soon and he lost the combat capability.

“Crobat can’t fight, let’s use the warmest applause to congratulate the blue side’s Casey player on his successful promotion to a professional one-star trainer!!”

“At the same time sincerely I wish her and Bellossom get better and better, so that we can all see more and more dance-like battles.”



The gender ratio in the circle of vocational trainers is seriously unbalanced, and the number of female trainers is already very small.

A girl like Casey, who has both powerful strength and beautiful appearance, will instantly become a goddess in the circle.

Fighting like a dance is pleasing to the eye. He has accumulated nine consecutive victories in the branch twice. Casey still has a lot of popularity in the Saffron City Stadium.

Take Bellossom to thank the audience and then retired. The usual crystal card has now been replaced with a one-star professional trainer identity crystal card.

“Congratulations, Casey, now you are also a professional one-star trainer.” Looking at the girl who returned to the waiting hall with joy, Liang Ren also said joyfully.

“As a theoretical student, many combat students in the class are now surpassed by Casey you.”

“Now that I have been promoted to a professional one-star, the qualifying game becomes 2v2 , The fault tolerance rate is much greater. With Casey, your current strength, I believe you will soon be able to rush to the professional second star.”


The praise and encouragement of your companions certainly makes People are happy, but Casey is not at all proud.

“It’s so difficult to hit the first-star professional, and it will only be more difficult to be promoted to the second-star professional. Although Sayuri and the beautiful strength level have reached the level of professional second-star, I only have two Pokémon in my hand.”

“It’s not enough to be ranked as a second-star professional player. You must know that his classmates in this palace have three Pokémons: Mei Ka Yang Ma, Charizard, and Strength/Machamp, but they were slapped twice. I’m down.”

“Professional one-star hits professional two-star. The qualifying rule is 2v2. Not to mention that there must be six Pokémon with mature battle strength, at least four are still required.”< /p>

“I remember that Liang Ren was promoted to a professional one-star, he also took leave from school and went to the Viridian Forest for more than a month of experience. He came back to hit the professional two-star after having four Pokémons.”< /p>

Casey didn’t want other girls to be too idealistic. As she settled down and worked hard to improve herself, her whole personality became very intelligent and rational.

In the end, Casey also quoted Liang Ren’s actual case, which not only convinced her, but also Yuan Jingxiang and the others.

Of the four girls in Casey’s dormitory, only Abe Rei and Casey are currently star trainers who are eligible to play in the main venue.

Because today is Casey’s rising star battle, Abe Rei did not sign up for the competition at all, so after Casey’s participation here, Liang Ren will remain in the next game.

In the second half of the night of battle, the staff finally notified Liang Ren that he was on the court.

Professional three stars impact the professional four-star qualifying, the rules are 3v3.

Last night, Liang Ren still only sent Lucario a Pokemon, but he punched the other side through.

So far, Liang Ren has won two consecutive victories! !



At the end of the game, in the exclamation and congratulations of Casey and the four daughters, everyone walked out of the city Stadium.

In the qualifying night, the process did not take too long. The main reason was that the wait was a long time. The four girls who were going to go shopping just waited with him for nearly an hour.

After the game, Liang Ren also accompanied the four women to go shopping. From the perspective of the solar terms, it was just in the winter. Liang Ren also needs to add some thicker clothes to himself.

This year, his changes can be said to be very huge.

Because I went to the East City Red Maple Forest Fighting Gym and followed Kiyo to do fighting technique cultivation. A year ago, a weak and thin boy, now unconsciously has become a strong young man with strong muscles.

Most of the clothes I bought a year ago can’t be worn anymore. I have to say that I feel a little helpless.


It’s almost nine o’clock in the evening when I came out of Stadium, but for Saffron City, a Kanto metropolis and an international metropolis, nightlife has just begun .

Standing on the street surrounded by skyscrapers, neon lights are reflected on the faces of pedestrians.

This is a prosperous city to the extreme, and it is also a city with extreme stress in life.

The people on the outside want to come in madly, while the people inside are overwhelmed by the pressure of life and want to escape, but are attracted by the extreme prosperity and extravagance. Leave alone.

Liang Ren first accompanied the four women to shopping in major cosmetics stores, and then went to buy clothes. He also consulted the four women and bought everything he wanted by the way.

Slowpoke, Lucario, and Hitmonchan and Shawarang from Abe Rei helped carry the bags. Liang Ren didn’t bear the weight he shouldn’t bear at this age.

But the girl’s energy on shopping is really extraordinary. It was already half past ten when everyone took a taxi back to school.

“Brother Liang Ren, let’s go up first~”

Send the four girls downstairs to the girls’ apartment, and Liang Ren stopped.

“Okay, it’s a bit late, and rest early when you go back.” Liang Ren said.


“I see, squad leader, good night too~” After the four girls went upstairs with their bags, Liang Ren turned around and left, and he was in the office next to the dormitory. , The chubby big sister is knitting a sweater.

Seeing Liang Ren sending someone away and hitting the door, the fat woman greeted enthusiastically: “Send my girlfriend, Liang Ren, when will you go back to school?”

“I came back yesterday, sister ~ knitting a sweater? Your hands are so clever, the sweater is so beautiful.” Liang Ren also smiled and replied.

“Gluck…Liang Ren younger brother, you would really say that a teacher just brought me a bag of nuts. Sister, I don’t like to eat. Brother, please use it as a snack.”


“Sister, I don’t want it, you can eat it~”

“I’m polite to elder sister, let you take it, you can take it, you can give Slowpoke this little cat if you don’t eat it Eat…”

“Well, thank you sister, you are busy, I will go first…”


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