I went to the girls’ apartment empty-handed. When he came out, Liang Ren had a small paper bag of nuts in his hand. He didn’t eat at noon, and Liang Ren habitually stopped eating after nine o’clock in the evening.

But Slowpoke is not so particular, holding a small paper bag, peeling nuts with keen interest pleasure, and feeding it with Confusion from time to time to Lucario who helps Liang Ren carry shopping bags.

“It’s almost Rest, don’t eat too much.” Liang Ren touched Slowpoke’s soft belly and said.

“Ah duo——(´・ω・`)Oh!!!” Hearing Liang Ren’s words, Slowpoke hurriedly stuffed a handful of salt-baked cashews into his mouth until his cheeks bulged like a hamster Same, Slowpoke nodded with a smile and promised.

“What a foodie.” Seeing Slowpoke’s small movements, Liang Ren smiled helplessly, but his eyes were full of doting.



Back to the dormitory, because Daisuke, Shinichi, and Muxian asked for leave to leave school, the dorm was empty and empty due to the black light and fire. .

Liang Ren took out a few pieces of clothes that he had just bought, cut off some untreated thread ends at the labels and seams, and then took them to the washing machine to wash them.

After doing these little things, Liang Ren took Slowpoke and Lucario to the bathroom to take a bath. It was 11 o’clock in the evening to wait for Pidgeot and the Monarch Snake to finish feathering and body cleaning.

“It’s late, you guys, go to bed and Rest.” Take out the laundry in the washing machine to dry, turn off the light in the living room, and return to Liang Ren in the house to face some Pokémon Said.

“Ya duo——(ू˃o˂ू)”

“ao 嗷——₍ᐢ•⌄•ᐢ₎”

“Beep carving …”


Slowpoke and Lucario climbed onto the bed and got back into the bed, the monarch snake went into the baby ball, and Pidgeot went to a huge rattan beside the bed Weaving, the bird’s nest with warm materials squatted down.

After a day of training, I went to Stadium to play a few games in the evening. Although Pidgeot and Slowpoke did not appear in the evening, the training day was still very tiring.

Seeing that the four Pokémon were already asleep, Liang Ren took a piece of clothing and put it on, then walked to the long desk by the window and sat down.

“pa ta ——”

Turn off the headlight in the room, turn on the small lamp on the desk, Liang Ren took out the notebook, and summarized the experience gained from training and playing today Summarize and organize.

Although this kind of thing is tedious and boring, this is the training of the trainer. If you persist in doing it for a long time, the accumulated experience will save you a lot of detours when you breed a new Pokémon in the future.

Furthermore, organizing the experience in the battle in time is very important to make up for Pokémon’s shortcomings. You must know that his pursuit of Pokémon’s training is to be able to be unique, so this work must be done.

“zhi zhi …zhi zhi …”

It is quiet at night, and in the small garden behind the apartment, crickets and grasshoppers perform the last chorus of the year, and zhi zhi’s Bug Buzz makes Liang Ren Can work with peace of mind.

“Although the Monarch Snake is positioned as a spell assassin, this is only based on its two advantages: speed and special attack ability.”

“Pure Grass Type Pokémon is like pursuit High explosive and a set of Ability Seconds are indeed not as good as Fire Element and Electricity Attributes.

So although the two advantages of Speed ​​Special Attack need to be expanded, Grass Type Pokémon has strong physical strength and strong resilience. , Controlling the many traits of Ability, we can’t give up, and we also need to focus on development.”

“The strength of the monarch snake is not comparable to the super huge Pokémon such as Venusaur and the crust turtle, so the monarch There is no need for the snake to dig too deeply in this aspect, and the 110 Species Strength is enough.”

“So in addition to deepening the Ability pool, the focus can be on recovery and control. “

Liang Ren kept writing in his hand, writing down the idea of ​​the monarch snake breeding training arrangement.

“In terms of resilience, the Absorb Earth Power of the current “Growth” trick makes the body bigger and enhances the auxiliary Ability of physical attack and special attack, and indirectly also enhances the resilience of the monarch snake. “

“Well…but only this move Ability is not enough. More Ability is needed to deal with the complex and changing situation and conditions on the field. “

Thinking like this in my heart, Liang Ren listed a few Ability skills in his notebook. They are:

“Synthesis, Grassy Terrain, Sunny Day”

< p>Synthesis is the innate ability of Grass Type Pokémon, but after learning the Ability of Synthesis, the ability of Grass Type Pokémon will be greatly improved.

Sunny Day, the weather Ability, can enhance the effect of Synthesis, even if the battle is too fierce to use the Ability of Synthesis.

With the inherent ability of Synthesis, it can also improve the strength of the monarch snake in all directions, including resilience, speed and so on.

As for the Grassy Terrain, it is even more obvious. Turning the site into a grassy environment suitable for Grass Type Pokémon actions can not only increase the speed of movement and enhance the Grass Type Ability formidable power, but also restore the Grass Type Pokémon’s power every round. physical strength.

Even if Attribute restrains itself or opponent with strong resistance to Grass Type Ability, the monarch snake can also consume the opponent to death with its resilience.

“Fighting a war of attrition is ultimately the next best thing. As the Spell Assassin, the Monarch Snake is still pursuing active attack and damage, so the ability to control the opponent is undoubtedly more important than the ability to recover.”


Use red’s marker to circle the words’control’, Liang Ren lightly sticking the pen, thinking continuously in his mind.

Like strong physical strength, most Grass Type Pokémon has the characteristics, but it is not particularly obvious in the monarch snake.

Grass Type Pokémon has strong control ability, but in fact the monarch snake is not like Casey’s Lilligant and Bellossom.

Learn powder control abilities such as sleep powder, Stun Spore, and Poison Powder dust, and spore control abilities.

Although Liang Ren can use cheat to help the monarch snake learn, the monarch snake itself does not have spore holes and the body organs that generate powder, even if it learns Powder Ability and Spore Ability, it can’t be used.

“So for the development and mining of control, the Monarch Snake is not suitable for the traditional Grass Type Pokémon.

Instead, it is suitable for the one encountered in Hoenn Mauville City during the summer vacation. Youth Academy Golden Doubles member Eiji Kikumaru, his Delcatty’s control line.”

For the “1.2” doubles match with Eiji Kikumaru, Liang Ren can be said to be fresh in his memory.

It was also the first time Riolu went to Stadium to participate in an official competition.

In order to help Riolu build self-confidence, Liang Ren chose a doubles match at the time, let Slowpoke a tuba with a trumpet, and help Riolu hold the line. As a result, he met one of the golden doubles members.

[Slowpoke, Riolu]vs[Grumpig, Delcatty], although it is a crushing game, but when checking the information online, the other side’s Delcatty’s matching moves can be said to make Liang Ren very amazing.

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